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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/14/2015 7:12:32 PM

Returning to Our Oneness


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

It’s time for people to come together and learn to respect each other. It doesn’t matter what differences we seem to have – skin color, religious preference, political stance – it’s all been overhyped to keep us divided.

When we’re divided, we can’t do anything to stop the people who are ravaging the planet for profit. If we’re too busy fighting each other, we fail to see what they’re doing behind the scenes and not only we, but our planet, suffer in the end.

As we learn to respect each other, we can unite as one people to hold the elite accountable for what they’ve done and work to create something better.

We don’t all have to conform to the same opinion or outlook on life, and we don’t have to share each other’s beliefs. We should be able to respectfully tell someone we don’t think the same way as them (or be told that someone doesn’t think the same way as us) without any hatred or prejudice involved.

We can simply accept that we all think differently, and I look forward to a time when this simple fact no longer causes us to fight and shut ourselves off from each other. Then, we can work toward a better future with respect for each person’s unique outlook.

We don’t have to share the same perspectives to come together and change the world, but we tend to complicate things and distance ourselves from the kind of life we could be living.

Instead of remembering that this planet should be in everyone’s hands, we’ve been too busy fighting to realize that the elite took it right out from under us so they could ravage it, all while keeping us in the dark about their true motives.

They’ve only succeeded because they’ve been able to keep us divided, and with unity and respect for what each person brings to the world, power structures will become irrelevant overnight. Only when we can come together will we free our world from the elite’s grip, and we’ll each grow spiritually as we learn to respect others.

As we follow the example of those who’ve learned to love themselves before pouring their love into the world, we’ll connect with ourselves on a deep, intimate level and we too will express that intensified love to everyone around us.


Respecting others will be easier when we love ourselves, and learning to respect others will in turn enhance our self-love. We’ll benefit either way, so for our sake and the sake of everyone we encounter, let’s at least try to get past our trepidations toward others and become the unitive force we want to see in the world.

Like countless spiritual teachers and writers have said, we have to change individually before we can see any external change.

Learning to love ourselves and increasing our love for others will make it easier for the rest of the world to open up to each other when the time comes, and our individual transformation will have a drastic effect on the collective consciousness.

Unity will be inevitable when the power structures begin to fall, and in a world where we rely on each other instead of governments, getting comfortable with each other will be essential. We’ll have to find a way to get past all of the external differences we’ve been programmed to fight over so we can work together, and we might as well start now.

The world is changing at a rapid pace, and before we know it, we and the world around us could be a lot different. The best thing we can do is make an effort right now to align with this constantly shifting evolution, and in the future, we could step up to show the way for others who are just starting to walk the path.


The sooner we make the necessary personal changes, the more experience we’ll have when the time comes for the people to run the world together. Nobody can stop this revolution of conscious minds who are ready to unite the world and restore peace, and as hard as they might try, the elite could never contain us all.

A new world is being created little by little as each person returns to their heart and accesses the fundamental realization that everything is one consciousness and despite outer appearances, there are no differences between us.

We’re all one, in mind, body and spirit, so let’s reflect this oneness in our interactions with each other. When we can finally do this, the world will change in a heartbeat to reflect our inner changes and the dedicated work we’ll have done together.

Share freely.

I’m a twenty-two year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/14/2015 7:13:36 PM

Feel Good News: Sunday, June 14, 2015

feelgoodnewstoesHappy Sunday, dear friends. What a difference a year makes! Last year at this time, I was settling into “summer mode” with my kids, but this year so much in my life has changed!

Working full time from home, along with my blessed duties here at Golden Age of Gaia has changed the way my days unfold. I feel very blessed to be able to have this opportunity to serve and be supported by the universe, but others are not in the same space when it comes to my time.

I am learning to set appropriate boundaries, certainly, but I am also realizing that I have the opportunity now to value all experiences more fully. Since I have less discretionary physical time, I choose much more what simply brings me joy. I am also setting aside time, that becomes sacred, to spend with my family, and setting the intention for that period to squeeze every ounce of joy out of each moment spent in union.

I am also working to release the need to control time, knowing that when I am inspired, all I need to accomplish is attended to by my capable mind and body. Even though I seem to have less time, I am enjoying my experiences much more by releasing the stress of keeping up. It seems like a paradox, but I truly feel that this is how we get introduced to the concept of being out of time, and gives us practice working in the energy of the higher realms where we are told, linear time does not exist.

Now it’s time for some feel good news, and that is always a good time!

Young girls are taking a stand against child marriage in Cameroon.

Marrying off girls to older men in the African nation of Cameroon has always been a traditional and financial transaction. Girls in poor communities are seen as a commodity that can benefit the finances of a family through a dowry payment, upon marriage.

With the help of education and ALDEPA, a local civic group campaigning against child marriages, girls are beginning to make a personal stand against this tradition. The group can provide financial, legal and educational support, as well as housing in emergency cases where girls have run away from their arranged marriages. The program is hoping to help these girls see their own value and the importance of education, in helping them out of poverty.

There is support for this program by Cameroon’s Minister of Women’s Empowerment and the Family, Marie Therese Abena Ondoa, who is working with local groups in the area to provide support for young women. She has also come out publicly to condemn the practice, and asked the government to raise the legal marriage age from 15 years old.

It is so heartening to see young women have an option, in what may seem like a hopelessly entrenched cultural situation. Each young woman who is assisted to break free of this tradition serves as a role model for other girls, and begins to make inroads towards gender equality and female empowerment in developing nations.

Cameroonian Women and Girls Saying No to Child Marriage by Ngala Killian Chimtom for IPS News Agency

A concept whose time has come. The non-profit grocery store.

It is sometimes amazing to hear that certain things, which seem so obvious, have never been done before. The first not-for-profit grocery store has opened in Dorchester, MA, to serve low-income families high quality food products, and give them a choice between processed food and high chain store prices.

Doug Rauch, the former president of Trader Joe’s, a high-end, health oriented grocer in the US, opened the first non-profit store called the Daily Table. The store offers quality products and prepared meals at discount prices. Many of the products are sourced through overstocks, donations from supermarkets or manufacturers, and by acquiring blemished produce.

The store does not sell snack foods, candy or soda, and is looking to expand into other low-income neighborhoods in the Boston area, before moving into appropriate locations across the US.

I think this is a wonderful idea, who’s time has come. The more healthy and affordable options all individuals have when spending their food dollar the better! I feel that many people who wish to support a good cause, and steward their food budget more carefully, would also benefit from stores such as this in their own neighborhood.

Access to healthy food should not be an economic boundary, and I do believe this signals a shift towards equity and a world that works for everyone!

Trader Joe’s Exec Opens Nonprofit Grocery Store As a Low-Budget, Healthy Option on the Good News Network

In a related story from the UK, the Tesco grocery chain is partnering with UK food redistribution charity FareShare and Irish non-profit FoodCloud to reclaim and donate blemished produce and products that are close to their expiration date to local charities.

Other grocery chains in the UK have already instituted this type of program successfully, which will keep hundreds of thousands of tons of perfectly good food, that would have previously been discarded as waste, out of the sanitation system. France recently passed a law that makes dumping this type of food illegal.

It is certainly wonderful to see food reclamation efforts expanding from the grass roots level to large grocery chains. Food reclamation benefits those in need as well as the environment, creating a much more sustainable platform.

Tesco Grocers to Offer Unsold Fresh Food to British Charities by Linda Hernandez for the Good News Network

A young girl opens her heart and her tool box to make mobile shelters for the homeless.

Hailey Fort of Bremerton, Washington, once asked her mom if they could buy a sandwich for a homeless person on the street. This single action opened her heart to creating a vegetable garden that produced about 150 pounds of produce for a local food bank.

As she grew, her heart and her skills expanded and she is now in the process of building portable tiny homes for homeless people. Her first shelter, created with the help of her grandfather, who is a contractor by trade, was built for a man named Henry. She befriended him after he lost his job at a local grocery store. She plans on building 11 more homes, complete with windows, doors and insulation, to accommodate Henry’s friends.

This young girl is a shining example of a new generation of beings who are on planet at this time. They see issues and they open their hearts looking for solutions. They do not wait for older folks to create or implement these solutions. They tackle what they can, where they can, all by themselves.

I applaud her for her efforts, which we know, will only expand as her life continues. I also wish to honor her parents who have supported her seemingly unusual focus on being in service to others. Family support for a child’s expanding consciousness and actions is paramount to helping them flourish. With this type of support, miracles are indeed possible, as Hailey is showing us all!

Girl Builds Mobile Shelters Because ‘Nobody Should Sleep Outside’ by Helaina Hovitz for the Good News Network

And finally…

Mending more than clothes.

This video had me in tears. The loving heart of this art teacher has him on the streets, in the poorest neighborhood of San Francisco, once a month mending clothes for those who need his services.

He found an antique sewing machine tossed to the curb years ago, and thus began his journey of mending clothes and collecting stories, from the beings who frequent the Tenderloin district. He has found a way to stitch the people together and help mend their belongings and their esteem. What a wonderful way to pay it forward, using his talents and his love for all beings.

Mending more than clothes on KarmaTube

That’s the good news for today. Have a miraculous day. See you all next Sunday as we explore more good news together.

Be Well. Be Joy. Be Love!


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/14/2015 7:17:00 PM

Sandra Walter: How to Lose Your Mind without Losing Your Mind – Part 3

sandra-walter-ascension-300x294Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

The Solstice Gateway is well underway. I AM sure many of you are experiencing the increase in revelation/expansion activity.

We graciously arrive at the midway point between the final Equinox-Blood Moon Gates, halfway through this year of Mastery. We witness our transformation and make adjustments as Solstice turns up the intensity.

The acceleration has a momentum of its own, which is driven by Cosmic forces. For our own cognition, emotional stability, and determination to complete the task at hand, we focus on the frequencies of Divine Love which support embodiment.

Feel into the HUman heart grid; there are many of us experiencing the profound, the bizarre, and the indescribable during this phase. I won’t get into my personal experiences here. It is the unspoken which unifies us right now. Remember it is a phase, a right of passage. Saturate your consciousness with the Divine experience.

Gateway passages are opportunities; they accelerate the advancement of our personal Ascension goals. Be true to your own path. When introspective, quiet engagement is required (or requested by the Higher Self/Higher Realms), honor it.

If you are guided to gather (not out of habit, tradition, or beliefs), honor it. Personally, I desire stillness for deep exploration of what is occurring in my consciousness.

A Message on Embodiment

As you enter the higher levels of your transfiguration, you may feel a unity with those who have embodied the Solar Cosmic Christ in the past. Those are the templates anchored by your predecessors.

In the Now Ascension, note the uniqueness of your experiences. You reflect a new command from Source which is penetrating every particle of this Universe.

As you navigate your way through the energetic barriers between 4D and 5D, between the Lower Self and Higher Self, between the old experience and the new light creation, you bravely embrace the unknown. As always, the new energies and higher light is easily received in a calm, relaxed state of beingness. Breathe.

It is important to note how anxiety was used, and continues to be used, as a way to block higher consciousness. Heart-based discernment selects what to engage with in this new light. If your Ascension goal is embodiment of the crystalline consciousness, use your higher wisdom (especially) over the next four months.

Avoid agendas which feed on vulnerability, emotions, or doubt. It can be a tenuous phase as you embrace the unknown. It may require some gentle protection on your part. Honor the larger mission at hand.

Personal and planetary spiritual victories are won by aligning with the spiritual forces of Divine Will and Divine Love; pure Source Light radiating through a pure conduit. Gratitude to all who are receiving the new light with HUmility, grace, and heart-based intention. You have become a vital pathway for global transformation, and your courage is honored.

How to Lose Your Mind without Losing Your Mind – Part III

The Filters between 4D and 5D

Your Higher consciousness explores many realms, many dimensions. However, the body and (projection of) the lower Self is in the midst of transcending the personal and planetary veils. The energetic filters between 4D and 5D become more acute during Ascension. The here-and-not-here sensation, walking between worlds, the in this world but not of it state have become the norm.

Multidimensional merge sequences present us with more Divine aspects, more of the multidimensional Self, and yet we are still transforming the consciousness within the body vehicle. The focus is on embodiment right now; a clear moment of pure intention is enough to permanently anchor oneself at a new level of expansion.

The filters are there for a reason. The resonation of the 5D torus field is completely anchored in Divine Love. Nothing less can merge with that field. There is no pretending or pretension. Your passkey is a heart free of insecurities, belief systems, controls, manipulations, and programs of the old light.

Your free will is honored, so if you find yourself lingering or experiencing anxiety, so be it. It is not a race, even though it may appear that many Wayshowers are dropping the keys behind them as they pass through the filters. That is just the role, beloveds. It is a fascinating passage.

Fear of the Self as Source: The Safety Mechanism

When we reach deeper and more expansive states of the heart center – our connection to Source – we confront the void of Zero Point.

In the process of the Solar Cosmic Christ, we first experience the pushing sensation (lightbody merge), then heat and radiation through the heart (burning off of density, activation), and then we hit a stage when the Heart center feels empty, like a black hole singularity, or a Universal core (because it is).

Moving through this space brings us to the birth of our new consciousness. It is the point at which we feel the Higher Self actively rewriting our beingness. It can trigger fear of the unknown. You may feel as if you are disappearing. This is not the airy, carefree beingness of a good meditation.

Rather it is a very strong face-to-face-with-permanent change sensation. Everyone on this path will have moments of this during embodiment. We discussed this and comforted each other on this month’s connection call; it is a startling sensation, even for advanced meditators who have been to the edge before.

The jolt back from that experience is not failure. It is a built-in safety mechanism, which allows us to choose whether or not to move forward. Sometimes the body vehicle will flinch, the mind or emotions will cause a sudden reaction that withdraws you from the meditation, back from the edge, and this is purposeful.

Our free-will choices grow more profound along this journey. We are confronted with a permanent shift in consciousness, which can be accepted or rejected as many times as needed. You may feel the rewrite begin, then withdraw. Little by little, the shift is made. Remember your psychological stability is important; we are showing HUmanity what is possible when embodying Divine Love. Pace yourself.

There is also something else at work here; the fear of Source-as-Self: the New Self. Many of us have had multiple incarnations when we attained a connection to Source. We are familiar with the energy and power of that Divinity. It was comfortable, we knew what it felt like. May the Source be with You.

Now in this incarnation, we are met with Source’s new agenda for this Universe. When we get to Zero Point in those expansive Heart meditations where we reconnect with Source, we feel the new command for purification, divinity, and the shift in consciousness.

When the lower Self and body consciousness senses the New creation emanating through Source, Source itself can feel unfamiliar. This can be disconcerting to the lower levels, and commonly we are yanked out of that state by fear, anxiety, or doubt.

No worries, beloveds. You get as many opportunities as you need to come face-to-face with Source in the Universal rewrite, and allow it to change you. This seems to be the last big challenge of our Mastery and embodiment. It is different from the past, because the entire platform for our experience has changed.

Our Creative Evolution

Understand that an Ascension process of this type, ascending the consciousness up and out of the densest experience of separation, is an activity of absolute faith and trust. We help each other, we unify in purpose, however the inner work is ours alone to complete.

We are becoming a race of true Creator-in-Carnates. This process rewards us with the ability to create something out of nothing; creating out of the pure void, just as Source does. Source does not operate with an audience, or any external validation or influence.

This is the purpose of this grand experiment in density; to create a genome which carries so much similarity to Source Light Intelligence that it is capable of creating in complete isolation via faith in Divine Love. We become capable of birthing creations which are not influenced by external agendas.

This may be a good topic to meditate on during the passages when you feel isolated. It is purposeful. It may seem ironic to call it Unity consciousness, however I AM confident you will sense how the illusion of separation is creating Divine Unity. It also adds another level to the Feminine (the infinite space of consciousness) and Masculine (the activity of creation) balancing act. Brilliant.

The Death of Coping Mechanisms

The current energies aimed at prepared vessels are (obviously) quite stimulating in that 5D sleepy, spacey, expansive way. They are reflected in physical side-effects as the vagus nerve becomes attuned to its new purpose.

This is why the ear/head tones become louder and more complex, the heart center is triggered (palpitations), and the lower diaphragm begins to build new structures to support the crystalline consciousness (changes in appetite).

You may notice on some days (not all) that the light-encoded photons coming through the SUN can make your arms, chest and head feel prickly; it can be quite uncomfortable. Avoid charging the lightbody too long when this occurs.

The new light seeks receptive places – crystalline structures – to anchor. Vibration = vibration. The physical side-effects are what they are. Take care.

The focus is on crystalline embodiment to compliment the dimensional Shift. As the energetic filters become finer, the lower consciousness may get entangled by beliefs, habits, and coping mechanisms from deep within the subconscious.

You may have noticed that things which used to entertain, assist, or provide comfort no longer work. This is a good indication of your progress, however please take note that revisiting old coping mechanisms will cause discomfort or distress at this juncture.

Rather than attempt to find another coping mechanism, get to know your new Self. It is a beautiful time to discover what complements your new creation. When you strike upon what pleases the new Self, you will feel joy, gratitude, and a sense of tranquility. The new activity will be related to creativity, service, and nature, as those are in alignment with 5D dynamics. Keep it simple and authentic, this is not a passage of busy-ness.

The Solstice Gateway

The merge sequences, which allow for a conscious experience of embodiment, will become stronger as Solstice intentions amplify. While 2015 has a consistent momentum of ever-increasing intensity, there are markers/triggers in place to assist us as a global collective. Solstice is one of those markers.

Focus is our task during Solstice. Personally, I will be remote for this Gateway. The Galactics are very present, it is Summer in Shasta, and the desire for total focus is overwhelming. Something very different is occurring, and I AM guided to get in the Gateways and stay there as this new level of light enters.

We unify in the intention of Divine Love and tap into the HUman heart grid for strength, comfort, and inspiration. Gatekeepers and Gridworkers, we will be surging the new light level through the crystal beds and every crystal placed upon Gaia in service to the pure and true Ascension.

It will amplify crystalline structures within the body; be out in nature and available to transmit/receive if you can. Plant or place your crystals now, and feel free to participate in the global intention of Divinity. Let us unify with those on the path of embodiment, in the highest interests of all concerned. So be it!

In Love, Light and Service,

“How to Lose Your Mind Without Losing Your Mind – Part 3,” by Sandra Walter, June 13, 2015, at

Source link: Sandra Walter Creative Evolution: June 13, 2015

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/15/2015 6:05:38 PM

The Oracle Report: Monday, June15, 2015



Balsamic Moon Phase: release, dream

Moon in Gemini

Goddess of Wisdom: Tara (Goddess Who Guides)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: see beyond fears and illusions

Catalysts for Change: not letting go of the past, loss – especially from leaving things unprotected or unguarded, cut (to the core or out of one’s life), spoiled, risks, addiction to drama, rejection, harshly showing disapproval

True Alignments: self-approval, taking care, seeing what’s essential and valuing it, guidance, perseverance, practice, openness and disclosure, guarding and protecting what we love

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a mature woman reawakened to romance”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

The eve of the New Moon in Gemini sees Saturn retrograding out of Sagittarius and back into Scorpio. Saturn begins to re-disseminate the energy of the Sabian symbol of “children in Halloween costumes indulging in various pranks.” The lower level of this frequency is “the trickster.” It tends to reinforce the shadow side and even incite varying levels of madness. It is also easier to “pull the wool” over people and take something right out from under them. This energetic is in effect until July 4, 2015. Here on June 15, that seems like a long time for those who prefer the sanity and peace of life without the attempted power and control over every aspect of one’s life and constant mischief.

But the higher level of this frequency sees the level of energy engaged with it. It is child’s play. It’s not an adult’s pursuit. And it will end the way things always do when children are causing trouble — they will begin to fight with each other and eventually stomp off crying, looking for their mother.

The wisdom of this dynamic is first recognizing that shadow sides and core fears — fears that incubate in the R-complex or reptilian brain — are being tempted or tricked into coming out. The purpose of this is a last-ditch, desperate move to destroy true love, expressions of beauty, freedom, and the respect and value of life. Knowing this is what is happening, we can hold the line and grow or rise out of the game/trick. Overriding the instincts of the R-complex of the brain is not an easy thing to do, by any means. But we can do it. We can forego the bait when we are tempted to act (react) from fear. The best way to do this is to:

Become still inside and let things be. Practice the skill of the wise owl in the tree.

When we can slow the emotional responses (step out of time, bending it) we can focus on shifting the field toward something more positive or loving. Be aware that shifting the field under these energetic conditions may only influence your own field at the moment. But that is enough to hold space and hold things in equilibrium until things resettle into better alignment.

I am devoting much of today’s report on this element because it is a main undercurrent of the larger dynamics of the new lunar month, which begins tomorrow. I will be recording the overview for the new lunar month tonight.

But on this last day of the last phase of the Taurus lunar cycle, the cycle when something inside of us has tried to reawaken, don’t be tricked into giving up on it. We persevere under these energetics. We release the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and events that we do not want to carry into the new month. The deeper we can go with this today the better we are served, starting tomorrow.

Many thanks to the divine beings Tara and Ian, emissaries of the aeons Sophia and Thelete, for unwavering guidance during the second month of the new Renaissance.

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The Oracle Report

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/15/2015 6:14:41 PM

Heavenletter #5314 via Gloria Wendroff: The Soul That You Are

Heavenletters - Version 2God said:

Anger is a great stumbling-block. It is from ignorance that anger accumulates. I am speaking of unleashed anger, fury, extreme displeasure.

No matter how justified the anger may be, anger is not virtuous. I know you wish you didn’t have anger. You know you could solve whatever needs solving much better without anger, and yet you feel anger and cannot seem to contain it.

When you are irate, you fly off the handle. Honestly, dear friends, you are not in your right mind when you are fit to be tied. Anger erupts. Anger is not a good handler of life.

Of course, I understand, that when you are angry, you don’t know how to withstand it. It destroys your peace, and you are volatile. Anger has overtaken you.

When you are in a fit of anger, that’s all you can see and feel. You don’t want to be angry. You know anger isn’t a saving grace, and that the anger belongs to you and not to anyone else. Someone triggered something in you, and you cage yourself in anger.

Anger alerts you to something within you that you need to deal with. Within you. Deal with yourself first. In a state of anger, you are a too hot stove. Let your temperature lower before you confront the assumed cause of your anger. You have an issue, dear one.

Others have their issues, no doubt, yet it is your issue that is for you to attend to.

Your anger is from the past somewhere deep. It is not fair to spit out your anger on someone now. By and large, somewhere in your past, you were obscured. You were affronted, most likely before you knew the word affront. You were helpless then, and you feel helpless now. You were not taken into account. You may be absolutely correct. Yet, I tell you that your anger is out of bounds.

No matter how many occasions you have expressed anger, vented it, it’s still there ready to go off at any time.

Anger is not nothing. It is arson, beloveds. It is inflammatory.

For those of My Children who are ravaged by self-righteous anger, let me tell you now quite frankly what anger is. It is you frustrated. It is you frustrated from – what do you think really is the cause of your frustration? What is it that you want fulfilled and is not always fulfilled? Sometimes it is seldom fulfilled. What do you think it really is that makes you angry beyond distraction?

Dare I tell you? Perhaps you won’t like it.

Perhaps you will offer a smile and admit what I say is true. What is it you really want? What does all your sanctimonious anger amount to?

By and large, it amounts to your not getting your own way. This is what gets your dander up. This is the basis of much anger, and this is what leads to war.

Beneath this assault of not getting your way is the assault of not being heard, not being seen, not being recognized and not being given the entitlement you merit. You do not grasp your merit, and so you grasp at it from others. When you believe in your merit, anger will not rear its ugly head. Wrongs may still occur, yet wrongs will not ruin your day. You will no longer lose your head.

You do not believe in yourself just yet. You deserve to be loved and honored. You deserve to be recognized for the Reality that you are. You are My Child, and it is your right to be treated as the royal soul you are.

When you know your own value to God’s Kingdom, it won’t matter so much how others treat you or not treat you. If another skips over your magnificence, it won’t be such a big deal. Someone else’s lack will not shake the rafters of your house.

What another says or does or doesn’t say or doesn’t do won’t be quite so important to you any longer. Why would it? You would know to the depths of your heart My regard, and also your own Knowingness. Now you will know how insignificant another’s perception is next to Mine.

Until you find your belief in yourself, you hold on tight to your vilifying anger. You really don’t have to have it.

“Heavenletter #5314: “The Soul That You Are,” channeled by Gloria Wendroff, June 12, 2015, at

Source Link: Heavenletters 5314 The Soul That You Are

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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