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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/14/2015 6:46:57 PM

Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff: The Choices before You Are Limitless


Beloved Ones,

Each of you is stretching for the potential that rests within.

This potential beckons you onward, poignant in its endless possibilities and its creative energies help open the flow to needed movement and direction.

These are creating inner growth and are not outwardly seen but inwardly felt. Follow your heart in all things. Former ways of doing things are now evolving as you follow your inner direction with faith and determination.

Your trust in your intuition is becoming more developed, and the insight provided, into your own inner workings, provides a greater awareness of the people and situations that surround you.

As you practice being still and quiet, an inner knowingness comes, a spiritual energy that focuses on understandings that come from a place beyond one’s reason.

As you give your inner guidance from the higher aspects of yourself the opportunity to manifest, your own intuition becomes a reality in its operation in your daily life. The key is to take the time to be still and know that you are on the right track.

The creativity you hold within you unfolds now, and you find new levels of expression for it, as you reach for ever greater expansion in finding ways to share your richness and goodness with the world.

This opens you to the abundance of the universe and the greater gifts that you have acquired throughout time and the evolution of your inner growth begins to find physical expression. Your belief in your self, and your value and worth, intensifies as you further align to this higher inner direction.

You realize that the only limitations you experience are those that you put on yourself and you seek to break those crystallized forms so that you can further expand into areas that uncover ever greater potential.

As the limits of your conscious mind are removed, you raise your energy level and your frequency to the next step in your ongoing evolution of consciousness.

As you give ever greater focus to the spiritual values, your heart opens and you become more aware of the intensity of the spirit within, which seeks ever greater manifestation in your reality.

You are entering into a new phase of inner and outer development. This development comes in ebbs and flows. Sometimes the inner guidance encourages withdrawal from the world around you, and this inner growth then seeks manifestation in the outer world.

It is important to be yourself, to know who you are and stay grounded in that knowing. There are new beginnings that are coming forward, and previously hidden facets of your self coming into expression.

Allowing this new direction to take shape brings new perspectives, and a new level of your inner truth comes forward to be acknowledged and fully integrated. This will open you to an ever greater understanding and expansion of yourself.

Allow this new level of truth to touch into all aspects of your life. Personal wisdom is gained through experience and is guiding and opening you to the greater mysteries of the universe.

It lightens your spirit and brings you to a greater awareness that you have the freedom to be or do whatever you want; all you have to do is claim the right to do so. The choices before you are limitless and all you have to do is take the action necessary to claim them as yours.

To be abundant in your world is to experience the joy of creation. What you set in motion returns to you. You are in control of each situation that you encounter by what you choose to empower.

The universal energy of creation is always present, and this cosmic balance and perfection is reflected within you; recognize this and come into the rhythm with creation.

There must be a balance between the spiritual and the physical. There is always a pattern, an order, and a system that is in operation, to every creation that manifests.

There is a constant flow of energy, which comes from different realms, that gifts the seeds of wisdom that is required for your ongoing evolution and enlightenment.

This wisdom puts you in touch with the light that illuminates your connection with the infinite. Your personal star is waiting to shine in your life.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

“Hilarion: The Choices before You Are Limitless,” channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, June 14, 2015, at

Source Link: The Rainbow Scribe: Hilarion 2015

©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included –,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/14/2015 6:56:00 PM

SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2015

Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ June 14, 2015

Release any need to cling to the status quo. You are being asked to let go into the power of Light, which will allow you to live in your Truth.

Dear One,

It is a new time. It is a new moment. When you cling to the status quo, you are clinging to the way things used to be. Sometimes it feels safer to hold to the old way. Change can be frightening and yet, is your world not changing constantly? In holding on to the status quo, you are clinging to a thought of how something used to be, when you have the power to change it for the better this very moment.

There is tremendous power in your thoughts. A thought is like a prayer to the universe, asking for what you want. If your thoughts are unconscious, if fears play a large part in what goes on in your mind, in effect you are asking for the things that frighten you to come into your life.

Fear is part of the status quo and the greatest fear seems to be of the unknown. Yet it is not possible to always know exactly what is to be. You are being to asked to let go of your fears and to allow the power of the light of God to guide, nourish and protect you.

Letting go is a moment to moment process. It is surrendering to the flow of life. Let go into the light, which is the flow of God moving within you at every moment. The Divine Presence is the only constant in the midst of change. This is a truth you can trust. Is not the power of light and love a greater attraction than fear and doubt? It is your attachment to wanting things never to change that holds you back.

Simply ask clearly for what you want from the Higher Power and the Angels. All the assistance you need is available to you, if you but ask. When you are free from old fears and attachments, you will know the freedom and joy of your truth. Your truth is always what makes you happy, and this is Divine Will for you at all times—God wants you to be happy.

Pray to live in the light of your truth. Know that you are divinely guided at all times. Ask for assistance to let go of fears that no longer serve you. Allow the grace of the Angels to work through you knowing you are profoundly loved.


Release any need to cling to the status quo. You are being asked to let go into the power of Light, which will allow you to live in your Truth.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
June 14, 2015

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/14/2015 6:57:26 PM

Archangel Michael via Celia Fenn: The June 2015 Solstice

diamondheartThe June 2015 Solstice: Activating the Cosmic Diamond Heart, Birthing the New Earth Soul and Calling Back the Animals

Beloved Family of Light, your Planet is reaching a key moment in its process of Ascension and Transformation. As you enter into the ‘Event Field’ of the June Solstice on the 21st June, you are feeling the incoming and powerful energies of the Lion’s Gate, the 8/8/8, and the final Lunar Eclipse of the two year series on the 28th of September.

These events mark the final ‘grounding process’ of the Cosmic Diamond Heart Frequencies into the Multi-Dimensional Earth Grids, as well as the Birthing of the New Earth Soul. This is the true beginning of the Earth Star/Planet as a Multi-Dimensional experiential reality field for all Light Beings who choose to incarnate on the Earth. This includes not only Humans but all forms of life, including the Animal and Plant families.

At this beautiful convergence of energies at the Solstice, you will fully embody the Diamond Codes and the Diamond Light through activating the Cosmic Diamond Heart. You will welcome the New Earth Soul as a powerful new archetype, and you can, if you so choose, participate in calling back the animals who are beginning to leave the Planet in a mass extinction event.

Activating The Diamond Heart: Cosmic Codes…..on Earth as it Is in Heaven

In February of 2014, those of you who are Starseeds and Galactic Warriors made a massive Timeline Jump or shift to this present timeline. The Group Soul work was to create a way forward into the New Earth on this very heavy timeline.

In this process of healing and balancing and bringing in the Diamond Codes, the Earth’s Timeline fields would be unified so that all timelines were directed at a Multi-Dimensional New Earth where Humanity could continue to evolve and thrive together with all other Earth Life Forms.

This was an heroic effort by Family of Light and those of you who are Fourth-Dimensional Time Masters, to align the timelines into a common future of Peace and Love. You were to do this by creating peace and harmony in your own lives and by learning how to embody the Diamond Light and the Diamond Codes.

You were also to do this be connecting deeply with the Earth and the Elemental Energies and calling back the precious creations to participate in the New Earth. This is what is being celebrated at this time.

The Diamond Heart is the Cosmic Frequency that is being embodied within the Galaxy to express the highest frequencies of Divine Light and Divine Creative Will. The Diamond Codes are received on the Earth from the Great Central Sun or Galactic Center as pulsations of Diamond White Light or Fire.

The Heart of the Earth is in the process of aligning with these frequencies, and of course those of you who are working as Family of Light and Star Warriors are learning how to align your own Diamond Heart with these same Cosmic Frequencies.

The Diamond Light is the most intense and high-frequency energy that has yet been embodied on the Earth. It is a white fire that brings love, compassion, and creativity at very high levels. The key word is ‘Intensity’. When you embody this Light then you begin to experience the intensity and passion of the Diamond Light.

In terms of your physical body, there can be very powerful and noticeable effects on all levels. On the level of the body, all places where the frequency is low will be affected, as the body spins off low frequency and becomes more refined.

Many people notice this in the digestive system, as this is an area where low frequency energies are still found, as people eat without consciousness of what they are doing.

On the emotional and mental levels, all low-frequency fears and anxieties will be spun off and released to be replaced by higher frequency energies. This may give rise to anxiety and stress, and to an overactive mental or emotional energy for a while, as the old patterns are ‘revved up’ as they are transformed into Higher Frequency.

Do not hold on to what needs to be released. The more you hold on, the more difficult it will be to move forward with your life. Release with grace and gratitude, and allow your Higher Self to lead you forward into the new frequencies and the new version of yourself.

In terms of the Earth itself, these intense frequencies are causing much movement and disruption in weather and other global patterns. In the Pacific ‘Ring of Fire’ and other places, you will be seeing increased activity in volcanoes and earthquakes as the Earth moves into the Higher Frequencies and the Planet adjusts to these Diamond Frequencies. The cleansing activities of Fire and Water will be very noticeable at this time.

Beloved Ones, you chose to jump to this timeline to be the agents of change at this time. As you work with these deep and intense energies, know that you are working with your Soul, your Soul Group, and your Soul Families. You are Masters of Time and Space, and you are creating a new timeline for the Earth in her journey through Time and Space.

athenaowlBirthing the New Earth Soul

Beloved Family, since the big energy shift in December 2012, your Planet has been in a powerful process of Ascension and Transformation. This process will culminate in 2017, as you fully birth the New Earth timeline and the New Earth Soul within your Multi-Dimensional Physical/Light Body Complex.

We, as Angels and Archangels, worked with you and taught you the Sacred Heart meditation to allow you to access the archetypal energies of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, to embody the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness. This was essential in order for you to create the ‘Star Gates’ that would shift the planet into Multi-Dimensional frequencies.

After 2012, the Diamond Light frequencies began to enter the Earth Grids and Fields, and in this new Multi-Dimensional frequency, a New Earth Soul was born that would express the Diamond Heart of the New Earth Being.

The Divine Feminine of the Diamond Light expresses itself as Higher Wisdom, Strength, Courage, and Passion. It’s center is the Heart, and it activates the Sacral center, the Brow Center, and the Soul Star, into Radiant Rainbow frequencies of Intuition, Love, Passion, Intensity, and Creativity.

She is the Wise Woman and Warrior, who loves with intensity and integrity and whose focus, as the Great Mother, is on all the ‘children’ of the Galaxy and of the Earth. Her Diamond intensity is a white fire that clears away the old, the chaos, the confusion, and creates space for a new creation of Golden frequencies and Diamond frequencies of Higher Expressions of Divine Love and Blessings.

The Divine Masculine of the Diamond Light expresses itself as Creativity, Clarity, Strength, Empowerment, and the ability to structure New Creations with Love, Intense Passion, and Responsibility. This energy is also centered in the Heart, and activates the Base, the Solar Plexus, the Throat, and the Crown Centers.

He is the powerful Creator who brings order and harmony into manifestation through his creations of Golden Light and Diamond Intensity. He speaks his truth and follows the path of his Soul and Higher Self.

When the Diamond Sacred Masculine and Feminine come into alignment within your Soul, you birth the New Earth Soul. You become a Radiant Diamond Light Being whose intense Light, Passion and Clarity can light the way forward into the New Earth for others.

Beloved Family of Light, at the Solstice many of you will complete the ‘birthing’ of your New Earth Soul into the Diamond Light. You may feel this intense Flame of White Fire as it ignites within your Heart, your Soul, and within every cell in your Body and Light Body. This will be a precious gift and a powerful transformation.

wolfCalling Back the Animals and Diamond Gratitude

Beloved Family of Light, as you work with the Diamond Light and the Ascension energies, you are aware of how intense and challenging life can be on the Earth at this time. This applies not only to human life but to all life forms on the Earth.

As the Earth shifts and changes, it is becoming more difficult for many life forms to hold their life templates in existence on the Earth. It is Divine Love and Creativity that anchors them here, but they need your assistance as well.

Your original ‘mission’ on the Planet was to fill the Earth and to tend to the ‘Garden’ and the Animals. While you have filled the Earth, you have not taken that much care of the Garden and its Life Forms. Many Species feel deeply unloved, as their habitats are destroyed and their families hunted and killed as resources.

In the incoming Diamond Light, it is time to call back all life forms, tend to the Garden, and call back the Animals especially. Do not allow them to go into extinction feeling unloved and unwanted!

The Shining Radiance of Creation is a precious Gift, all of it. At this time of the Solstice, and the birthing of the New Earth Soul, it is also time to affirm your Love, Appreciation and Gratitude for all Creation. Call back the animals, let them come home to Earth, and feel loved, honored and appreciated in their natural environments.

The animals were created from the Divine Creation Template of the Galaxy to be your companions on the Earth. They are also ‘Soul Family’, and they are ‘Star Seeds’ from many different systems and galaxies. Each species brings a gift from the Stars. As they disappear and become extinct, so the blessings are lost and the Earth becomes more lonely and isolated.

Beloved Ones, call them back. Let them know that your hearts yearn for them and their presence and their frequencies and their gifts. Call their Souls and Spirits, and let them know that you have seen their pain and suffering. And let them know that you will work together with them to create a New Earth..

It is time to rebirth the garden and to tend to the many species that were gifted to Earth. It is time for a powerful new force to arise, Diamond Gratitude. Gratitude, for every living being and their contribution to the Garden of Life that is Planet Earth, and to the Galaxy and the Cosmos!

“Archangel Michael: The June 2015 Solstice,” channeled by Celia Fenn, June 12, 2015, at

Source Link: Starchild Global with Celia Fenn

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/14/2015 7:05:36 PM

SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2015

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - June 12, 2015

The latest guidance for Lightworkers, from our friends, the fifth and sixth dimensional beings known as the Collective:

Greetings! We are glad to have this opportunity to speak with you in this astounding and joyful time upon the Earth.

We are aware that much appears to be in disorder.
We have spoken before of the negative slant of the news media and the entertainment media.

Yes, there is still a glorification of war on many levels, and a glorification, among individuals and communities, of a twisted sense of masculinity—that which deals in defensive, egoic posturing and threats, if not outright violence.

And we would say, that you are living in the very last moments of this patriarchal, unequal and unjust world, and that there is so much to celebrate now, that you would not believe us if we listed all of the blessings and good will being poured out upon you.

For we are here, your Galactic friends and family, your team members and fellow workers in the establishment of peace and prosperity, justice and equality, fulfillment and celebration that is now being created upon your planet.Inline image 1
We are working with you every moment of every day, creating that which you have chosen on a soul level, and which your planet has chosen on a soul level (for She is a sentient being, and cried out to us for aid).

And how can this be, you feel some days, when in my own life, I struggle with bitterness over past events, relationships, jobs, family matters, and larger political matters, that never bore the fruit of their early promise?

Bluebells in a Belgian Forest
Bluebells in a Belgian Forest
How can it be that we would be so close to disclosure of the Galactic presence, of world peace that will not ever be shaken or ended, and yet the dark hats seem still to be in control?
How can we be so close to full enactment of NESARA law, when there is everywhere still a sense of struggle, of lost purpose, of sadness and futility?

And we would say, Look closerand then stand back, and look at your world from a far higher perspective.

Look closer, from the perspective that you are miraculously changed from who you were even one year or one month ago.
Your body is taking on the crystalline Light properties of the Ascended Master, though the changes can feel strange or taxing some days.

Your heart and mind are reaching higher, learning to speak the language of peace, of Light, of unity with all life.

Stand back from your Earth in your mind’s eye, and see the many millions of you who are becoming vegetarian and vegan, campaigning for the end of GMO foods and the end of corporate farming.

See that you are learning to grow or buy your own organic foods, and ceasing to support the corporate food products.
See the many millions demanding the protection of wildlife, of the forests, of the oceans and waterways.

See that you are consciously choosing to drink a great deal of pure water, and increasingly, using structured water filters to ensure that your bodies and your consciousness are given the chance to shine fully on a cellular and energetic level.

You are refusing to believe in drought or contamination as your reality.
You are refusing to believe in decrepitude and illness as your unavoidable result after decades of living.

Child with Llama - MED

You are supporting holistic natural healing methods, deciding to live and/or work in cooperatives and conscious communities.
You are deciding to teach your children the truths of what you know from the New Earth teachings you are delving into, rather than sending them to the corporate/government schools to be trained for a life of service to elite masters.

You are in fact, Ascending.

Dr. Keshe’s beautiful, Galactic-supported technological inventions, which will require that all armies cease firing upon one another, is yet another indication of the astounding move forward that humanity is taking—every day, another significant step up the mountain, and the top is coming clearly into view.

And so we would say, that though we feel and understand your impatience, do you understand that even that has become more joyful?

That the outcry against police brutality in the United Statesand the new technologies that have enabled mass witness of these actshas to do with the far greater, more joyful cry toward freedom, Divine government, justice and peace?

And do you see that you are creating this first within your own conscious awareness?
Otherwise, you would not be viewing such en masse, nor feeling and seeing the powerful resonance of these messages, as if a great magnifying glass were being placed upon the words and actions of the civil rights activists of half a century ago.

And so again, we must encourage you to rejoice, far more than to demand answers as to why it hasn’t all changed yet.

Because most assuredly, the day isn’t merely coming. The day is here!

Certainly you desire greater demonstrations of that, but you are the only ones to create those demonstrations, with your inner determination to see them, to celebrate them even before they are apparentand so, to create them, even though you may feel at times to be doing so from within the void of the old third dimensional world.

We assure you, that world no longer exists.
There is no going back now to the narrow preference for insanity, illness, violence and despair that you were long taught is the “only way” forward.

Cove in Corsica
Cove in Corsica

Your entire race of beings (and most of your animals as well) are reaching toward the Light, and knowing with greater surety every day of your lives, that it is only getting brighter.
And we would say, that for those who doubt that things are moving quickly into the New Earth of fifth dimensional reality, that they will experience what they expect.
And sobe aware of what you make, Creators.

This Universe is your own.

It is you, and all your dreams, and your children’s dreams.
And because of this, the beauty of the New Earth and all Her joys cannot be taken from you.
Namaste! We are with you, always.

Copyright 2015, Caroline Oceana Ryan
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this original post. Thank you.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/14/2015 7:10:20 PM

Light Watkins: 7 Surefire Signs You’re Following Your Heart

LightWatkinsHeadshotWhy do we often second-guess the messages and directives from our heart? Isn’t the heart supposed to be looking out for our best interests — a sort of internal GPS for our personal growth and evolution?

Maybe it’s because unlike the clear directions we get from the GPS, heart messages can sometimes feel vague, often leading us out of our comfort zone. Or, we want to be sure that it’s truly our heart we’re following and not our head.

If there have been times of confusion in deciphering which are the genuine heart messages, here’s a little primer to let you know when you’re on the right track.

1. A heart message may not make sense to anyone, but you.

As Blaise Pascal said, “The heart has its reasons of which reason does not know.”

On paper, you may be a perfect candidate for (fill in the blank). But you may feel little to no desire to pursue that path, even though it’s obvious to everyone else that you would excel at it.

Instead, you may feel called to do something completely different, and no one in your life can understand why. This is a classic indication that the message is originating from the deepest recesses of your heart.

2. There may be several unknown variables.

You feel the call to try something big, but when you put your plan through a critical analysis, it has more holes than a donut shop. And yet, this doesn’t seem to stop you.

When I considered changing my name to “Light” 10 years ago, I made a pro’s and a con’s list, and was able to easily come up with 25 pragmatic reasons why I shouldn’t do it.

But my pro’s column had only one reason: because my heart said to do it — so I changed it.

Messages from our heart have no attached guarantees, and sometimes require enormous amounts of blind faith. As Martin Luther King, Jr. said, with faith, you don’t need to see the entire staircase — just take the first step.

3. Heart-centered action can be scary, but in a good way.

If the message doesn’t make sense to anyone else and there are a lot of unknown variables in your plan, then obviously taking the next step is going to feel scary. You don’t know how it’s going to turn out and there’s a chance you could lose everything.

But backing up your original heart-centered message is an underlying reassurance that even if you fall flat on your face, everything is still going to work out for the best.

4. Everyone (not just you) will benefit by your actions.

Oftentimes with following the heart, there is no obvious benefit to you at all … just a feeling you can’t seem to shake. I once convinced myself I was following my heart when I invested in real estate with the intent to flip houses and make a lot of money. This was right before the last real estate bubble burst, so you can probably guess how that story ended.

In hindsight I realized I was being driven more by greed, not by my heart.

Your heart doesn’t care about making money. Nor will it ever command you to rob a bank or hurt someone — true heart messages are not outcome-oriented. Instead they are rooted in the process of generosity, compassion, love, cooperation, communication, forgiveness and empathy.

5. Immediate action is required.

Heart messages require real-time responses. They are not concerned with the past, the future, or even with details about the present. Whether you feel you have enough money, resources, or influence is irrelevant to your heart. If you let those perceived shortcomings stop you from following through, you may miss your window of opportunity.

So the next time your heart says to buy the person in line behind you a coffee, don’t start analyzing how much money you have in your pocket, or how the stranger is going to feel about your gesture. Just buy the coffee. If your heart commands you to say “Good morning” to the person next to you in the elevator, don’t analyze how they’re going to respond back. Just say it.

With practice, you’ll find the timing of the messages from your heart to be in synchronicity with whatever the higher needs of that moment may happen to be.

6. A heart message is about what’s right, not what’s wrong.

Sometimes you may feel an inner warning telling you that something is off … so you focus on what’s wrong, instead of what’s right. That’s usually a message from your gut, not your heart. The heart’s job is to direct you toward what’s right.

Remember this: your heart will only ever point you in the direction of your greatest, most expanded self. It will be directive, saying “Make friends with that person,” or “Take this cooking class.” Heart messages will resonate deeply and feel charming whenever you think about them. Messages from your gut are protective (“Don’t hire that person,” or “Avoid that place,” etc) and should be heeded as well.

7. It feels like the right thing to do.

Don’t wait for permission or support when it comes to following your heart. Messages from the heart are notoriously unpopular, scary, or crazy to everyone else — but for you, it will feel like the right thing to do, I assure you. This is why some people suggest that following your heart will make you gullible. Actually, it makes you brave (after all, it’s the heart that will inspire you to fight for justice, to return someone’s wallet, or to go after your dreams).

Your heart is your biggest ally in your spiritual development, and primarily concerns itself with helping you make progress in that department. While doing the right thing may not put a million dollars in your bank account, it is sure to leave you feeling like a spiritual billionaire — which at the end of your life is what you’ll be remembered most fondly for.

“7 Surefire Signs You’re Following Your Heart” by Light Watkins, May 20, 2015 at

Original link: 7 Surefire Signs You’re Following Your Heart

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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