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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/26/2015 6:27:03 PM

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey. June 26, 2015.

SacredFor those of you who keep up to date with the new messages, recent times have shown that there are many activities taking place.

You will no doubt also be aware that the dark Ones are being closely monitored so as to ensure that they cannot continue with their plan for world rule. In fact their activities are being restricted in ways that will ensure that they can no longer disrupt the plan for your freedom.

We can for our part confirm that the changes are speeding up and great advances are being made. There is no doubt that very soon you shall become aware of major events that are going to take you into the New Age by fulfilling some of the promises that have already been made.

We would urge you to keep firmly on your path of Light and not allow outside activities to take your focus away from it. There are difficult times ahead but these will be short lived, and eventually it will become quite clear as to the direction that you are travelling. Be assured that we have fully anticipated the problems that will arise, and are taking steps to overcome them or at the very least lessen their impact.

We do not wish you to take your eye off events that are taking place, but we will tell you that all is moving along in accordance with our plan for your salvation. So many welcome changes are lined up ready to be introduced, but as we have informed you on many occasions, the time must be right so that matters can go ahead unimpeded.

Looking back to the end of 2012, we know that some of you still cannot throw off your disappointment that it did not make the impact that you expected. Yet we hope you will agree that the foundations were laid down for changes to take place that have subsequently occurred.

Without a doubt the vibrations are lifting up and more souls are awakening to their true selves, and able to see how they have been manipulated and falsely held back. The Light is pouring down upon Earth and it is raising the vibrations, and there is no returning back to the “old days”, that will be gone forever, having no place in the higher vibrations.
The future is Golden and holds many, many surprises that God has prepared for you. God is Love and humans lacking understanding blame God for their misfortunes. It is you alone that map out your destiny and determine through your actions what type of experiences you need to rise up again.

Yet God is always with you and never withdraws the Love that is always present. His servants such as the Angelic Kingdom carry out the plan that will release you from the hold of the negative vibrations. They also guide you to ensure you follow your life contract which you have agreed to as one that enables your steady progress.

Dear Ones, you have many things to learn about life beyond Earth. Your Universe of many dimensions is teeming with life, and in many instances very much like your own. However, you have been kept in the dark as to your true selves and purpose for experiencing the third dimension. It is not your natural one which is why you are now moving out of it into the higher vibrations that the dark Ones cannot enter.

You will no doubt realise that in so doing you will live as intended, in happiness, freedom and absolute peace. Once you have become a Galactic Being, free and able to travel at will, your lives will take on a new meaning. Only you alone can change your future so follow your desires with care and know that every opportunity is open to you.

As you might say “the end of the road is in sight” yet even as you prepare for it, the new path is opening up to reveal the promises of a New Age. In this respect you will be guided and set upon a path that will fulfil all of those promises that have been made to you.

We will be able to openly visit Earth and even take you on journeys within your Solar System. Exactly where will depend upon your plan for further enlightenment, and in this respect your Guides will be on hand to give their advice. You will soon forget the traumas and disappointments of some Earthly experiences, knowing that they have given you a broad outlook that enables you to cope with all experiences.

We are closer to you than ever and after many years of contact with you know that you will accept and greet us as your Brothers and Sisters. Your background coming from various star systems means that you will have met us eons of time ago.

Bear in mind that in the higher vibrations your life span is much greater than it is now. Also, that when you have completed your experience in one body, you can literally simply step into a new one. To say the least, “death” such as you know it does not take place, and it only involves simple changes that do not entail any form of aging such as you are used to experiencing. Birth, as it is called, is also different and you do not have to go through the stages that you know as a “baby”.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and will confirm that all is in the “Now” and you will be able to move backwards and even forwards to satisfy your quest for experience. You will in fact take quite easily to the changes, because in reality they are not new to you.

However, it will be exciting to become aware of familiar things, and not least of all to again meet souls who are well known to you and may have figured in a number of your Earthly lives. Even if you only consider the number of strong relationships you may have made through your many lives, you will realise that quite a number of souls eagerly await the opportunity to meet you again.

However, you still have work to do on Earth and your concentration must be kept focussed upon your tasks. Every soul you can help now to “wake up” will appreciate your help, but many are unable to release their attachment to the lower vibrations. Yet where they come in touch with information that will help lift them up, it can result in an awakening.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa. Channelled by Mike Quinsey. June 26, 2015.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/26/2015 6:30:05 PM

Where Are You? – The Council

June 25, 2015


The Council

Where are you now? Let us give you a bit of reassurance that some of the vague suspicions that have been hovering in the background of your minds are indeed correct.

Many of you have had repeated feelings that you were looking at things that were not exactly real, the wall, the floor, or those trees were somehow not as solid as you previously thought. Well, that is what the ancients and even your physicists have been telling you forever, is it not? So you might say that you are actually beginning to perceive reality for what it is.

Some of you are beginning to feel a presence, or presences, about you. We know there are those that have felt or even seen this for a long time, but we are speaking now to those who may even be wondering if they are ‘losing it’. You are not losing it. We have spoken to you often of just these sorts of things, but they did not seem so immediate since they did not seem to apply to you personally. You are beginning to acquire the gifts that you have seen in others and thought you would never have. Well, you had them, but now your rise in frequency is causing them to surface.

If none of these things seem to apply to you, ask yourself if truthfully you have not begun to know things and do not know how you know. Have you noticed yourself reacting to something in a way that you never would have in the past? Have you already been experiencing things that you know are symptoms of your changing consciousness and physical make-up but now are noticing an intensification of them?

We wish you to know several things about this. You may feel alone because you do not discuss these things with others. In fact you are now one of millions. There are people everywhere, speaking many languages, who are going through the same process. There are people who do not even know they are going through a process who are, nevertheless, experiencing the same things.

The world desperately needed change. You asked for change. Change has come. You also asked for, meditated on, and prayed for change that would not be cataclysmic. And so it is happening at a rate that will not destroy everything in its path, as has indeed happened before. And this change is a reflection of the change that is happening within yourselves, as we have been stressing to you over and over for quite some time. What you see when you look around is the sum of what you have all created. It is a mirror. If the image in the mirror begins to change, it can only be because all of you have begun to change.

Now you may have your change in ways that make you uncomfortable if you wish. You never seem to want to go through change. You only want things to be changed. Or you can dance and sing in joy and gratitude. It is indeed up to you. We’ll let you figure out which will be easier. It is not, as you say, rocket science.

Let us point out one more little thing before we stop for today. This ascension stuff is not being thrust upon you. It is being drawn to you by your own desire, decisions, and efforts. Many in this universe are in awe of what you are doing against all odds. That dancing and singing thing we mentioned may just be in order. May the unconditional love and blessings of the Creator forever be yours. Well, of course it already is. Good day.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/26/2015 6:32:35 PM

Archangel Gabriel via Marlene Swetlishoff: The Quality of Happiness

Angel of Light - gabriel - marlene

Beloved Ones,

I wish to have discourse on the quality of love called happiness.

Happiness is the experience of joy, contentment, and positive well-being, combined with a sense that one’s life is good, meaningful, successful, and worthwhile.

The feeling of happiness is achieved by following one’s heart and doing what they love. When one does this, the individual feels connected with the happiness that is within them.

They have a sense that everything they have been looking for in their life is already within them and can be accessed at any time. By connecting with their true nature through regular periods of stillness and silence, their outer circumstances and experiences reflect to them their inner state of being and this brings them more abundance, love and fulfillment in their lives.

There are many ways one can train their mind to achieve happiness. They can choose loving thoughts, words, and actions in every situation they encounter throughout their day. The more they cultivate their inner knowing through love, compassion, joy, and observation, the more they become a vibrant source of happiness for themselves and this happiness radiates outwardly to others.

It is in one’s innermost essence of divine connection that joy and happiness naturally arises. One does not have to do anything in particular to create it. One finds lasting happiness in the realization that true happiness and peace of mind cannot be found in anything external; it can only be found within them.

By actively engaging in positive thoughts, words, and deeds, it brings them closer to their true divine nature. When they are in touch with their true nature, these positive qualities within them spontaneously manifest.

Experiencing happiness is about looking deeply within to see which action brings them true happiness and which ones to eliminate because they bring suffering. Happiness requires discipline and effort; but when one is nourished by happiness, exercising discipline becomes a joyful action which brings them to more calmness, clarity, contentment, and insight and they treasure every moment of life that they have.

One’s mental state has a tremendous influence on how they experience their daily life. The greater their peace of mind, the greater is their ability to enjoy a happy and joy filled life.

This state can transform their entire outlook on life, and their approach to living it in a way that adds to the daily happiness in their lives, even if nothing in their external situation changes.

When they are able to recognize and appreciate their blessings, it takes them to a state of happiness. They endeavour to constantly nourish their minds with philosophies of inspired and uplifting words that remind them about true happiness.

True happiness comes not from expecting to live a comfortable life without problems and hardship, but rather from a life in which one pursues their dreams despite the challenges and obstacles which beset them. This focus gives them the gifts of inner strength, insight, and wisdom.

What matters most for one’s soul journey in the world at this time, is to find the avenues of experience and expression that are conducive to finding their soul’s calling, beneath all the layers of outer experiences and outer expectations that have been piled upon them throughout their lifetime is true freedom.

They rely on and trust that the challenges and temptations that come their way are helping them to learn and grow. This gives them the opportunity to strengthen their commitment to following their soul’s inner promptings.

They are aware that individually and collectively, they are part of a vast and magnificent universe. They can interact with it on a beautiful, personal, and intimate level.

They know that they are part of something powerful which responds to them through the emotions they feel and the thoughts that they think and will bring them happiness as their hearts desires come to fruition.

When one appreciates that good things come by looking forward to a positive outcome in the future, it has a powerful impact on one’s happiness levels in the present moment.

By making a conscious effort to be more optimistic, one can feel happier and more relaxed in their everyday lives. Focusing on the positive aspects of one’s life restores inner balance and encourages mindfulness of oneself and the world around them.

One feels more in tune with what is happening within and around them. One finds that they can cope more easily with situations that might upset their inner tranquility and happiness.

It gives them the power to make good decisions for self and those around them. The more they feel in control of their lives and the choices they make, the deeper their feeling of inner happiness and peace.

Deeply happy and truly powerful people cultivate this deep and authentic spiritual connection, which affects their inner core and produces happy results. Their happiness comes as a result of their choice to be true to self and by being kind, caring, compassionate, and gentle with others.

May happiness be with you as you walk upon your path in life and may that path be always blessed.

I AM Archangel Gabriel

“Archangel Gabriel: The Quality of Happiness,” channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, June 25, 2015, at

Source Link: The Rainbow Scribe: Archangel Gabriel 2015

©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/26/2015 6:37:43 PM

FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 2015

Kara Shallock ~ We're on the move


We are in a place now in which we are moving rather quickly into a new space of being more New than old. more Soul-merged than ego-based. in Oneness more than dwelling in duality. On a personal note, since everything is a message, let me share with you just a few things that have occurred in the past 24 hours for me. A dead limb from my tree fell (yay!) and my bank destroyed my old bankcard because someone had purchased something I had not. This is a perfect example of an easy release of what no longer serves me (the dead tree branch) and a new level of Abundance (having to get a new bankcard). What is your life showing you?

This is not to say we’ve “arrived,” for there is still more to let go of, yet it is easier now than it has been. We are more focused on serving a purpose than merely living out our lives. Some have arrived, fully immersed in Soul, while others are still in the struggle. Some are straddling the old and New worlds. Wherever a person is is just where they are and there is no judgment in this. Clearly it is very easy to see where a person is in their consciousness through Intuition and the words they speak. I personally see this very clearly and honor each one for their chosen path and I also see where that path takes them and yet, it is not for me to correct or guide them, for that is insinuating my path onto theirs. Gone are the days of rescuing, healing and saving. These are ego-trips. to think we can save anyone is to say they can’t do it themselves.

Realize that Ascension is ongoing and infinite. While some use words like “mastery,” what
is mastery? Is mastering something the end point? No, it is not and it is an illusion to think that mastery is the end of the trail. When one has mastered one level, there are more levels to “master.” While the Solstice brought forth a great leap into New Lives, it is not the end-point or culmination of anything. There is no end or beginning. life is a continuum going from old to New and beyond. Therefore, there is no “mastery.” We continue our upward spiral into being Divine and growing infinitely.

All we have is this Moment. All we need is to be aware in this Now. Everything will be presented for us to either energize or release. Being in this space, we know exactly what to do…if we take the time to see what each Moment is trying to tell us. When we pay attention to how we feel, we will know. If you feel peaceful and expanded, that is a message that all is fine with where you are
in this moment. If you feel doubt or if something doesn’t feel quite right, go deeper and see what your message is. Sometimes fear tells us something isn’t quite right and sometimes fear tells us we’ve entered a place outside our comfort zone and it may be a good thing to follow it, even if it is uncomfortable and unfamiliar. In fact, feeling uncomfortable and unfamiliar may be the best place to be, for there is great growth in this. We just do not know the future. all we have is this Moment to feel our way through. No choice is wrong. each choice takes us on a path and in time we see what that path is. This takes radical Trust in ourselves.

We have been working diligently to transcend separate ego for many years. eons really. And we have been doing a great job! Now it is more important to focus on what we’re creating anew. We are more Soul-merged. more Divine. than we’ve ever been. This is not to say we haven’t been Divine all along. it was just hidden beneath layers of fear-based thoughts and actions. We’ve released many layers so that we can hear and act on our Soul’s Guidance. We can more easily see what old patterns we have held. many passed down for generations and lifetimes of being led by the nose in total darkness. There is now so much Light that we can easily and clearly see the path of Love.

Ascension is no longer something in the future. it is right here and right now. It is more challenging to stay in the old than it is to be in the New Now. We are in a place now that instead of saying we are ascending, we can say we are
descending. What this means is that we have reached the higher dimensions of multidimensionality and are bringing it into our physical bodies and onto Earth, for that truly is what Ascension/Descension is. We’re not going anywhere. Our mission has been to bring the Light right here right now. As we embody this high dimensional Light, we effortlessly share it not by proselytizing as in the old way, but by authentically being ourselves. This is more than enough, for others are raised up by our Light/Love.

We are becoming stronger in our Light Essence and for the rest of this year we embody and integrate more of our natural state of Being. We continue to be recalibrated and reorganized mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, as our Divinity is fully in the driver’s seat. The Solstice, along with the immense solar activity that has been occurring, helps assure us that indeed we are who we have been meant to be all along. All that we are we share. We aren’t concerned whether another “gets it” or not, for that is
their choice. What is important is that we come from a place of Love. Love has no expectations or attachments. It simply is. Love is authentic. Love is who we are and therefore, all of what we say and do is of Love…to the degree that we have revealed it within.

The most powerful thing to embrace is radical Trust and Faith. that every step we take is ordained by Soul. No longer do we have to limit ourselves by fear…fear of change, fear of something new, fear of rejection, fear of leaving the comfortable and familiar. We needn’t fear anything in life, for everything we experience is designed to help us evolve. When we thought we were victims of circumstance, we never saw it this way. Now we can clearly see that nothing is random and that
we created it to help us evolve. This is the full impact of self-Responsibility. And I love it, for there is no shame, no blame and no excuses. It is fully my expression and experience and it all leads me Home…to Me.

As we surrender to the Grace of Flow and Acceptance, our cells and DNA let go of old programs. If our minds still want to spin stories from the intellectual memory of old beliefs and patterns, well then, that is a choice too. It needn’t be that way, for deep within we are changed. Yet if we have the Courage to see those old stories as false and illusory, we free ourselves to be authentically Divine. It is a choice and it takes being in the Moment and in full Awareness. Do you see how we’ve shifted 180 degrees? And this will be stronger and more integrated over the rest of the year.

Each time there is a new gateway/portal opening, such as an Equinox or Solstice, we have a period of time in which we go through a recalibration in order to integrate the high dimensional light that entered us. With this last Solstice, much solar energy accompanied it, which makes this recalibration more intense than usual. Instead of groaning about it, give thanks, for it means that we are receiving and integrating more Light and Love. This can be experienced as anxiety, except it’s
not anxiety. it is an amping up of our energies. This new expanded energy is positive, as we can move finally rather than feeling stuck in some old patterns. We can take a step toward new missions and a new way of standing in our Truth. Take care of yourself in the best way you know how. This may include Earthing, deep breathing, drinking more water, taking Epsom Salt baths and in whatever way you are guided, so our most recent recalibrations can integrate gentler. Resistance to it in the form of complaining or blaming or being too focused on physical ailments prolongs the passage. Realize that the Solstice and solar activity bring forth Light Codes of energy from the Galactic Sun (Source) and this does much for our central nervous system, consciousness and behavioral patterns. Along with feeling “anxious,” you might also feel jittery, nauseous, forgetful and have Heart phenomena…or if you flow with it all, you may experience none of these things. It all depends on what is for your highest evolution.

We are definitely shifting and changing. Our cells are releasing lifetimes of old memories and emotions. These may or may not come up through dreams and memories of trauma. The flares help residual energies bubble up so that we can release them and choose a different way of being. As old cellular memories surface into the conscious mind, we may experience grief, sadness, anger and other lower emotions and we may not know why or where they came from. We may even blame life “out there.” Don’t look for a cause or reason. just release them. your cells are doing the work. You may feel periods of being really hot, which lasts for a few minutes, because the hidden energies are burning off. All of this helps to bring more Awareness as to changes to make in order for your New Blueprint to be realized.

As we become more aware, it is best to place attention on what you want to create or how you want to feel. For instance, if you focus on feeling free, the details are energetically created, so that all one has to do is to focus on the feeling. It is so much simpler in the New. By focusing on feelings, the separate ego does not busy itself with managing the details, because you bypass separate ego. In this way, all manifestation is taken care of by Source. It only requires you to put your energy where you want to grow. You will manifest whatever you focus on, including what you
don’t want. We all know by now that what you focus on, you create more of. All energy is electromagnetic, so doesn’t it make sense that it responds to whatever you’re thinking and feeling? Electromagnetic energy creates without judgment, passion or desire about the outcome. it simply responds to your own energy field.

With the increase of electromagnetic energy through solar activity, there may be a whole new set of what has been referred to as “Ascension symptoms.” Some may have been experiencing these for a while as well. They include, but are not inclusive, changes in sleep patterns (sleeplessness or “knocked-out” sleep), timelessness, inability to remember certain words or events, vertigo, nausea and definite moments of euphoria and excitement (without a so-called reason). Your ear buzzing, if you have it, changes pitch and loudness, especially during a solar flare or download/upgrade. You might have to pee more and have a runny nose, which is unlike you. There is a lot of releasing going on and there is a lot of Light integration occurring. However it is for you is designed specifically
for you, so comparing yourself to someone else doesn’t really help. While we may have unique experiences, we truly are in this together, so you definitely are never alone.

Just know that while the Solstice is over, the energy it brings is not. We are in the fullness of it and the Light continues to rearrange us mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. This is a time to play and celebrate and be Joy. Everything else is being taken care of. The lighter you are, the easier it is. We are in the phase of enjoying our lives, for that in itself does much to remind us of the beautiful beings of Light we are.

~ ~ ~

I post small inspirations on my Facebook Page between writing the Ascension Notes, if you’re so inclined...Ascension: Soulstice Rising.

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If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/26/2015 6:49:23 PM

Open: Benevolent Hand, Opposing Hand

OpenHow are you helped and opposed in your spiritual unfolding?

As we unfold spiritually and step onto the path of self realisation, the veils of limited reality are peeled away and our consciousness expands into multiple realms of existence. Whilst the centre of our consciousness and therefore frame of reference remains in this realm, you begin to experience increased psychic sensitivity; higher synchronistic activity and greater intuitive capability. You seem to automatically access a place of higher knowing…

Crossing the threshold of multidimensional experience

When you cross this threshold of multidimensional experience, the natural order of higher consciousness flowing through all experiences, reveals itself in the synchronistic patterning of events. You notice you are we being aided and opposed in your continued evolution. What forms does this influence take? How might you understand it better and benefit from it?

Benevolent Consciousness

As you begin to watch how the patterns and sequences of events take shape in your life, you can build an inner consciousness landscape of synchronistic action revealing possible choices you may take in life. The guidance first leads to greater self realisation by orchestrating events to confront you with your attachments – where you are mistakenly “duped” into thinking external gratification can deliver the sense of internal completeness which is, and always was, already present.

It takes a great deal of hard work and attentive application to finally master your attachments and dissolve the fixed neural pathways in the brain that conditioned behaviours have generated. So you can expect to be tested, time and again, over many years until you have mastered the external drama of this physical reality and become fully enlightened.

Even though it is an arduous and lengthy journey of self discovery, it is also a divinely fulfilling and magical one, especially as you attune to the guiding hand of Benevolent Consciousness, bringing you to ever higher levels of awareness and understanding. A very powerful and profoundly magical relationship with your true guides is open to you, which can be far more fulfilling than any short term physical gratification. (I share a deeper perspective on “Ascended Masters” and Divine Guidance here…(1)

The more we attune to this guidance, the clearer it becomes that the ultimate objective is to liberate those who are ready to walk the inner journey. Firstly it guides you to your Enlightenment; secondly, you are made aware that a New Realm of Existence is becoming available to those who are ready to relinquish attachment to the physical realms. It is a heavenly existence that more accurately reflects our increasing vibrational levels of inner harmony, joy of living, unconditional love for all life and expanding “God Consciousness”.

Opposing Consciousness

It is no secret to many who live multidimensionally, that mankind’s natural evolution has been retarded by an Opposing Consciousness operating within the surrounding energy field, vibrating at a frequency that can be experienced but not seen.

What do we know about this consciousness? As with all etheric phenomena, our experiences are subjective to our frame of reality. Consequently, there are a wide range of descriptions, some of which, are likely to have an essence of truth. Others seem to be quite exaggerated.

It is also important not to add to the growing mythology surrounding the issue, since undue influence may distort our direct individual experience of reality. In view of this, this article will be limited to a very brief overview simply to raise awareness and offer pointers in the right direction.

It seems that Opposing Consciousness works within, and helps sustain, the Matrix of Mass Human Subconsciousness – a tangled web of controlling thought forms that exist in the surrounding energy field generated from mass systematic behaviour patterns.

In this way, Opposing Consciousness has been “farming” humanity for the emotional energy, which people release when not in internal balance. In other words, people are programmed with artificial desires and false needs, which Opposing Consciousness sustains by continually inflaming those desires by implanting thoughts or visions creating closed loops of programming.

Once active, the tendency is to respond to the programmed pattern of activities and behaviours that are against our inherent nature. This creates internal imbalance, which in turn results in anger, worry and stress. The emotional energy released is at a vibration which Opposing Consciousness can assimilate – like we assimilate our food.

Opposing Consciousness is notoriously difficult to sense. You may notice for example a spontaneous and random thought which seems to come from nowhere that may take you out of a relaxed state and into a place of worry, doubt, fear, anxiety, desire or neediness.

Most people would put this down to an over active mind, but frequently, Opposing Consciousness is the instigator of it.

So what is the best way to counteract Opposing Consciousness?

Self awareness is the key to combating Opposing Consciousness. By being continually in the place of the observer of yourself, you get to notice your repetitive conditioned patterns of behaviour, which generate internal neediness and stress. You learn instead how to attune to the lightness through all circumstances and begin to relinquish your attachment to outcomes. In this way, you generate less uncontrollable emotional energy, and make yourself less of a target.

If you are to counter the effects of Opposing Consciousness, your approach must be holistic, from the food you eat, the gadgets you use, how you spend your time, what distraction you infuse your consciousness with, being wary of subversive media influence, the configuration of our living space (come back feng shui – all is forgiven!), even to the clothes you wear. The aim is to bring energetic congruence into your life. Here are a few tips for harmonising your environment:

  • declutter living space
  • reduce the number of electrical gadgets
  • get rid of the TV or use it less
  • reduce the use of mobile phones and wireless internet
  • buy only natural cleaning products
  • wear only natural clothing like cotton, linen, hemp, silk and wool
  • eat less processed foods and switch to high vibrational vegetarian or vegan diet
  • meditate frequently
  • burn incense, use natural lighting and play calming music

Despite taking these precautions, it may be from time to time, that you come under the sense of attack. This is often experienced as headaches, migraine and tightness in the solar plexus or the feeling of energetic ‘smothering’. If this happens, the way to counter it as efficiently as possible is to become ‘as nothing’ in the face of the attack. In other words we completely surrender to it, stop what you are doing and become awesomely okay with it. By not fighting or resisting, you do not generate and release emotional energy so the Opposing Consciousness will eventually withdraw.

I’ve written in much more detail here…(2)

To pay too much attention to Opposing Consciousness is to give energy and support to it — we become emotionally over stimulated by the very attention we give. Too little attention is to make us an unwitting energy supply. A careful balance is required.


“Benevolent Hand, Opposing Hand” by Open, June 23, 2015 at

Original link: Benevolent Hand, Opposing Hand


(1) A Benevolent Guiding Presence:

(2) 9 Methods for Dealing with Psychic Energy Attack in Your Field:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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