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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/18/2015 6:22:51 PM

Happiness Is Natural


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

We don’t have to struggle to find happiness, and the difficulty lessens when we learn to live from the heart. It can be hard to be happy or heart-centered when we have so many responsibilities and life throws so many curveballs our way every day, but despite our circumstances, happiness is here in every moment and we can always call on it.

With the exception of being in a bad mood, which usually does take some effort to depart, the key to true and lasting happiness is to stop searching for something we already have. We won’t find it in material things that only give us a fleeting glimpse of joy before we’re unsatisfied again, and we won’t bring it up from within if we try too hard. Whether we realize it or not, love and happiness are effortless and we only need to stop forcing them and let them express themselves naturally.

Instead of looking for joy in that dinner out, the newest movie or the latest video game, let’s understand that joy is already here and allow it to come forth organically. We don’t have to base it on external circumstances, and we can just be happy. Only when we try so hard to find happiness does it seem so elusive, and if we could just stop and take a look around, we’d see that we have plenty to appreciate. We tend to close ourselves off from the everyday gifts life gives us, and sadly, it makes us miss out on the kind of life we could be living.

If you want happiness, sit and watch the sunset some time. Go out to a nature spot (or sit in your backyard), and listen to the birds chirp their beautiful songs. Watch the bees, butterflies and dragonflies fly around in what seems like perfect synchronicity, and feel the warmth of the sunshine. If you have kids, watch them play with their toys and let their imagination amaze you. Kids might seem stressful sometimes, but they remind us pretty often that they truly are a gift.


We can find happiness, joy and fulfillment everywhere, but we have to open our eyes (and our mind and heart) to find them. We have to break out of our shell and allow life to amaze us with its countless miracles, and we have to get comfortable living in a way that terrifies the ego.

The ego isn’t as bad as everyone says, but it is the most mechanical, robotic, mind-centered part of us. If we let it influence us too much, we’ll resist any kind of change that expands the mind and helps us find joy or satisfaction. Instead of being influenced by it or hating it for serving its role, we can see it for what it really is and calmly step outside of it and into a new way of life.

When we do, we’ll understand that trying so hard to be happy is what causes our unhappiness. Instead of just relaxing and letting their love and joy flow, most people try so hard to feel ‘happy’ that they doom themselves from the start. Why? Because happiness isn’t something we can buy or force – it has to come forth freely and genuinely, and we have to be willing to choose it over anger, depression or anything else. As soon as we stop searching, it’ll be available in abundance.

It’s time to access this free-flowing, abundant joy for our sake and the sake of our family. I mentioned earlier that our level of love directly affects the people around us, and we’ll want to pay attention to how our emotions impact our loved ones. We have a responsibility to our family to be heart-centered and available when they need us, and we can’t help them if we’re feeling low or negative all the time.

We have to be there for them, and we really need to be emotionally available if we have kids. Our children are impacted for better or worse by everything we do, and they rely on us to be emotionally stable enough to not only help them when they need it, but to show them how to function in life. They pick up on everything we do (and on a deeper level, everything we feel), and we’ll want to keep this in mind if they’re ever around when we’re feeling low.

Triumphing over negativity.

We don’t need to feel low anymore, and all it really requires is a calm and gentle (yet powerful) shift out of the mind and into the heart. Depending on how we use it, the mind is usually a place of thought, fact and analysis, whereas the heart is a place of centeredness and understanding. There’s nothing wrong with the mind and we’ll continue to rely on it in some ways when we’re heart-centered, but it won’t influence us as much. We’ll use it, but it won’t use us anymore.

Let’s finally make the crucial shift into the heart, because it’ll allow us to see life through new eyes. The things that once brought us down might make us laugh or appreciate how small they are in the grand scheme of things, and we’ll be able to make life better for ourselves, our family and the world at large.

Everyone will benefit when we stop looking for happiness and learn to let it be (which is easier when we’re centered in the heart), because we’ll help others shift their perspective on life, love and anything else that’s relevant to our spiritual evolution. We can use love to change the world, but we have to get out of our own way and let our joy flow unconditionally.

Share freely.

I’m a twenty-two year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/18/2015 6:24:59 PM

Matt Kahn: Energy Update June 2015

Matt KahnWhether you were bamboozled by the Mercury in retrograde that we just successfully completed, or made it through virtually unaffected, the past few weeks have brought forth a rather interesting array of energies.

As these energies came into Earth’s atmosphere, they assisted in loosening the cellular structure of the old paradigm that is being purged out of the human energy field.

You can think of the past few weeks as a “cosmic shakedown,” where anything lingering from the old paradigm was loosened out of its fixed cellular position, so it may be released to create space for the immerging 5D light body.

While you will still appear physical in form, the immerging 5D light body shifts the orientation of your experience into a much calmer, vast, synchronistic, and intuitively-aligned perspective.

In simple terms, as the 5D light body awakens, you transition from being a person attempting to hold light within your field, or in search of oneness with the light, to being the light within the body that experiences each thought, feeling, interaction, outcome, and encounter as I AM.

Angel Wings and Seven ChakrasAs the loosened cellular imprinting of the old paradigm is released out of your field by the Universe, the activation of your 5D light body unfolds.

Since you have spent more time in a dense physical form than aware of the subtle higher vibrational 5th dimensional energies, it is common for you at this time, to be more aware of the old imprints dissolving than of the 5D light body that is emerging.

One common symptom of the dissolving old paradigm cellular structure is joint pain. Whether you feel inflamed, less flexible than usual, or even unjustifiably sore, it is more than likely that you are becoming aware of the unraveling of the old, as the new comes forward. This can also include lightning bolts of energy coursing throughout your body, or abrupt electrical shocks felt within your field.

While I stated at the beginning of the year that we have ventured beyond the point of needing to continuously clear and purge as a means of maintaining alignment with the Universe, it does not take away from the fact that everything you’ve been clearing up to this point must be given the space to move out and return back to Source.

This essentially means while so many have been clearing and purging on an energetic level, there hasn’t been an appropriate amount of time and space given to allow what you’ve energetically cleared – to move out of the cells of your physical form.

When energetic healing occurs, an imprint is released out of the etheric body, which exists on the soul level. From this space, the etheric body must converse with the physical body to determine how much time will be required in incubation, in order for the transformation to trickle down from the ethers of the soul and into the tangible form of physical reality.

What I am referring to as incubation is an extended period of rest and renewal. When you are immersed in incubation, you might feel exhausted, depressed, void of inspiration, or without the drive to be a part of life.

While it might be easy to think that something is wrong, it is merely the Universe channeling all of your life force energy to usher your healing into completion.

While many seek healing modalities to resolve these experiences, they are unaware of how essential these periods of incubation are, just as embryos need time in the womb in order to grow.

If a moment of energetic healing is like a surgical procedure, then the essential stage of incubation is the crucial period of recovery that is necessary afterwards.

Using this analogy, so many diligent lightworkers, often afraid of being left behind or left out of the Ascension, worked diligently to cleanse and clear their fields, like patients who have been living on a surgical table for years on end.

Of course, each of us has and always will be a vital element in Earth’s Ascension, which requires your cooperation and assistance in the most relaxed, faithful, and heart-centered manner.

As I was asked by the Galactic Council to announce the end of needing to cleanse, clear, and purify, it was done to invite every lightworker out of endless rounds of etheric surgery, so the body could begin to incubate, recalibrate, and receive all the healing that has taken place.

As the maturity of our highest truth dawns within, it becomes profoundly clear that it’s one thing to ping-pong from one healing modality to the next, but a much deeper journey unfolds when you give yourself the time and space to adjust and welcome in the healing you’ve already received.

Another symptom to notice is an internal shaking, which can be interpreted as anxiety, fear, loneliness, or even projected outward as expressions of anger, judgment, agitation, and frustration.

This inner shaking is the recalibration of your nervous system. When the nervous system is recalibrated, your energy field is adjusting to life in the absence of the cellular memories you had carried in your body for so long.

When your nervous system is being recalibrated, the best strategy is to just sit still and slow your breath whenever the shaking becomes too daunting or irritating.

You can also repeat the mantra: “I acknowledge this recalibration as a gift and receive it here as I AM now.” This mantra can be repeated throughout the day, or used as a meditation when the nervous system requires more grounding.

Peaceful Buddha basking in lightAs periods of incubation bring forth the integration and recalibration you require for your journey ahead, it is common to sense a wellspring of impatience.

As lightworkers and starseeds alike are being rooted deeper into present moment reality in preparation for light body activation, it is natural to want to fast track your healing and desire any possible way to move things along.

As is always the case, the best way to accelerate the storyline of your journey is by daring to slow down. At this stage, you can consciously choose to slow down and honor the healing underway, or force life to slow you down through the circumstances and outcomes that arise.

During this period, you might find yourself at odds with time. Perhaps your healing requires more incubation time of rest and renewal than you are willing to offer yourself. Maybe you find yourself confused by your inability to know what to do with your life or where to go next.

There can even be an urgent sense of there being something else to do or somewhere else to be without an instinct of how to take the next step.

Each of these examples acts as signs of incubation in progress, where the impatient ego structure continues to unravel, as your nervous system is recalibrated. As this process unfolds, the healing that has already occurred on a soul level trickles into tangible physical form.

The best approach at this time is to relax as often as possible, especially throughout the course of your daily activities. Since relaxation acts as a sign of spiritual alignment, the Universe asks you to slow down and be as relaxed, intentional, open-minded, and easy-going as possible, so you may accelerate the integration process and fully receive all that has already been given.

For many, the unraveling of the old cellular structure and recalibrating of the nervous system may continue to occur until enough space can be created for the 5D light body to be felt within your field.

While some have already completed such critical stages of incubation and are already experiencing the flowering of their newly-activated light body, it is essential to maintain the utmost compassion towards yourself by not comparing your experiences with the journey of others.

Praise The LordWhile this stage of incubation may seem to linger longer than you desire it to be, there are other stages that you have completed with ease that may have been difficult for others to process.

In essence, we each take turns reflecting the breakdowns and breakthroughs of transmutation, as the one eternal light experiences its emergence in every combination of possibility.

Another sign of an unraveling cellular structure and recalibrating nervous system is loss. Whether you’ve experienced the loss of romantic partnerships, friendships, sudden career changes, or shifts in your living environment, it is important to think of loss not as a form of rejection or deficiency, but as a parting of ways between you and the old paradigm.

The relationships or circumstances that may dissolve throughout this stage represent the releasing of karmic ties to the vibration you embodied when the circumstance or relationship began.

Through the eyes of the Universe, the ending of a relationship doesn’t have to symbolize you being rejected, but can be seen as a graduation out of an outdated level of consciousness that such relationships helped you outgrow.

If possible, allow yourself to focus on the greater possibilities your life is creating, instead of mourning the losses that you haven’t yet remembered how to live without.

Even if it seems impossible to remember a greater spiritual perspective, it could only be another opportunity to embrace the one who mourns loss – with greater peace, patience, love, and support.

Whether you are experiencing a lack of inspired direction, feel done with your current reality but without the passion or clarity to take the next step, overwhelmed by the pain, frustration, loneliness, and confusion that arises during critical stages of energetic incubation, confronted by the losses that represent the dissolving of outdated levels of consciousness, or even starting to feel better than you’ve felt in quite some time, I offer these words of confirmation to reveal the success of a journey that each of us is equally a part of bringing to life.

On behalf of the Galactic Council, I applaud all the inner work you’ve already completed, and remind you to make time and space for it to integrate, so the fruits of your labor can take tangible form throughout the spiritual garden of your eternal paradise.

In my next energy update, I will speak more extensively on how an activated light body can change your experience of reality, including how it can be used to participate in the world without getting tossed around by the energies others may still be releasing and processing.

Through the grace of an activated light body, may you surrender all energetic shields and courageously step forward as a fully integrated expression of spirit in action.

In the meantime, may you savor your experiences as exquisite gifts of divinity, trusting in the grace of the cosmic plan, while loving yourself and others more and more every step of the way.

May all be healed, awakened, and transformed by the light of your highest potential. May all be blessed by the love that you are.

Matt Kahn

“Energy Update June 2015,” by Matt Kahn, April 1 2015, at

Souce Link: Matt Kahn – True Divine Nature

© Copyright 2015 True Divine Nature, LLC

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/18/2015 6:26:46 PM

Julie Henderson: Running Away from the Now?

IMG_9011Everyone and everything are moving around me at light speed. Some days I look like one of those die hard monks in Tiananmen Square, standing at the epicenter of a busy intersection like an anomaly exhibiting her humanity.

My arms are at my sides, my posture is upright, my eyes are closed, and I have a look of peace about my face that reflects the dissociative episode I am undergoing in the name of enlightenment and progress.

They say the treatment for this kind of behavior is restored memory, but they aren’t genuinely interested in finding the source of my affection for modes of escape. The task of remembering is easier said than done once you learn that limitless freedom is born of forgiveness.

The irony is that there is nowhere I would rather be than right here, and no time for which I would rather be present than this very moment. It is not the hour I am escaping, but rather the obstacles that impede my ability to see a masterpiece in front of me, hear a chorus in my ear, smell the scent of fresh calla lilies, taste the sea salt that’s floating through the air on my tongue, and feel the warmth of a sun that is determined to shine on someone, somewhere. Today and everyday it shines on me. It shines on you, too, but all too often you are moving too swiftly to receive its tenderness.

I wonder where it is you are going with such haste. Can you imagine what it would look like if you pursued this very moment with as much urgency? Forget that you are headed to a meeting, a game, a film, an art opening, or a funeral. Instead, survey your surroundings as if you are already in your meeting. Coach yourself to believe you are already playing in a game of sorts.

How well are you performing? How far are you reaching? Assess how much of your talent and skill you are utilizing and ask whether it indicates your true potential. Imagine that it is you on the screen and you are the lead in your own feature film. You are the artist exhibiting your work, whether it takes the form of a business proposal, a landscape painting, a birth, a kill, a stitch, a peel, or an act of kindness. Pretend you are going to your own funeral, because you are.

How quickly do you move now? At what speed do you cut through the air once you realize that in the act of running to moments which have not yet arrived you deny the only true moment that exists: which isthis moment. Now this moment. Now this–and where are you now? Are you busy seeking happiness in a future moment that is slated to fall short of your great expectations, or are you basking in the soft sunlight that greets you?

I am not embarrassed to admit to my molasses momentum, nor am I too proud to profess that I am still learning from my reflections on every lesson learned. Sometimes I open one eye wide to view the judgment I receive, although it remains ineffective at best. It is in these moments that I catch a glimpse of one member of the herd glaring at me with searing indignation. I am reminded that I stand no chance of fitting in here until I help others achieve presence in this moment so that we can all understand each other better.

This much is true: we are all giving a presentation, each of us is charging the field, we are all delivering an Oscar-worthy performance, each of us is exhibiting and exposing our souls by way of creative expression, and we are all marching onward toward our own funeral. Since there is no sense in running to where you are destined to arrive, won’t you stand beside me for a while and shine?

“Running Away From the Now?” by Julie Henderson, June 14, 2015 at

Original link: Running Away From the Now?

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/18/2015 6:30:06 PM

Lady Nada via Fran Zepeda: You Have Entered a New Phase of Your Awakening

lady-nadaGreetings, Beloveds. I AM Lady Nada, here to present before you a new perspective on your awakening. Yes, you have come far. No amount of analysis could reveal just how far.

You must instead FEEL the difference, the expansion and the sweet Lightness that you have achieved thus far.

As you step forward into your greater awakening each moment of Now, it is difficult to quantify your changes except to say that you have entered a new phase of your awakening and it is only necessary to feel and accept the changes. Do not hyper-focus on them. Rather, gather them and encompass them into your new perspective of yourselves.

Any calculations of your former way of assessing your growth will not reveal the true growth and expansion you have attained. And expansion and growth will just get even more so in the coming days of further Reception of the Solstice energies.

My beloveds, you have come such a long way, and by now you have realized you will be well served to throw away your former mode of assessment of your growth. For in your further merging with your Higher Self, with your I AM presence, with Source, you have reached such great expansion that it is hard to put your finger on it.…It is so expansive, yet so Light and almost a feeling of no form, yet at the same time you are firmly grounded with Mother Earth and infinitely connected with Source and the Hearts of others.

There is a sense of Freedom in this new expansion. Taking away your vigilant observance of it will allow more Freedom and Expansion. Enjoy this new phase, dear ones, for you have cleared so much more, to allow this pure clear feeling of your Divine Essence to shine even brighter than ever.

Take a moment now, dear ones, and just breathe with me, breathe in and out, expanding with Love through all your cells, through all the many aspects of you, through the giant web of intricate connection with the Hearts of all Humanity, with the Galactic Center, with All-That-Is, with Source. You have expanded enough to encompass ALL into your very breath, dear ones. Feel that expansion Now.

The feeling of Oneness with All-That-Is is now a deep part of you, and a Reality you are all privy to. It is a feeling that no one can describe but you, because this is YOUR experience of expansion, each unique in your own magnificent awakening, yet, so connected to All because you are so connected in Divine Love.

Savor this quiet feeling of Lightness, Love, and Freedom that is developing within you. Feel as if all barriers have been lifted and your potential and possibilities have been enabled and enhanced with each breath of New Light coming into your cells now.

This is not a time for assessment, or judgment of your progress. This is a time of complete letting go and surrendering to your Higher Self, for it will take you further into your journey of Ascension the more you trust it. Keep asking to merge and commune with it (your Higher Self) and there will be such a change in your perspective — A quiet coming home to your True Divine Selves.

Trust your inner guidance, dear ones, for no one can lead you like your Higher Self. Trust that you are where you should be right now and relax into it. Ground and anchor into this new feeling of upliftment that is pervading you now. Keep letting go of the barriers of what you once felt it would be like in your awakening and ascension and be completely open to all that presents for you.

Push those barriers out and welcome in all sensations of awakening knocking at the door of your Heart now. The ‘Sky is the Limit’, as they say. No judgment, no opinions, just be open to all possibilities and the sweet awakening of Light and Love permeating your very existence now. Let it build to a crescendo and settle into it, always ready for more.

Now is your time, dear ones, to exceed all expectations, to override all previous perceptions of what it is to be fully awakened, and allow for infinite possibilities to pervade your Divine Presence Now.

Divine Love is guiding you. Surrender to its infinite possibilities as it transforms you with each breath of Divine Love that you take.


In Love and Service, I AM Lady Nada

“Lady Nada: You Have Entered a New Phase of Your Awakening,” channeled by Fran Zepeda, June 15, 2015, at

Source Link: Fran Zepeda Messages of Love and Healing

Copyright © 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/18/2015 6:34:49 PM

Gregg Prescott: Are You Ready to Go Home to 5D Earth?

Greg Prescott 2Now is the time to start working in overdrive on our spiritual progression. This window of opportunity is closing and it’s imperative for those who wish to make the transition to decide whether they want to be part of the new transformation of 5D Earth or remain in this three dimensional, fear-ladened reality.

Each day, we have the opportunity to synchronize our minds and bodies, through intention, prayer and meditation, to the cosmic source of abundant energy, which is helping to assist us in this transformation.

Every Lightworker hopes and wishes that the entire planet will make this transformation, but negativity and fear cannot coexist with peace, love and happiness on 5D Earth. Imagine if we all graduated to 5D earth right now. If thoughts equal manifestations, then what would happen to the person who lives in fear? His or her thoughts would immediately manifest into that particular fear, essentially creating a living Hell.

Fortunately, we exist in a period of time where thoughts are becoming manifestations with relative ease as we make this transition. That means the window of opportunity is still open for those who wish to be part of 5D Earth.

That leads us to the question, “Why will people get left behind?”

10 reasons why some people may get left behind

1. Some people are not spiritually in vibration with the rest of the planet.
The whole planet is in tune to a specific vibration and frequency. That’s how animals know when it’s time to migrate. Our Earth’s vibrations are changing daily as more as more energy from our cosmic source is moving toward us in waves of abundance.

Look at spirituality as a team event. When individuals make their best efforts to contribute to a team sport, they win. This game is very simple. Know in your mind that we’ve already won this battle and focus on making spirituality an everyday event through meditation, prayer, intention, unconditional love, global (and universal) consciousness and by doing kind deeds for others. This is where it begins, my friends!

2. Some people live in fear.
We have two basic emotions: love and fear. If we live our lives in fear, then we’re incapable of truly loving ourselves and others. Those in power know this and use fear to their advantage. Conversely, we can use love to our advantage as well! Look at the peace rallies in the 1960’s during the “make love, not war” era. Eventually, the troops in Vietnam laid down their guns, The war machine stops here.” Without soldiers, there’s no war. This type of love based consciousness wins over fear every time!

3. Some people place a high value on money.
Que$tion: What i$ the true purpo$e of money?
An$wer: To control u$ while we live in this slave society.
There is no need for money in the Golden Age where there is abundance for all. That’s why we’re seeing a collapse of the banking systems right now as the Federal Reserve is choking on their creation. With millions of galaxies in our Universe, we’re probably the ONLY planet who is being controlled by MONEY!

The richest organization on the planet is the Roman Catholic Church. They have enough net worth to feed, cloth and shelter every person on the planet, yet they horde their money and demand people to tithe them 10-20% of their savings. What’s wrong with this picture? For those who haven’t begun their spiritual journey, this is a good place to start!

4. Some people place a high value of materialistic items.
People who are materialistic and are unable to let go of their egos may not transcend to a higher vibration. That’s why those in power are trying to keep us in fear because when we fear, we can’t love and love is the fundamental basis for this transition.

Materialism has no place on 5-D Earth so if you think life is all about owning a Vera Wang dress or a pair of $250 basketball shoes, then you might remain behind as well. Then you can enjoy your material possessions on 3D Earth as you continue to work for the money that allows you to purchase these items. The choice is yours.

5. Some people are greedy.
Just like being materialistic, if you’re greedy, your vibrations will not mesh with the Golden Age and you may get left behind. Our lives are individual, yet people don’t realize how much they contribute to global consciousness! By being greedy, you’re sending out a wave of negative energy that will only reflect itself upon your denial into the Golden Age. If this is what you choose, then you better get used to 3-D Earth because you won’t make the 5-D Earth boat.

6. Some people are control freaks.
Spirituality is, indeed, an individual effort that contributes to global consciousness, which in turn reinforces the mandlebrot that creates our reality. If your desire is to control others through manipulation then you’ll continue to have a job reserved for you on 3-D Earth until you learn this lesson.

On 5D Earth, there’s not gonna be one specific person who says, “this is how it’s gonna be”. This is a cumulative manifestation that’s created through a group effort of intention, thought and prayer, so if you think you’re gonna be the boss of 5D Earth, then you’ll probably miss the boat.

7. Some people think the world revolves around them.
This is where one of the Mayan prophecies in the Popol Vuh has already come true (Seven Macaw). Our egos have been pumped up so much that many people think the world is all about them. It’s not, it’s about us.

8. Some people are not consciously practicing unconditional love to one another.
How difficult is it to smile at someone or open the door for the elderly (or anyone for that matter!)? If we loved everyone as much as dogs love their owners, this world would be a much better place. On 5D Earth, everyone will be best friends with one another through unconditional love.

9. Some people constantly think negative thoughts.
As we’ve learned from the Law of Attraction, thoughts will become manifestations. This will become easier and easier as we approach 2012 (and beyond!). In other words, what we think will manifest itself. If a person thinks negative thoughts, then they’ll create “Hell” in their own minds. People of this vibration cannot exist in the Golden Age and will be left behind.

10. Some people are trapped inside the box.
We were born with all the answers we ever needed. From the moment the doctor delivers a baby, the baby learns fear when he or she gets slapped on the butt. Our educational systems place our thought processes inside the box and this mentality is continued as we enter the work force.

Did you ever wonder, “Why do we even need to work?” To earn money??? What if money didn’t exist anymore? What type of “work” will we be doing in a peaceful, coexisting society? We were taught that we need money and have to work, yet most of our hard earned money goes to the 13 controlling bloodlines who “rule” this planet.

You can continue to follow the flock and remain with these bloodlines or begin your spiritual journey right now! This window of opportunity will not be open much longer. Our 3rd dimensional life is all about the decisions we make and how those decisions affect our daily lives. Let’s face it, we all know somebody who seems to enjoy being miserable so it’s okay if that person decides to miss this opportunity and is content living on 3D Earth.

Don’t worry about anyone who is evil or corrupted. Their vibrations will keep the locked in this reality. Their evil and darkness is actually needed to awaken people to their true spiritual purpose. You didn’t incarnate to become rich and wealthy. You’re here to make a difference on this planet and to witness the Golden Age. Before you agreed to come here, you knew you could make a difference in this world and that you wouldn’t follow the flock.

If you’re awakened at this point, life is truly beautiful. If you haven’t, including the powers currently “ruling” this planet, there’s still the opportunity to make this transition but the window is closing little by little each day.

The boat for 5-D Earth will be departing soon. There are 6.6 billion people on this planet and 6.6 billion reservations made. Everyone has the opportunity be part of this process which only comes around approximately once every 26,000 years.

Who’s ready to go home to 5D Earth??

In5D Addendum

Gregg Prescott, M.S.

In the end, no one gets left behind as we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. There are many lessons we came here to learn and this article outlines many of these lessons. If you are working on your spiritual progression and learning from the cycles of time, then you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

It is quite possible that there are some people who we may view as being part of the dark forces who volunteered to come here to play that role in the awakening, similar to the parent that is about to spank their child while saying, “This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you.”

There is a reason why so many of us decided to incarnate on this planet at this exact point in space and time. Like Delores Cannon states, there are many extraterrestrials watching over us right now because this is the greatest show in the Universe and you’re part of it!

We are currently witnessing the collapse of money, government and religion during Pluto in Capricorn, which will continue until Pluto exits Capricorn in 2023. The stage is set. It’s just a matter of “time”!

“Are You Ready To Go Home To 5D Earth?” by Gregg Prescott, June 16, 2015 at

Original link: Are You Ready To Go Home To 5D Earth?

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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