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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/15/2015 6:22:04 PM

Monday, June 15, 2015

Benjamin Fulford - June 15, 2015: Will it be chaos or controlled implosion as the Western bubble bursts?

The signs are undeniable that some sort of historic event is imminent. The latest economic news makes it certain that the Western financial system as we know it is about to end. The question is, will there be a controlled implosion followed by a phoenix like revival or, will there be revolution, chaos, anarchy, bloodshed and misery. The answer now lies in the hands of the military forces of the West because the political world, especially in the United States, is dysfunctional.

To understand how serious the situation is, please look at the following chart.

It shows there is about $80 trillion worth of financial products in the United States that has no basis in the real world. During the Japanese bubble I used a similar chart to show the bad debt in the banking system was worth 200 trillion yen at a time when the Japanese government was saying there was only 3 trillion yen worth of bad debt. Another way of putting it is that US asset prices will have to fall by about 80% before they hit the ground of reality. Japanese real estate prices fell 90% after the bubble burst there. The American bubble is 49 times larger than the Japanese bubble was. It is not a question of if it will burst but when. Denying reality does not make it go away.

There is also evidence coming from indexes based in real world transactions that cannot be manipulated by financial trickery. One is the Baltic Dry Index, the price of shipping goods, mostly raw materials like oil, metals, grains etc. It is at a record low now.

Another is the China Containerized Freight index, which measures the cost of shipping finished industrial goods out of China. It is also at a record low.

Perhaps you have noticed your e-mail spam filter is now featuring more Chinese enterprises desperately seeking customers than Viagra ads or Nigerian scams. Clearly something big is about to happen in the worlds’ markets.

There are a lot of people figuring this out now. The American Association of Individual Investors survey shows that in May of this year individual investors dropped the percentage of money they invest in shares to 57.8% from 67.9%. This is an astounding dumping of over 10% of their shares in exchange for cash in just one month. The Greeks are also bailing out of the Greek banking system at a rate of over 500 million Euros per day. This sort of thing is usually referred to as a bank run or as rats deserting a sinking ship.

Insiders say the most likely candidate to play role of Lehman Brothers in the upcoming crisis is Deutschebank. Deutschebank has had its S&P rating dropped to BBB+, which is lower that the AA- that Lehman had before it collapsed. Furthermore, Deutschebank’s derivatives book has a nominal value of 54.7 trillion Euros, compared to an EU GDP of 9.6 trillion Euros and a German GDP of 2.74 trillion Euros. The basis for a lot of those derivatives is Greek debt and the Greek government de facto defaulted on June 5th.

Japanese imperial family and Chinese government sources both say German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s recent visit to Japan and China was to ask for money to help deal with this problem. However, both sources confirm she returned empty handed.

Investigations by non-corrupt US authorities have revealed that much of the money taken from US tax-payers after the collapse of Lehman Brothers was leveraged 100 times and used to bail out European financial institutions.

This time, this is not going to be allowed to happen, according to multiple sources in the US agencies and Pentagon. Instead, some sort of showdown can be expected, Pentagon and other US agency sources say.

The attempt to start World War 3 in the Ukraine has blown up in the face of the Khazarain mob because it prompted a Russian intelligence dump. Here is some more of the information sent to us by Russian Intelligence in response to the recent Khazarian mafia attempt to portray Russia as a menace:

“We did not blow up the WTC on 9/11/2001 with W-54 Davy Crockett Nuclear Pitts. We did not steal 350 decommissioned W-54 Davy Crockett US Nuclear Pitts from the backdoor of Pantex, Texas, USA, which were manufactured at the Hanford Nuclear Plant. We did not bring these stolen W-54 Pitts to Israel. We did not recondition them in Israel, and it was NOT US who brought these nuclear Pitts back through Houston, Texas to be stored in various Israeli Embassies, including the Israeli Embassy in New York, and we DID NOT take these nukes to the Twin Towers by using Israeli Urban Moving Systems.”

In other words, the Russians are giving the Pentagon white hats detailed, actionable intelligence about Khazarian mass murder inside the United States.

The Russians also say the crash of the “Malaysian Air Flight 17” was Vanguard (the Khazarian mob’s corporate front) retaliation against both Germany and France in response to their plan to create European Army and drive Vanguard criminals from Europe. It was also a reaction to Angela Merkel’s and Francois Hollande’s request to Ukrainian President Poroshenko to “kick out Vanguard’s representative Igor Kolomoyskyi, to fire him from his position as a governor of Dnepropetrovskiy County of Ukraine and take from Kolomoyskyi’s banks all of the government money in order to separate fake Vanguard’s dollars and real dollars that Ukrainian government has.” In response the Europeans, according to the Russians, one of the leaders of Khazarian mafia, Henry Kissinger, became extremely angry, saying that “beautiful France can expect a regime overthrow!”

The Russians also provided detailed intelligence on exactly how Vanguard subsidiary Raytheon, and two other companies, manufactured and used equipment to remotely hijack airplanes.

Furthermore, the Russians have provided the Pentagon white hats with a detailed list of the Khazarian agents involved in the destruction of the World Trade Center Buildings on September 11th, 2001.

Related The FBI is Responsible for More Terrorism Plots In the United States Than Any Other Organization

Pentagon officials expect a limited civil war inside the United States starting as early as this summer in order to deal with the Khazarian fifth columnists.

The Pentagon officials also cited many signs of progress so far against the Khazarian mob. The first was the defeat of the TPP and TTIP Khazarian power grab in the US congress and EU parliament. Labour union action and massive street protests helped in the defeat of these bills.

The other thing they said was that US Secretary of State John Kerry was shot by Khazarians because of his peace-making efforts with Iran and in the Ukraine. The bullet missed his heart by two inches, the sources say. They now expect payback against Israel, Victoria Nuland and her Khazarian bosses.

Also, in another attack against Khazarian influence in the State Department, Under-Secretary for Latin America Roberta Jacobson was demoted to Ambassador to Mexico because of her failed coup attempt in Venezuela.

The Supreme Court is expected to take a decisive role in curbing Khazarian power over the coming months, the sources say. They expect rulings against Obamacare, gay marriage and many other issues being pushed by the Khazarians. The Supreme Court is now apparently under the influence of the pentagon, the P2 freemason lodge and Pope Francis

There is also increased military action against Israel and her ISIS proxy in the Middle-East, the sources say. The Russians have been selling advanced missiles to anti-Khazarian forces in the Middle-East while the pentagon has been supplying anti-tank weapons to Iran and its allies in the region.

Also, Russia has been engaged in military maneuvers with Egypt that featured US F-16 fighter jets coordinating with the Russian navy.

Also, the death of the head of the Saudi Air-force, plus the missile attacks against Saudi Arabia have weakened Khazarian King Salman, who may soon be forced to resign “because of dementia,” the Pentagon sources say.

The American military are also picking a fight with China. The pentagon sources say the death toll from the cruise ship sinking in China was 444, a very bad omen for the Chinese. In response the Chinese send Fan Changlong, vice-chairman of China’s Central Military Commission, to meet with Pentagon top brass last week, the pentagon sources say. A tense four-hour meeting ended badly because the Chinese refused to promise to stop building on the disputed reefs, claiming they were located on undisputed Chinese territory. The Chinese would only sign agreements on disaster relief and army cooperation, they said.

The pentagon sources say China can expect more “tornadoes, sinkings, quakes etc.” until they stop their construction of military bases on disputed islands. The pentagon is also now going to push for further militarization of Japan.

At the end of the day, though, this is all just table thumping by the Americans as negotiations for new international structures and rules to replace the crumbling post-war order continue.

The White Dragon Society, for its part, is still pushing for the creation of a meritocratically staffed future planning agency with an initial budget of $7 trillion to start a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and prepare for an exponential expansion of earth life into the universe.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/15/2015 6:28:36 PM

GaiaPortal 6-14-15… “Heralded arrivals are imminent” (or, “Holy Crap… finally a new GaiaPortal!”)

gaiaportal_logo145This one actually does seem to line up with several other “news” items, in particular, David Wilcock’s last article. Almost as if saying, “Disclosure is imminent”. I “get” that there are several “hidden” messages here. See what your “Holy Innards” tell you.


Heralded arrivals are imminent

Heralded arrivals are imminent.

Resonance of Gaia upper energetics complies with required vibration for ascension.

Feral energetics are retrieved and cared for.

Primal entities are harnessed and applied.

Collectives are aligned.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/15/2015 6:35:09 PM

Golden Gaia News Roundup: June 15, 2015

news roundupTop o’ da mornin’ to ya! I’m hoping your weekend was brilliant: Relaxing, joyful, and productive! Thank you Alex for a wonderful Feel Good News, and to my fellow team here at Golden Age of Gaia.

Military Policy & Human Rights: Unconditional Acceptance of Everyone is the Only Way.

As our world continues to progress, unfold, and change for the better, we will also continue to experience and witness new behaviors –witnessing world and life events we’ve never seen before. It’s my prediction that these “firsts” will increase in number, as more and more people step into being their True Selves, and as our acceptance of people’s differences keep on expanding.

One such first is Jamie Lee Henry. She is a medical doctor and major in the Army’s Medical Corps. Henry is also the first known (as far as anyone is aware at this moment) active-duty Army officer to come out as transgender, as evidenced by changing both her name and her gender, while serving in the US military.

“When Henry requested that her name and gender be officially changed in mid-March, the Army ‘actually used female pronouns in the document’ that granted the request for the change in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS), she said. After receiving that in May, she then used the Army’s response to change her permanent military records in the interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management System (iPERMS), as well as in her medical records. The changes came, she said, ‘I think to the surprise of many, that it was even possible. But it’s been confirmed, it has been changed.'” (1)

The reason this is such a big deal, and among many “firsts” we will continue to witness both within the military and worldwide, is that according to the Army, such behavior, or more specifically such gender identity (known as gender dysphoria within the military), is considered unfit for military service and is grounds for dismissal. Fortunately, even the military is finally coming around to treating people with some basic sovereign human rights.

“Embracing diversity and inclusion is critical to recruiting and retaining the force of the future. Young Americans today are more diverse, open, and tolerant than past generations. If we’re going to attract the best and brightest among them to contribute to our mission of national defense, we have to ourselves be more diverse, open, and tolerant, too. It’s the only way to compete in the 21st century,” stated Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, at the Pentagon’s first-ever (there’s another “first”) Gay Pride event,Celebrating Victories that have Affirmed Freedom and Fairness, at its Arlington headquarters. (2)

1. The First Out Transgender Active Duty U.S. Army Officer: “My Story Is Not Unique” by Chris Geidner. BuzzFeed.

2. Pentagon Pride by rserven. Daily Kos.

Healthcare Prices & Ethics: Are We Overpaying for Medical Services?

A medical study was published last week revealing that 50 hospitals in America are highly overpriced –20 hospitals in Florida. Researchers uncovered that the price gouging is not a result of living in a pricey neighborhood but rather that there is a lack of market competition and that the federal government does not monitor nor limit what healthcare can charge.

From me to you, isn’t that highly unusual? What I’ve witnessed about our government is that they seem to want to have a hand in everything, don’t they? For them NOT to oversee an entire aspect of our society is most atypical. So I figure, there must be another angle they have.

Does the 1% own the synthetic man-made psychopharmacological industry? Well, as a matter of fact, “yes, they do. Check.” Since, most people are willing to pay top-dollar for life-saving surgeries, procedures, and new ground-breaking drugs, then the owners of this system need not put a ceiling on healthcare costs, right?

Actually, with this mentality, it would be better if there was no ceiling, giving them the freedom to charge through the roof (hence, “no ceiling”), and then charge it to the insurance company. I’m seeing ways that this whole system is truly interconnected … in ways to take our money.

“Most hospital patients covered by private or government insurance don’t pay full price because insurers and programs like Medicare negotiate lower rates for their patients.”

“But the millions of Americans who don’t have insurance don’t have anyone to negotiate on their behalf. They are most likely to be charged the full hospital price. As a result, uninsured patients, who are often the most vulnerable, face skyrocketing medical bills that can lead to personal bankruptcy, damaged credit scores, or avoidance of needed medical care.”

Be sure to tune in to this article in-full, if you’d like to learn exactly which 50 hospitals around the country charge the most. If you live in any of the following states, you might want to take a closer look: Florida, New Jersey, Alabama, Pennsylvania, and Texas.

The Top 50 Hospitals That Gouge Patients the Most by Lena H Sun.Washington Post.

Across this beautiful world, We Are All One.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/15/2015 6:38:05 PM

Inelia Benz: The Message is Clear – You are Powerful and They Don’t Want You to Know it.

inelia_benz_2013You are powerful and they don’t want you to know it. Who are “they”?

“They” are the individuals who project authority onto themselves, and make the rest of us think we need to hear things from them, get their permission, or pay them dues for living on the planet. Why do we give them all this authority over us? Because we have been taught to from day one to do so. And because if we don’t, we are told we will die, or worse, we will suffer.

Now, let’s not fall into the victim/aggressor cycle here. “They” exist because we all agree to have them there. The majority of us find it easier to have someone manage the majority of our lives, tell us what is “real”, what is not “real”, give us “official information channels”, and tell us how to live our lives.

When I first became a public person, a man told me that he did not like that I would look at vibrational lines, situations and events, and simply state what I was seeing with full authority. He suggested I add the words “in my view”, or “my opinion is”. In other words, he wanted me to step down from my personal authority. Why? Because it threatened him. You see, any of us can be in full control and use our personal authority, but others will see and react to it as they do to “formal” authority, that it is something imposed on them that they have to accept without question.

However, I don’t have any attachment, nor allocate any importance, to whether a person “believes me” or thinks that I am “full of BS”. Why? Because I speak my truth, my reality, my seeing. And I fully accept that their seeing can be different. And that’s OK!

You are POWERFUL and they don’t want you to know it. This fact is true.

Power-full. Full of power. Full of Chi, full of ability to do. It means you can completely reinvent yourself with one strong personal decision which you follow through with a change of mind, thoughts, words and actions.

Enough of us realizing this fact, can literally change the planet and how we experience life on it.

Often, when speaking with advanced spiritual seekers, I will tell them that their lives have no meaning and no importance. That their search for spiritual perfection is meaningless. That their daily lives are irrelevant. Most, not all, freak out. Why? Because it is part of this physical existence’s game to have a meaning and be important. We may value watching soap operas or football on TV as little meaning, and reaching enlightenment as a big meaning. But it’s simply grades of meaning. Both are false Gods.

Meaning, and the search for it, is a distraction. The fact is, you are an eternal, divine, all-powerful being, and the rest is just a dream. We do like to give our dreams meaning though, right?

And by realizing that meaning and importance, whether ours or someone else’s, is just an illusion, a distraction, a link in the chain of enslavement, we can truly step into our POWER.

Power= the ability to do = Chi

We value our lives, and the lives of others. And this is also a key element to living our lives powerfully. When we start valuing without judgment through meaning (whether ours or society’s), our lives begin to morph into something completely different. When we value without agendas, we are free from the agendas of others. When we put what matters to us under the microscope of our conscious awareness, we can manifest matter (physical experience) which we choose by design, and not unconscious or programmed meaning or importance.

Why has meaning and importance been given so much attachment? Because all one needs to do to distract a person, a society, a planet, is to give it a focus of attention on the small self, the ego, the present life or something else, and call it “meaningful”. And if you want to break that person or society, all you have to do is to take that meaning or importance away.

A real life example is: Telling someone, “I love you because you are beautiful”, this sentence has meaning and importance on beauty. As opposed to telling someone, “you are love embodied”. This second one is simply a statement of fact without importance or meaning. And feeling it, knowing it, is called “unconditional love”.

Another example would be: driving an expensive, sporty car because it makes you feel young, sexy, important, and lets others know you are wealthy. As opposed to driving it because you love the experience of luxury, the sound of the engine and the fast speeds. The first is meaning, the second is pure experience.

A while ago, I switched off the universe of light/dark experience. But a few milliseconds later, it came back like it had never been switched off. So I did it again. And again it came back. I wondered why it kept coming back, with all its imperfections, wars, suffering and enslavement of consciousness. The answer was very, very simple – the human collective is not done playing out this scene yet. The unraveling of meaning, importance, individualism, separation and conquering is not yet complete. Each person has to reach that realization by themselves, or it won’t be done.

I invite you to switch off the paradigm of meaning and importance, and step into the paradigm of consciously chosen high vibrational experience of the present moment, and conscious creation of high vibraitonal reality for yourself and others.

This information, the information contained in this article, is dangerous. It is filled with reality shattering energy and data. It is here to challenge your reality construct and it is being expressed because it is time you stepped into your power. If now is not the time for you to fully step into your power, you would have stopped reading this article on the second paragraph and would not be reading these words. Or, you will have a blank in a few minutes when you try to remember what it says.

Let’s share this information far and wide!

“The Message is Clear – You are Powerful and They Don’t Want You to Know it”, by Inelia Benz, not dated, at:

Original link: The Message is Clear – You are Powerful and They Don’t Want You to Know it

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/15/2015 6:42:01 PM

Nature is the Best Teacher


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Getting out and enjoying the natural world in all of its beauty can help us transcend the stress and frustration that seem to come with living on Earth, because it helps us understand that life doesn’t have to be a burden.

We don’t have to be as wound up and stressed out as so many people are in this day and age, and all it takes is getting out and looking around to see that life is meant to be colorful, exuberant, and most importantly, fun.

We can learn a lot by getting out to nature, clearing our minds and letting all the stress of ‘normal’ life fade. As we’re learning, ‘normal’ life has been an illusion all along and real life can be found by exploring our consciousness and observing the world around us.

Instead of succumbing to the dull or frustrating aspects of life, let’s return to nature and find our true home in the trees, the flowers, and the potent meditations we can enjoy in a natural setting. Let’s return to love, which creates and encompasses everything in existence, and let’s remember to call on it in situations that aren’t exactly fun.

Let’s remember that life doesn’t have to be so difficult or painful, and if we try hard enough, we can create a life that’s worth living. We can have fun with life instead of just tolerating it, but it requires us to seek rich, fulfilling, liberating experiences.

In my opinion, the best place to find these experiences are in nature and our higher consciousness. People have sought them in material things for centuries and we see where that’s gotten us, so let’s try something new.

Let’s invite spirit into our life as we begin to understand the natural world and the role we’re playing in the grand scheme of things, because we can use our awareness to inform others about nature, spirituality, corruption and everything else that’s worthy of discussion.

With our awareness intact, we can emerge into the world to help others understand that society has been wrong about nature, the things it gives us and the lessons it teaches us.


It takes actually getting out and enjoying the natural world on a regular basis to understand what it can do for us, and routinely connecting with it can enhance our appreciation for life, the planet we live on and the higher consciousness we’re discovering.

We can then help others understand that we’ve been fooled into living lives of constant stress, frustration and lack, but we have to understand this ourselves before we can inform others or strive for social change that reflects the freedom we know in our hearts we deserve.

So let’s give ourselves permission to get out to nature, meditate often, and grow closer with the world that hosts our life. I think it’s essential if we want to grow closer with ourselves, and if we resist it, we’ll resist our own enlightenment.

Instead of putting up so much resistance to life, let’s allow all of it to fade, excitedly explore nature and help others understand that our planet a lot to give us and we need to stop ravaging it if we want to have any significant resources in the future. Nature will teach us so much about life and our higher consciousness if we treat it right, so why not change our direction as a society and learn to respect it?

We’ll be glad we did in the end, because we’ll finally be able to eat from the earth without abusing it, polluting it or ravaging its resources for personal or financial gain. Most importantly, we’ll see nature as a teacher that can help us open the doorway into the higher states of consciousness we seek from gurus and all kinds of other spiritual figures.

Nature teaches us about ourselves, our reality and the realities beyond our conscious understanding, but we have to be open to receive its subtle yet powerful messages. If you’re stressed, upset or generally frustrated with life, allow all of your stress and tension to fade by getting out to nature, meditating, being creative or doing whatever else puts you in touch with yourself.

We need to stay aligned with the Self if we want to help others, and nature can connect us right up and inspire us to be progressive with that connection. It does a lot more for us than we understand at the surface, but we’ll have to get out there on a regular basis to see what it can really do.


Share freely.

I’m a twenty-two year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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