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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/17/2015 6:23:25 PM

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle: June 16, 2015

Sheldan-Nicle-PAO11 Manik, 5 Kayab, 11 Ik

Dratzo! Around this world, a transformation of unprecedented proportions is taking place. The Anunnaki’s minions are being pushed from power in both the world’s governments and its financial system.

This amazing process is being preceded by a series of mass arrests and the sudden resignations of key figures in the global banking system. This is being done to correct a process, which has over the last two decades left this world’s financial system in shambles.

Those individuals who have immensely profited from a gross series of illegalities are shortly to pay handsomely for their attempt to permanently put your world in an immense power grab that began in earnest with the sudden departure of their former overlords, the Anunnaki.

These formerly dark lords had decided en masse to join the Light and be a positive part of the new alliance forged by the declarations of the Anchara continuum to create a new galactic peace. This enabled the Light, at last, to produce a coalition and carry out the ancient prophecies of ArchAngel Michael.

This heavenly alliance is aided here on Gaia by the forces of our large fleet, which is staffed by a group of Beings dedicated to making it possible to produce a realm that can free surface humanity. This group initially received a great setback when the American cabal struck suddenly in your Gregorian year of 2001.

DEW explosions and an all-consuming fire destroyed the twin towers of lower Manhattan. This audacious event temporarily caused a setback for those who were ready to formally declare NESARA. This legislation was to make possible new governance that was to drive the dark from power.

Nevertheless, the wars and a dark plot to take over the globe’s monetary system ultimately failed and the Light’s coalition started to come together and arrange a way to terminate the powers so illegally grabbed by the American cabal.

We now stand on the verge of the success of a ‘quiet revolution’ that is making possible a long overdue currency readjustment. These new financial systems are to drive out the dark cabal, swiftly bring this globe an end to debt slavery and produce a worldwide prosperity.

This set of legal procedures has brought Gaia’s society to the brink of a new worldwide directive. A majority of smaller governments and the international legal system is quickly isolating the de facto American governance.

This is bringing to an end the long reign of the fiat dollar and is to cause the collapse of the US Federal Reserve and a return to the US of a non-imperial foreign policy. These new circumstances are to set the way for global peace and harmony. This is to be created by the global flow of monies for innumerable humanitarian projects.

These projects are to allow this world to introduce as well numerous innovations, which are successfully to provide the devices to solve the worldwide need for water, power, infrastructures and new alternative medical devices.

These projects are as well to provide a means to end poverty and bring this realm a grace-filled prosperity. It is this global harmony that is to be the background for our formal arrival. This is when you are to meet with your many mentors.

Our arrival is to coincide with the numerous messages to be delivered to you by your Ascended Masters. In addition, you are to learn of the many Agarthans who now dwell among you. They are to let you know whom they are and to provide a series of messages that are to tell you about the wonders of Inner Earth.

After these incredible watershed events, you are to have a much better understanding of your true origins and history, which in reality dates back to the settling of Lemuria over 900,000 years ago. These facts are to be the precursor of things you are to learn from your mentors. We wish you to discover more about what the Atlanteans did and how this is to be corrected by the Agarthans and by us. Thus, you have much to learn and absorb.

You are as well to move away from money and toward a society based on abundance and your inner set of responsibilities. These beliefs are to return you to full consciousness and a complete reunion with your spiritual and space families. It is as well to put you back on the path to fulfilling your truly grand destiny!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! At present, the world is going through a blessed transformation! Those who have long spread their unique form of darkness are coming to the end of their rope.

Long ago, Heaven decreed that this extended night of the Soul was to come to an end as you began to enter the influences of the Gregorian 21st century. At this time, as promised, the forces of Heaven have started strategies, which are very shortly to produce a new world filled with peace and prosperity.

We Ascended Masters can now start to see various portents in the sky and water. These sacred signs are pointing the way to this new world. We graciously thank Heaven for deliverance, which is to fully restore to you the relationship given to us by Heaven to watch over and carefully guide your path to full consciousness.

Our next series of appointed tasks include giving you a great series of global lessons. These lessons are to be part of what is to make you aware of whom you really are.

As you grow in consciousness, you readily become much more aware of your relationship to the spiritual. This connection is one that gives you sustenance as it does us. Look upon this growing blessedness as a sign that the great suffering you had to endure is being transformed.

These physical and at times, life threatening realities are something we can now begin to alleviate. Thus, we Ascended Masters can use our abilities to bring you merciful energies to transform this deep, dark realm. Heaven provides us now with certain spiritual elements to assure the success of those who have sided with the Light.

The days of the dark cabal are numbered. A new world is being born. Those who know where to look can see how those who seek a way from this darkness are winning and those who have long run this realm are failing. Look inside and truly feel this!

These are indeed interesting times. This world has evolved so that extreme levels of worldwide oppression and slavery are slowly going away. Hence, we can see how our blessings and those of each and every one of you is taking effect more swiftly and more clearly.

Those who have opposed these changes can at last see how their powers are quickly fading. The time draws nearer for your spiritual forces to be able to manifest and openly use our energies to help our allies to succeed in their efforts. Heaven is even increasing the appearance of Angels on the Earth plane.

We have had increased reports of these Angels aiding our accomplishments. The rise of Spirit is yet another portent of how the Light is transforming this realm for the better. The moments are upon us for the long prophesied triumph of the Light upon the Earth plane.

Today, we continued with our weekly message. Be ready and able to inform your neighbors about the great events as they take place. Our messages give insights on what is happening around you. Use these to inform others and know that the time for prosperity is very, very near!

Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle, June 16, 2015, at

Source link: Sheldan Nidle PAO Update for June 16, 2015

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/17/2015 6:30:24 PM

The Oracle Report, Wednesday, June 17, 2015

There is a lot of news today. I’ve tried to group it: Far East, Middle East, Ukraine/Russia/NATO, and finally Greece/EU. I’m sure there will be more news on the Greek situation, and I will be watching for it.

I would like to recommend the FULL video by Simon Parkes posted HERE.

Also, I sense because people are finally understanding the insanity of the leadership in the West, that the tide is turning!



New Moon Phase:
beginnings, intentions

Moon in Cancer

Goddess of Wisdom: Bagalamukhi (Goddess Who Stabilizes, Goddess of the Power of Words)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: hold to a greater vision

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “winter frost in the woods”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

Today, the Sun will travel to make exact opposition with the Galactic Center, the Central Sun of our galaxy. Exact alignment occurs at 5:19 pm ET/9:19 pm UT. This angle happens only one day each year.

The Galactic Center is the hub of our galaxy, and is a place or space or point of limitlessness. It is a sacred place. It opens us up, expanding our perception and understanding. When the Sun comes into this configuration, a massive spiritual energetic is activated.

The vastness of the energy can be daunting, however. The Sabian symbols describe it perfectly. The Sun is located at the degree of the Sabian symbol of “a young gypsy emerging from the woods gazes at faraway cities.” We face the Unknown, which seems limitless under this dynamic. Things can seem insurmountable. Our programmed experience is that the unknown means something bad will happen.

But we do not know defeat, especially when we know that the highest spiritual frequencies are being disseminated. The Sabian symbol for the degree of the Galactic Center is “a sculptor’s vision is taking form.” Potential lies within the limitlessness of the unknown. It lies beyond the fear.

We hold to our vision of the world aligned with goodness, knowing that this vision is taking form. Our combined effort with spiritual allies makes it so. We engage our will today, gazing at things that aren’t so far away.

(Full report to return tomorrow.)

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/17/2015 6:32:51 PM

The Team via Peggy Black: The Matrix of This Dimension

Peggy Black

We are here, always to support and encourage your true understanding of who you are. We continue to remind you that you are pure conscious energy and light. You are infinite and limitless. These concepts and ideas are being offered to you in many form and many sources. We are also messengers to spark your awakening to your own unlimited magnificence.

We honor you also in your physical form and realize that has been your main focus. However the time has arrived that you own and you recognize the truth of who you are as a being of light consciousness dwelling in matrix created by thought. You exist in a thought universe.

Imagine for a moment that your reality could be a hologram of vibrations of thought and light. We remind you the quote by one of your sages know as Albert Einstein “Reality is merely an illusion albeit a very persistent one.” So we truly understand your difficulty in holding this field of awareness while everything around you feels so solid and “real”.

Consider that if everything is vibration and frequency, which it is, and your brain is programmed to translate these vibrations in a certain way. There is a real possible that the limited programs, the limited information, the limited beliefs that have been encoded in your very DNA is a detriment to your awakening. You brain decodes and projects onto the energy field creating the illusion of your physical world from all the misinformation and limited beliefs that are handed down one generation to another.

You media, your religions, and other forms of communication continue to empower and strengthen these limitation. Consider that every being on your planet is contributing to this illusion with their own limited beliefs and programs of limitation. You can begin to see how this reality continues to be held in this dysfunctional place.

When you as baby take your first breath, you engage with this energy matrix, this hologram or as we like to called it a hologame. You veil your infinite knowing in order to play in the 3D reality.

You as divine multidimensional being of light consciousness, here in this seeming physical reality to transform the misqualified energy. You as well as all others are here to bring light, to express light and to extend light.

Remember that your thoughts are a frequency, your thoughts are a vibration. Your words creates in this holographic matrix. You conscious vibrations interfaces with this quantum filed of energy. Even your human aura is a field of light that is felt by others in all exchanges. We have called these various vibrations that emanate from your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and programs your energy signature.

It is this energy signature that we are inviting you to own in a new conscious manner. To begin to step out of any preprogrammed beliefs that you have acquired that might be limiting in anyway. Begin to question these beliefs. Investigate where you acquired them, what is holding them in place. Begin to recognize the trance state. Ask yourself how these limited beliefs might be sabotaging some aspect of your life as well as your desire to support humanity in life sustaining actions to transform this planet.

Remember that your physical form is made up of energy atoms and light, These energy atoms are talking to each other at all time. Every aspect of your own physical form is always in communication with the whole. So ask yourself what is your own personal body talk. What do you say to your physical body through our the day? Do you acknowledge its support and well being? Do you constantly reaffirm physical limitations? Do you listen to various frequencies of the parts and pieces which forms your physical/energy body?

We invite you to consider that your body is a hologram of your thought, beliefs and programs. Even as solid as it feels and as solid as you experience it, it is a matrix of light particles. Interfacing and responding to other light particles of various vibrations and frequencies.

Consider that your thoughts are the building blocks of the hologram. It is divine thought that is the creator of oneness, you are part of this oneness, always have been and always well be. It is the spark of divine thought/vibration within you that is the creator of all you experience. This one truth can set you free of any limitations. We will repeat this for you, it is the spark of divine thought/vibration within you that is the creator of all you experience.

So begin to play in the hologame, this hologram in a manner that is unlimited. Realize that you can shift how and where you place your focus. Ask yourself why might you create this in your personal hologame? Ask yourself why you might support the creation of issues and situations on the planet that are life diminishing? Become aware of your focus, do you focus on the problems or do you focus on the reality you desire to experience?

This mental shift is the work of a true master of consciousness, who understand that this reality as solid as it feels, as enjoyable as it is, as challenging as it can be is an illusion truly created by the energy thoughts of light interfacing with the matrix of this dimension. Begin to play full out with this thought universe, allow yourself to engage with your true understanding and knowledge of your multidimensional self as an aspect of wholeness and oneness as a divine creator.

We have spoke about thinking and creating outside the box of your limitation. We continue to inform and encourage you to recognize, know and own your creative power as a being of divine light consciousness existing in all timeframes and dimensions. And as this being of divine light consciousness who has allowed an aspect and focus to play and create in this 3D reality because it is an adventure. Realize that you truly pop in and pop out of this existence.

We understand that we have stretched you just a bit. However we also acknowledge that you as pure energy are quite stretchable. We are ever available to assist and support you in any way. We are as close as a request as all other divine conscious beings are as well. We are one remember. the ‘team”

“The Team: The Matrix of This Dimension,” channeled by Peggy Black, June 18, 2015, at http:/

Source Link: Morning Messages

©2015 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is
changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/17/2015 6:37:28 PM

The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild: Jun 13, 2015

blossom goodchild

Blossom: Good morning to you. There is a subject I would like to ask you about today, concerning the end of September this year, 2015. There is quite a bit being spoken of between the dates of Sept 22 – 28th and that something big is going to happen.

Some of it is enlightening and hopeful, then of course … the opposite. I wondered if you would care to give your take on this time frame?

Federation of Light: With open heart and mind we greet each one.

I suddenly felt the Energy change dramatically … I closed my eyes and prepared for them to speak.

Here is the link to hear what ‘They’ said and below is the transcript. I HIGHLY recommend … even if you prefer to read … that you listen to theaudio, due to the Energy their sound vibration contains.

Greetings to all who have the time and the ears to listen to that which we choose to bring forth on this day in your time. We are very much aware of the question posed, regarding the time of the month of September this year, 2015.

We say to you … in Truth … as we always shall and always have done so … that indeed, much speculation has been brought forth regarding this time frame of your world and that of possibilities which may or may not occur.

There are those that speak of ‘Rapture’ … There are those that speak of … we say smilingly … ‘Alien abductions’ … We still smile!

Dearest Ones … We come forth in this way … on this day … to tell you that indeed, there shall be GREAT CHANGES taking place within this period of your time.

What shall they be? … You wonder. Will they actually occur? … You wonder. We ask you to FEEL through your heart space … the Energy that this message contains.


We have spoken with you for many a year and been within your Soul – Space for very much longer. The time frame … although there is no time where we position ourselves … is upon you now … where before the year of 2015 is through …





This Energy that is to come forth … to pour into … and be absorbed by Each One … by Every Living Thing … shall change your perspective of how you view yourselves and the world in which you live.

Each Being … Each thing in existence … shall be given the opportunity to take flight.

This experience shall raise the level of your Vibrational pull to a place that as yet, is unknown to you. You shall awaken from then on with a different FEEL regarding the VERY ESSENCE OF WHO YOU ARE.


Blossom is asking us … Shall it be a gradual changing? Or is there actually to be an ‘EVENT’ … that we have spoken of many times in the past?

We give words to you in utmost Joy … in the Knowledge that ‘Yes’ … There shall be An Event … For it shall be FELT. For those who are unable to experience the fullness of it … due to their positioning of self … And by this we do not mean geographically … But, in the space of resonance in which they reside.

Again, Blossom asks us what exactly is to take place?


Those who hear this message … we Trust shall FEEL with inside of their very Being … the core of who they are … the Truth that we bring.

We are cautious here, as we speak of a particular time. For this may be altered due to circumstances and therefore, we would not desire to bring false hope and yet, if you were to see the smile upon the face of the vessel we use … the smile that is ours … you would KNOW through FEELING … as these words are given Energetically … that something ‘soon’ … we say again ‘soon’ … for we are aware of the confusion around this wording … that things as you know them … ALL things … ALL lifestyle as you know it … is to be lifted into a Higher Vibration. One of a Higher Energy … of LOVE.

Blossom is asking still … Will it be felt? Just felt? Or, will there be a marked occasion that shall go down in the history of mankind?

Dearest Ones … Let your hearts be filled with hope … Let the Truth of yourselves KNOW this answer.

And our non-tiring questionnaire still asks … Whether or not … there shall be a ‘Happening’… an actual ‘Event’?

We so enjoy her persistence and yet … we choose to say … ‘Yes. There shall be’ … and yet in the way of its occurrence … we choose to remain in silence regarding how it is brought forth.

There can be no more disappointments … during these days ahead. Again, we say ‘before the year is out’ … You shall experience GREAT CHANGE.

As this Energy integrates with the Energy of your Planet and yourselves …






Much turmoil within the Soul – Self has been taking place for many. Once again … old patterns have emerged. Issues that one thought were gone and released … have once again, touched the heart and mind.

This is their final release. The letting go of that which no longer serves. For if must be so … to clear One’s Energy of any negativity towards self and others … in order to be the empty vessel that is open to receive this New Energy.

As this Energy merges … with self … with ALL … One shall FEEL as if they are walking on air.

Trust in yourselves. No – one else.

Trust in the LOVE that you FEEL.

As the days move forward … from this day onwards … One shall begin to FEEL the Energy building. The expectation of something that is to come. Yet, it does not come from the head space … only the heart.

Dearest Souls of Earth … you have stood by … You have bravely soldiered on. Sometimes doubting all that you knew to be your Truth. Other times … filled with a surgance of Energy that allowed you to KNOW that you are on the pathway home.

For this day … we now take our leave … but we shall speak again regarding this matter.

The lady is asking … the lady Blossom, is asking why we have not spoken of this time frame before? We have spoken of an occurrence many times. We would not say necessarily, that THE EVENT that we have spoken of … is that which lies immediately ahead. For One must understand … that One must reside in a certain Vibration … and the Energy of many must do so, also … in order for THE EVENT … THE GRAND EVENT … to take place.

And yet, that which is to occur before your year is out … shall bring to you such Happiness … such Joy … such Peace … such Understanding … such Love … on a deeper level … that, as One’s life continues on in this way … it shall lead onwards to THE GRAND EVENT of which we speak.

Fill your hearts with yourselves. LOVE every part of your waking and sleeping time.

You are so close now … Our Family of Light … Who so bravely volunteered to be on Earth through all its trials and tribulations … to be part of the transformation that is locked within the Divine Plan.

WE LOVE YOU … and so this transmission ends.

Many thanks.

The Federation of Light: June 13, 2015, channeled by Blossom Goodchild at

Source Link: Blossom Goodchild: Federation of Light

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/17/2015 6:40:33 PM


Ron Head ~ Your Path – The Council

councilThe Council
The most common, no, the universal question asked of us, and of guides on both sides of the veil is, “Am I on the right path?” The second is, “What should I be doing?” May we spend a bit of time with you today and clear that up?
There are many things we can bring into this discussion. We could answer the entire thing with the simple words of the source you call Abraham. “You cannot ever finish it and you cannot get it wrong.” However, let’s give it a bit more discussion than that, shall we?
First we will point out that you are there as a representative facet of the being who sat, and continues to sit, in conference with a council of guides, teachers, masters, and soul family who determined, and continue to determine, the why and how of your present incarnation. By far the greater part of the being you indeed are is not the tiny physical body and limited mind that you think you are. You are growing into the realization of that. It is, in fact, a large part of your purpose to do so.
You have a purpose for being where you are. You do not, most of you, remember what that is. And to most of you it remains a mystery because you do not think that you have access to the greater part of you, or you do not even suspect that there is a greater part of you. Well there is. And it is becoming known more and more widely as the spiritual side of humankind comes more to the forefront.
Even though each of you must begin this journey from where he or she finds themselves, you are all on that path. Where you stand is on that path. Your next step will be on that path. You cannot be anywhere else. It would serve you not at all to be on another’s path.
What should you be doing? You should be doing what you do best and feel the best about doing. You’ve been taught that if you are having fun, you cannot be doing the best thing. You’ve been taught that because there are those that wanted you to do what they expected of you. The fact is that the feelings of joy and accomplishment, the feelings of satisfaction, are the way that your Self, capital S, gets its guidance to you.
Now, if you have been following closely, you know that there are other ways, as well. As we said above, you are a part of this council. You are continually guided, counseled, and taught by whomever has the guidance and information that you need. That is one of the reasons that you need sleep, you know. And that is why you are so frequently told you should spend time in nature, meditate, etc.
Some of you come away with visions, with memories, with words of wisdom ringing in your heads. Some of you think that you get nothing. Let us assure you that if you make the effort, the effort is never wasted. But if you are one who learns best in one way, do not expect to be taught another way. Actually, the very most effective thing for you to do is to spend time with your awareness centered in your feelings and just stop thinking in the past (judgment) or the future (worry). You can do that anywhere, but the peace of nature, a park, a garden, where life is only concerned with living, and the peace of that is pervasive, will certainly make you feel better in short order.
Now, remember we said that you cannot get it wrong? That is true because you and the universe will always learn something. You true question is, “What will get me what I think I want in the quickest way?” Is that not accurate? Also, “How can I keep from making a huge mistake?” One answer to that is above. Another is that you will receive what you need.
But we will offer this: you cannot go wrong if you stay in appreciation and thanks for what you have and what you receive.
Now, you may think, “I can’t just drop everything and run off and become a (fill in the blank). I have obligations. I have to eat.” Can you do it for a few minutes? Can you learn something more about it? Can you watch someone do it? You get the idea. We would say that is the next step on your path that you ‘should’ take. Please notice that we put the word should in quotes. What we mean is that you may find it to be beneficial to your learning and growth. And you may also find that it is a gift you can share with the world.
There is nothing that you can contribute to the world more helpful than the keeping of yourself in a higher vibration. That means, oddly enough, that it is very helpful for you to be happy. And happy is something you can be if you decide to be. It is a thing that you can do. Do that. Do it a lot. Make it a habit. Make it be what people think of when they think of you.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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