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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/16/2015 6:53:49 PM

TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2015

Bob Fickes ~ The Ego is Our Friend


So many people believe that the ego needs to be eliminated in order to become Enlightened. The ego is not your enemy. Our ego allows us to focus and do things in this world. Without our ego we couldn’t function. The only problem we have with ego is attachment. When our ego gets attached, we can only see what we are focused on and ignore everything else. The solution to this problem is easy. If we can expand our heart and broaden our vision, the ego could be a mighty tool for the universe to help us change our life and bring greater harmony to our world. There is no need to eliminate our ego when our heart is full of love.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/16/2015 7:01:09 PM

Phillip J. Watt: Redesigning Society: An introduction to the Experts on Social Change

Phil WattThe Purpose

The ‘Redesigning Society’ series will capture some expert perspectives on the current state of societal affairs, as well as the collective change we desperately need both philosophically and practically. It also aims to amplify mainstream engagement in how we should globally move forward for ourselves and our future generations.

The Context

Make no mistake about it; there is a growing community of ‘awakening’ people are who engaged in a core dialogue about what it means to be human at the start of the 21st Century. This awakening is a natural evolution for human consciousness and is composed of two overarching parts.

First is a deep realization of the innate interdependence we have with the entirety of reality, regardless if we look at it through the lenses of ecology, quantum physics or spirituality. The second is recognizing the social and systemic dysfunction that requires collective action to be transcended by redesigning our society to reflect the new era that humanity is adventuring into.

A collective awakening, driven by individual awakenings, has been a long time in the making. Inspiringly we are becoming increasingly closer to the tipping point for a society which has disconnected from the dominant worldviews and has awakened to their ‘connection-through-consciousness’ and the need for serious social change. The tipping point is estimated to be between 10 and 20% of the population; think of it like a fad that quickly grips the collective mindset, such as a particular fashion.

Once the required threshold is reached, it is inevitable for the masses to become aware of these ‘truths’ no matter how conditioned into mainstream ‘beliefs’ they might currently be.

The reality is that throughout the uniting global culture, which is a natural manifestation of modern day society, individuals are increasingly moving one of two ways. They are either opening up to the interconnection of life, including with Mother Earth and every person on her, or they’re going further into the depths of a disconnected and meaningless world.

However many are stuck in the middle, mostly due to the ‘scientism’ that has damaged our collective philosophical health. Unsurprisingly the data accumulating from the quantum sciences is increasingly making it clearer that the rebirth of this ancient wisdom and tribal philosophy is a rational and evidence-based path for our future.

Once this meta-paradigm is embraced on a planetary scale it will impact our value systems at a fundamental level because it will revolutionize how we collectively respect each other and our natural systems. This understanding is also important for the health and sanity of the individual because without it, the issues that plague our beautiful existence can become a little overwhelming – both emotionally and psychologically – especially when we don’t contextualize them into this more holistic picture.

The Reality

One of the biggest issues faced by humanity, most prominently in the Western World, is being virtually enslaved to dysfunctional and unhealthy theories and practices. These systems have been amplified by a hidden aristocracy, or ‘shadow-government’, who are the real power brokers of our world. This can be hard to accept, but true nevertheless.

Yet due to the instantaneous sharing of information across our globe, for the first time in the known history of humanity we can unite the people of earth to achieve a common goal: we the people, not the elite, will control our own destiny. Since humanity’s conception there has always been an ‘empire’ that has controlled the paths that we collectively forge, but now so many grass roots movements have emerged in response to the unhealthy and superficial ‘programs’ that we’ve been conditioned into since birth and are making slow but positive change in a wide array of areas for our future.

Example include:

  • Truthful information is reaching the world to combat the lies of the mainstream media;
  • Political parties are emerging to remove big money from the sell-out of our democracy;
  • Economic models are being designed to provide wealth and abundance for the people;
  • The dogma of the scientific establishment, which has been hijacked by corporate interests and ideological bias, is being exposed;
  • Local communities are being built from the ground up to meet the true needs of each other, their environment and future generations;
  • Healthy food is being produced in local, ethical and sustainable ways;
  • The biodiversity of life on our planet is being supported to ensure it doesn’t just survive, but thrive; and
  • Kids are being taught the true values and lessons of life that are missing from our education models.

The beautiful truth is that more and more people are disconnecting from the false truths which permeate our ‘accepted’ views of existence. These delusions have been spread like wildfire through the corporate owned-and-controlled mainstream media but their reign is ending because of a greater accessibility to information that is more closely aligned with the truth. This has been a direct result of the technological and digital revolutions, as well as the rise of alternative media.

Of course many of the worldviews or beliefs heralded by the conventional channels have a lot truth woven through them, which is partly why they’re so convincing. However, as previously alluded, the most pervading and damaging deception is the unwise and dogmatic philosophy of a purely mechanical and material universe which has been ‘unscientifically’ adopted by the academic and scientific establishments. This ‘false assumption’ is a metaphysics because it attempts to explain the fundamental nature of existence, however it has infiltrated Western value systems and produced unhealthy individual, social and environmental impacts as a result.

It’s also what is omitted from these ‘modern-day fairy tales’ which can be the most harmful, such as the information which is avoided to maintain the status quo. Plus, when we’re born into a world where the majority of people uncritically accept what is being said in their papers and on their screens, it is uncomplicated to understand why the masses have unconsciously fallen so easily into this trap.

There are several principal ideologies, among other sub-divisions, which have maintained hegemony over the collective consciousness during the last millennia. Chronologically they occurred as religion, individualism, materialism and consumerism, all of which have exceedingly amplified a collective disconnection from nature.

Obviously these ideologies have some associated goodness; however, the masses have been conditioned to thoughtlessly accept them which has resulted with toxic levels of intolerance, hatred, greed, selfishness, isolation, competition, aggression, dishonesty, cruelty, laziness, obsession and vanity, among many others. There is also a widening wealth inequality gap with so many people continuing to suffer from socioeconomic disadvantage such as ill-health, poverty and homelessness.

But finally, for the benefit of our species, these paradigms of mental and behavioral control are cracking through their weaknesses and elucidating right before our rational minds and intuitive hearts. This is definitely emerging as the most inspiring, empowering and enlightening time to be alive on planet earth.

The Topics and Experts

What follows are some of the topics that need greater attention in our mainstream conversations to assist humanity’s inevitable awakening to the innate entanglement, symbolism and sentience of reality, as well as some of the systemic change needed to reflect this new era. This project is an evolving process, so they’ll also be a few surprises along the way too.

In addition, it’s important to note that each individual guest explicitly advocates for their opinion only and therefore do not necessarily agree with all of the views of the project’s author or any other guest.

  1. Communities – Local Economies & Happy People with Helena Norberg-Hodge
  2. Economics – Debt Jubilee & Minimum Wage with Steve Keen
  3. Science – Exposing the Dogma with Rupert Sheldrake
  4. Food – Ethical Design Science via Permaculture with Geoff Lawton
  5. The Mind – The Science of Parapsychology with Dean Radin
  6. Medicine – Sacred Plant Therapies with Dennis McKenna
  7. Behavior – Disconnecting from the Mainstream with Zen Gardner
  8. Education – Revolutionizing How we Teach our Kids with Will Stanton
  9. Power – Geopolitics and Elite Structures with Paul Craig Roberts
  10. Freedom – The War on Consciousness with Graham Hancock
  11. Perception – Awakening the Self and Society with Phillip J. Watt
  12. Society – A New Era of Abundance with TBA
  13. Health – Fixing Disease with Diet and Nutrition with TBA
  14. Media – The Rise of Alternative Information Channels with TBA

Final Thoughts

Redesigning Society packages together a plethora of specialist information which is essential to enter into mainstream thought and dialogue. It is not intended to be ‘blindly believed’ by its audience; instead it is devised as a platform for its participants to launch into their own robust research and analysis, as well as spark healthy and productive debate among family, friends and peers, especially with those who have not yet been exposed to this type of discussion.

The project also strongly encourages people to comprehensively sift through the lies, manipulation and propaganda that plague the mainstream media and the stories they tell. It is of our belief that everybody deserves that freedom and clarity of mind.

In addition, the rabbit hole goes much deeper than what will be discussed here; however this series is intended to challenge those who ‘believe’ the mainstream worldview in a way which isn’t too confronting to comprehend. Please subscribe to “The Conscious Society” YouTube Channel (1) and share these articles and videos through your social media platforms. If you can take the time to write a comment regarding what they’re about it will also improve engagement with your peers.

How far this series reaches will be entirely up to the audience, so a big thanks to everyone who participates throughout the ride. We promise it’s not just going to be informative, but enjoyable too. Read the preliminary article here and watch a short introduction to the project in the following video.

“Redesigning Society: An introduction to the Experts on Social Change” by Phillip J. Watt, June 14, 2015 at

(1) The Conscious Society Youtube channel:

Original link: Redesigning Society: An introduction to the Experts on Social Change

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/16/2015 7:04:33 PM

TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2015

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ YOU HOLD THE VIBRATORY KEY

Dear ones it is time to remove the humanness that keeps you so strapped in to all the roles that you once played. Know at this time and this vibration and this intersection of light you are worthy of grandness that you have failed to become in the past. You are a conjunction of all of your doubts, of all of your imaginings, of all of your needs. You are conjunction of time and space and heaven and hell. You are the destiny of this beauteous planet that you stand upon.

You hold the vibratory key that escorts so many into a portal, a place of safety and it is in this place of safety that you will lift them so they do not stumble. You will lift them by drinking for them, by sleeping for them, by praying for them, by holding the fire light for them. You will lift them in your song, in your laughter and in your playful manner because that is what you have always done.

So many wear somber faces hating life. This life is gift and should be received accordingly. Embrace all those shortcomings that you try so hard to cover and prevent others from seeing. Embrace and love all the stupid things you do throughout the day and all the imperfections that you wear so well. For all of nature is beautiful, as are you. Your worth is priceless and in that priceless vibration you need to embrace all the dreams within your heart. Do not cut yourself short. Do not put on the brakes when you yearn so deeply in your heart to fulfill desires that are a but a tiny seed of creation waiting on being birthed.

The time to address all your fears is now. The time to move forward wearing a badge of courage is now. The time to dream as big as your possibly can is now. Do not be afraid of the predictions; do not be afraid of the prophecy whether it is true or not. for the vibratory level that you live in a safe place that is beyond the reach of what makes others so fearful. You must believe without a shadow of doubt; look at your shadow and embrace every party of her for you wear her because you have earned her. Every valley of woe, of death and demise you have walked through now comes to a point of reflection and in this reflection there will be a collage of mirrors. Every angle you look at you will see yourself differently and that is your gift.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/16/2015 7:11:00 PM

TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2015

Dr Michael Salla Update - Full ET disclosure plan involves document dumps & whistleblowers coming forward

Written by Dr Michael Salla on

Secret space program whistleblower Corey Goode has revealed in detail the goal of an alliance of secret space programs concerning disclosure of extraterrestrial life and technology. Goode describes the goal as a “full disclosure event’ involving massive document dumps on a scale that overwhelms the corporate run media’s ability to spin and limit disclosure efforts to protect elite individuals being exposed for crimes against humanity.

Goode appeals to other whistleblowers to come forward, as he has, to reveal their knowledge of secret space programs. His efforts appear to be bearing fruit with one individual coming forward on his website to claim that a corporate run space program is killing off former astronauts to prevent them becoming part of a “full disclosure event”.

From June 5-9, Goode attended a series of three meetings between different factions and alliances concerning how much to disclose about the truth of extraterrestrial visitors and secret space programs using advanced technologies. During his June 9 meeting with human elites he describes as the “Committee of 200” and others, an offer was made for a “controlled disclosure”:

They stated that they had been forced through generations of mind control and threats to do all of the things that they had done. They further stated that they would prefer to work with the Alliances in setting up a new financial system that was fair to all of humanity and to begin a controlled disclosure that would not expose certain crimes and incidents that would incriminate them in their life time…. Taking all of that in consideration they proposed that a plan be agreed on that allowed the release of certain information and technologies while withholding the majority of information for a 50 year time period.

This “controlled disclosure” offer has led to concerns and questions about the kind of disclosure that is being planned by the “Secret Space Program Alliance” that Goode is working with. In his June 15 response to one of these questions, he explained the goal:

A full disclosure event would consist of a major data dump on the Internet with many hundreds of thousands of document, audio and video files on multiple mirrored sites for everyone to have access to. There would be a collapse of the corporate media machine and a 24/7 television and radio education campaign would be initiated .Not all channels and stations would be co-opted so people are not overwhelmed and could “tune out” as they needed to due to the stress.

He then explains what a “partial” or “controlled disclosure” event, such as the November 2015 offer by the Committee of 200, would entail:

If a person or group go public and reveal the existence of ET visitation and some advanced technologies, but not technologies that would collapse a “New Financial System” or reveal the crimes against humanity that have been perpetrated by the “Human Elite” and certain “Off World” or “Ancient Break Away Groups” then you have not been told the whole truth.

That would be a partial disclosure where the narrative has been controlled by a group preserving their power and avoiding the release of their crimes. The majority of the world would be shocked by this information alone and it would occupy their imaginations for some time. Very few of us at the current moment would realize that this was just another deception.

Goode then went on to appeal to other whistleblowers to come forward:

That is why some of us are disclosing what we are now so that other whistle blowers will come forward when they see it is safe to do so.

Goode’s appeal to other secret space program whistleblowers to come forward appears to have already had an effect. One person contacted him and requested an answer to the following question:

I was part of a team of 3 astronauts that went to Mars on a privately funded secret mission, 2 are now dead, they’re killing us to preserve the secret. Is Chad Johnson alive, safe and sound? Is he part of SSP program’

In his response, Goode says: “The person you are referring to is most likely higher level and in one of the corporate SSP’s if he is indeed alive and still apart of the programs.” He goes on to request the individual to contact him. While the anonymous questioner’s claim requires confirmation, it is an example of the kind of information many whistleblowers are likely to share either leading up to or as part of a full disclosure event.

If you have first-hand knowledge of a secret space program, Corey Goode makes the following request:

If you are thinking of coming forward with information and become an anonymous or open whistle blower please Contact Myself, David Wilcock orMichael Salla to make sure you will be handled in an ETHICAL and secure manner.

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/16/2015 7:20:38 PM

Working (and Living) from the Heart


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

I don’t know how other people write, and I don’t know all of the rules that come with writing. I’m sure everyone has a different style and writes about different things, and while I repost a lot of articles from other people, I don’t always pay attention to how they express themselves.

When it comes to writing, I only know two things: I want to write about the spiritual journey, and I want to write from the heart. Nothing else is as important to me, and no matter what I say, I want to say it with love.

When I run out of things to say, I want to sit in heart-centered silence until something new comes up. When I don’t think my work is good enough or I could’ve expressed myself more clearly, I want to stay rooted in love and continue to work patiently, knowing that it will get better.

When I’m confronted by some monumental creative challenge, I want to calmly disassemble it and emerge triumphant. I don’t want writing to become something that’s dull, uninteresting or centered purely in the mind, and I want to express a higher perspective whenever possible.

I still haven’t figured out the key to staying in a consistent or coherent creative flow, and I’ve come to understand that writer’s block (along with not feeling good enough) is a part of the process and we just have to deal with it the best we can.

The worst thing we can do is let it bring us down, but when we’re centered in the heart, we can handle it more easily and we won’t burn ourselves out or make ourselves miserable trying to stay in our flow or create something ‘good’.

We’ll understand that flowing and being ‘good’ will happen in their own time, and until then, the best thing we can do is patiently develop our craft and remember to have fun with it. We won’t always feel like our work is the best or most acceptable, but anything we contribute is significant – especially right now.


We’re in some pretty interesting times, and any perspective that anyone has to offer is significant. We all need to give our perspective on the things that are unfolding in our lives and the world around us, because we all have a unique piece of the puzzle to contribute and without us, the world is missing something.

We aren’t too small or insignificant for our voice to mean anything, and we have a lot more power than we’ve been programmed to believe. With love by our side, we’ll be able to express ourselves in any way we see fit and our fulfillment will skyrocket as we dedicate ourselves to our creativity and learn to enjoy life.

Everything we seek lives in the heart, and this can especially be said for our creativity, so let’s look to it (and our higher consciousness in general) for all of the love, fulfillment and self-expression we seek. We have to believe in ourselves if we want our heart-centered expressions to mean anything, and this too will get easier when we’re rooted in love.

Even if others belittle our work or the philosophy that drives it, we won’t be dismayed by their judgment or criticism because we’ll know that in the big picture, we’re entering a reality of infinite love and creative potential.

In fact, criticism could encourage us to try even harder and do even more with our social and spiritual awareness, and if we’re more motivated, we’ll naturally achieve more and we’ll be more excited to take on new creative challenges and express ourselves in new, unique ways.

The first step is to look in our heart for love, happiness, fulfillment and unlimited creativity, and everything will fall into place when we can do this. After we repeatedly place ourselves in this space, it’ll eventually become natural and we’ll no longer need to make an effort to find what will already be here.

Every spiritual practice requires effort in the beginning, and in time, it becomes so natural that we don’t even realize we’re doing it. We’ll be constantly centered in the heart if we keep at it, so it’ll become as effortless as breathing and our monumental achievement might not even be evident at first.

We have to make an effort and keep at it in the beginning, but if we stay dedicated, life will eventually revolve around our love and our higher consciousness. Then, we can really start our work and reach more people than we ever thought possible.

The world will respond to our love and centeredness, and others will learn to joyfully and passionately express themselves from the heart. We’re teachers and wayshowers who are training ourselves for the next level, and anchoring ourselves in the heart now will make our role a lot easier in the immediate future.


Photos: No copyright infringement intended.

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I’m a twenty-two year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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