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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/17/2015 6:49:09 PM


Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ STAND UP FOR WHAT IS GOOD…

Within the human being is a seed of hope a divine blueprint that has promised never to leave. A seed that stays planted no matter how bad the weather and storms of life may be. So many people have worked so hard only to see their dreams laid to rest in a barren thirsty soil. They have followed their divine blueprint into a desert that grows little and a land that does not support. They have extended themselves financially, emotionally and physically plowing a land that is unfriendly and desires not to support what their heart yearns for.

As their dreams begin to wither in the high noon sun of earthly chaos and manipulation the light of hope seems to fade, the heart begins to close the door on hope. We become robot like as we struggle not to feel the sadness in our heart. We don’t want to give up on what lives in our heart but we do not see the seasons changing in our favor.

All hands of the planet reach out to take what little you have stretching you into more fears and tears. The price of all goes sky high as you continue to make ends meet the rope gets tighter and tighter around your dreams seeming to squeeze the very life out of them. We begin to feel like silly putty bouncing off the walls and only absorbing the pictures that others give to us. We try hard to escape this harsh reality but life swims toward us with an open mouth hungry to take any and all. Any illusion of control is held tightly in the body as pain as we announce to the world what we are not going to do louder than what we will be forced to do via life and circumstance.

Our bodies kick and scream and our soul pirouettes spinning out of control as the seasons of time demand our undivided attention. All personal considerations go on hold as these vast energies enter our field of inquiry. Fight or flight gallops thru our biological system as adrenaline glands pump hard like horses in the Kentucky derby. Like neighbor kids in a snowball fight, no harm intended but it still hurts. We feel helpless and hopeless as our dreams seem to whither on the vine. Our ability to nurture has turned into the need to survive. We begin to panic looking for the escape hatch, anything has to be better that all of this planetary upheaval.

All of these events have been predicted for many years but we did not hear and we did not want to see that particular future. We now sit in space and time asking to be rescued by anything or anyone. In this place of vulnerability the scent of danger is sensed, as we become victims of a changing world. How can little ole us fight the oil companies the government the choices of people that do not seem to know what they are doing? How can we correct the balance of a world and economy on tilt?

Well dear ones it is time to get off our humbled haunches and stand up for all we believe to be good and light and truth and honor. We have been schooled for this time and energy our entire life. We are not little in light or purpose we are destined to make a difference person by person thought by thought without fear of consequence.

We have the light to shift the molecules that seem to own us taking away our freedom of choice. Yes we are adrift on a sea of manipulation by all that seems grander than we do. Yes we are padding to our hopes and dreams in a beautiful pea green boat, on a sea that changes its currents every day. We are not someone’s puppets to be played with and restrung at a moments notice. We are the rescuers of a world that has come undone. It is up to us to hold the vision of peace, praying for the greatest good of all concerned.

We can shift our world thought by thought starting with our own little personal universe. We are not blind victims in a con game, we have come into this with eyes wide open, and no matter how hard we try to close them we can still see clearly. No one on this earth has the right to shrivel our dreams pushing us from the cliffs as we strive to climb to new heights.

We have a great promise that lives in our soul over-shadowing all disbelief. We can not and will not let others decide our destiny. Are we so small and meek that we are afraid of everything. How can we let such things make us give up on our dreams of doing and becoming? We are greater than what befalls us. Our life force has better things to do than swat at what is small and pesky. We have people to love, an earth to heal, and life to live to the fullest.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/17/2015 6:56:17 PM

Len Chetkin: As Within, So Without: 10 Thoughts to Happiness

Len - this oneIt’s been twenty-five years since I first heard the words, “You back there, in the blue shirt, I have your father with me.”

It was my first exposure to anything metaphysical, anything beyond the physical.

My soon-to-be wife had invited me to Lily Dale, New York, a spiritualist community located about fifty miles south of Buffalo, just off Route 60, that’s inhabited by a great many mediums, one of whom was on the stage that day, in the auditorium, giving mini-messages.

“I have your father with me,” the medium called out to me.

“I suppose that’s possible,” I answered.

“It’s more than possible,” she countered, “He’s here, and he’s showing me lots of shoes. Was he in the shoe business?”

My father had been in the shoe business most of his life.

And so the credibility began of knowing that not everything is as it appears on the surface. There’s more. Much more.

And the “more” I speak of holds the answer to peace, security, and happiness in our lives.

As Within, So Without

As within, so without. Those four words compose one of the most powerful truths brought to mankind.

And I am almost ashamed to admit that it took me a lot of the twenty-five years since my first exposure to metaphysics to have that awareness crystallize in my consciousness. That what happens within is the determinant to what happens without. Carrying it one step further, in order to change our physical lives, we must look within for answers.

That’s where meditation and prayer come into play.

Through meditation and prayer, we can change our thoughts. And with the changing of our thoughts comes the changing of our lives in the physical.

The Buddha says all we are is the result of our thoughts. We are made by our thoughts.

If we choose to accept the Buddha’s words as truth, then it would seem logical to monitor our thoughts.

After all, we have dominion over our thoughts, although sometimes we find ourselves saying “I can’t help what I think.”

We Can Help What We Think

We can help what we think. At this moment I choose to think I’m going to take a London vacation, that to root for the Chicago Cubs is to set yourself up for one hundred disappointments a year, that a pretty girl is like a melody, and that time and space exist as long as light exists.

So, if we have dominion over our thoughts, wouldn’t it make sense to think thoughts that lead to happiness instead of thoughts that lead to sadness, depression, and despair? I categorically think so.

I was on a US Airways flight out of Atlanta, bound for Buffalo, when the idea struck me! How many thoughts that lead to happiness could I list? I opened my flight bag, pulled out my pad and pencil and began to write.

Quite to my surprise, after filling out one page, I noticed two elderly women standing to my right watching what I was doing. One of them asked, “What are you writing?

Thoughts That Lead to Happiness

“I’m writing thoughts that lead to happiness,” I answered playfully.

“Oh yeah. What’s a thought that leads to happiness?” she asked, picking up my playful attitude.

How about number one on the list?

1. Send Love To Someone You Feel Has Wronged You

“Why should we do that?” she asked, with the playfulness subsiding and interest taking its place.

“Well, for one thing, carrying around anger robs you of peace and tranquility. After all, you started out peacefully, then you perceived someone did something to you that shouldn’t have been done, and you chose to be angry about it.

“So another person has taken your power. Now you’re walking around angry and resentful, and how long is that going to last?

“You chose to be angry, but there is the other choice. Love. And when love is introduced, the healing begins. For the other guy as well as yourself. And this way you remain tranquil.”

The woman thought about it for a moment and then asked for a copy of the first page I had written.

She had been touched by the fact that she had a choice.

It isn’t a given that anger must be returned with anger.

We don’t have to act destructively just because the other person acts that way. We have a choice.

I know that this may appear to be a difficult concept to accept, but isn’t it worth a try — what have you got to lose?

And as the women returned to their seats, after vowing to return for the copy they requested, I thought to myself, “Maybe I have something here. . . .”

I began to ponder number two on the list

2. There Are No Bad Guys

When we take a good look at the “bad guys” who appear in our lives and analyze who they are and what they’re thinking, we suddenly realize that they’re teachers who have come along at precisely the right moment in our lives. That’s what they are: teachers. They present an obstacle to overcome that teaches us a lesson to be learned, forcing us to stretch ourselves because they stand in the way of the path that leads to our personal heaven.

They’re an illusion that appears to be very real.

I remember standing in the doorway of my carpet store in Key West, looking out at the road being torn up. The city fathers had voted to “four-lane” Flagler Avenue, and anybody who had a business there had better beware. We were looking at six months of torn-up road.

I remember thinking, “Darn it. The business is just getting off the ground. Now what?”

I had a couple of choices.

One: I could visit City Hall and complain. Saying that to tear up Flagler Avenue would mean the finish of most of the small businesses located there. But I knew that wouldn’t stop them.

Two: I could abandon the business and look for a new livelihood, because it would be impossible to survive once that road was completely torn up. Customers just wouldn’t park three blocks away and overcome an obstacle course to get to my store. It was asking too much.

Three: I could look for a new location and hope for the best.

I chose number three. And it was to be a choice that would thrust me into a position of financial gain that no one could have foreseen.

So, where’s the bad guy? It would seem the city fathers assumed that role.

But with everything played out, we discover that instead of bad guys, they were the instrument that forced me to move downtown (a desolate area at the time).

You could actually have called it a ghost town. As I think back, I say to myself, “It truly was a ghost town. Spirit was there.”

And when the opportunity arose to purchase the largest building in downtown Key West, at bargain prices, just prior to the tourist business explosion, I now know that spirit was there.

I didn’t have a dime to put down and still managed to acquire that building. So the city fathers, acting without concern for the business on Flagler Avenue, seeming to be the bad guy, in my case turned out to be the good guy.

Bad guys are actors in the play of life, and since we write our own script, where’s the problem?

If we would just row our own boat and go gently down the stream, we would realize that obstacles appearing on the path are really teachers: forcing us to stretch ourselves as we reach higher.

Now, those are two thoughts that lead to happiness. And as I bring them to you, I am more convinced that merely by adjusting our thoughts, our choices in life, we can guarantee our own bliss, our own happiness.

3. Using Our Creativity Rids Us of Depression

When I was traveling around the country in a musical group, getting nowhere fast, I was often angry and depressed because of what seemed to be a no-win situation.

But when I finally stopped the music and created a carpet business out of a two-hundred-dollar investment, I used my time to enhance the carpet business instead of thinking about anger and depression.

I loved that business from the beginning, and when you love what you’re doing, good things happen, because you are bathed in God’s Light.

4. Don’t Hurry, Don’t Worry, Don’t Think Too Much

Egypt is a great place to visit. If you can get there, get there. And please don’t miss the Pyramid of Gisa. When you’re at the Pyramid, visit the King’s Chamber and the Queen’s Chamber. Ancient energies are awaiting those who are aware.

I’ll never forget the old man who had been hanging around the Pyramid for many, many years. His name is Champion, and he might still be there.

His words of wisdom were, “Don’t hurry, don’t worry, and don’t think too much.”

Pretty good advice for a person seeking happiness.

5. Listen — Meditate

There is an inner voice speaking to you at all times. You’ll never hear it if you don’t quiet your mind. Listen — Meditate.

The voice saved my life.

I was on Kennedy Drive in Key West waiting for the light to turn green so I could make a left on Route 1.

Just as it did, and I was about to go, a tiny voice in my head said, “Wait!”

“What do you mean,” I thought. I hesitated and a car came speeding through the red light, going at least 60 mph. Wow, I thought.

After regaining my composure, I found that the light had turned red for me.

Then it turned green, and, again, I heard the voice, “Wait.” And impossible as it may seem, again a car came crashing through the red light.

Twice, within a period of ninety seconds, I was saved.

My mind is forever tuned in to the small voice that is talking to me.

6. Read About Love

Feeling down in the dumps? Read about love.

The advice I’m speaking of has worked for me hundreds of times. I’m so happy it came to mind to include it in this book.

When you’re feeling bad and dejected, pick up a book by Alan Cohen, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Leo Buscaglia, and many others. They speak of love, and when you read about love, it is impossible not to have your spirit lifted.

7. Catapult Yourself into Your Dreams

No matter what your situation in life, you can catapult yourself into the place of your dreams.

The key is to believe — I mean believe — or to put it another way, to know of the world of infinite possibilities.

I know what happened to me. And now I know that another level is always there within reach. And another level after that. Look at all the examples that you know of. The same possibilities are there for everyone.

  • Elvis Presley: from Tupelo, Mississippi to worldwide fame.
  • Colonel Sanders: refusing to accept failure, ends up with KFC.
  • Bill Gates: from his garage to billions of dollars in his possession.

There are endless examples.

Set your goal and take a step toward it. It can become a reality.

8. Teach and Learn

You teach best what you most need to learn. — Richard Bach’s Illusions

For the past thirty years, I have had this burning desire to absorb God’s truths, and I know in my heart that if I were to lecture on them, they would be impressed in me as spiritual knowings, instead of just surface information.

Just repeating the words Love, Forgive, Give, Go Within, etc., and explaining their meaning, is a most satisfying thing in my life. I can feel the peacefulness come over me as I write these words. Please don’t miss this opportunity open to all.

9. Live To Never Be Ashamed

Live never to be ashamed of anything you’ve ever done. Then you can go about your life without fearing something might surface that you aren’t proud of.

It’s being impeccable, it’s showing the people you encounter that you can be counted on to be an ally – never an enemy. There’s a good line: Always be an ally — never an enemy.

It’s doing things that you know will enhance the quality of someone’s life, and it’s not doing things that carry a measure of destruction with them.

Everybody deserves a high quality of life. Everybody. Leave judgment out.

So, staying on a path of heal and reveal is going to bring the sweetness of life to you.

Then, you will be living without the fear of exposure. And any fear we can eliminate from our lives takes us one step closer to God.

10. Always in a Healing Mode

We are always in a healing mode — physically, spiritually, mentally.

Even if you reject the idea of meditating (and I can’t think of one good reason why you would), just closing your eyes and being still for a few moments will allow you to feel the healing going on.

Think about the healing you are absolutely sure of. Like cutting yourself with a kitchen knife. Do you have any doubt that the cut will heal itself? Of course not.

That is physical healing.

Mental and spiritual healing work in the same manner.

Have you recently gone through a divorce? Lost a loved one or suffered some other emotional stress? In most of these cases, time is the healer. Of course you never forget the lost loved one, but at least the emotionalism is reduced to a minimum.

“As Within, So Without: 10 Thoughts To Happiness” by Len Chetkin, not dated, at

Original link: As Within, So Without: 10 Thoughts To Happiness

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/17/2015 7:00:55 PM


Planet Alert June 2015 By Mahala Gayle, on June 16th, 2015


Have you noticed how fast time is moving? Pretty soon we will be in no-time and then we will be living in the NOW. The higher the frequency on Earth, the faster time moves. If time continues to move this fast we might just be in the time of no-time by the end of September, and we might find ourselves living on a higher dimension Earth. We do live in exciting times.

There will be four main planetary aspects in June. The first one is that Mercury will turn direct on June 11th, and the second one will be Neptune turning retrograde on June 12th for several months. Neptune will be stationary for a couple of months on nine degrees Pisces. The focus of that degree will be “Man’s ability to develop powers and skills which by transcending natural limitations allow him/her to operate in the mental-spiritual realms.” This will be a good vibrational energy and will allow us to integrate the strong energy that will be coming in from the Saturn/Alcyone opposition all summer.

The third planetary aspect will be Saturn turning retrograde back into Scorpio on June 14th, where it will stay until mid–September. Our solar system orbits around Alcyone, the central Sun of the Pleiadean system. It takes approximately 26,000 years for the complete rotation. Alcyone manifests very high energy. We will be bombarded with this high frequency energy for three months. Be prepared for this energy by being calm inside or you may have some challenges with it. It looks like this energy may cause the Shuman Resonance to go really high, like maybe up to 13 Hertz by September. It’s around 9 Hertz right now. It’s my understanding that various parts of the world have different Hertz ratings. Some areas have a low vibration and other areas have a very high vibration.

A planetary aspect can be stationary and inactive in the heavens until a planet or moon triggers an event. This means there will be quiet times in between the trigger points. When the moon will be in Taurus, Aquarius, and Leo, the Saturn Alcyone aspect will be triggered. And when Jupiter moves onto 28 degrees Leo, the first 10 days of August we will see a very strong energy for Earth changes. Now this aspect could cause a large quake in the Middle East, or at the opposite point which is the West Coast of America, or the Leo part which is Japan, the Koreas and that part of the world. On August 7th Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter will be conjunct in Leo around 28 degrees, the moon will be in Taurus, and Saturn will be in Scorpio. This will make a T cross in the heavens. The declinations of the planets will be on low latitude like 34-40 N. This could mean an earthquake In the Middle East, possibly Iran.

Then on September 23-24 Mars will be on zero degrees Virgo. This is now the degree of Regulus, The Royal Star of the Lion. Virgo is the sign of the Goddess energy. A 2,160 year cycle of Virgo, the Goddess started on July 11, 1991. We have slowly integrated this Goddess/love energy into planet Earth.

This aspect will be right before the fourth red blood moon eclipse. It will be interesting to see what that brings. This might activate an electromagnetic wave like Dr. Simon Atkins talks about on a radio program Phoenix Rising Radio 2015-05-07 Dr Simon Atkins with Amazing Predictions! He says this wave will hit Earth in September. This could be the time when Mother Earth decides to Ascend into a fifth dimension Earth.

We actually lived on a sixth dimension Earth a long time ago, and we fell to a third dimension Earth. This is what the fall of Lucifer was all about. We chose to experience what it would be like to live on a third dimension Earth. It has not been easy and it has taken a long time to raise the vibration of Earth to what it is now. In August of 1987, at the time of the Harmonic Convergence, we moved into a new time-line of a fourth dimension Earth. The fourth dimension Earth is where everything manifests, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Now we are reaching for a fifth dimension Earth which is one of Unity Consciousness. This will be a much better place to live. Then on to a sixth dimension Earth.

I believe that the sixth dimension Earth still exists and that is what is considered the New Earth, which is one of love. The sound of love is 528 Hertz which breaks down to the number 15 or 6. We have to raise our vibration high enough so we can see the New Earth in order to live on it. It is also the dimension of magic and miracles.

The fourth planetary aspect will be Mars moving into Cancer on June 24th. Right now Mars is in Gemini along with Mercury and our Sun. Gemini is the sign that rules the area from the Cascade Mountains to the Mississippi River. I received several emails talking about a possible 9 plus earthquake in southern California on May 28th. I looked at the planets and said ‘this will not happen in California’ because the main energy from the planets is over Texas and Oklahoma, plus other areas of Earth.

There was a 6.7 earthquake on May 28th off the islands off Alaska. There were also volcanic eruptions in Japan and Chili on that day. And there was a 7.8 quake in southern Japan on May 30th. The sun and Mars will continue to travel over the Gemini areas until June 21 -24th so look for more earth changes in the Southwest. There will probably be more storms because that is what Mercury rules, and that planet rules Gemini.

The planet Mars moving through Cancer from June 24 to August 8th may prove challenging. Pluto will turn direct on September 24th. This means that Pluto will be retrograde all summer. Pluto is always very powerful when it is in the retrograde phase. On the new moon of July 15th Mars will be opposing Pluto. This is normally a violent aspect and causes events like riots, demonstrations, police action, military action, fires and explosions. There could be lots of fires and heat during this time period. The degree Pluto will be on is “A fire worshiper meditates on the ultimate realities of existence.” It looks like we will have a long hot summer ahead of us in various areas. Mars will be affecting the areas from the Mississippi River to the East Coast during its journey through the sign of Cancer.

Uranus is still in Aries and is on 19 degrees. This is a very powerful degree. The sun has always been exalted on that degree. The meaning of this degree is ‘The Magic Carpet and the use of creative imagination’ Uranus will be interacting with Eris and that asteroid can cause a bit of havoc like riots, demonstration, etc.

Then we have the Summer Solstice on June 21st at 9:38 AM PDT. There is always a lot of energy that comes in during this time period, use it wisely. Actually, I think we are moving into a very auspicious time and if we stay strong and loving we will get through this summer with flying colors. With Saturn retrograde in Scorpio there may be some more stuff coming up for us to look at and release. Those who have finished releasing their challenges can just sit back and enjoy the high frequency energy. People who are living on the fourth dimension Earth may have some problems. The ones who are manifesting fifth dimension energy will be fine.

In September, when Saturn moves back into Sagittarius we will probably see lots of changes in the area of freedom. This sign is very freedom loving and it is hard to keep a Sagittarian down. They bounce right back up. This sign rules the banking system, courts of law, lawyers, teachers, mountains, religion and the higher mind. During this time period is when we will see the manifestation of a new financial system, a new court system, and new governing systems. The old will be gone and the new will arrive. Saturn will be in Sagittarius for two and a half years.

Enjoy your summer and please walk softly on this beautiful planet. We are a beautiful jewel in this solar system and the more light that comes in the more the Earth will sparkle. We create everything by our thoughts and actions so please use your mind wisely and start thinking with your heart. So Be It!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/17/2015 7:02:11 PM

Margaret Paul: How To Let Your Spirit (Not Your Ego) Be Your Guide

margaret-paul-squareDid you know you can connect with your spiritual guidance at will — any time you want?

In order to do this, you need to understand the concept of “frequency” — the level at which your energy vibrates. Our bodies vibrate at a low frequency so that we can actually see one another. If we vibrated at the rate of a hummingbird’s wings for instance, we would not be able to see each other through the naked eye.

And while our bodies vibrate at a low frequency, we actually have the ability to raise the frequency of our energy. This is what is necessary to connect with our spiritual guidance. The spirit vibrates at a very high frequency, which is why most of us are unable to see spiritual beings.

Imagine how it feels to be in a room full of closed off, angry, judgmental people. This is a low frequency. Now, imagine the feeling in a room full of open, loving, and joyful people. This is a higher frequency.

So how can we begin to connect with Spirit?

The Key To Raising Your Frequency

Your intent is the driving force behind raising your energetic frequency. Your frequency is low when your intention is to control others, control outcomes and control your own feelings. When your intent is to control, you might resort to behaviors that lower your frequency, such as anger, judgment, withdrawal, compliance and resistance.

When your intent is to learn to love yourself and share your love with others, your frequency is high. Your spiritual guidance is here to lead you toward what is in your highest good, so when your intent is to learn to love yourself and others and support the highest good of all, you raise your frequency high enough to connect with your guidance.

Our intent is the most powerful choice we have in life. Given that we have free will, we get to choose our intent, moment-by-moment. But when our intent is to control, we close off our heart and are cut us from Spirit. Our intent to learn and love opens our heart and thus, opens us to Spirit.

And once you’ve connected to Spirit, then other choices can help raise your frequency even higher. Practices like meditation and prayer, being in nature, playing with animals, listening to beautiful music, movement and dance, creative endeavors and so on, can all help to raise your vibration.

What Gets In The Way?

The “wounded ego” part of our mind fears losing control and therefore, this part of us also fears opening to Spirit. To connect with Spirit, we have to be in a place where it is more important to us to evolve in our ability to love, rather than avoid pain with various forms of control.

Food can also get in the way, as it also has frequency. Clean, organic fruits and vegetables have the highest frequency. Keeping my frequency high has been a huge motivation for me to eat really well!

Processed and packaged products, sugar, and GMO foods have a very low frequency. These low frequency food-like products are very hard on the body, and make it hard to raise your energy high enough to connect with Spirit. I call these products “ego foods,” since they lower our frequency and revert us back to our ego-wounded state of self.

Lack of sleep and a sedentary lifestyle can also make it hard to raise your frequency. So does stress.

Connecting with Spirit is simple, but not always easy. If you want at-will spiritual connection, then you need to stay open to learning about loving yourself and others, learn to lovingly manage your stress, get enough sleep and exercise, and eat clean non-processed organic foods.

It’s when we connect with Spirit that we are more freely capable of manifesting our dreams. Can you think of anything more important than being guided by your loving Source? All aspects of your life will improve — physically, emotionally, financially, relationally — when you allow Spirit to guide you, rather than your ego.

“How To Let Your Spirit (Not Your Ego) Be Your Guide” by Margaret Paul, June 15, 2015 at

Original link: How To Let Your Spirit (Not Your Ego) Be Your Guide

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/18/2015 6:02:03 PM

The Oracle Report, Thursday, June 18, 2015



New Moon Phase:
beginnings, intentions

Moon in Cancer

Goddess of Wisdom: Bagalamukhi (Goddess Who Solves)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: bridge to the perception of what is being gained

True Alignments: open to venture or adventure, respect, the wisdom of experience, preserving and protecting what we hold dear, relief from pressure, observation of situations, new approaches bringing new solutions, opening our hearts to others, reverence

Catalysts for Change: things that are outworn, deep disappointment, dissatisfaction, feeling stuck, sticking with past methods that are ineffective, leaving people out, blocking progress, hopeless outlook, fear of the unknown

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “winter frost in the woods”

Sabian Symbol for Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

During its transit opposite the Galactic Center yesterday, the Sun released an M1.3-class solar flare with coronal mass ejection at 9:27 pm ET/1:27 am UT. The Moon was in near-exact opposition with Pluto at that time, located at 15 degrees of Cancer. The Sabian symbol for this degree is “a group of people who have overeaten and enjoyed it.” The highest octave of this energy speaks of transformation through good fortune, fellowship, and satisfaction. Spirit provides abundance.

When the Sun transits the Galactic Center, things can feel, on one end, limitless, and on the other end, insurmountable. Either way, our perceptions open up to wider vision because the Great Void of the Unknown is activated. This can drive people crazy. It activates primal fears of survival because we are a traumatized species. As such, our response to what is actually a process of liberation from power and control systems is askew. We are responding as if the loss is a bad thing. It is mass Stockholm Syndrome.

The only loss involved is the loss of that which does not support the sanity of humanity.

Today, the bright light of clarity provides a bridge from one perspective to another. How about shifting to What are we gaining?

(Note: At the time of the CME, the Moon was located at 14 Cancer 34, in near-exact opposition with Pluto at 14 Capricorn 42. Pluto is at the degree of “in a hospital, the children’s ward is filled with toys” – healing through happiness and fun. There’s a toy for each of us if we can recognize it.)

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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