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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/16/2015 6:22:45 PM

The Oracle Report, Tuesday, June 16, 2015



New Moon Phase:
beginnings, intentions

Moon in Gemini/Cancer (6:51 pm ET/10:51 pm UT)

Goddess of Wisdom: Bagalamukhi (Goddess Who Immobilizes Enemies, Goddess Who Stabilizes)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East, God of Fields)

Skill: internal reinforcement

True Alignments: back to basics, taking care as in maintaining or preserving, safe and sure, working to make something the best it can be, bearing the banners of highest ideals, the still place inside, recognition of hard work, seeing through the dark, courage, self-mastery

Catalysts for Change: insincere offers, sacrifice, routines that drain energy, impatience, pushing forward, not owning actions, showing off, seeking approval, disconnection, tricks, refusing to look deeper, escapism, rejecting love or assistance

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “winter frost in the woods”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

The New Moon in Gemini occurs at 10:05 am ET/2:05 pm UT at 26 Gemini and the Sabian symbol of “winter frost in the woods.” This month is about grounding ourselves, reinforcing our roots and structures, building resources and strength, and recognizing and caring for who and what we love.

The mission this month is to maintain and persevere. This is the second of two lunar months that are like month-long Crescent Moon phases — the time when we are challenged to hold tightly to the intentions, hopes, wishes, and dreams that we have for the future. We move through darkness in order to bring ourselves (and other people, places, and things) into greater light.

Next month is the time when we reach light and burst forth. The ideals of greatness that we manage to hold on to this month begin expression and manifestation.

This month we hold and reinforce the line. To do this, we won’t rush or push things to move sooner or be better than they are. We understand that a time of vibrant internal strengthening is happening while externally it appears as though a frosty breath of magic dust has suspended animation.

I go into much more depth about this month’s energetics and where they are leading in coming months, an overview of how the retrogrades of the planets is affecting things, and related items in the audio overview for the month, now posted at The theme and title for this month’s dynamic is “Preserving and Protecting Heaven on Earth.” This is the time to be our wisest, most grounded selves. We’ve been practicing this skill for a while, haven’t we?

This month we dig in. We fortify and reinforce from the inside. From bottom to top, we extend deep into the Earth and far up into the heavens. From this stance, we preserve all that is good about life and protect it with all our might.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/16/2015 6:38:35 PM

Golden Gaia News Roundup: June 16, 2015

news roundupPolitics & Ethics: Capital Punishment is Hot in Nebraska.

Colorado’s next door neighbor, Nebraska, is currently knee deep in the death penalty debate. One big topic hitting the headlines is the purchase of illegal execution drugs from outside the country.

The State of Nebraska announced it has purchased 300 vials of illegal sodium thiopental from a small distribution company, HarrisPharma, located in India, even though said drugs are not approved by the Food & Drug Administration.

Interestingly, it seems that each time these execution drugs are sold, the purchaser winds up not using them due to questions being raised over the legality of the drugs. Additionally, the FDA states it will seize the shipment upon arrival.

“Department of Correctional Services Director Scott Frakes told Harris[Pharma] that the sooner they could connect, the better. A few weeks later, the two had worked up a purchase order. Their correspondencep shows Nebraska officials made little to no effort to verify that the deal complied with the law. When he sent the invoice, Harris described the shipment as ‘harmless medicine,’ probably not the most accurate way to describe drugs intended for an execution.” (1)

As it turns out, Nebraska has only 10 inmates on death row, yet they are purchasing 1000 vials, as HarrisPharma’s minimum order requirement. To me, this certainly is not conscientious spending on the part of the State of Nebraska. Further, this transaction occurred in April, while in the month of May, Nebraska voted to ban capital punishment, proving that this 1000 vial purchase truly will be wasted taxpayer funds –over $54K.

“The Nebraska legislature voted on Wednesday to override Governor Pete Ricketts’ veto on a bill to abolish the death penalty. The legislature voted in support of bill LB268, making Nebraska the first conservative state in decades to ban executions…. The legislature voted overwhelmingly last week — with a veto-proof majority of 32 to 15 — to repeal the death penalty.” (2)

Of course, this opens up the controversial and ethical debate over the death penalty, once again. Is it okay to take the life of another human being, especially considering he or she may have taken the life of another? I truly don’t know. Alternatively, is it okay to take the life of an unborn child? Where do we draw the line? Is there a difference between the death penalty and abortion?

Often most people bring to the table valid and yet opposing views of such debates –how do we know what’s right? I can only trust my own intuition and sense of values in situation like these.

Developing my inner guidance on a daily basis empowers me to hear my Guides much easier. I invite us to explore our inner spiritual world, which will help us better identify and honor our own ideals, making such controversial topics easier to digest.

1. Nebraska Bought 300 Executions’ Worth Of Illegal Execution Drugs From A Foreign Supplier by Chris McDaniel. Buzz Feed.

2. Nebraska Abolishes The Death Penalty by Tasneem Nashrulla. Buzz Feed.

Economy: Minimum Wage to Increase in Los Angeles.

How exciting: We’re moving in the right direction. Minimum wage will be increased to $15/hour! The downside for me is that it won’t go into effect until 2020. Of course, I won’t “yuck our wow” by negating a good thing, but it’s hard for me to wrap my head around such positive change that is not actualized for years down the road, yet negative change seems to occur instantaneously.

It’s not my intention to be a negative nelly, rather my intent to point out that which we sometimes miss, such as having to wait five years, or longer, for the good change. For me, I see a pattern: The “negative” scenarios are immediately incorporated, while the progressive positive changes are scheduled many years out.

Another pattern you might have noticed: Our governments and corporations decide to follow through with harmful behaviors, all the while, planning to apologize once said actions go public, instead of asking our permission or getting our cooperation beforehand.

Of course, I understand what’s happening, and yet I whole-heartedly disagree: I’ve heard it’s easier to do something and afterward ask for forgiveness, then to ask for approval in advance.

Fortunately, our world is moving toward transparency where harmful actions, such as chemtrails and mercury in vaccinations, will be discussed and voted upon, rather than our current system of a few in control deciding what’s “best” for the majority.

“The law, which would raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2020, affects hundreds of thousands of workers and makes Los Angeles the largest city in the country to mandate higher pay for workers at the bottom of the income ladder. Backers predicted the action here could reverberate across the nation, ultimately aiding millions of Americans.”

While most of the city are rejoicing from such good news, there are of course, some council members very displeased. As we know, even before 202o arrives, there may be some amendments made to this law, which might negatively impact this decision before it is ever enacted.

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, stay in the moment, and appreciate the new reality. While the details may still need to be ironed out, I will highlight that this does set us on a course of aiding people to increase their standard of living, and that’s always a beautiful thing!

Further, what often happens is that California is an impetus for national change, initiating movement that spreads across the country …sometimes across the world. I’ll focus my attention and intention there, knowing that the Law of Attraction states that “energy follows intention!”

Los Angeles City Council Approves Landmark Minimum Wage Increase by Emily Alpert Reyes and David Zahniser. La Times. Abbey Croswell contributed.

Across this beautiful world, We Are All One.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/16/2015 6:41:21 PM

The Alternative Daily: Your State of Mind Really Does Matter to Your Health

Your emotional state of mind has a powerful effect on your state of health. Most of the past studies on this subject have focused on the negative effects linked between the two. Now at last, scientists are looking at the health benefits derived from a positive emotional state.

Being compassionate is good for the heart and stomach
Feeling compassion is to have love and concern for other people. A good example of a compassionate state of mind is expressed by the traditional Buddhist practice of loving-kindness meditation (LKM). LKM is a form of meditation in which you focus love and compassion on yourself and a progressively sizeable group of other people as well.

A study was conducted by psychologist Barbara Frederickson to study the positive impacts from six weeks of LKM training. The findings showed that participants who had practiced LKM had a positive effect on the resting tone of their vagus nerve. This nerve extends from the brain stem down to the heart. It plays a role in the regulation of emotions and the digestive and cardiovascular systems.

“In a way, our bodies are designed for love, because the more we love, the more healthy we become,” said Frederickson.

Feelings of joyfulness and wonder reduce inflammatory markers
Feelings of joyfulness, wonder, and awe can give us a sense of connection with something that seems greater than ourselves. Whether it is through religious experiences or witnessing unparalleled natural beauty, the sensation benefits our bodies by lowering inflammatory markers.

Research from the University of California, Berkeley found that participants who had recently felt a sense of awe had decreased levels of cytokines. These cytokines are inflammatory markers that in chronically elevated levels are sometimes an indicator of autoimmune diseases, heart disease, depression, and Alzheimer’s. So it is conceivable that experiencing awe can help prevent some diseases.

“Rather than seeing a walk through the park or a trip to the museum as an indulgence, we hope people will view these kinds of experiences as important ways to promote a healthy body in addition to a healthy mind,” explained co-author Dr. Jennifer Stellar, Ph.D.

Being optimistic is good for your heart
True optimism is about more than having a smile on your face. Having an optimistic state of mind allows you to look beyond the challenges and obstacles you face by believing that eventually things will work out in your favor.

A 2012 review of scientific studies on optimistic personalities and cardiovascular risks revealed a correlation between optimism and decreased risks for cardiovascular events. Another recent study on Twitter posts found a correlation between heart attack deaths and the frequency of Twitter posts with negative language. Optimism is also linked with longer life spans and improved immune system functions.

Gratefulness can boost the immune system
“Thousands of years of literature talk about the benefits of cultivating gratefulness as a virtue,” said psychology professor, Robert Emmons from the University of California, Davis. “Grateful people take better care of themselves and engage in more protective health behaviors like regular exercise, a healthy diet, regular physical examinations.”

An outlook of gratitude has been linked with improved immune system function and better quality of sleep. It can also reduce levels of stress, which is a factor in many chronic diseases.

-The Alternative Daily


“Your State of Mind Really Does Matter to Your Health” by The Alternative Daily, June 15, 2015 at

Original link: Your State of Mind Really Does Matter to Your Health

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/16/2015 6:44:44 PM

TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2015

Brenda Hoffman ~ Entering a New Creation Stage

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Summary of Brenda’s June 12, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at
As you adjust to recent energies, you might not be interested in many earth activities. For these adjustments could include wake state time travel, dimension jumping and frequency hopping. Each of you has a focus within your totality – emotional, physical, spiritual – established before entrance to earth in this lifetime. So you have been and will be most drawn to information within your focus area throughout this transition.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog ”Gloriously Bright Stars – Not Missionaries”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
It is time once again to acknowledge and ponder the many small surprises you are starting to note. Because you are exhausted with your recent clearing efforts, you have barely noted the multitude of what you consider small surprises in your world.
You are beginning to test your new personal creation software.
It is time to put aside your exhaustion, fears and anger. For you are at a much different place than was true even last week. You have completed all you need to complete to add your new software to the mix of your new totality. You are ready for this stage of creation.
Even though many of you wish to create what you consider large pieces, you are beginning to note small creations. Intellectually, you know there is no Universal distinction between large and small. Yet, that knowledge does not necessarily yet apply to new you. So it is that you are testing your creation software with bits of your new totality.
You have been at a similar place within the past couple of years. Perhaps, you created a parking space or discovered a lost item. All creations of your former being.
The software you are now testing is of your new totality. Your “small” creations of the next few days are directly related to new you – rather than creation for creation’s sake as was true just months ago.
Allow yourself to play with your creation software. Yet, note what you create as those creations are ties to new you.
“Who are you?” is a question of the ages. An answer much different for you then was true just months ago. You accepted the new role of CEO of your totality. You cleared pieces that prohibit you from connecting to your new role. Now you are starting to create those people, things and places necessary for you to move into your new role with ease.
Of course, you are pondering that last statement with many naysaying thoughts including, “This is yet another Universal carrot with little reward.” Some of you will discover that such is true. Not because it is, but because you refuse to acknowledge that you are a powerful creator. That no one knows you better than you. That you are the only one who can create that which is required for the new you of your totality. So it is you are beginning to create such now.
Perhaps you do not yet understand how the creation of a new dress or friend helps you create your new role. We can only counter lovingly with the fairy tale of Cinderella. Did that fairy tale not detail the importance of Cinderella’s attire? That Cinderella could not enter the world of a princess with the rags she was wearing?
Many of your fairy tales and beloved movies and books such as The Wizard of OZwere “planted” as it were on earth to help generation after generation remember their truth even if on a subconscious level. So it is that you, as was true for Cinderella, are creating various pieces necessary before fully claiming you. Pieces that do not necessarily make sense to you now, but they will.
So we suggest, no urge you to follow your inner creation being. Perhaps you wish to create a pen to sign documents. Or shoes to better walk through the forest. Or a house to allow you to retreat when you require downtime. It does not matter. No creation is better than another. Merely pieces that are necessary for you to fulfill your new CEO of you role.
Enjoy this puzzle of creation. Why do you need what you need? Why are you attracted to something and not another? Why are your creation tastes shifting? All wonderfully fun puzzle pieces leading to new you.
Yes, you have been at this place before. But not in terms of your new CEO role. You are entering a new creation stage.
Allow whatever it is you find interesting to be created. And at the same time, anything that feels cumbersome or not right to be negated from your life.
Creating new you is a wondrous process, but a process that requires dedication to you.
Allow yourself to be extradited from the 3D clutches that no longer bring you joy in whatever form that takes from entities to places to creations. Many of you believe you cannot leave your job, community, friends or home. If such is so, it is time for you to shift your perception of those entities, places and things. For if you find no escape from those entities, places or things, they are providing something you yet require.
You continue to review your life with a SMALL lens. Forgetting that you are all-powerful and all loving. Throw away your past perceptions. It is time to accept what is and who you are.
You are starting to do so with your initial creations. Perhaps these initial creations are necessary to shift entities, places or things – or to perceive them differently. It does not matter. All that matters is that you KNOW with every fiber of your being that you are the CEO of your new you totality. And that you are fully capable of creating what you need to explore that role. Just as is true for the wealthiest CEO you can imagine.
It is not an accident that we created the image of a CEO when helping you better understand your new role. For indeed, CEOs are today’s kings and queens of yesteryear. It does not matter what title is used to describe your new totality – only that you realize that you have no limits, that you can create whatever seems most fun for you at any given time.
That fun is now most likely related to creating pieces of your new role that do not necessarily push you into that role, but instead offer glimmers of the joy of creating within that role.
So it is that you are at a new and delightful phase of self-creation. One that allows you to shift those pieces that prohibit you from being new you in all your totality.
You created the energies of the past few months to help you expedite your clearing process. So you have. Now it is time to play with your new you role. So you are – one puzzle piece of creation at a time. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/16/2015 6:49:54 PM

Gary ‘Z’ McGee: The 4 Scariest (But Secretly Wonderful) Steps Toward Enlightenment

th“Make no mistake about it – enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” – Adyashanti

The first thing to remember, here at the outset, is that enlightenment is not a destination but a direction. It is not a truth but a process. It is both imaginary and real. It is not an either-or, but a both-and. It is only achievable when it is understood that it is an unachievable thing. Once we can let go of the need to achieve it, then we free ourselves to allow the process to unfold, and we become the achieving. It is the constantly expanding horizon of human flourishing. But it can hurt like hell.

Indeed, enlightenment is no walk in the park. The first teacher met on the path toward enlightenment tends to be Pain itself. Enlightenment is both a reckoning and a wrecking, both an expansion and an annihilation. The following four steps are just the tip of a much deeper iceberg of trials and tribulations, fraught with menacing thresholds and sinister Rubicons. Thin-skinned, faint-of-heart, status-quo-junkies addicted to comfort, need not apply. And if you decide to apply, leave your invulnerability behind. It’s an illusion anyway. Here then are four of the scariest, but secretly wonderful, steps one can take on the path toward enlightenment.

1.) Vulnerability and Self-Honesty

“There’s a whole category of people who miss out by not allowing themselves to be weird enough.” – Alain de Botton

Vulnerability is downright scary. But in order to gain the ability to learn from our mistakes, to have fun with our inherent hypocrisy, and to have a good sense of humor in regards to our fallibility as an imperfect species, we must first have the capacity to be vulnerable, which requires brutal self-honesty and ruthless self-interrogation.

Brutal self-honesty and ruthless self-interrogation forces us to face our own demons. It pushes us to confront our most personal foibles, fallibilities, and unhealthy propensities and to question all authorities, especially our own. It forces our head over the abyss of the human condition, searing our soul with the unavoidable blazing flame of truth: impermanence. It slaps us across the face with its absolute mockery of our happiness ever being a thing that can be permanent. It insouciantly rattles off the almighty cosmic joke, making damn certain we realize we’re the butt-end of that joke.

Which is why a particularly effective strategy at achieving a state of vulnerability and self-honesty is to use our sense of humor. When we laugh at ourselves we loosen ourselves up. The screws of our seriousness get unscrewed by the genius of our humorous sincerity. We suddenly go from being the butt-end of the joke, to laughing at the joke, thus turning the tables on the jokes power over us, and thus on power itself. When we can laugh at ourselves we are allowing ourselves to be “weird,” to tackle the dilemma of the self from another angle, to impose a state of existential vulnerability that transforms the soul into a prism where the light of truth can shine through and take the form of the rainbow of self-honesty.

And Pain is the terribly-beautiful, shiny-red, thorny and jagged little pill that we learn to swallow, again and again, with a devil-may-care, spiritually masochistic smile on our all-too-human faces. Bottoms up!

2.) Swallowing the Jagged Red Pill of Truth

“The less people know, the more stubbornly they know it.” Osho

Without the painful red pill of truth, we’re stuck with the all-too-comfortable blue pill of deception. The blue pill gets stuck in our throat, causing no end of blockages, suppressions, oppressions, and depressions. The blue pill is a beacon of deception, lodged in our throat chakra, jamming all frequencies and preventing us from speaking our truth and from being impeccable with our word. The blue pill is a magnet for lies. And lies are sexy, scandalous scoundrels. They float around in a foggy smoke, seducing us with false kindness, kissing us just the right way, and lulling us into brain-washable complacency and a heightened state of malleability. Under the blue pill’s seduction, we are pawns wallowing in self-incurred immaturity. Taking the red pill dislodges the blue pill, thus clearing the passage and opening all frequencies to the truth.

“Enlightenment is man’s emergence from self-incurred immaturity. Immaturity is the inability to use one’s own understanding without the guidance of another.” – Immanuel Kant

But seeker of enlightenment beware, the teacher who longs to jam even the red pill down your throat. The choice must be yours, and yours alone. A good teacher will guide you to the red pill, but he/she should never force it down your throat. Like Adyashanti said, “My speaking is meant to shake you awake, not to tell you how to dream better.” You have to want to dream better first.

“The function of the imagination is not to make strange things settled, so much as to make settled things strange.”– G.K. Chesterton

Swallowing the red pill is a frightening prospect. It shatters worldviews and dissolves certainty. It replaces answers with questions. It upends all apple carts: psychological, physical, and spiritual. It reconditions preconditioning. It cleanses the doors of perception. It shatters the glassy essence of cognitive dissonance; the shards of which splinter off and sting like mad in the fleshy heart of truth. It leaves your soul naked, vulnerable, and blank-slated in the angry eye of an apocalyptic existential-hurricane of uncertainty. It reveals that you were always God in hiding. And the heavy burden of that prospect alone can be a soul-crushing responsibility. But like Seneca said, “A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials.”


3.) Ego Annihilation

“There are plenty of difficult obstacles in your path. Don’t allow yourself to become one of them.” -Ralph Marsten

This one is arguably the most painful. The death of the ego is no walk in the park. It is more like a walk through a dark night of the soul surrounded by an angry abyss that’s really just the small-minded version of you not wanting to lose what it feels is the essence of you: your ego. But the ego is not the essence of you, and it never was. The real you is an interdependent cosmic force, an interconnected frequency, a unified cosmic agent going through the motions of being a mind-body-soul.

“But the worst enemy you can meet will always be yourself; you lie in wait for yourself in caverns and forests. Lonely one, you are going the way to yourself! And your way goes past yourself, and past your seven devils! You will be a heretic to yourself and witch and soothsayer and fool and doubter and unholy one and villain. You must be ready to burn yourself in your own flame: how could you become new, if you had not first become ashes?” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Ego annihilation leads to the ashes from which the phoenix of the soul rises. But first there must be descent. There must be a tearing part, a burning down, a sacred disintegration. But the task of severance is a repentance. It speaks the language of vicissitude. It howls inside you like old night. It moves through you like fresh smoke. It is the blood of a full moon’s howl. It is a cruel wheel spinning its cycle of animal angst, of species-crimson. It is in this moment. Here, at the crux of the cross, at the knot on the wood, where the crooked trees mock your martyrdom and all your ancestors can smell the scent of your heart’s full blossom, blinking in and out of the ether, screaming at you, “It is time! There may not be another life to love.”

And so you descend. And so you cross the Rubicon of the self, bridging the gap between Man and Overman above the Existential Black Hole. And so you lose yourself in the blue smoke, in the loose shadows. You scream out like Yin. Your fists clinch like Yang. The fish feed on their tails. The snakes do the same. It’s like heaven and hell in your body. People can smell the animal in you, the wild-self coming to life. Death hums a eulogy in the trees, and you die a small death: the exulting death of your ego. And then you’re quiet as a doll, vulnerable, astonished, and cataleptic from the fall. But now you’re a force of nature first, a person second. And the Earth has finally discovered its salvation: the awakened human soul.

4.) Fearless Forgiveness

“In conclusion, there is no conclusion. Things will go on as they always have, getting weirder all the time.” – Robert Anton Wilson

Fearless forgiveness is scary because it is uncomfortable on an ontological level. It’s both a tearing down of the walls that protect us from the world and an unlocking of the prison door of our expectations. When we tear down the walls, fear is paramount and must be faced, and that can be dreadfully uncomfortable. But like Farrah Gray said, “Comfort is the enemy of achievement.” So it behooves us to get uncomfortable. Like Neo waking up from the Matrix for the first time. When we unlock the door to our prison, the way the world truly is despite us, and in spite of our expectations and worldview, becomes the harsh Desert of the Real, which only we can face and resolve for ourselves. But at least now we have the double-edged sword of fearless forgiveness to cut through all the red tape.

Forgiveness hurts because it is the ultimate letting go. It’s a deep, visceral acceptance of the way things are, regardless of our need for things to be a certain way. It’s a decisive shedding of the burden of what we cannot control. Tantamount to Buddhist non-attachment, fearless forgiveness is a reckoning of existential proportions that turns the tables on the concept of control itself. It gives us permission to authentically and sincerely go with the flow. With fearless forgiveness it suddenly becomes okay that the game of life is “rigged,” because our fearlessness is a willingness to transform whatever negative, counterproductive, unhealthy **** gets thrown at us into something positive, progressive, and healthy. And our forgiveness is a giant sigh saying, “It’s okay.” It gives us the insurmountable courage to transform demons into diamonds, fear into courage, anger into strength, and disdain into compassion.

Fearless forgiveness is allowing ourselves to be intimate with the cosmos as it truly exists. Like Dōgen said, “Enlightenment is intimacy with all things.” And intimacy with all things is just as likely to hurt as it is to feel good. But that is perfectly okay. It gives us permission to take the good with the bad, the unhealthy with the healthy, and the immoral with the moral. And then it gives us the courage to transform it all into our own amazing thing: art, adventure, love.

In the end, enlightenment is scary and painful, but it is so amazingly rewarding that it doesn’t even matter. As Camus said, “Life should be lived to the point of tears.” We must ride the fine-line between ecstasy and misery in order to enjoy the great mystery. Question thyself, overcome thyself, forgive thyself, then rebirth thyself, ad infinitum, and the path toward enlightenment shall not elude you.

“The 4 Scariest (But Secretly Wonderful) Steps Toward Enlightenment” by Gary ‘Z’ McGee, June 4, 2015 at

Original link: The 4 Scariest (But Secretly Wonderful) Steps Toward Enlightenment

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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