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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/26/2015 8:03:41 PM

The Oracle Report, Friday, June 26, 2015

I’m listening now to Laura’s interview with Phoenix (see below), and
she has announced their community has just reached 7,000!
Congratulations, Laura!



First Quarter Moon Phase: step out, take action

Moon in Libra/Scorpio (2:00 pm ET/6:00 pm UT)

Goddess of Wisdom: Bagalamukhi (Goddess Who Solves)

God of Wisdom: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: look for “guideposts” or “signs” for direction

True Alignments: preparing and sharing, validation, loosening of rigid structures and limitations, hope for the future, “going through the eye of the needle,” transported from one frame of mind to another, heighted awareness and ability to see a bigger picture, loyalty, fidelity

Catalysts for Change: disconnected from the reality of something, unfocused, afraid to venture alone, afraid to act, complacent, always seeking something or someone else, out of touch with the feelings of others, arrogance, power or attention going to one’s head, fear of the unknown, changing loyalties, infidelity

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “winter frost in the woods”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “the music of the spheres”

Today’s energy is arranged to offer us an opening or opportunity while also providing what is needed for the adventure.

This manifests through situations, circumstances, and things that are changing. When things change, many feelings emerge. Feelings of grief or loss about the past, fears about security and survival, and deep disappointment can arise. We wonder what will become of us.

The Sun is located at the degree of the Sabian symbol “gamebirds feathering their nests.” Under this energetic, we make preparations and make things stronger and more comfortable. We make and take sanctuary. We prepare for new life.

The Earth is located at “ten logs lie under an archway leading to darker woods.” Nests, woods, and gamebirds, oh my! But we are well-supplied. Ten logs can make a lot of torches to light through dark woods. The key element of the symbol is the archway. Archways are gateways. They lead to other places — other states of mind, other experiences, other adventures. Usually they lead to “higher” places. We focus on the archway, not the darkness.

These themes happen to be the bulk of the discussion last night when I joined Phoenix on his radio show. Many thanks to the PRR audience and to Phoenix for inviting me. You can listen to the archive here:

Happy Friday, everyone! See you tomorrow.

Thank you for supporting The Oracle Report!

The Oracle Report

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/27/2015 5:30:41 PM

Archangel Gabriel via Shelley Young: Moving Beyond the Solstice


Greetings, Dear Ones, how pleased we are to be celebrating yet another summer solstice with you! It is one of our very favourite events, the summer solstice, as people come together in celebration of the light.

We honour you for being here to anchor the energies of the group and, of course, when we say group we mean not only those who are in this room, but also those who will be experiencing this transmission on your internet at a later time.

We wish you a happy and blessed solstice! Each one of these mile markers of your linear time are mapping out the accomplishments of your lifetime.

We remind you that solstices and equinoxes serve to save your progress. They lock in the energetics and the growth that has been attained.

This is beautifully important, you see, because what this means is that there will never be a point where you will forget who you are, or lose the progress that you have gained.

Each time you save a brand new energetic level of attainment, it means that your new normal is a higher vibrational state. It means that all of the purging and shifting and integrating and releasing that you have done is being locked in energetically. This is what we mean when we tell you that your paths are self-correcting. You cannot lose the progress that you have made.

You may momentarily forget what you know, but if you start to make decisions that are not representative of the energetic state that is your norm, you will start to become very uncomfortable, indeed. From that place of discomfort you will eventually choose to re-surrender, to move back into the flow, and get back into the energies that best support you, and feel right for you.

So based on that, Dear Ones, we ask you to take a moment to celebrate yourselves and understand how sacred it is that you are sitting in these energies, and receiving the locking in of the very hard work that you have done.

We understand that the energies that you have been in over the last couple of months have been particularly difficult for a great many of you. We understand that that is your viewpoint as a human being in the body, and we are not dismissing it in any way. But we would like to point out that what you are doing energetically is so profound, on a soul level you are beyond excited that you could take on so much at one time.

Not long ago in your ascension journey, you could only take in a little bit at a time, but you have become so adept at receiving energy, at shifting, at transmuting, at allowing, and at letting go, that you are able to do so much all at once. It is like you have become energetic masters in the sense that you can do so much at one time and this is something, again, that should be celebrated and seen as a wondrous thing.

You are very diligent and many of you are completely dedicated to walking your enlightenment paths, that the idea that you can take on so much, that you can energetically multi-task, if you will, is something that will bring you great joy, if you allow that truth to settle down into your beingness.

We spoke in one of our previous channels about the idea that you have been in what we would call energetic rapids since mid 2012 and that, with the last of the Pluto Uranus squares, you were coming out of the rapids, and this is very much the case. You have come to the end of the rapids and this is what you are experiencing energetically.

So think of what things look like at the end of rapids. While you are in the rapids it is very busy, indeed! It feels very much like one thing hits you after another after another. You can barely catch your breath, there is so much going on. It is very difficult to get used to any one energy at a time. But when you come to the end of rapids, often times you will find that the bottom of the water gets churned up, and this is exactly what has been happening for you energetically.

You are seeing things get stirred up for you. That does not mean that you have lost your progress, or that you have not done a good job or received the gift of the rapids, it just means that it is part of the coming out process. You are moving through the stirred up part and into the second phase of this year, which will be markedly different than the first half of 2015.

So what you will find is that the action of the rapids has smoothed out. There may still be areas with a bit of white water, if you will, but by and large your path, your trajectory, is smoothing out. It is going to be moving very quickly, incredibly quickly, but you are definitely getting a chance to catch your breath and see where you have landed.

Now, in the process of being in the rapids, you have been dealing with releasing a great deal of energy. Think of the agitation action of a washing machine. You have been dealing with the releasing of whatever could not come with you into the new energies.

This is not news. We have spoken of this time and again, as have many other people on your planet. You have been releasing centuries’ worth of density, and this has been a marvelous thing. You have been through a purification process, if you will, to get to your truth in a way that has been greatly accelerated, somewhat challenging, but incredibly efficient.

Many of you are saying, “Well, I’ve been working through all of these issues. I’ve been in these rapids for so long, I should be through with these issues!” Just because you see a rock again, once you come out of the busy part of the rapids, doesn’t mean that you have lost the progress of travelling all the way down from the top, does it? If you gave it no extra attention – if you said, “Oh, there’s another rock. There it is. I’m going to sail right on past that”, the rock wouldn’t be an issue at all.

But what has also been happening is as you have been transmuted through this process, is you have become captains of your own ships, shall we say, that come equipped with a very advanced navigation system that is directed by where you focus. So imagine the power of that. Wherever you place your attention, the navigation system of your ship is so responsive that it immediately steers you directly there.

So if you have passed symbolic rocks of anger, frustration, pain and hurt throughout your rapids, and as you came out the end you were shocked to see that there was yet another rock labeled anger and you focused on it, what do you think would happen? You would immediately steer your raft straight to that rock and stay there, in great discomfort, with the water churning all about you.

But it was never meant for you to stop there, Dear Ones. That was never the intention. The intention was simply to say, “Oh look there’s another rock of anger! We’re just going to acknowledge it and wave at it on our way by because we are not stopping in these rapids. These rapids are transformation. Look at what I am transforming. Look at what I am moving beyond!”

So what we are trying to say here, Dear Ones, as you steer your individual rafts through your focus, is that more than ever, it is important for you to keep your eyes on what it is that you wish to experience, and what you wish to create for yourselves moving forward.

We have called 2015 The Year of Discovery and this is exactly why. You are starting to learn this. This is the wonderful opportunity for you to start using your mastery. This is the time for you to start to apply all of the things that you have been learning for these right now moments.

Many of you have been gathering tools, waiting for some magical time to finally use them, and we would say to you the time is now. So for a great many of you, you will find your paths opening up in ways that support you in using the tools that you’ve accumulated.

This is what’s going to help you find the sweet spot on your paths where it all comes together, where all of the learning, all of the experience you’ve been through is leading up to you stepping into, not duty, but joyful service, experiencing yourself in your highest expression of self again, and again, and again.

So it is time, Dear Ones, for you to step out of the classrooms and to start to use those tools. It is time for you to see what you can do with them. It is time for you to come out as the spiritual human beings that you are. It is time for you to joyfully play with it all, and know that you are completely safe to do so.

Every student, no matter what they are learning, goes through that transition where it is time to graduate and get out of the classroom to apply what they know in their day-to-day life. That is the beauty of the time you are in right now.

This does not need to be met with trepidation because you’ve been releasing your fear down those rapids, you see. This is time for you to make your own discoveries, to see what works for you, and what doesn’t. To see what works for others, and what doesn’t. It is time for you to embody your true energies, unapologetically, and to allow the world to respond to them.

It does not matter if you don’t know exactly what it is that you want to do. Don’t stall your movement because you aren’t sure what it looks like. There are some things that you will always know that you want. You can surrender into the flow of love, you can surrender into the flow of healing. You can surrender into the flow of joyful service, into the flow of beauty, into the flow of partnership. You can simply just surrender into joy. There are some givens that you know you wish to experience, and if that is all that you know, it is more than enough to place your focus on and let your boat steer you there.

Enjoy how things unfold along the way for you! You can treat it like a treasure hunt, where there are all kinds of miracles and magic to be discovered. These are the times that you have been waiting for. This is what all the work has been for.

Yes, there will be more shifting. Yes, there will be more solar flares. Yes, there will be more astrological alignments. Yes, there will be more mercury retrogrades, Dear Ones. (laughter) Of course there will! You are ever expanding and ever experiencing and driving this magnificent shift with each and every decision that you make. That is how powerful you are!

Trust in the system. If there is something you need to address, it will come up for you. Acknowledge it and move on. You don’t have to be always looking for trouble. You don’t have to be endlessly looking for things to release. If this last couple of years have taught you anything, it is that the energies will take care of these things for you.

What about if you started to live with the expectation of everything wonderful? What if you started to live as if you really already had it all? Because you do. You do. That’s what has been under all of that stuff that you’ve been releasing – your mastery!

Another thing that we would like to suggest is that you start seeing the earth in her majesty, as well. We understand that many well-meaning lightworkers look for problems and density in the earth, but much like looking for problems and density in yourself, if you keep looking for trouble, you will find it.

What about holding the vision of the planet gloriously shifting, holding the energies of peace and harmony? What if you saw the planet as whole, healed and thriving, and all of her inhabitants, as well?

The greatest supports that you can give each other is seeing each other in your glory, by uplifting each other, by supporting each other, by encouraging each other. You will be amazed at what you can create if you all start to do just that.

We wish joyful days for you. We wish you love. We wish you unity. We wish you deep, satisfying happiness. We wish that you be seen and heard and understood as the glorious beings that you are. And more than anything else, we wish that you celebrate all that you have accomplished and excitedly embrace where you are going, and with that we will bid you adieu. It has been our great pleasure.

Archangel Gabriel thru Shelley Young

“Archangel Gabriel: Moving Beyond the Solstice,” channeled by Shelley Young, June 21, 2015 at

Source Link: Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/27/2015 5:38:11 PM

Jennifer Hoffman: Learning to Love Awareness

jennifer-hoffmanIf you can pat your head and rub your stomach at the same time, you will be able to easily navigate the energy now. But you know that to do that, you have to focus carefully on what you’re doing. At first, one hand pats and the other rubs, but if you don’t pay attention, soon both hands are either patting or rubbing.

To separate the movements you must be aware of what you are doing, expand your ability to engage in the separate hand movements, and focus on the outcome in each moment. Awareness is the ability to expand our vision beyond what we know and include new energetic potentials so we move from limited illusion into expanded potential, and from possibilities into empowered, creative realities.

While we describe our spiritual awakening as ‘conscious’, that word is far too limited. Being conscious simply means that our eyes are open and we’re breathing, as opposed to unconscious, where our eyes our closed but we’re still breathing. When we’re conscious the mind is somewhat engaged but when we’re aware our spirit is actively participating in the process with us. Awareness is the state of expanded cognizance or knowing and it is the foundation of our new paradigms.

But awareness is not always our friend because as soon as we become aware all illusions are shattered. And that can be a shock. The world we knew and trusted is no longer there for us as a stable fixture in our life. It’s like finding out that there is no Santa Claus, or that your partner has been cheating on you, or your husband or wife drained your bank accounts and moved to Mexico without you, or your business partner scammed you and now you’re bankrupt. We can live in blissful ignorance until awareness not only opens our eyes, it awakens us with a big bucket of ice cold water.

This kind of awareness happens when we are conscious but not seeing, when we’re not using our power or giving it to others, when we’re trusting the untrustworthy, or ignoring all truths. We need to be empowered, strong, confident, clear, and in control now and if we don’t do that voluntarily, then awareness will pay us a visit and tell us the truth.

But it’s not all bad because awareness will also give us the tools that we need to change our life path, to reclaim our power, to create a new vision for our life, and to start over again. First, though, we have to love awareness for its gifts of understanding even when they come wrapped in truths that don’t make us very happy.

Loving awareness means that we have to be willing to see the potential beyond what looks like our biggest life calamities, to know that, like the Phoenix, we will rise from the ashes bigger, better, stronger, and more powerful than before. That happens after we get out of the fire, though. If we can trust that awareness is the beginning of the journey, and not the end, we can and we will find a lot of power in awareness.

One of my tough awareness lessons happened when I moved to Phoenix to take a job, then the company decided they weren’t going to hire me. At my darkest moment, I would cry myself to sleep every night, begging God to ‘take me home’ because my life was such a mess and I was so scared. Then I would wake up every morning, look around and say ‘Darn it, I’m still here’. I did this for 6 months and then decided that it wasn’t working.

So I decided that I wanted to go to France and I created my free, all expense paid trip that I was paid to go on, as the translator. That was the awareness shift I needed to turn everything else in my life around. And I did go ‘home’ because I am from France, and I consider it my ‘home’ (the Universe has a strange sense of humor). You can read about it in 30 Days to Everyday Miracles (1)

A dose of awareness may shrink our reality as it shatters our illusions, but it will also expand our potential and possibilities if we don’t get stuck in blame, shame, and guilt. The initial shock can lead to self judgment, which is a normal reaction, but then the work begins. If we don’t want something to happen again, we need to take a different path the next time. Falling into a hole once is an accident; falling twice into the same hole is self sabotage.

Awareness is an expansive energy — the bigger we allow ourselves to see, the more awareness will bless us with a vast array of possibilities. But it also works the other way, the more we use awareness to blame, shame, and judge ourselves, the deeper we will fall into the black hole of despair until we reach out to awareness for help. And it will give us a ladder and wait for us until we climb out of the hole. There are no quick fixes with awareness, but there is relief if we are willing to expand our ability to receive it and have the vision to create a bigger reality for ourselves.

With our new multi-dimensional paradigms is a vast and unlimited source of energy that we have not had access to until now. Awareness is the key that opens the portal to this unlimited energy source. All that stands in our way is the fear that we may learn something we don’t want to know, or we will have to explore new truths or realities that are outside of our comfort zones.

This is a moment of transformation and truth for all of humanity and awareness is knocking at the door of our collective consciousness. Are we ready for the expansion that is the gift of awareness? Or, asking in another way, are we ready to live in the expanded, unfiltered, and unlimited flow of energy that is part of higher dimensional awareness?

As always, it’s our choice but if we can willingly and voluntarily open the door to awareness and lovingly invite it into our lives, the long term results will be worth the short term struggle. Then we will rise from the ashes like the Phoenix and let awareness expand our vision into the unlimited potential of new paradigms we never considered and cannot access without awareness.

“Learning to Love Awareness” by Jennifer Hoffman, June 15, 2015 at

Original link: Learning to Love Awareness

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/27/2015 5:39:30 PM

Archangel Michael via Natalie Glasson: Co-Create Your Personal Activations

galaxy-779335_1280-300x293There are numerous aspects of the Creator in all forms of reality. Whichever reality you choose to acknowledge and see upon the Earth as your own, you can be sure that the Creator is present.

All aspects of the Creator hold and represent a unique essence of the Creator, which can be accepted, merged with, and embodied.

You will know when acceptance, merging, and embodiment are needed, as you will experience a pull to certain aspects of the Creator. The pull will be like a desire or an interest, inviting you to accept a new aspect of yourself.

When you merge with aspects of the Creator, you are always accepting or remembering a new aspect of yourself, as you are the origin; you are a manifestation and reflection of the Creator.

Every aspect of your reality is focused upon acceptance, merging, and embodiment. When you speak, connect, or are just present with another being, or an aspect of the Creator, you are experiencing resonance; your unique ability to recognise that which is outside of you, inside your being.

You are constantly resonating with everything around you, as well as the creations of energy within your being; this is your true form of communication, it is your interaction with the Creator.

To resonate as and with the Creator with greater conscious awareness allows for your inner truth to emerge, a greater recognition of the Creator, as well as an awakening knowingness being born into manifestation.

The Earth and all its inhabitants are an aspect of the Creator. Everything is born from the Creator, and therefore holds the essence of the Creator, which could be described as a template or energy pattern of the Creator.

Within the essence of the Creator, divine consciousness, light, understanding, and power can be found, which, when merged within, can ignite the same from within your being. You are the same as every essence of the Creator and hold all energies of the Creator within your being.

When you allow yourself to recognise your expansiveness, giving yourself both space and time to be expansive, the essence of the Creator comes forth to fill your entire being, causing further remembrance of the Creator.

You can imagine each aspect of the Creator, which holds the essence of the Creator, as a note of awakening your divine memory and remembrance, moving you from illusion into light within your being.

Allow yourself to recognise, as you move through your reality, that there is an essence of the Creator in everything and everyone, like a template or energy pattern, holding divine consciousness, light, understanding, and power.

When you begin to recognise this within all things and people, you allow yourself to recognise the value of your life, exchanges, and communications. A feeling of reverence, treasuring, and gratitude may arise, which will fuel your experiences of acceptance, merging, and embodiment of the Creator, while awakening feelings and experiences of fulfilment.

When you recognise an aspect of the Creator, holding an essence of the Creator, I invite you to hold the intention of acceptance, merging, and embodiment. You may wish to say out loud or within your being:

‘I recognise myself as the Creator. I know I am loved, pure, and protected. I recognise …………. as an aspect of the Creator, holding the sacred essence of the Creator.

‘With the purpose of fulfilling the Creator within my being, I now choose to accept the purest essence of …………. , merging my energy with this sacred essence of the Creator and embodying the most appropriate vibrations, consciousness, understanding, and power held within this essence.

‘This is my experience now, and I recognise the further emergence of light within my being.’

Take a moment to recognise the light of the Creator, already present within your being, expanding and enlarging this energy. Take time to recognise the essence you wish to connect with as a light, energy template, or pattern, breathing this into your own radiating light.

Observe your feelings, any sensations, integrations, awakening, or remembrance, emerging from within to be realised or recognised.

When the essence of an aspect of the Creator merges with you, it always holds a message or a process of illumination to share with you, sometimes understood at the time or later.

I wish to encourage you to experience and practice my communication, as it will enhance your ability to resonate with the Creator, to communicate and understand beyond words or thought, as well as encouraging a true connection.

If you discover that you are fearful of accepting the essence of an aspect of the Creator, due to the anxiety of contamination, being negatively influenced or attacked, this symbolises a lack of trust in yourself and [your] powers, as well as a need to focus upon recognising and believing in the truth of your being.

Believing and recognising yourself to be light, loved, protected, sacred, powerful, a creator of your reality, connected to all aspects of the Creator, guided, and that all is well. There may be a need for greater self-contemplation and self-love.

I wish to encourage your connection with three energies in order to further accelerate your remembrance of the Creator within your being. When connecting with and accepting the essence of these three energies, you will create a synthesis of light, which awakens a new aspect of your being.

I invite you first to contemplate what you wish to awaken from within your being. It could be an ability, an energy you wish to experience in your reality, or a certain part of your soul.

When sitting peacefully and asking yourself what you wish to awaken further from within your being to aid your current reality of ascension, the answer or enlightenment may be inspired and gifted to you with very little thought needed.

The three energies I wish to support you in merging with are the united consciousness of Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Amethyst, the Bee Consciousness, and Solar Level Light.

These three energies, when merged with individually, will create a three-stage empowerment and activation of your intention.

In truth, you can choose any three energies and use them as a constant tool of empowerment and activation, recognising them as your team of awakening the divine within you.

When this co-creation is achieved, often then it can become a potent tool which you can place your faith in, as you realise you are accessing the power of the Creator in order to support your spiritual evolution.

I have recommended these three energies, as they are aligned with the energies of these times of ascension, and all hold the vibration of transformation, radiance, and love, within their essence.

Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Amethyst are the Angelic Representatives of the 7th Ray of Light. They bring a message of transformation, accessing the new Era of Love and advanced spiritual experiences of unification with the Creator.

The Bee Consciousness is the spirit or collective soul of the Bees who exist upon the Earth, born from Venus, holding the Christ Consciousness, they are a fountain of love and unity. Their love, when experienced, can be so empowering and expansive. They are also powerful energetic healers and co-creators.

The Solar Level Light is represented by a copper golden light, and is a dimension of the Creator’s universe focused upon enhanced illumination, soul embodiment, merging of the masculine and feminine, and empowerment.Overseen by Helios and Vesta this is a potent energy akin to the sun.

I invite you to call upon my energies, Archangel Michael, to surround you. Take a moment to focus on radiating the light of the Creator present within your soul, heart, and entire being. Then state your intention of the activation you wish to receive, either out loud or in your mind.

‘I call upon the energy and presence of Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Amethyst. Please assist and support me in accepting, merging, and embodying your essence of the Creator.

‘As I accept your energy and you deliver to me a reflection of your essence as an energy, template, or pattern, I am open and ready [myself] to receive, further remembering and realising the Creator within my being. Thank you.’

Allow yourself to breath in the light of Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Amethyst. Feel it merging with your entire being, heart, and soul.

Know your intention is being empowered, and an awakening of the Creator is taking place within your being. Take time to observe.

When you feel ready, you can continue:

‘I call upon the energy and presence of the Bee Consciousness. Please assist and support me in accepting, merging, and embodying your essence of the Creator.

‘As I accept your energy and you deliver to me a reflection of your essence as an energy, template, or pattern, I am open and ready [myself] to receive, further remembering and realising the Creator within my being. Thank you.’

Allow yourself to breath in the light of the Bee Consciousness, feel it merging with your entire being, heart, and soul. Know your intention is being empowered and an awakening of the Creator is taking place within your being. Take time to observe.

When you feel ready you can continue:

‘I call upon the energy and presence of the Solar Level Light. Please assist and support me in accepting, merging, and embodying your essence of the Creator.

‘As I accept your energy and you deliver to me a reflection of your essence as an energy, template, or pattern, I am open and ready to receive, further remembering and realising the Creator within my being. Thank you.’

Allow yourself to breathe in the light of the Solar Level Light, feel it merging with your entire being, heart, and soul. Know your intention is being empowered, and an awakening of the Creator is taking place within your being. Take time to observe.

Take a moment to recognise the three energies and aspects of the Creator synthesising with your soul. Recognise how this creates a reaction, awakening, and empowerment within your being.

Hold focus upon your original intention as you feel the energies within you expanding. This is a beautiful and unique experience, which requires your observation.

With Angelic Blessings,
Archangel Michael

“Archangel Michael: Co-Create Your Personal Activations,” channeled by Natalie Glasson, June 26, 2015, at

Source Links: Sacred School of OmNa, Natalie Glasson OmNa School

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/27/2015 5:48:34 PM

Phillip J. Watt: A Guide to Unity: Transcending the Illusion of Disconnection

Phil WattA Guide to Unity

If reality is unified, then we must also accept that everything is essentially equal.

Spirituality is a very personal affair regardless of the various pathways that one may take or disciplines that one may adhere to. Yet even though there is an abundance of different belief systems and avenues for spiritual endeavour, there is one universal agreement between them – the principle of unity.

Transcending the illusion of disconnection is a personal path.

There are many ways that one may be introduced to this philosophy. We may have been brought up around it via our family. We might have had a profound revelation in a one-off experience. Some are initiated through paranormal activity. Others just intuitively feel it. Altered mind states could have been the catalyst. A revolution could have occurred, through synchronicity deposing coincidence, or the lessons of assorted texts and teachings which all infer this similar conclusion. Or through a combination of channels.

The personal awakening is synonymous to the collective awakening.

Regardless of the series of events, teachings and resources that led to our personal awakening, together we have a responsibility to heal and grow our internal and external worlds. This is because the collective mental and physical landscapes that we inhabit are transcending their states of suffering, like we are. In unity, irrespective of how peaceful we have made our internal environment, our external environment is still a reflection of our collective fundamental nature – including what is in harmony and what isn’t.

A Global Metaphysical View

The nature of reality is unity.

Unity can be used as a universal term to describe the outcomes of various fields of thought. Examples include: Energy; Mind; Consciousness; Hologram; Light; Love; Spirit; the Source; the Field; the Akashic Field; the Zero-point Energy Field; Quantum Field of Possibilities; the Collective Unconscious; Undivided Wholeness; Nirvana; One; God etc. If these are all equal to each other in terms of their agreement that a unifying principle exists, then we have arrived at an agreed global metaphysical position which incorporates both our rational and intuitive hemispheres.

Earth’s global culture needs to heal.

Regardless of what reality is literally made of, whether its essence is of a material or immaterial nature, it’s irrelevant to our goals. As long as we agree that a property of reality is unity, and that unity inherently implies that everything is fundamentally equal, one, then together we can get on with making this earthly experience fair and peaceful for all.

In unity, the suffering of others is a reflection of our own suffering.

That is why an agreed metaphysical view for our global society has significant implications for our future. From both a personal and societal standpoint, as well as a rational and intuitive standpoint, we know to treat everyone and everything equally. The way we care for ourselves should be equivalent to the way that we care for others. Our philosophical and practical systems should also ensure that each person has access to the resources they need to adequately survive and thrive.

Suffering is pandemic across both (so-called) developing and developed nations.

No matter how far we may be personally removed from it, the reality is the majority of our fellow man is distressed from a lack of external and/or internal resources. The former is strongly influenced from an unequal distribution of food, water, shelter, infrastructure, education, medicine and political representation, whilst the latter from a lack of knowledge and skills in emotional regulation and psychological balancing, as well as a limited capacity to face and overcome the external challenges that can inhibit one’s inner peace.

Translating It Into Practice

There are infinite expressions of unity.

When we individually undertake a process of spiritual introspection, we all arrive at the exact same place; unity. Yet when we translate that wisdom into practice, the result is a plethora of personal, philosophical and cultural differences. The spectrum of spiritual interpretation is why so many distinct religions exist; the expression of how the original perspective of unity manifested into religious practice was subject to social and human influences at inception and over time.

Regardless of the personal path we choose to take, spirituality is a journey of enlightenment for both the inner and outer realms.

Today, many people undertake this process of conscious introspection away from the pre-established context of religious models, so it is no wonder that there are so many individualised methodologies and interpretations of ‘spirituality’. And there’s nothing wrong with that either; there is no one strict way to live, and anyone who thinks they have all the answers probably doesn’t. As long as your path reflects the primary agreed principle of unity, and its inherent implications, then it should be embraced.

The Health and Growth of the Self

Therapeutic and developmental practices which harmonise all of our life vitalities ensures that we raise our vibration and align ourselves closer to our spiritual path.

We are all subject to suffering of the self and it is our personal role to transcend it. But our health is much more than is usually defined; it’s not just our physical and mental well-being. The reality is we have many layers of our life to take care of including our physical, psychological, emotional, philosophical, sexual, behavioural, creative, social and spiritual vitalities. With this in mind, we should be continually asking ourselves what areas need more attention and what strategies can we implement to heal and grow. We also need to find a true love for ourselves.

To be truly free, we must empower ourselves to lead our thoughts and emotions.

Even though we literally make the free choice on how we think, feel, act and live, we are still strongly influenced by our environment, such as parents, peers, culture, society, government and the age we live in. Therefore, as an adult we are both independent and conditioned agents. But we can transcend our conditioning. The time we become truly free is the time that we take full responsibility of ourselves and ensure that we, not anyone or anything else, are the most influential factor for how we evolve for the rest of our lives. That of course means taking full responsibility for how we think and feel.

If people act unjust, then justice will inevitably be served.

It’s the basics. Excuses which blame something or someone for our thoughts and feelings just don’t cut it on the spiritual path. Spiritually, we have experiences for growth; we are co-creators of our experience. Now this doesn’t mean that there aren’t consequences for the actions of others which hurt us, the response we provide is incorporated into the overall context of the negative and positive vibrations that they’ve attracted into their life.

Not only should we accept our experiences, but also respond to them accordingly.

The new age mantra that “everything happens for a reason” may be true in the sense that experiences have innate information that we can capitalise on to progress us on our path of enlightenment, but it is equally true that proportional actions need to transpire in response. Just like we should respond to the injustice we serve ourselves, we should also respond to that which surrounds us. The tricky part is determining what that response should be which is why we draw on both our rational and intuitive capacities to guide us.

If we process each experience as an opportunity to learn, regardless of how undesirable that experience is, we always get exactly what we need: growth.

It is true that we make so-called ‘mistakes’ which deliver us to our destiny; however that doesn’t mean we should make that same choice again. We should learn from it. There are innumerable times that we have had an undesirable experience which resulted in our growth, regardless if it was influenced from the actions of ourselves or others. And that’s what we need; to learn, to heal, and to grow. We need to harmonious our energies and become our new, more developed selves in every moment. When we conceive of our experience this way – where our wants are the healthy and unhealthy desires of our ego and our needs are the experiences we require for sustained growth – then we always have something to offer ourselves.

When we embrace our experience, we must develop a healthy balance between awareness, acceptance and action.

Every moment is therefore an opportunity to progress our health and well-being. When we treat ourselves and others disappointingly, we should process it in the context of our learning and then make amends. The same applies when somebody treats us poorly; when we are exposed to underdeveloped actions by others, we should embrace it as a part of us, as well as give a calculated response in return. After all, we have accepted that we are fundamentally united. For example, what information and energy can we embrace from it? Is there some action we can do to encourage the health and growth of both the internal and external worlds?

The Health and Growth of Society

Maximising the impact we have as co-creators amplifies the awakening of our collective consciousness.

Mindful living is an integral aspect of spirituality. Allowing ourselves and others to make poor choices without negative judgement is vital, as is reasonable and realistic judgement in general. Radiating positive and loving vibrations is too. We should understand ourselves as a pulsing and energetic vibration – an instrument of sound adding to the orchestra of reality which encompasses us. We should lead from our heart and consciously influence the collective vibration of our shared reality.

It is as much our responsibility to undertake appropriate responses to our outside world as it is to our inside world.

This means being loving, patient, compassionate, empathetic and understanding. But as described above, it also means taking action to influence the health and growth of our society. It’s a misconception to think that just because everything is meant to be, that it will naturally balance itself out without our intervention.

The earth and our species needs help to come back into balance.

Just like there are some justified ramifications within our social models of law and ethics, there are also measures that we must apply in response to our external environment. This does not necessarily mean that the law should be taken into one’s own hands, but more so that as an individual within a global culture, actions need to be taken to rectify the injustices of our world which violate the philosophical principle of unity.

Caring for the external world really is as important as doing it for our own internal health and growth.

For example, our leading philosophical and pragmatic compasses are contributing to some major ecological, social and individual injustices – systems that need to be addressed through calculated measures. If we just sit back and allow it to continue, it will. That’s why collective action needs to balance these injustices out, so we need to decide how we will personally contribute to our shared goals.

It is a shared responsibility that we transform our world.

There are many injustices and social dysfunctions that currently plague our cultures. To heal that situation, we need to ensure that the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual vitality of every living being is cared for as our future develops.

Together we must act, united.

It is by having a true sense of the healing and growth that is required for both the inside and outside of us which reflect a holistic approach to spirituality. Once we have that awareness, we should aim foracceptance of why and how it needs to change, as well as theapplication of strategies to facilitate the therapeutic and developmental process that we and our society so desperately need to work through.

Together we are one.

“A Guide to Unity: Transcending the Illusion of Disconnection” by Phillip J. Watt, June 20, 2015 at

Original link: A Guide to Unity: Transcending the Illusion of Disconnection

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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