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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/13/2015 6:32:53 PM

Saul via John Smallman: There Is Nothing to Fear


Link to John’s audio reading.

Humanity’s awakening is imminent! To many of you, it seems impossible that this could be true as you see all around you judgment, condemnation, demands for punishment and restitution, and intense pain and suffering throughout the globe.

Everywhere, it seems that people are righteously taking sides, leading to further unnecessary conflict and even more suffering. Well, as you have so often been told, the illusion is a dream of insanity, therefore events that occur within it tend to be caused by crazy thinking that believes itself sane.

But, as many of you are also aware, there are many now who are fully awake to the insanity of so many human activities and who are actively moving most successfully to bring this craziness into the awareness of the masses of humanity who have for so long, due to their intense pain and suffering, been only aware of their own narrow life paths.

As a result many new organizations have sprung up to protest vociferously, but peacefully, about the ongoing damage being inflicted on impoverished communities, minority groups, and the planet herself. Humanity will no longer accept the platitudes and excuses of those who have the power and influence to bring into effect the many changes necessary to lead to peace and abundance for all.

The only shortages or scarcities being experienced are artificially instigated by people of wealth and influence because of their own fears. They fear that they will be brought down from their seemingly enviable social positions and will have to struggle like everyone else for survival.

Fear and distrust are endemic on earth, at every level of society, and in every nation. And everybody – there are no exceptions – is seeking only to be loved. When people feel loved their fear dissolves. And all are loved, infinitely.

The illusion is like a veil that hides Reality, Love, God, from people; a veil that they have each constructed for themselves so that what they fear – separation from that infinitely loving Source, and Oneness with that Source – remains hidden from them.

Small children are often afraid of the dark because it is like a veil that hides their parents, their siblings, and their toys from view, causing them to think that they are all alone, unsafe, and unprotected by those on whom they rely, those they can normally see.

When vision is lost, due to the dark, it can be very frightening. And that is what the illusion does, it hides vision, the Light of Reality in which you were all created and without which you would not exist even for a moment.

That you exist and that you know that you exist is proof of God, of Love, of your divine and eternal nature. Your doubts arise purely from the fact that you appear to be in the dark, blind to Reality, but this need not be.

Self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy are an endemic aspect of the illusion, and no matter how self-assured a person appears to be, doubts and feelings of inadequacy still haunt them. That is what the illusion is – an apparently very threatening reality, that in truth is unreal, and this leads inevitably to fear and doubt.

You need Reality. Reality is your Home, your natural and eternal state of existence where Love and joy are your constant companions.

When you do not experience that, because of your personal and individual choice to engage with the illusion, fear arises, and that can only be dissolved by Love.

You are Love, but you have chosen to hide that divine truth from yourselves, creating a state of confusion, anxiety, and, of course, fear. A belief then arises that you are not good enough, that you need to improve yourself to gain God’s acceptance or, if you do not believe in God, then to gain the respect, acceptance, and love of other humans.

Not belonging is frightening for you, and of course, no one belongs … in an illusion!

When you awaken and become once more aware of your true Self, your real nature at One with God, then of course you will see that you do belong, and have always belonged in God’s loving embrace, from which you have never been separated, even for a moment.

Now, many humans are coming to realize this experientially through personal mystical occurrences or through Near Death Experiences (NDEs), and they have been talking about them and writing about them and being publicly interviewed about them in order that the message, “there is only LOVE,” gets broadcast far and wide. And that message is being heard and shared worldwide.

You are not alone. To be alone is utterly beyond the bounds of possibility. But, like small children who are afraid of the dark, or who cover their eyes with their hands and think those present have now departed, nothing has changed.

You are forever held securely in God’s divine embrace, One with Him for all eternity. You all exist. There is only God and He is the life force, the energy field that is eternal existence.

You have just forgotten this, but your memories, in fact, your full awareness of Reality, eternal life, will burst forth into your consciousness with amazing brilliance as you release your hold on and belief in the illusion which is all that maintains and supports it.

There is nothing to fear. You have and always have had eternal life in God’s divine embrace, delighting in something inconceivable in the illusion – utter and infinite joy.

That is the state into which you are to awaken because it is God’s Will, and your will. Your real and unchanging will, is in perfect alignment with His, eternally.

With so very much love, Saul.

“Saul: You There Is Nothing to Fear” channeled by John Smallman, June 13, 2015, at

Source Link: John Smallman’s Blog

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/13/2015 6:35:09 PM

Archangel Michael on Financial Wayshowing

archangel-michael-desktop1Again, because of events happening behind the scene, we’re reposting discussions aimed at counselling financial wayshowers on how to manage and make best use of their abundance, especially funds that are intended to benefit the collective, not simply those who possess them.

In these next two extracts, Archangel Michael speaks directly to those who have been blessed through the prosperity-package program, historic bonds, or private-placement currency exchanges. This is a companion piece to St. Germaine’s earlier financial-wayshowing discussion. (1)

And so what I say to you, whether you have inherited money, whether you have earned money by the sweat of your brow, whether you have won the lottery, or whether you have invested in currency, it matters not. Whether you have been a recipient of one of the prosperity funds — and there are many of you who have — the point is to share.

Now, I tell you this because it is very important. Take care of yourself. It is part and parcel of honoring the vessel that you have chosen to inhabit, to ascend in and with, and to continue on as vessels and wayshowers and builders of Nova Gaia. You take care of your family, your friends, your soul family. And I do not mean in a small way. You provide.

And, my friends, I am always telling you to dream big! So, allow those dreams to come forth, but take care of the basics as well — your health, your home, your family — and then share! It is that simple.

There are so many creative projects. Now, some are flimsy and have need to be solidified, to be built out, as it were. Some are ready to go. And we are not talking merely small projects, we are talking about projects that will change the face of Gaia. So, proceed bravely. That is what the role of the pathfinder is. It is the shower of the way, not the follower…

Steve Beckow: Could you tell our listeners how they should approach coming in to sudden wealth, please?

Archangel Michael: Yes. That is a very good formula. And it can be applied across the board. It is that simple, and it is not just to do with this RV that you speak of; it is to do with everything.

To be given any form of wealth, yes, even that that you believe that you have achieved through hard work — and all of you work very hard; make no mistake about that; and that is recognized above and below — but we are not encouraging anybody, in any nation, to be foolhardy. So of course you tend to yourself. You keep a significant portion aside so that you can tend to yourself.

We do not simply send down rains of money — although that can happen as well — but for this instance we want you, we ask you, and we guide you very clearly to practice discernment.

And discernment is quiet. Discernment is not showing. Discernment is being the observer, not the judge. It is not a question — let me be very clear — of “Do I deserve this?” It is a question, in any situation, whether it is $10 or $10 million, it is a gratitude to the heart of One for the blessing you have received. And then, from the place of the discerning observer, to decide what is important. I have said to you that this is a time of choices and decision. You decide what is important.

And what can be more important, first and foremost, than taking care of your sweet self and family?

Then you discern, with your heart. What appeals to you? Is it projects that promote free energy? Are you the unseen benefactor? Are you one who wishes to build new schools, what we would think of as nova schools, star schools? Do you wish to be in communications, like you, Steve?

So, you discern where your heart and your mission and purpose has always pulled you towards. And then you invest not just money, but your energies, your love, your focus in that direction. Always with your eye on the larger undertaking: what promotes love and spirit? What creates the new Earth? What anchors the Cities of Light? (“Archangel Michael: Welcome to This Time of Re-Awakening – Part 2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 30, 2013, at

Let us address the issues of currency and wealth. This is the practice of prudence. Now we know that prudence is not one of the more popular divine qualities and yet, my friends, it is perhaps one of the most essential.

First of all, do not over-extend yourself. First and foremost, we do not counsel that anyone, for example, not buy food or keep a roof over their head so that they can invest in currency.

No, that is not the way because that is not taking care of and honoring yourself and your family. It is also a desperate need. It comes from a place of neediness and a belief that ultimately, unless you do x, you will not be taken care of, that ultimately you are not worthy, and you do not live in an abundant universe.

So first of all do not go on a buying spree. That has never and will never be our guidance.

Secondly, if you participate in this, the whole idea is the reset of values, of grace, of charity. There is so much more joy in sharing. No one is intended to be a miser in their house with the doors locked and the windows closed, counting their gold. There is no joy in that.

So the joy is in the sharing, with your friends, with your family. First and foremost attend to yourself and your friends’ and family’s needs.

And I am not speaking of being overly cautious because the whole idea is the knowing that you can create, that you are part and participating in creation. So take care of yourself.

Pay off all debt. Make sure it’s gone. Not because there will not be debt adjustments but because we do not want you, any of you, having that stress. It weighs on your shoulders. It weighs on you heart.

Pay off the debt. Make sure there is no such thing as mortgage. Make sure you have the roof over your head that you desire.

Take a trip. Play. Gather. Build. Come together as community. These are the things we wish to see. And there will be small projects like fixing the roof of your elderly neighbor. And there will be larger projects that you will participate in like feeding the community in Africa and making sure that their infrastructure is reconsructed. So it is both.

Mainly enjoy it. It is a gift. (“Archangel Michael: A Global Reset of Values, Part 2/2, ” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 16, 2013, at


(1) “St. Germaine: Service to All vs. Service to Self,” June 10, 2015, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/13/2015 6:43:16 PM

Vywamus via Natalie Glasson: Peace of Mind

summerfield-336672_640-300x199Peace of mind is an aspect of ascension which many strive to achieve, wishing to bring stillness and quietness to their thought forms, with a presence of peace emanating from their mental bodies.

Peace of mind is a state of being which indicates a greater connection and resonance with the Creator due to the mind’s inability, when in this state, to be distracted or confused.

To many existing upon the Earth, experiencing peace and stillness within their minds is a luxury which seems unobtainable and imaginary. Yet such a state within your mental body is already present within your being and simply requires your focus and acceptance.

Everything that you desire, whether of the physical or spiritual plane, is already obtained by you and is present within your being. The fact that you desire something, whatever it may be, is because it is already present.

In truth you do not desire or wish to experience that which is not already present within you. While all that is the Creator is within your being, your soul emanates specific aspects of the Creator guiding your purpose and ensuring your experiences.

This means that often, without realising [it], your desires are aligned to the energies already within you, and [they] have a specific purpose of further supporting you in recognising that which is within your being.

With this in mind, a desire for peace, especially within your mental body, mind, and thought processes, symbolises that peace is already a powerful quality present and active within your being, waiting to be expressed and explored.

With the knowledge that peace is a powerful source of the Creator present within your being, there is a need to acknowledge your beliefs concerning peace.

For example, if you, as many do, have a desire for a peaceful mind, then you also have a belief that your mind is not a peaceful space and that peace of mind is out of your reach or unobtainable for you; otherwise you would simply recognise that you are already peace.

When a person on the Earth demonstrates a talent which is seemingly natural and perfect, needing very little development, this is a manifestation of the person’s ability to recognise and accept an aspect of themselves unconditionally, resonating fully with this aspect of their soul. They already believe and experience the talent as obtainable and limitlessly available to them.

When a person has a desire to execute a talent, and yet it seems they do not possess the natural skills to do so, this symbolises that the skills and abilities are already within their soul, however the person is not willing to believe in and accept this aspect of themselves. To do so would allow a deeper resonance with their soul and a fuller expression of their purpose upon the Earth.

In order to access peace of mind, there is first a requirement to recognise everything that distracts you from seeing, sensing, and acknowledging your inner powerful and strong peace vibrations.

Maybe you do not believe yourself to be deserving of peace, or an aspect of yourself enjoys distractions and dramas played out in your mind. I encourage you to recognise the beliefs you hold about your mind and thoughts connected to your wish to be more peaceful.

If peace of mind is your divine birth right and the natural aspect of your being, then everything else is a false illusion which you are choosing to hold onto. As I stated earlier, peace of mind can seem like a luxury. However, there is simply a need for you to be aligned to peace, [and to] the feeling of being deserving and that it is your natural existence. Otherwise, you will always reject peace even when it is a powerful presence within your being.

Peace of mind is often mistaken to mean that you exist without thoughts and are able to navigate through your physical reality without thinking. Sometimes people interpret peace of mind to be only thinking positively and banishing all negative thoughts from your consciousness, awareness, and creations.

It is my understanding that peace of mind is a mind which experiences contentment. Thus because of the experience of contentment, a greater resonance with the Creator is experienced and more fully accepted. You may wish to ask yourself and contemplate what would you need to do or achieve to experience contentment in your mind and thoughts?

Contentment in your mind means that you do not swing from extreme negative thoughts to extreme positive thoughts. It means your mind is a powerful, strong aspect of yourself, which both fuels and protects the rest of your being.

When you have a fearful thought ,it is most likely that your entire body and emotions react in a fearful and disempowering way. Your mind is always linked and connected to all aspects of your being; however your mind can be a source of protection, which limits its influence on your body and emotions.

This requires some discipline within your mind, which begins with processes such as positive thinking, noticing and letting go of negative or disempowering thoughts, visualising that which you wish to experience, and practicing the art of meditation.

All of these practices begin to encourage the mind to be powerful and a source of protection, limiting the influence of the undisciplined habits of the mind upon the body and emotions. The mind begins to enter into a state where it is servicing the body and emotions in ways which empower and awaken a deeper resonance with the Creator.

One way to accept peace of mind is to alter your perspective of your mind and thoughts, which will also simultaneously alter your perspective of yourself.

How do you perceive your mind? What identity have you given to your mind and therefore yourself? Does your mind hold the identity of fear, chaos, stupidity, being mistaken, untrustworthy, weak, gullible or something else?

Maybe there are several identities within your mind. These are also ways you identify and describe yourself. Often you believe the beliefs and reasoning of your thoughts to be true, even when they are born from illusion. In order to free yourself from illusions and identities of illusions, there is a need to recognise your mind with the truth of your heart and soul.

With recognition of the perspective your thoughts hold about your mind, then you can allow yourself to realise that the true expression and identity of your mind is peace and contentment. The only way to obtain this is to realise peace is already within you.

By recognising the vibration of peace within your heart, from your soul you allow yourself to resonate with your soul’s peace, which is to familiarise yourself with and to embody peace.

With recognition, you can then project your soul’s vibration of peace into your mind. Your mind is already a space and state of peace. Your focus upon projecting peace into your mind encourages you to recognise your mind as the vibration of peace.

With practice and focus, a beautiful manifestation will occur. You will awaken, similar to a well or source within your mind, a space of peace. This may feel like a manifestation or opening within your mind, influencing your thoughts while creating experiences of contentment.

Truthfully, this source of peace has always been present; you are simply allowing yourself to receive and accept its presence.

Your mind will feel content because your mind is no longer impacting unnecessarily upon your body and emotions, manipulating you to its passing thoughts. You will feel more content because the thoughts created, whether perceived as negative or positive, simply pass through, with a disciplined habit of only accepting thoughts of empowerment, thus manifesting and distributing these as fuel throughout your being. Your entire being will feel content and peaceful, encouraging you to feel as if you have peace of mind.

It is time to view yourself and your mind as peaceful, accepting and acknowledging yourself as peaceful. When you accept yourself in this way, you attune your frequency to the vibrations of the Creator already present within your being, thus allowing you to be inspired by divine consciousness, wisdom, and inspiration, resulting in enlightenment, which is often recognised by many as having peace of mind.

Peace of mind is yours to obtain whenever you wish to accept it as an aspect within your being, which is eternally present.

With peace and contentment,
Higher Aspect of Sanat Kumara

“Vywamus: Peace of Mind,” channeled by Natalie Glasson, June 12, 2015, at

Source Links: Sacred School of OmNa, Natalie Glasson OmNa School

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/13/2015 6:46:44 PM


Bob Fickes ~ Real Meditation is Becoming more Conscious

Real Meditation is an automatic response of consciousness. It is never done by the mind. When you learn Fulfillment Meditation, the meditation response is triggered, consciousness expands and becomes more alert while the body becomes more efficient and more relaxed. As our consciousness expands, the brain becomes more synchronized and full of electricity. Meditation activates higher brain functions that allow us to process information faster and perceive things we normally don’t notice.

When our consciousness really wakes up, our brain, nervous system and our body function at their maximum capacity. If we are just closing our eyes, the brain, nervous system and body remain the same and never change. Higher consciousness equals higher brain function and more efficient physiological activity. More consciousness equals more clear perception and deeper insight.

We are born with so many abilities that seem miraculous. Only when our consciousness becomes more electric during meditation will we discover the true blessing of being human. Human life is a great blessing when we open our consciousness to our Inner Universe. The challenges in our life can easily be solved when we are more perceptive.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/13/2015 6:47:55 PM

Peter O’Donoghue: Creating the Life You Want with Be, Do, Have

thIn my experience, when you ask someone what they want in the future, the reply is usually a list of activities they would like to do or things they would like to acquire.

When you ask someone, Who are you? The person will typically respond by giving you occupation.

Which one do you ask most often: What are you doing now? or Who are you being now?

The 3 points above give us a strong insight into how much the notions of doing and having are valued in our hectic world.

Someone who can get a lot done, is efficient and manages time well is praised. A person who has many possessions or great wealth is respected, people who travel a lot and have many life experiences are similarly admired.

These are all outwardly visible activities and realities, making them far easier to recognize than simply the emotional or energetic state someone is maintaining. Who they are being.

But it is crucial to recognize that you exist before you do or have anything. It is the most basic reality you experience at all times and can never escape from. Even if you sat in one spot for the rest of your life and had no possessions you would still possess a state of being.

It is from this inner state, composed of thoughts, values, beliefs, emotions, memories, fears and all of the other complex workings of a human that action arises, and from those actions habits are formed, and from habits come a life.

So forget what you are doing right now and how much money and how many gadgets you have in your pocket and all of the other external processes and just ask Who am I BEING right now?

What thoughts are you thinking? What are you telling yourself? How comfortable are you to even look inwards and give yourself a period of complete stillness and attention? What comes up?

There are many people out there saying they want to be rich, or a fantastic relationship, or a loving family but don’t realize they are not being the sort of person who does the kinds of actions necessary to have those things.

You can try and want and work for something as much as you please, if you are not ready to receive it based on your deepest beliefs about yourself and the world it will never come.

If you are not being loving, generous, thoughtful and forgiving it is unreasonable to expect such things to come to you from others. It’s no good complaining about your colleagues or the neighbours or politicians, because that comes from a state of negativity and hostility. Again, look at who you are when you are doing these kinds of things. What do they get you?

Gandhi taught to be the change you want to see in the world. Because when you change, your thoughts change, then your actions change, then new habits form and suddenly situations and people you could never of dreamed of coming to you turn up in your experience.

Always remembering that the correct sequence for getting what you want is Be, Do, Have in that order will bring huge changes to your experience.

If you want a million dollars, or any other thing at all, and no amount of trying and working has yet brought it to you, consider who you are being in your life and it may raise some interesting insights for you.

Physics and mysticism tell us that reality is not solid and fixed at all. Everything is energy existing at various frequencies, and who you are being is determining what frequency of energy you are putting out, what setting your transmitter is tuned to if you like.

Like attracts like, so it is far easier to attract what you want by simply aligning your frequency to it and it will naturally be drawn to you.

If you want love, be love.

If you want forgiveness, be forgiveness.

If you want….You get the point.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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