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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/13/2015 6:50:49 PM


Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ You are chemically and biologically part of all things

As we get closer to the summer solstice Time will shift in accordance with new laws of physics that are on the edge of being discovered. Allowing us to change all possibilities.

In an average human 24 hour day there is 86,400 seconds. In an average day see yourself having approximately 86,400 thoughts at the speed of the light.

If you were given a penny for every thought on an average earth day, you would accrue $864 per day. Multiply that by seven days and you will accrue, per penny, per thought, $6048 per week.

Multiply that per month and you will have accrued $24,192 per month just by having a penny for your thoughts.

Now expand that and multiply it by twelve months. In one year, just by a penny per thought, you will accrue $290,304 just by believing you will receive a penny per thought.

Within this sublime thought is a vast abyss of possibility. we all truly know time has sped up as we move closer to Galactic center, it is a necessity to spend your time and thoughts and money wisely. To increase the value of time as it loses more and more of itself every day.

Humanity equates time with money and so shall we. Is $290,304 enough for you to live on in one year in linear time? Does that seem like a lot or not enough? Every thought forms itself into what you believe – it is a living pulsing frequency that obeys your perception and creation of what should be. Hold this powerful thought that has just been birthed and receive it in the fullness of time.

Receive it into a place of deserving eliminating all thoughts of poverty. Each day you have a choice to create in a positive pole or a negative pole. Each thought moves to the South or the North of your thinking to abundance, to lack, to having enough to having not enough. Your day your abundance follows your lead into the land of plenty or the valley of not enough.

Earth is like a big day care center you can play with all the toys but you cannot take them home. Allow yourself to receive financial blessings, allow your self to receive unexpected miracles of money. Allow yourself to spend the abundance of the Universe with pleasure and with wisdom because that is your divine right and destiny. You and all life on earth were birthed from the stars. You are chemically and biologically part of all things.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/13/2015 6:55:08 PM

Will Stanton: A New Education Model for Humanity

Will-Stanton-300x200All human beings are born creators. If you don’t believe me, I urge you to recall when you were a child. Didn’t you love to paint and dance and sing? Didn’t you love to indulge in imaginary worlds you conjured up in your head? Children are naturally creative. It’s one of the things that makes us human. The problem is we’ve been cultured out of our creativity as we’ve grown older. The problem is we have been educated.

The education system is due for a major paradigm shift. For too long, it has been stuck in the dark ages. Teachers still stand at the front of the classroom and deliver information, much of it meaningless in the whole scheme of things. Schools encourage competition, conformity, obedience and standardization, while also engaging in the suppression of our natural, creative impulses and critical thinking faculties. Children are moulded and conditioned via the factory model of education to be unquestioning worker bees in a system that does not care for human progress. As a result, our species is stagnating. In order to reach the next stage of our evolution, the education system must undergo a revolution of its own.

Buckminster Fuller once said, ‘You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.’

The Six Dimension Model

Around ten months ago I had a profound and very sudden awakening brought on by the realization that humanity was on a collision course with itself. It was at this point that I decided I was going to dedicate my life to changing the education system. Like Fuller, I thought it was much more pragmatic to wipe the slate clean and start over than to try and patch up the leaks of the old system, so I came up with what I call The Six Dimension Model.

In no particular order, these six dimensions are Self-Discovery, Inquiry,Sustainability, Innovation, Communication, and Empathy.


The first of the six dimensions focuses on the internal and personal growth of the individual child. Children will have access to all the avenues of discovery they desire, from artistic and aesthetic practices to sports, outdoor activities and everything else in between.

Creative play will be a part of every day, and students will be given free reign over a wide range of creative tools and resources with which to draw, build, invent, compose, design, imagine, and experiment to their heart’s content. Teachers will take the time to get to know each child on a personal level, and will make every effort to nurture and unearth each child’s natural abilities, passions and interests.

Children of all ages will take part in meditation and mindfulness practices to help them align with the essence of who they are and assist them in finding the path they wish to take with their lives. This will not be a mandatory practice, but instead will be something the school system highly encourages as a tool for self-discovery.


This dimension is all about providing learners with the tools and resources to be completely independent critical thinkers, and to discern information through an investigative approach. The role of the teacher will shift from an information dictator to a facilitator of open dialogue. Traditional teaching methods will make way for more Socratic-style mentoring, which involves probing and challenging students through a process of open-ended questioning. Socratic mentoring is named after the Athenian philosopher, Socrates, who wisely said, ‘I cannot teach anybody anything – I can only make them think.’

Schools will not teach a single version of history. Instead, children will investigate the evidence from a number of different perspectives, and alternative accounts of history will not be dismissed or overlooked. They will then collate and weigh that evidence before reaching their own conclusions. Differences in opinion will be encouraged and will be a necessary departure from the Orwelliangroupthink mentality of the herd. Philosophy will also be taught as part of this dimension, giving students the ability to challenge their own rigid belief systems and open themselves up to different viewpoints and perspectives. The classroom will be a place where children truly feel like they are able to question everything and have their views respected, no matter what those views may be.

Religious doctrines will be abolished as they have no place in the education system. Open discussion of religion within a philosophical context will be encouraged however, as such discourse is highly valuable.


At present, the education system does not take our environmental reality seriously enough. Sustainability must be a primary focus in any new system. With the catastrophic deforestation of the Amazon, the plastic junkyards in our oceans, the pollution in our atmosphere, the displacement and destruction of our ecosystems, the threat of nuclear radiation, and now the plundering and pillaging of the Arctic regions, it is paramount that our children are not sheltered from the truth of our real and lasting impact on the environment.

Students will learn all about intelligent and effective resource/waste management, will interact with new energy technology in all its forms, and will be empowered to become problem-solvers with regard to the environmental crises facing our planet. Immersion in nature will be an integral part of this model, as it is crucial for us to regain our connection with the earth and with all life on it. The aim will be to get children out of the traditional classroom setting as much as possible and into a diverse range of environments that suit the learning context.

Children will also be equipped with the skills to become self-sustainable. This means being taught how to grow their own food, how to provide their own energy supply, how to build a house that can withstand the elements, and all other real useful life skills that allow them full autonomy over their own lives. The aim is to give young people the freedom of not having to rely on any system to do everything for them. They will be shown how to make sound choices for their health and wellbeing, through good nutrition, regular exercise and meditation. Again, it will be the responsibility of the children to look after their own vitality, and none of this will be forced on them.


Humanity’s greatest feats of creativity and progress have always been born out of unconventional ideas. Out of the box thinking will be deeply ingrained in the philosophy of a new education system. Schools will place a great deal of emphasis on divergent thinking, that is, thinking that does not require a clear right or wrong answer to any given problem. Divergent thinking strategies allow children to sharpen their natural creative intelligence so that they may reach their highest potential as innovators of the future.

All unnecessary competition in the classroom will be replaced by collaborative teaching and learning practices. Our human potential is far greater when we work together than when we work individually or at odds with each other. We must raise our children in an environment centred on collaborative and community-oriented principles so that they may grow to help create a better world and a fairer reality for the whole species.

Mathematics will be an optional pathway beyond elementary/primary level. Math will become a meaningful and highly relevant study with regard to its real world application. Students will also discover how sacred geometrical principles relate to nature, to the building of ancient civilizations, and to the framework of the universe itself.

Science education will see a shift away from reductionist materialism and into non-physical and quantum phenomena. This is not to say that the education system will abandon material science, but instead will extend its reach above and beyond traditional boundaries to include a study of that which we cannot perceive ordinarily with the five senses. All such exploration will occur through experimental and investigative inquiry by applying the scientific method.


This education model aims at retaining our native languages and recognises that cultural diversity is necessary in a thriving world. That said, English will also be taught across the board as that will enable all races, cultures and peoples to connect easily via written and spoken language.

Literacy and language acquisition will remain a cornerstone of the education system at elementary level, but will be voluntary at secondary level. Once a child can read fluently and get their message across effectively, it is no longer an absolute necessity for them to pursue further advancement of these abilities unless they choose a path that requires these skills. The engineers, nurses and dancers of the world would most likely prefer to use that time to develop skills in other areas.

Media literacy will be taught from around the age of ten. Children will be exposed to all kinds of media and will learn to think critically about the persuasive techniques being used. They will be able to read subtext, recognize manipulative language, and dissect political propaganda in all its forms. These skills are essential if we are to raise our children to maintain dominion over their own minds.

Students will also learn to recognize emotions and body language, and will apply that understanding to the management of social relationships and their own personal growth. By becoming conscious of their emotions, they will be able to minimize conflict, both internally and externally.


The last of the six dimensions, Empathy, is all about bringing real human connection into schools. It is so important that the future generations learn to value all life on the planet, so that our species does not continue to perpetuate the vicious cycle of war, oppression and conflict that has caused an unconscionable degree of pain and suffering.

In order to evolve, we must unite all colours and creeds and remove all barriers of separation. Nationalist fervour will be eliminated. There will be no pledge of allegiance. There will be no ethnocentric pedagogies. The education system will take a holistic, planetary approach, and will work on the foundational philosophy that we are all one.

Schools will function as real communities instead of the institutions they are now. Children will be valued, respected, and trusted with important roles of responsibility in the school. They will also be encouraged to engage in random acts of kindness in and out of the classroom, and to act with compassion and human decency in all that they say and do. Kids will learn strategies to empathise with others who are experiencing psychological, physical or emotional turmoil, which could be as simple as sitting silently by them and sharing their pain, or a heartfelt hug. Teachers will have the freedom and flexibility to establish a human connection with every child under their wing. Children will no longer feel alienated by their school system, but loved, understood, and empowered.

The Six Dimension Model will bring much-needed balance back to our education system, and will give both left-brain learners and right-brain learners the same opportunities to reach their highest potential. There is much more to this blueprint, including the structure and implementation, that I have written about in great detail in my book,Education Revolution, but this article should give you a clear idea of the scope of this vision. If this is the kind of education system you want to see for the future generations, then let’s hit the reset button together!

“A New Education Model for Humanity” by Will Stanton, June 13, 2015 at

Original link: A New Education Model for Humanity

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/13/2015 8:31:11 PM

The Oracle Report, Saturday-Sunday, June 13-14, 2015



Balsamic Moon Phase: release, dream

Moon in Taurus (moves into Gemini Sunday at 1:50 pm ET/5:50 pm UT)

Goddess of Wisdom: Tara (Goddess Who Guides)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: be deliberate

Catalysts for Change: distortions, explosiveness, sabotage and self-sabotage, resisting the truth or changes, codependency, not giving new things a chance, no forethought given

True Alignments: allowing a Divine factor to pervade, moving beyond fear of vulnerability, open to the unknown and to discovery, hope, possibilities, chivalry, reorientation of inner and outer self, shaping things, responding to calls of the heart

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a mature woman reawakened to romance”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

Situations, circumstances, and events that developed yesterday continue to churn and be pulled into the fires of the “vortex” that the Sun and Mars have been building all week. A purification and rectification of things is happening to put things in proper alignment. Proper alignment is freedom, beauty, nature, the value of life, and the expression of our heart’s desire. “Thy will” is strong with the powerful forces of the Sun and Mars.

What is thy will? The Sun and Mars are pushing that forward this weekend.

Help with the push comes directly from higher spiritual sources, as the conjunction of the Sun and Mars is in a close line from the Galactic Center. The exact conjunction of the Sun and Mars occurs Sunday (June 14) at noon ET/4:00 pm UT at 23 Gemini 17 and the Sabian symbol of “children skating on ice” (24 Gemini). It speaks to seeing changes and adjusting to them. We watch the terrain. (The Sun and Mars will be 177 degrees from the Galactic Center — only 3 degrees from exact opposition — very close.)

A change in dynamics comes Saturday (June 13) at 7:20 pm ET/11:20 pm UT when the Black Moon moves to the 23rd degree of Virgo and the Sabian symbol of “a lion tamer rushes fearlessly into the circus arena.” The higher octave of this energy skillfully and courageously navigates situations and maintains self-control (as a peaceful kitty). The lower octave is impulsive, reckless, and reactionary (as a fierce beast). A certain degree of faith is always helpful when we enter new arenas.

Throughout the fiery energetics of this weekend, guidance and assistance from the universe is abundant. Connect to it through your heart and watch where it takes you. Opportunities are opening all around.

Find beauty and please keep the beautiful photographs coming!

(Yesterday’s post remains on the homepage for reference this weekend. Much of what developed yesterday continues throughout the weekend.)

Friday, June 12, 2014

Balsamic Moon Phase: release, dream, mysticism

Moon in Aries/Taurus (10:16 am ET/2:16 pm UT)

Goddess of Wisdom: Tara (Goddess Who Guides)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: swim with the currents of the sea change

Catalysts for Change: premature action, racism, missed details, lagging, dragging down, closed to other options or opportunities, increased use of substances to cope, escapism, confusion, distorting things, emotionally walled-off for protection, enforced silence, stereo-typical behavior, denial

True Alignments: synchronicities and patterns, freedom from restrictions of the past, learning how to fix or integrate something, new options, new sense of being, authenticity, discovery, observation, fun social interaction, seeing the bigger picture, seeing things line up, lifting something that has held something else down

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a mature woman reawakened to romance”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

Today, the Ruler of the Seas, Neptune, stations retrograde, opening a period of time where we transcend obstacles, barriers, and difficulties. These are old imprints (mindsets, beliefs, limitations, perceptions, dysfunctions) that are lingering from the “old world.” Neptune stations retrograde at 10 Pisces and the Sabian symbol of “an aviator in the clouds.” The dynamic to rise above the crumbling past is in effect through November 18, 2015.

But the seas and skies may be stormy today, as the day a planet stations retrograde or direct tends to be tumultuous. In order for us to transcend issues, we have to see them. They have to be pointed out. We have to recognize the problem. Neptune is nebulous by nature, and “an aviator in the clouds” does not have the clearest view, but he or she does have instruments for these occasions. We have the tools that we need to not only see the obstacles or issues but also to take us far above those things. We can figure it out and keep flying, even when we are uncertain about our course.

It’s rather jarring to have planets stationing retrograde and direct back to back. Mercury stationed direct just yesterday. Emotional “vertigo” can ensue anytime this happens, but especially when Neptune and Pisces are involved. Neptune/Pisces does not tolerate harshness well, and the energy tends to pull back into itself when fears are heightened (especially fears about survival). Fears are hidden away in order to maintain psychological equilibrium.

But the mission of Neptune’s retrograde through November is to awaken what has been hidden, isolated, shadowed, lost in an escape, or arrested in development. Neptune will station direct at the degree of the Sabian symbol “a girl blowing a bugle.” A call from the “music of the spheres” is going out to awaken humanity to the greater reality of the world at large and our individual selves. The call rallies us to overcome the difficulties we face. This is in effect between now and November 18. (More on this and other retrograde cycles in the forthcoming audio recording for the Gemini New Moon.)

Today, we can facilitate the process by opening our minds to other ideas, discoveries, alternatives, and options. Neptune and Pisces bring a flood of creativity that can be used for anything. By freeing our minds of previously-held beliefs that are restrictive, we can flow with the currents. We don’t need to dive from truth that is revealed today. We can face it. We can adjust to it. We can feel the effervescence of the waves and let them take us to a new place of perception.

(P.S. If an undertow from these energetics is pulling you down, go outside and immerse yourself in nature. The fix is quick and lasting.)

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/14/2015 1:26:27 AM

A Permanent Shift Into the Heart


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

We’re on a journey of personal transformation, and some days will be harder than others. There will be times when we feel hurt, lonely and confused at the current state of our world, and there will be other times when we seem to soar through life without a care or concern.

Those are the times when we’re connected with our higher consciousness, and calling on this higher power will allow us to handle difficult circumstances with love and centeredness.

Our outlook on life, and especially the challenges we face, is entirely different when we’re rooted in love.

We understand that every difficult and stressful experience is a challenge of our ability to persevere and stay centered, and instead of treating life like an uphill climb, we flow through it with joy and excitement. Not to mention that it gets a lot easier to be patient.

I’m learning that we have to call on love if we want to make life simpler or more enjoyable. We have to summon it from within, even if we think we’re fooling ourselves or searching for happiness in the wrong places, because love and happiness can only come from inside of us.

If we aren’t rooted in love and we don’t think we can handle any challenges, they’ll bring us down every time and we’ll wonder why we keep meeting the same obstacles over and over again.

If we can shift our perspective and become more willing to take on these obstacles, we might find that they’re a lot easier than we expect. Only when we build them up in our minds do they seem invincible, and we see them for what they really are when we embrace them.

They’re puzzles in this game of life, and the more puzzles we solve, the more we grow spiritually. As we continue to evolve, the puzzles will become more intricate and we’ll be focused solely on solving them and reaching the next levels of existence.


By the time we’re in a higher sphere, we’ll understand that love is essential to succeeding at any challenge or doing anything significant – in this world and the worlds beyond. We need love, and without it, we really aren’t doing anything at all.

A lot of spiritual teachers will tell you that knowing God and finding enlightenment are the two most important goals a spiritual seeker could have. No matter what we do in life, none of it is comparable to enlightening ourselves and becoming one with our creator.

The same thing can be said about returning to love, which is our ultimate creative force. I think we call on the Divine Mother when we call on love, and with this force by our side, we can do anything we’re willing to pursue.

The Divine Mother is the creative side of God, and the Divine Father is the side of complete silence, nothingness and emptiness.

When spiritual teachers encourage us to ‘become nothing’ and merge with our higher consciousness in that form, they’re essentially suggesting we connect with the Father. When spiritual seekers are inspired to be creative, we’re connecting with the energy of love, which, in my view, is the Divine Mother.

Some people might disagree, but I think the energy of love and the Divine Mother are one and the same. Calling on love will help us just as much as calling on the Divine Mother, and when we have love, we seem to emanate qualities you’d expect from a loving, caring mother.

We show compassion and understanding to everyone we meet, and we appreciate our existence and our ability to create positive change – if not in society, than in the lives of our loved ones and anyone else who we want to uplift.

We can’t help but pour our love into the world, and other people will definitely notice.

We might become more open, friendly and caring to people we’ve never opened up to, and the people closest to us will be directly affected. We’ll notice the positive change too, and it’ll translate into even more joy and appreciation for life.

We’ll feel better, lighter and more energetic when we shift into love. Our outlook will become more carefree, because we’ll understand life for what it really is – a game with a lot of puzzles that we’re supposed to enjoy.

When we realize this and we understand that material pleasures aren’t as fulfilling as looking within and pulling our love and joy up to the surface, we’ll excitedly embrace these higher qualities and leave sadness, frustration and misery behind.


We don’t have to be tired, stressed out or fed up with life, and all we have to do is open the mind and consciously shift into the heart. It won’t be easy at first, and we’ll be tested in plenty of interesting ways, but the end result will be worth the effort.

Let’s go out of our way to increase our self-love and our love for the world, because we and the world might wither away without it. Instead of letting the less enjoyable aspects of life bring us down, we can take the opportunity to thrive in our love-centered awareness regardless of our external circumstances.

We might as well take the opportunity and open our hearts, because they provide a portal back to our Divine Mother, and ultimately, back home.

Share freely.

I’m a twenty-two year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift,Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) andTwitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/14/2015 6:36:16 PM

The New Shape of Leadership in the Golden Age – Part 3/3

LEADERSHIP 2(Concluded from Part 2.)

Leadership is Stewardship

New models of leadership are needed, Jesus tells us. He suggests that the new paradigm for our age be stewardship.

“Leadership is stewardship. And, yes, I still go back to the examples that I have used of being the shepherd. Because sometimes you lead from behind, and sometimes you lead from the front. But it is through the quality of your being.

“The time is over and it was over in my time when you try and tell someone what to do. You have seen – and now I speak to the populace – that this does not work. Leadership is assuming the mantle of responsibility. And you lead by example.” (1)

Jesus tells us that leadership doesn’t involve sacrifice:

“Now, there is a misunderstanding that leadership means sacrifice. It is not sacrifice when you are doing what you have come to do. It is not sacrifice when you do what you wish to do and what you intend to do. And what we suggest to you is that humanity – particularly every single person on the planet at this time – is fulfilling a different leadership role. Now, are some in the limelight in that bright white light? Yes. Are some more subtly leading? Yes.” (2)

It also doesn’t involve pushiness or aggression.

“What it means is not being aggressive, but being very determined and clear about speaking and living and declaring your truth. And to not be fearful of the public arena. Because the fear will freeze you. Will there be naysayers at this juncture, will there be those who want to shroud you in doubt? Yes. But that is their issue, not yours. Leadership in this time and in this occasion is about stepping forward.” (3)

That’s very clear. The leader is the good steward, not afraid to step forward.

The new leadership, the Divine Mother says, must be free of old Third-Dimensional notions like control. She tells us:

“If the love is not present, if the commitment, the demonstration of that commitment is not present in physicality, then how is it Nova Earth? How are you Nova Beings? How does that reflect the anchoring of heart consciousness? …

“There are some wisps here of the old Third, of control, because you think, ‘This is my project.’ It may be your inspiration, [but] there are, guaranteed, many, a multitude, of beings upon the planet who, give or take a little, have been given the same inspiration.

“So the first thing you [need to] do [is] not relinquish leadership but relinquish control. It is not your project. It is a collective project.” (4)

Archangel Michael emphasizes the need for gentleness and kindness in the new leaders:

“What you as peaceful warriors, as central administrators, as healers, as teachers are learning is that gentleness, first and foremost to yourself is a reflection of the Mother’s love. If you cannot be kind and gentle and sweet to yourself then you cannot be gentle in relationship.

“Gentleness carries a sense and an energy of such love-force that the resistance disappears. So this is resistance that the humans have had, and rightfully so, of being told what to do. That is why we always say we suggest, we guide. We will never tell you what to do unless it is to save your life, and even then we may not say a word.

“Gentleness is the key. Kindness is the key.” (5)

These then are some of the available descriptions of the new leaders and new leadership.

Many have been born or are being born whose destiny is to lead the new society, according to Matthew Ward.

“During the past decade or two some souls have come in with the advanced spiritual clarity and ancient wisdom that will naturally put them in leadership roles.” (6)

The people will need to awaken to the power that they possess, SaLuSa tells us, to fully bring in the new society.

“People power is becoming more evident, and we can assure you that politicians are treading more carefully because of it. The consciousness of the people is changing, and it is awakening them to their true potential. They are also beginning to realize that they have power beyond their understanding. They are projecting their visions of the future, with the realization that it will help them manifest, and are speeding up their upliftment.” (7)

Will all of us play large and important roles in the new society? No, Matthew Ward says. We’re needed at all levels of society, in all areas of human endeavor.

“Regarding soul contract ‘missions,’ you can see the ‘big picture’ but not your specific part of the design, so we tell you again, EVERY ONE of you is important or you wouldn’t be where you are!

“Only a relatively few are needed in primary leadership positions and some are becoming apparent, but many millions will be in support roles that aren’t yet evident because the need is on the horizon, not at the threshold. If you will remember that not only did you choose to live during this unprecedented time on Earth, but you were selected because of your collective lifetime experience, wisdom and spiritual strength that will be needed, you can be patient in the knowledge that when that moment comes, you will intuitively know how to proceed.

“However, since most missions do not come in one AHA! moment, we want you to know that simply by following your heart, the seat of the soul, you are serving the light and fulfilling the lifetime purpose you signed up for!” (8)

The Process of Change

Now a final word about the process of leadership change. Change itself is born of chaos.

At times of chaos, innovators feel the courage to put forth ideas that they may have worried would be ridiculed if put forth at earlier times. People in society may feel more inclined to consider and accept these new ideas, as Archangel Michael explains.

“Out of a situation that looks like chaos come the new ideas, the new approaches. So, what looks like crisis, and ultimate confusion, and power struggle in the worst sense of the word, births the new.

“Does that new simply come from what you think of as the leadership involved? All who are playing their roles beautifully know: It also comes from the heart of each of you sending the gift of clarity, expanding it, loving more freely, more openly, and allowing your inspiration for the new to be implanted in the leadership as well as them being open to the divine partnership and the inspiration that is being implanted within each and every one of them.” (9)

When will all this happen? Archangel Michael has given us one sign: When quietness falls on the planet.

“Look to the changes that all of a sudden things get terribly quiet. That is your sign. Now, in that quietness, we are also joining with you.” (10)

I complained to him in my reading of June 7, 2015, that things were so quiet, it was challenging to be a writer. He promised me that he would have some exciting things to write about (wait for it) “soon.”


(1) “Transcript: Yeshua Discusses False Grids, Part 2/2″ channeled by Linda Dillon, August 6, 2013, at

(2) Loc. cit.

(3) Loc. cit.

(4) “An Hour With An Angel – The Divine Mother: Welcome To ‘New Time’,

(5) Archangel Michael in “The Divine Mother and Archangel Michael: Work with and Expand This Energy of Clarity,” channeled by Linda Dillon, October 14, 2013, at

(6) Matthew, “Essay on 2012,” Dec. 31, 2007, at

(7) SaLuSa, Feb. 23, 2009, at

(8) Matthew’s Message, May 21, 2008, at

(9) Archangel Michael in “The Divine Mother and Archangel Michael: Work with and Expand This Energy of Clarity,” ibid.

(10) “Archangel Michael on the Containment of the Cabal,” July 3, 2012, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
