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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/12/2015 6:13:26 PM

News Special Edition: Hidden Miracles in the Natural World

Golden Gaia News Special ReportHidden Miracles In The Natural World

We live in a world of unseeable beauty, so subtle and delicate that it is imperceptible to the human eye. To bring this invisible world to light, filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg bends the boundaries of time and space with high-speed cameras, time lapses, and microscopes.

This wonderful TED talk video shows how our beloved Gaia is alive with the creative forces of nature. From microscopic bugs to a living universe globally in motion. Technology, art, and science come together in small portals of time and space to expand our perception, open our minds, and touch our hearts. We can see the view of the entire planet as a single organism and it’s absolutely amazing!

Louie Schwartzberg: Hidden miracles of the natural world, by TED Talk

Africa’s Super Vegetables

In Nairobi, indigenous vegetables were once sold almost exclusively at hard-to-find specialized markets while vegetables like collard greens or kale were considered staples. Collard greens and kale were introduced by Europe over a century ago by seed companies and researchers who ignored the indigenous vegetables. This is changing. Traditional varieties of vegetables are now widely available and more is planted each year throughout Eastern Africa.

The indigenous vegetables are high in protein, vitamins, iron and other nutrients making them ideal for areas where malnutrition is a problem as they are better suited to grow during droughts and resist pests better. Domesticating the hardy wild plants and knowing how to prepare them will better help families during difficult times.

Researchers concluded that native plants including grains, fruits and vegetables are more nutritious, drought tolerant and disease resistant. Cultivating these super plants will allow people across Africa to improve food security and nutrition. Indeed active research of native species of plants is ongoing in Asia and Oceania as well as Africa.

The Rise of Africa’s Super Vegetables, by Rachel Cernansky,

Smudging is Clinically Beneficial

Throughout the ages the smoke of medicinal plants have been used to cure illness. As well, the smoke is symbolic of the “washing” as you begin the process of your own personal development. The smudging or the use of natural incense products may constitute a far safer and more effective approach for therapy and health care. Indeed medicinal smoke may have a broad range of therapeutic applications and benefits. This study suggests that ambient smoke not only be directed at the body, but could be used as an air purifier as well. The ambient smoke of smudging has proven to eliminates plant and human pathogenic bacteria in the air of confined spaces. This study highlights the fact that not enough is known about medicinal smudging and many other natural product’s potential use as medicine.

‘Killer Germs’ Obliterated by Medicinal Smoke (Smudging), Study Reveals, by Sayer Ji,

A Population Study On Psychedelics

Research has found that people who have used the classic psychedelics such as LSD and psilocybin had lower lifetime rates of suicidal thoughts or attempts and were not associated with adverse mental-health outcomes. Indeed data suggests that the harms of psychedelics, “have been overstated”.

The study done by Johansen and Krebs failed to find evidence for a link between psychedelic use and mental health problems. “Over 30 million US adults have tried psychedelics and there just is not much evidence of health problems,” says Johansen. In contrast to alcohol, psychedelics are not addictive. Krebs adds, “Drug experts consistently rank LSD and psilocybin mushrooms as much less harmful to the individual user and to society compared to alcohol and other controlled substances.” He also states, “Many people report deeply meaningful experiences and lasting beneficial effects from using psychedelics,”

Prohibition of psychedelics cannot be justified as a public health issue weighed against these findings. Says Krebs, “Concerns have been raised that the ban on use of psychedelics is a violation of the human rights to belief and spiritual practice, full development of the personalty, and free-time and play.”

New Research Finds No Link Between Psychedelics and Mental Health Problems, But May Actually Help Prevent Them, by Anna Lemind, The Mind Unleashed

Book: Food of The Gods – The Search For The Original Tree Of Knowledge by Terence McKenna

With much light and joy,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/12/2015 6:20:39 PM

THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 2015 ~ Which star system did YOU originate from?

Which star system did YOU originate from?
Original article at:

Which star system did YOU originally come from? The following describes traits and characteristics of specific star systems. At the end of the article, vote on the star system that resonates with you the most!
The following is from Jo Amidon’s book, “Where Are You Really From?

Which star system did YOU originally come from?Those who have Vega as their planetary origin are self sufficient, independent, proud and strong willed. There is an outer smooth energy and appearance of strength and capability. Those from Vega tend to be knowledgeable in a wide variety of areas, they may be trivia “collectors” for information concerning their areas of interest. They have a variety of talents and capabilities, are quite creative and often have an ability to combine creative expression with intellectual expression. They may be artists, designers, inventors, architects or in current times may work more closely with creativity through new or expanding technologies. Their methods of working with technology will differ from many, as it is based more on “feeling” than on intellectual understanding. They do well at beginning projects, but less well at completing them. There may be lessons to aid Vegans in learning self discipline and will power or they may surround themselves with others who are supportive and will aid in the completion of projects and ideas.
Those from Vega are travelers who seek variety, challenge and understanding of the many questions they have within. They may become bored easily. They tend to analyze, question and doubt all which they do not understand, does not meet their belief system or simply does not “feel” right. Although quite willing to learn, change and grow, Vegans need understanding to occur on an inner level to allow opening within for change to occur. This understanding will not be of a practical, logical nature. It will be an inner comprehension that will be more a “feeling” that leads to “knowing” instead of a technical understanding.
Most from Vega have a strong sense of responsibility, nurturing and caring. They may find fulfillment in working with children, those who are ill or in need of care and support. At times however, they may be overly responsible for others, and may need to remind themselves of the importance of teaching responsibility, as well as being responsible. They may need to work with developing a stronger sense of feeling the integrity of others, as they may find themselves taken advantage of due to their caring nature. They may find others attracted to their understanding energy, and may be approached in many situations by others wishing to share personal problems. It should be noted that few from Vega are themselves willing to share personal details with others, unless trust is first established.
Vegans have healing abilities, and may have an affinity for stones and crystals. Many from Vega work in caring for others in the area of health care, either physical, mental, as teachers or in areas which allow freedom of creative expression. They have a strong need for time alone, privacy, and freedom from restrictions. It is important that they be shown appreciation for what is done for others. Those in personal relationships with Vegans may at times be in need of more attention, and may feel somewhat neglected, due to their many interests and areas of focus. They may become so involved with caring for others, that they neglect personal needs and personal relationships.


Those who have Sirius as their planetary origin are very focused, very determined and set on whatever path they are on at a given time. It is very difficult to change the mind of one from Sirius, but once they have become convinced that a new “path” is more appropriate, they become totally focused on the new, and release the old quickly. Sirians have strong beliefs, ideals and personal integrity.
Which star system did YOU originally come from?Those from Sirius make loyal, trustworthy friends, but expect the same in return. They become hurt and disillusioned when these expectations are not met. Sirians do not share the inner personal self with others easily, and may have difficulty sharing emotions and expressing feelings and needs. To be fully accepted and trusted as a close personal friend of a Sirian means that you have been carefully scrutinized. Sirians may have difficulty in relationships and friendships when they expect to be treated in a certain way, but do not share their expectations with the others involved. It is important to work with sharing expectations, ideals, communicating needs and desires to avoid being hurt and disillusioned. This often occurs as a result of lack of communication or lack of mutual understanding and clarity in relationships.
Those from Sirius tend to be future oriented, and do not enjoy focusing on the past. They may become defensive if forced to focus on the past by others. This is due to the fact that past pain and emotion is held within, denied and repressed rather than being dealt with at the time of occurrence. Due to this there may be large amounts of old emotion in need of being dealt with and released. Sirians do not enjoy confrontations or open expressions of anger but if forced into an argument will defend themselves and their beliefs fiercely. This is particularly true if honor of themselves or loved ones is involved. One of the lessons many Sirians have chosen to work with in this lifetime is the importance of releasing old pain, forgiving self and others, and moving on.
Sirians have a very unique and strong sense of humor, which often is only seen when they are with those they trust and feel at ease with. Sirians may be considered dreamers by some. This is due to their active, vivid inner life. This can cause forgetfulness and a tendency to not notice trivial third dimensional things in the present. They may at times appear to be uninterested, or inattentive, but in actuality they are simply somewhere else. They may not realize that others are unaware of their inner activity. Although they appear very calm, quiet and reserved on the surface, there is much activity within. As children, Sirians may often be thought to have learning disorders or thought to have problems with their attention span. This is due to the attraction of the inner world, which is often more interesting than that which is taught in Earth schools. They do best in learning when visual methods of teaching are used, and they are allowed hands on types of learning with freedom to move around and explore. These are children who benefit greatly from alternative schools, the are very intelligent but strong enough within to feel that if something does not interest them, they should not be required to learn about it.
Those from Sirius have a deep connection to the Earth and energies of nature. Many Sirians have had numerous lives as American Indians and maintain close ties and memories of these lives. They are very visual, both in their ability to see things which others do not, and in their manner of learning.


Which star system did YOU originally come from?Those who have Pvila as their planetary origin have strong personalities, strong abilities and much pride. There is a strong sense of humor and desire to be the focus of attention. These are often “class clown” or “life of the party” types. There may be a tendency to go too far with teasing and humor, sometimes at the expense of others. This is not done with any intention to hurt, simply from a tendency to become “carried away” with impulses of the moment. There is need to learn compassion and gentleness in dealing with others.
Pvilans carry an aura of power which may give others the impression that they are unbending and unapproachable. This can be unsettling, especially to those who are insecure or have low self-esteem. At times others may have trouble understanding and coping with Pvilans, as they can come across as a bit overbearing. It may be necessary to work with modifying behavior patterns, and softening the approach used in interactions with others,
It is good for others to look beyond the forceful exterior, this allows the kindness within to be seen. When this is done, it will be found that Pvilans are very caring, and will do much to help those they feel are true friends and are deserving of their aid. At times they may do too much for friends, and may need to step back and allow others their learning experiences. Those close to Pvilans, will find them to be very loyal, devoted friends who easily overlook the shortcomings and flaws of friends. They may be very quick to judge or label these same shortcomings or flaws in others who are not yet considered friends.
It is helpful for Pvilans to learn to step back and detach from “self”, as they tend to become so engrossed in their personal life that they may exclude others. This can be a problem in personal relationships, as others may feel neglected when this occurs. One of the lessons many from Pvila have chosen to work with in this lifetime is the control of ego and learning to balance care for others with care for personal needs.
There is a drive to collect information, details, knowledge and a desire to explore and understand everything. Pvilans possess a “photographic” type of memory. There is an ability to retain what has been learned, for future reference, in graphic detail. Pvilans make good lecturers, authors, or may work with technical or scientific knowledge. They not only love collecting knowledge but also sharing it with others.
They have many possible careers, and may have several active careers at once, as they do not like to limit themselves. They are usually knowledgeable on many different subjects and ask many questions in seeking information and details. They may feel frustration or intolerance with others who do not seek to learn and understand with the same diligence. It is good for Pvilans to work with developing tolerance and understanding of those who do not share their thirst for knowledge.
Pvilans are very determined and focused upon whatever their path may be at any time. This path may change frequently, as they move from one pathway to another with ease. To others, it may appear as if they have difficulty in making decisions, or maintaining a focus. This is not true, they simply have the ability to maintain a number of focuses at once with changing levels of priority. Areas of interest will come and go as the desire for new knowledge leads them to seek ever onward.
In relationships, those from Pvila need respect and freedom. They should seek those whose personal power and security is strong, so they will not be intimidated. Pvilans must have time alone to reconnect and find peace within. There is a strong need for privacy and quiet times. They balance well with others who share this need for freedom and privacy. There is often an attraction to those who have softer energies, yet it is important that they be with others of equal intelligence, as this creates the challenge and excitement Pvilans so enjoy. This allows energy balancing, yet maintains the intellectual stimulation that is so important for Pvilans.


Those who have Pleiades as their planetary origin are sensitive, loving and kind. There is a deep, abiding desire for peace and happiness for all. If one from Pleiades were asked what do you want out of life? They would likely say, “to be happy.” Pleiadeans have a pleasant smooth energy which others enjoy being near.
Which star system did YOU originally come from?They are emotional and loving, but tend to repress much due to their desire to please others. They are sensitive and react quickly to criticism. Pleiadeans tend to sacrifice personal needs and wants while attempting to please others. This may cause inner resentment. Rather than expressing resentment or anger openly, Pleiadeans may instead use passive aggressive behavior in hopes that their feelings will be noticed and responded to without the need for discussion. They must learn to realize others whom they seek to please would usually prefer to hear their feelings and needs. Pleiadeans can become physically ill in situations where there is anger, open tension or arguments around them, as they absorb emotions of others in an unconscious effort to mediate and smooth situations. The tendency to repress their own emotions, and the emotions absorbed from others can form energy blockages if not released over a period of time. This can lead to eventual physical illness.
A large part of the learning experience for Pleiadeans is to learn to allow others to experience what they have chosen, and not become personally involved. They will learn to be aware of their desire to make others happy and realize that one can only be responsible for ones personal happiness and self development. They must learn to allow others to be responsible for themselves, their growth and learning situations. They must learn that they cannot decide when others are happy, or what others need to be happy, and instead focus on creating their own happiness. As true responsibility is accepted for self and personal happiness, they will flourish and the physical body will respond with radiance.
Pleiadeans must work to develop communication skills on a third dimensional level and also to develop self-esteem. It is important for them to reclaim personal power, learn to communicate freely and become strong within. At times, it may appear to others that Pleiadeans are overly reserved and distant. This is due to their tendency to criticize their thoughts to the point of not sharing them and the self esteem problems many Pleiadeans have. Often they feel that their thoughts are not “worth” sharing and must work in this area also.
Those from Pleiades may develop patterns of using various third dimensional pursuits as temporary escapes from reality, or false aids in building communication ability and confidence. This could be ventures into drugs or drinking, creating sexual or romantic dramas, or simply escaping into other realities through reading, television or movies.
Pleiadeans release through crying. Due to their tendency to repress emotions, this may build to a point where releasing must occur. This may result in crying which appears as an overreaction to current situations. Instead, it is a releasing of much more than the current situation. Due to the communication issues which are worked with, many Pleiadeans experience various types of releasing in the throat chakra area, such as crying. This could also be frequent physical problems or speech difficulty, such as hoarseness, coughing, or tightness in the throat chakra. This will no longer occur when confidence and free communication of emotions and needs are learned and used in daily life. These can be used as signs to look within at what is not being communicated that needs to be.
Pleiadeans are very strong on faith and trust. They have a strong sense of purpose from childhood, a feeling of knowing there is a God connection, purpose and plan, even in their darkest hour. There is an inner desire to seek spiritual answers and to find their connection to the God Force. As they begin to seek and learn, growth begins. As they begin to realize the God connection and to love themselves as the perfect beings that all are, many of the old feelings, emotions and self doubts fade.


Which star system did YOU originally come from?Those who have Orion as their planetary origin have strong personalities, ideals and beliefs. Orion’s may be recognized by the many questions they ask! There is a strong drive to understand the reasons and inner meanings of all things. They tend to analyze people and events in their need to understand. This may be frustrating to those around them, as this may create feelings of being scrutinized. This is due to the tendency of most Orions to operate on a mental level, rather than a feeling level. This is not due to a lack of feeling, it is simply the primary mode of operation for an Orion.
Orions want others to respect their opinions and may argue to gain respect and convince others of the validity of their opinions. They must learn to balance the drive to understand, with sensitivity to the needs of others. The mature Orion has learned that in explaining their views and opinions, having them accepted as valid and considered by others is what they seek, and it is not necessary to have others be in agreement.
Orions have a deep inner thirst for knowledge and may be frustrated with those who do not share this thirst. There is interest a wide variety of fields. It will be obvious when conversing with an Orion that either a subject holds great interest for them, and they are quite knowledgeable, or there is no interest at all and know almost nothing of that area. There is strong skepticism and difficulty in accepting new beliefs without thorough evidence and proof of validity. This is due to their mental and intellectual focus, and need to ‘make sense’ of things logically before accepting them.
Orions tend to be critical of others, and of themselves. This is because Orions expect and seek perfection. They have a keen eye for details and notice things which others do not. They tend to point out these things to others, if they feel these are things in need of attention or correction. This can be upsetting to those not accustomed to Orion energy, and may be taken as personal criticism. It is good to realize that Orions are very sensitive to balance, and may feel physically upset or ill in situations where there is imbalance. This creates their need to correct imbalance when it is sensed. It can be emotional imbalance that is sensed in others, or in themselves, or outer physical imbalance. Orions need beauty and balanced flow of energy in their surroundings to feel their best on all levels.
In relationships and in dealing with emotions, Orions react to emotions intellectually and may surprise others by their reactions. The drive to understand is much stronger than the emotional reaction. It is very important for them to understand the reasons behind a situation, to aid in their ability to accept and understand. In an emotional situation, a typical Orion response is to ask questions, although the quieter Orions may do this within. This does not mean they do not feel or care, simply that they must seek understanding. Orions are often uncomfortable with emotional situations unless they know those involved well enough to feel free to ask the questions within. By honoring this need, communication can be built in relationships with Orions. If their need to question, or understand emotion is not allowed, they will develop patterns of repressing emotions, or exploring them only on an inner level.
Those from Orion need privacy and time alone to recharge, learn and develop the flow within. They learn best alone or in small groups, and do not feel comfortable in large classroom settings. There is a high energy level, which combined with the questioning nature, makes Orions intolerant of classroom learning, when they feel teaching is not done well, or is not meaningful. Many Orions make excellent teachers, due to their ability to see many details, and “angles” of presenting information, to make learning more interesting for the student. Orions enjoy making others laugh. There is a strong sense of humor and desire to tease and play. Others may notice that the change from playfulness to being critical can occur quickly.
There is strong communication with spirit, and psychic ability. As Orions grow on a spiritual pathway, they find their largest challenge to be that of developing higher levels of trust and faith. This is due to many aspects of spirituality that must be accepted simply on faith. Orions are deeply ingrained with the need to question, seek proof, answers, and logical understanding before accepting beliefs. This can create difficulty and an inner struggle for many Orions, as they learn to combine the technical mind with the spiritual self. However, it is these same qualities which make Orions important collectors of information and knowledge which can be shared with others.


Those who have Maldeck as their planetary origin have strong, steady personalities. They are determined and focused in their beliefs, whatever those beliefs may be. It may be difficult to for someone to convince one from Maldeck of the validity of new beliefs, as there are always many questions that must be answered to their comfort before accepting new possibilities. They often have deep leadership abilities, although these may be quietly expressed.
Those from Maldeck are very intelligent, technically minded and detail oriented. They are knowledgeable in a wide variety of areas. They may have several careers, or one career with strong interests outside the field they chose for career. They seek to understand what is below the surface of people, things and events. Due to this, they seldom accept simple explanations or easy answers. They tend to analyze events, experiences and interactions with people and believe there is always more than what is apparent on a surface level. Those from Maldeck are individuals who usually will know quite a bit about any subject that may be brought up in conversation.Which star system did YOU originally come from?
They are reserved, and may appear to be distant or hard to approach to those they do not know well. They are cautious and skeptical about whom and what they trust with their innermost selves. If one is accepted as a friend or in an intimate relationship, they are very loving, honorable and trustworthy companions. They are disappointed in relationships if others do not return these qualities equally. They expect from others what they themselves are willing to give. It is often surprising to others to find such deeply felt beliefs, opinions and emotions in one who appears on the surface this quiet and reserved. Only with those they trust fully do they open themselves emotionally, but when this trust is present they are very capable of, and enjoy sharing themselves on all levels.
Maldeckeans love challenges, mysteries and the unknown or unexplainable. They are often fascinated with “magic” and the use of energy to create and manifest. They often have an early interest in astronomy, the planets and exploring the universe. They may love tales such as King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Merlin the Magician and others of that era. The desire for honor, integrity, loyalty and service of common goals is strong. They may long for historical times when the defense of these ideals was a common daily activity. Those time periods on Earth were favored by Maldeckeans, who may feel frustrated by much in this current time on Earth.
In relationships Maldeckeans are strongly supportive and understanding of partners, providing their partner is equally open to sharing themselves fully, and discussing all elements of their needs and desires. Once mutual understanding is achieved, there is a willingness to do whatever is needed to help those they love achieve their goals and dreams. It should be understood that because of the Maldeck questioning nature, it might take many discussions for this to occur. Maldeckeans have a strong loyalty and little problem with commitment, whether it is to a relationship, friendship, career or ideal. They do expect the same in return and will be quickly disillusioned if this is not so. This would be one of the rare occasions when a Maldeck temper might be seen.
Maldeck was a planet which was on the other side of Mars. It no longer exists, and current remains of the planet are what appears to be an asteroid belt.

ArcturusWhich star system did YOU originally come from?

Those who have Arcturus as their planetary origin have strong personalities, a deep inner strength and a ‘knowing’ within. On the surface, they appear strong, capable and powerful. There is a feeling from childhood of having an important purpose in life, although there is not usually knowledge of what that might be. There is a searching for this purpose, which often leads to spiritual exploration. If this purpose is not found, there may be an inner feeling of dissatisfaction or unhappiness without understanding of the cause of this.
Arcturians are very creative. Many Arcturians are writers, artists, designers or use their abilities to create in some way. Arcturians are often good public speakers, have a good sense of timing and humor, the “life of the party.” They enjoy making others laugh. They are loving and like to travel. They may tend to get bored easily and seek new experiences to avoid boredom. If they do get “bored” they may create dramas—just to stir things up or create excitement. This can show up in a tendency to create big problems out of little ones, to drag out situations, or dramatize situations to get attention.
Arcturians may seem hard to get close to or distant at times. They do not have many close, intimate personal friends, but have many “casual” friends. If an Arcturian accepts you as a close personal friend, and shares themselves with you on an inner level, know that you have been carefully considered prior to being “accepted.” Arcturians attract people: Complete strangers are drawn to the Arcturian energy and magnetism. They are good advice givers, and their aura makes it appear to others that they are strong and complete. Others may be surprised to find that Arcturians have problems and feelings just like everyone else. There is often a wide circle of acquaintances that depend upon their Arcturian friends for advice and guidance. Although willing to listen and give advice, Arcturians may be impatient with those not willing to put forth needed effort or are not really “trying” to accomplish what they seek. There is impatience with “whiners”. Those who seek advice but are not willing to use the advice they are given may lose their Arcturian mentor when this is realized.
Arcturians have much energy, either physical and mental. They may jump from one place to another or from one subject to another. They normally do not like sitting still and being quiet, but need to feel that they are accomplishing something. They tend to be enthusiastic and optimistic. When their energy is focused and used well, there is little they cannot accomplish. When it is scattered and without focus, there will be many projects begun, with few completed.
In love relationships, Arcturians need personal freedom. They feel trapped in relationships that are restricting. They need time alone, time with friends, and to be able to do this without guilt or explanations. There is need for understanding that freedom should apply to all involved– the treatment they need for themselves should be extended to others. Arcturians are not comfortable with expressing their deepest emotions, and tend to react to situations that stir deep emotions by creating diversions. Of their emotions, they are most comfortable with expressing anger, and humor. They may create arguments, begin story telling (Arcturians are great story tellers!), try to create laughter, or have a sudden urge to ‘do something’ to avoid openly discussing their emotions.

ApolloniaWhich star system did YOU originally come from?

Apollonians love to learn and add to their many talents. There is often interest in taking varied classes and developing many abilities. There is a deep questioning nature to Apollonians that leads them on a search for answers and fulfillment. This may result in a number of careers or interests in a lifetime as they seek to constantly add to their repertoire of knowledge. They may at times feel somewhat like “sponges” as they soak up many different bits of knowledge. They may appear to others like “professional students”, or give the appearance of being unable to make up their minds as to what they wish to do. This is not the case. It is simply that Apollonians do not allow themselves to be limited to any one role, or definition of who and what they are. Any attempt by others to limit them or label them is very strongly and instantly resisted. This is one instance where the normally calm Apollonians will show a dramatic reaction. There may be situations where the Apollonian may feel that others are making attempts to limit, restrict or label them…regardless of the truth, if a situation creates this feeling, there will be a strong reaction.
There is a deep desire to be self-sufficient and avoid the need to depend on others, financially or emotionally. They may need to remind themselves at times to enjoy life and take time for pleasure, as they tend to be rather serious. This can be very obvious if they are focused on a pathway of learning or achievement. It should be noted that even the rare Apollonian who chooses a pathway of pleasure seeking and play rather than serious learning, will be just as deeply and fully focused on that pathway.
Many from Apollonia have work to do as Earth healers and feel a deep connection to the Earth and her needs. There is early recognition of energy fields, auras, spirit friends or angels, which leads them to be drawn to spiritual learning as a means of finding answers and explanations. These abilities with energy may lead them to do healing work at some point in their lives, either with the planet, animals or people. There is often an attraction to children and desire to help children and those who are helpless or in need. This could be as a parent, teacher, counselor, or simply an interested friend.
There is a strong ability to empathize with others and use that ability to help others to heal and release emotional pain and fears. There is a strong love of beauty and nature. Apollonians often rely on the beauty and peace of nature to heal themselves and find peace within. There is a strong sense of intuition and spiritual connectedness. Those from Apollonia may have often considered themselves exotic or taken pleasure in being “different.”

AndromedaWhich star system did YOU originally come from?

Those with an Andromeda planetary origin seek freedom. There is a deep inner thirst and drive that leads them to search for this feeling of freedom. They may change jobs, homes or relationships in their search. At some point, they will realize that the freedom they seek, and the feelings they often have of being trapped are not due to their actual circumstances. The true freedom they seek comes only from within. It is found only by developing self love, and the inner spiritual self. The mature Andromedan has realized this, and works with this knowledge to create a reality that allows these needs to be honored, while continuing to grow in other areas.
Andromedans must work with issues of self-confidence and love. These areas may be obvious in their need for development, or they may be disguised. When self love and confidence are developed, the inner freedom and spiritual connectedness will be found within…where it has always been, if the trust and faith in self were present to allow it to be seen. As this develops, the connection between self and God becomes strong. This allows past life memories to flow, and many old talents begin to awaken to be used once again. Many Andromedans discover they have much to offer others on a spiritual pathway and become known as teachers and healers.
Andromedans enjoy travel and thrive on experiencing many types of realities. They enjoy excitement, activity, and variety. They may have early desires to visit past life homes, shown as desires to visit certain places or interest in certain areas or time periods without understanding why. They may enjoy driving fast, or flying in airplanes, as this stimulates subconscious memories of ‘home’. Andromedans tend to create dramatic learning scenarios for themselves, due to their tendency to be self-critical and not take themselves seriously. Through learning to ‘notice’ smaller growth opportunities and lessons, they will begin to avoid creating larger dramas.
The Andromedan tendency to be self-critical may lead them to expect others to be critical of them. They are often surprised at finding how well they are liked by others! Outwardly, many Andromedan are confident, capable, and outgoing with well developed abilities to communicate with others. They are very good at keeping the inner fears, doubts and insecurities inside and presenting a very different ‘face’ to the outside world. They may be well suited to teaching, health care or careers which involve traveling. Some learn to combine the attraction to drama with writing or acting, and express themselves in those ways.
Andromedans have healing and communication abilities which are often felt early in childhood. These are often ignored or discouraged by family members, and must later be retrieved. Andromedans are sensitive, caring individuals who have much compassion and ability to put themselves in another’s position and truly empathize. There is a desire to work with healing the physical, emotional, or psychic pains of mankind.Which star system did YOU originate from? | | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Database
From the author, Jo Amidon: All of the information on planetary origins is taken from my book, “Where Are You Really From?” Copyright 1996. In the book, each chapter includes the information given here, plus more personality characteristics, bits of ‘history’ on each, and lists of plants, animals and stones whose DNA originates from each of these planetary groups. The book was not in print for several years an updated book is now available.
Where Are You Really From?” copyright 1996 Jo Amidon with The Teachers of The Universal Mind.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/12/2015 6:27:37 PM

Phillip J. Watt: 8 Powerful Conversations of a Conscious Society

Phil WattWhilst the majority of people in the Western world discuss celebrities, fashion, technology, crime, terrorism and an array of other superficial manifestations of mainstream ‘programs’, there is a growing community of ‘awakening’ people are who engaged in a dialogue about the core of what it means to be human at the start of the 21st Century.

Yet opening our mind and heart to this sort of information, as well as processing and understanding it, is a challenging affair. Not only do we need to sift through the propaganda and manipulation of the mainstream media, we also have to do the same in alternative channels. Ideally, we should also have a deep philosophical foundation to contextualise any associated ‘darkness’ into a more holistic and empowering picture.

Remaining sceptical is obviously critical, but there comes a time when the patterns of truth become undeniable. That’s why it’s important to identify the sites and articles on the web which are designed to keep us confused, such as those who falsely claim they’ve debunked an alternative or free thinking idea, no matter if it relates to more common discussions such as those in academia and science, or the rarer ones such as systemic dysfunction and corruption.

The reality is, those who benefit from maintaining the status quo are likely to reject any competing ideas without analysing the evidence objectively, or to an even greater extreme, will pay internet trolls to do their dirty work for them. Through the process of investigating all the evidence of course we need to be vigilant in weighing up the various perspectives and arguments; however the art is in distinguishing between what’s more aligned to the truth and what’s not. To do this, it is important to engage both our rational andintuitive capacities.

In alignment with a genuine search for truth, this article aims to provide a necessary snapshot of the ‘core’ dialogue taking place in our world, especially outside of mainstream channels. It doesn’t expect its audience to blindly follow the ideas expressed here; instead it aims to provide a platform for viewers to launch into their own robust investigation and discussion around these and other correlating matters.

In all honesty, one topic alone takes near countless hours to dig through the lies and deceptions and locate some ‘truth’, but don’t be discouraged because it’s well worth it. That’s because you’re not only doing yourself a favour, but the whole of society too. We really do need to help one another awaken together.

The Conversations

A primary discussion in alternative mindsets is the archaic power structures that control and benefit from our social systems. Many people have many names for this, such as ‘empire’, ‘illuminati’, ‘banksters’, ‘energetic influences’ and ‘elite’, among others. No matter what we call them or what layer we’re describing, the truth is there really are many deeply embedded forces that do have an agenda of keeping humanity enslaved to their power, which as a current consequence is the bold attempt to create a one world structure under their strict and untouchable control.

We see this in preparatory mechanisms such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), privacy invasion, international imperialism and the expansion of an interdependent and globalised economy. World War 3 looms on the horizon as a result. It appears that they’re aiming to institute a one-world currency too.

Whether the various levels of power players have inherently good or bad intentions, it doesn’t really matter; the outcomes are evidently disastrous for cultural sovereignty, local communities, collective freedom and individual health. The fact remains that the true state of our global society has become clear – humanity is suffering terribly.

That’s one reason why more and more individuals are waking up to the various mechanisms orchestrated by this matrix of control and have disconnected from it for the benefit of their own freedom, health and wellbeing. The good news is that a tipping point for a collective awakening is nearing its threshold each passing day, so the coming years are full of hope.

Following are 8 examples of systemic and social issues that we currently face:

1. Mainstream (corporate) media programs society with lies and propaganda, which restricts and condenses the awareness of any person who is servant to it;

2. Education is designed to harvest productive economic citizens with little focus on the vitalities of life, such as philosophical, social, physical, emotional, psychological and behavioural health;

3. Capitalism keeps the populace enslaved to scarcity which results with unhealthy levels of competition, greed and selfishness, as well as guarantees both winners and losers;

4. Economic models ensure that poverty, homelessness and other socio-economic disadvantages aren’t resolved and that abundance isn’t achieved for the people of earth; the global central banking system, which is privately owned and operated, is another important focal point.

5. Globalisation is killing local economies, small business, democratic functionality, national sovereignty, natural systems, community spirit and healthy food production;

6. Consumerism imprisons the ‘focus of the masses’ and distracts them with an ego-based and image-driven narrative of existence;

7. The War-on-Drugs has been a massive policy failure which has amplified many social issues instead of resolving them, such as crime, addiction and imprisonment; and

8. Monopolised medicine has suppressed effective natural remedies and has ensured that most manifestations of poor health are treated prescriptively and temporarily, with little preventative measures and holistic treatment strategies.

The Solutions

We actually don’t need the elite banking families who have inherited and expanded the management of our money into profit and power; most countries are sovereign and independent nations and can create their own publicly-operated central banks. If we did this, we wouldn’t need to be concerned with budget deficits or surpluses; we can create as much economic stimulus as required, whilst obviously still accounting for economic ebbs and flows, and direct it to where it’s needed most.

If we took back our power to create and manage our money we could virtually eliminate poverty and homelessness right now. We can also remove the financial ponzy schemes which ensure the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, as the wealth inequality gap is substantially increasing whilst the most disadvantaged and vulnerable in our society are essentially ignored. ‘Trickle-down’ economics is simply an epic failure.

Another possible policy option that we have right now is to institute a minimum wage for every person, including those on welfare, to help them to educate themselves and break free of inter-generational unemployment. This has been credibly designed by alternative economists who have legitimately debunked the mathematics of the neoclassical model.

They have also illustrated that we can decrease the huge private debt burden by injecting money into private bank accounts (with the condition that we must pay off any outstanding debt), which is called a modern day debt jubilee or ‘Quantitative Easing for the People’. In addition, when unemployment is rising we can create jobs in the public sector and then transfer them to the private sector when it rebounds.

Put simply, there are already solutions to this resource-imbalanced mess that we’re in.

Another more revolutionary solution to the inherent ‘scarcity’ of the capitalistic model is the transition to an economy of ‘abundance’. One potential framework to achieve this is the ‘resource-based economy’. Something like this is more or less the ideal, however there will probably be baby steps leading up to it over the coming decades.

Let’s move to arguably the most fundamental and important discussion – the philosophy of reality. There is a meta-paradigm shift occurring; in fact it’s been happening for decades, although it really is just a rebirth of ancient wisdom and philosophy. Simply, we are moving from a ‘mind-less’ perspective back to a ‘mind-full’ one. Put more descriptively, instead of ‘life-less’ and disconnected matter being assumed to be the fundamental nature of the universe, a ‘life-full’ and interconnected awareness is known to be.

Imagine a world where the only true experience we ever have, which is being ‘aware’, is assumed not to be real. Well, welcome to the insanity of today’s materialist dogma where they believe that awareness is an illusion that needs to be reduced to matter. They presuppose that the body-brain is a ‘creator’ of consciousness, but really it is a ‘point’ of consciousness. Just like a black hole attracts and projects waves of information from the universe, the body-brain attracts and projects waves of information from consciousness. That’s why if we tamper with the body-brain, it doesn’t tamper with how awareness is created, but how it is experienced.

This rebirthed perspective implies that every person, every object, is fundamentally connected. The technical term for this philosophy is ‘monistic idealism’, meaning One Mind, however it doesn’t imply that it is ‘self-aware’ like humans are. Two other names commonly used to describe this are the ‘Source’ and ‘God’. The quantum field of possibilities is the scientific description.

Once the majority of humanity wakes up to their entangled, symbolic and sentient reality, the value systems for how we interact with each other and our planet will change dramatically for the common good. The expansion of our collective consciousness will reach an extraordinary and revolutionary stage of its evolution because for the first time this wisdom will be embraced on a planetary scale.

This also ties into how we rationally examine reality. Science is frequently considered to be an unbiased, objective and unadulterated method of investigating and understanding the external world, but unfortunately that’s not always the case. Like any human enterprise, it is plagued with dogma, politics, corporate interests and other biased forces. This has pressured scientists to only study certain areas and publicly admit certain ‘beliefs’.

A word to describe the extremist activity of modern-day science is ‘Scientism’. It has parallels with religious fundamentalism, something which is hypocritically ridiculed by those highly indoctrinated into this belief system. As described above, one major source of its dysfunction is that it inaccurately rests on the metaphysical paradigm of materialism. Therefore, the ‘interpretation’ of its evidence is subject to be fundamentally flawed and any contradicting evidence, such as that of parapsychological research, is blindly rejected and arrogantly explained away. That’s why the materialist ‘priests’ are a laughing stock to true progressive thinkers.

The truth is that we are evolving the way we perceive the world. We are shifting our primary mode of perception away from the rationality of the cerebral brain and the emotionality of the guts to a heart centred focus of awareness. Essentially, our hearts are integrating our big and little brains into its brain of love. This is sometimes a natural result of unplugging from the entertainment and fear based narratives of mainstream consciousness, which is why it’s so important to encourage on a widespread scale.

Ultimately, there is a collective awakening happening right now in which society is slowly transforming into a filtration of consciousness that is more holistically based. Integral to truly opening our hearts to the world is expressing compassion for and taking action against the assortment of unhealthy social symptoms previously mentioned, which are caused by a plague of systemic dysfunction.

Examples include the epidemics of mental illness, addiction (to not just legal and illegal drugs, but also TV, emotions, sex etc.), violence, poverty, homelessness, existential crises, suicide, spiritual disconnection, family and community breakdown, a lack of inner peace, obesity and ill health. There’s nowhere to hide from this either; it’s everyone’s job to help transcend this pain together.

Final Thoughts

The list goes much further and deeper; however this piece was only designed as a short introduction to our society’s real points of focus at the start of the 21st Century. In order to meet these challenges, we need to collectively encourage our peers, community leaders and politicians to take these issues seriously and redirect our focus through an honest, informed and explicit discussion on these matters.

Next week, we will begin the weekly Redesigning Society series in which a string of experts in their fields are interviewed, sharing their perspectives on these and other important issues.

Our society desperately needs to integrate these discussions into mainstream dialogue, so please help us to spread the message as far as we can.

“8 Powerful Conversations of a Conscious Society” by Phillip J. Watt, June 6, 2015 at

Original link: 8 Powerful Conversations of a Conscious Society

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FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont and AA Michael ~ The first glimpses of Multidimensional experiences ~ A short personal share and message

My precious friends and Beloved Family of Light,

It is time for a short update I want to share while being in the midst of my more absent and Me time. I felt compelled to share this with you all as these energies and my personal happenings are most certainly taking place for many of you as well. What is happening at this time imply more and more Dimensional shifts as to where I find myself into other realities while being in the Earthly physical simultaneously. Somehow confusing yet very aware and clear at the same time I seem to experience this more and more as to where I would miss some parts of my physical reality as if I was gone during an unknown moment of "time" and came back without knowing what took place or what I have been saying. It is like our bodies take over our physical experience like a robot, on automatic pilot as it were and we are elsewhere doing other things. Coming back, we seem surprised that things are different as if we were not aware of what took place inbetween our last moment that we recall and the moment you are back consciously forming yourself into this physical reality. But most certainly you were still present.

At this time it has mostly been happening in my sleep state as to where Lucid dreaming takes place, yet so real because the times mentioned and experienced consciously during that dream state corresponds to the same linear time as in this physical reality. For example: I experienced this event and travelled in my state of lucid dreaming where I woke up at 10 am finding things to be different and changed from when I went to sleep. Suddenly others are in my home whereas they weren't here when I went to sleep. When that 'dream travel' ended, I woke up in this linear physical reality at the same time as when I woke up in my lucid dream. Only the people were not here.

I am told we are going to experience more and more similar things as it is a part of being Multidimensional which we may experience first as a dream state so we can get used to it and comfortable with it.

We were told by many of our Galactic Brethren that this would be the case and we would experience it on a more conscious level as we blend back into our True SELF, experiencing the many facets and levels that we are in Truth and holding this into our own personal reality as we live it.

As I was trying to describe this to a friend, I remembered that I have brought out a channeling about this subject last year February 2014 from our Dearest friend Archangel Michael where He disclosed more information about this happening. Therefore I am guided to share this again with you all as I feel it is more appropriately aligning NOW than last year. I will only share some excerpts of this message but you can find the entire channeling

Note: The special discount rates on most of my tools and services will end on June 14, 2015. So be quick if you still want to make use of these special rates and visit my

Archangel Michael on the process of Ascension and on the 'split' in Dimensional frequencies ~ By Méline Portia Lafont

Credit picture: Karl Morfett

Méline :

Dearest Michael, can you elaborate more on the ways in which this current process of Ascension will be actualized in our reality, in this Now moment on this current frequency?

(note: all differs from soul to soul and depending on the soulcontracts.)

Archangel Michael :

" Presently Gaia is subdivided in various frequencies comprised of different vibrations representing the Dimensions. On the one hand there is the old matrix, representing the 3
rdDimension but on the other hand there are a number of higher frequencies vibrating at the 4th, the 5th and even the 6th Dimension. * Currently Gaia already shifted to Higher levels and She now holds frequencies up to 9th Dimension * They all are present on Gaia in the Now. That's the reason so many of you feel themselves increasingly living on different Dimensions in a conscious way. In fact, all of you are multidimensional beings and you are experiencing and undergoing this feature progressively. "


" The exact duplicate of Gaia, which I will call 'Earth', is a holographic reflection and a copy of Gaia, where duality can still exist. With this distinction that life can be continued in all mixed energies of the 4
th Dimension as well as in the higher and lower frequencies. Those of you existing in a higher frequency, embodying more Light, will dwell on Gaia and will also be able to exist on this holographic copy, so also on 'Earth' in the reality of the souls dwelling there because those souls still create that themselves. That's the way they have always known it and they continue to create this up to the point that they themselves reach the higher frequency levels.

In a nutshell : there will be 2 exactly the same copies of the souls who will exist as well on the frequency of Gaia and also on the 3
rd dimensional 'Earth'. The difference is that the consciousness of those involved in their process of Ascension, will reside solely in the embodiment of the 5th, the 6th or even on higher frequencies, depending on their current degree of consicousness, but that their exact holographic copy on 'Earth' will still exist there in a holographic substance to play its part. It is just that the consciousness and the Spirit will no longer linger in that holographic embodiment aspect and they will embody the higher aspects and the lightbody experiencing the 5th dimension and the higher frequencies.

So you can see yourself existing in the lower holographic 'Earth' all the while you yourself are not directly conscious of this. It is exactly the same as with this current Earthly incarnation in which you find yourself now. You have multidimensional and galactic aspects who exist simultaneously but of which you have no awareness or perhaps you are aware of them but you can not experience them yet in a conscious way. Why not? Because you do not yet embody these completely and therefore your full consciousness doesn't dwell there yet.The moment that you form the complete embodiment of your higher consciousness, you will become these as well and then all your lower aspects will lose their embodiment in consciousness.That's the moment when you no longer will experience them consciously.

So basically there will be no split but rather a change in consciousness and this refers to Gaia and to every soul. It can be interpreted as when the full consciousness is going to take on another form which can embody a higher frequency of light from which the old 'covering' is split in holographic aspects but where everything transforms simultaneously into a lighter form (including the human bodies). Gaia transcends Her old embodiment and leaves the holographic exact copy behind, which is in fact the pure old 3D vibration, in its entirety of existence.

One can always choose to again manifest their consciousness in this lower copy, this lower frequency of yourself and thus travel to and fro in time and dimension. I leave this choice open to all of you. "

Most cordially,
Archangel Michael

Méline Lafont 2012 – 2015, permission is given to share freely in its entirety and unaltered and

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Michael Salla Update - June 11, 2015

Secret Space Program Conferences discuss full disclosure &

humanity’s future

Secret space program whistleblower Corey Goode (aka GoodETxSG) claims he has just completed three diplomatic conferences with representatives of different secret space programs, human looking extraterrestrial visitors and global elites. The purpose of the conferences held from June 5-7 were to find how each of these groups would respectively respond to the disclosures soon to occur where humanity learns about the existence of extraterrestrial life and secret space programs; and where a new global financial system replaces the current exploitative one that leads to ‘financial slavery’ for many. In Corey’s responses to questions about the three conferences (see below), he explains each in terms of where they took place, who was attending, the way each conference was organized, its agenda, outcome, and what his own role was in attending these conferences.

Corey has already given a report of his
June 7 meetings and a detailed report of his June 9 meeting, but not of his June 5 meeting. He has described how he was taken to each of the conference meetings in the early morning hours where a blue sphere or orb would appear in his home and physically transport him to each location. He describes the sphere as belonging to a recently arrived group extraterrestrial visitors called the “Sphere Being Alliance” that are facilitating major global and solar system changes as a result of transformative cosmic energies coming into our region of the galaxy. Corey describes the key role of one of Sphere Alliance’s representatives in the meetings, “Raw-Tear-Eir,” who is a Blue Avian, one of five extraterrestrial races making up the Sphere Alliance.

The June 5 meeting took place at “Lunar Operations Command,” on the far side of the moon, and was with the “SSP Alliance Council” which he describes as “a tenuous alliance of leaders who have cliques and sub-factions that do not completely trust one another.” Most members are from the Solar Warden Space program, with others made up from defectors from the Interplanetary Corporation Conglomerate (ICC), members of the “Dark Fleet” caught within a solar system wide quarantine imposed by the Sphere Being Alliance, and others from smaller rogue military space programs (for descriptions of the different SSPs,
click here). Corey describes how information about U.S. government personal file was recently collected and will be used in upcoming war crime trials where the “defectors” will testify. This was especially significant given that on June 4, it was announcedthat the personnel files of four million U.S. government employees had been hacked. The incident was blamed on China.

The June 7 meeting involved representatives of up to 60 different humanoid extraterrestrial races with their own distinct interests about the Earth’s future. Corey clarifies that he is the delegate representing the Sphere Being Alliance, and therefore given a delegates place at the meeting where he can listen to all that transpires through the delegates chair which has universal translator type technology where all that is said and heard is translated. Other sitting in non-delegate chair, such as the SSP Alliance Council representative, Lt Col Gonzales, do not know what is said, and rely on Corey to report back to them.

Corey describes the June 9 conference and elaborates on some of the issues arising from his
detailed reportabout it. He describes the Committee of 200 and other groups representing elite interests on Earth as attempting to stall, distract or manufacture violent conflicts that will enable them to prevent future disclosures about Secret Space programs and extraterrestrial life. These global elites appear most concerned about being exposed and tried in future Nuremberg-like war crimes trials.

The issues discussed at the three diplomatic conferences Corey Goode claims he attended from June 5-9 are astounding in their implications. If he has accurately reported what occurred, then humanity is about to witness the most remarkable set of disclosures about extraterrestrial life and secret space programs imaginable. The scope of these programs, and the crimes committed in them, will lead to war crimes that dwarf those conducted at Nuremberg, and will usher in enormous global changes at a political, technological and economic levels.

While some cite lack of documents and hard evidence in support of Corey’s claims as reason to dismiss them, my own investigations of the claims of whistleblowers and extraterrestrial contactees suggest another approach. Carl Sagan’s dictum “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” is not sensible when it comes to the claims of whistleblowers and contactees simply because their revelations typically involve national security topics that are highly classified. This historically has made it
illegal for evidence of these topics to be publicly circulated, thereby making it almost impossible to confirm such claims.

A more appropriate research dictum to apply to Corey’s claims is “extraordinary claims require an extraordinary investigation.” That requires keeping an open mind as we analyze Corey’s claims; consider personal factors such as his sincerity, commitment and consistency; circumstantial evidence; look for documentary and hard evidence, interview supporting witnesses such as Lt Col Gonzales, and analyze any documents that emerge that may be part of the promised massive document dump that Corey had described as accompanying the “full disclosure event.”

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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