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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/7/2015 6:23:57 PM

Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff: Awareness Means Self-Empowerment


Beloved Ones,

As the days move forward, there will continue to be more weather anomalies as the Earth strives to bring balance within.

There are many ancient energies that were buried in the past, now being brought to the surface. These are recognizable as feelings of sadness, anxiousness and worry; for in the past, many were the people who lived in constant fear, for their lives were not their own.

They were subjugated and literally owned by others who controlled their daily lives with an iron fist. There was no empathy or regard for the sanctity of their lives, and their lives could at any time be destroyed.

This energy is rising in the collective consciousness of humanity and is experienced with a feeling of heaviness, the sense of heavy burdens which are hard to dissipate and clear.

Know, Dear Ones, these are temporary in nature and try not to become engaged when and if, they surface, in your thoughts and feelings. They are being cleared from the collective field by those who volunteered for this task.

When one is aware of what is happening, it becomes easier to deal with it. Awareness means self-empowerment. It means that you were deemed able to transmute these energies through the power of love.

As these deep layers are brought to the surface, more revelations are also exposed to the awareness of humanity. All that was successfully hidden by those individuals who misused their power in times past can no longer keep it suppressed from public scrutiny.

Humanity in general is waking up to the realization that their world is much different than they were told and perceived it was. Everyone is growing weary with the constant changes taking place.

These changes are bringing to light all that needs to be addressed in the world systems, in order that more equitable and enlightened practices replace all that is not serving the individual and greater good of Earth’s inhabitants.

It is a challenging endeavour but will become easier as these reformations occur. There will come a time when the consensus amongst all the people of the world will be that peace is their highest priority.

As it takes root, stay strong and steadfast as that consensus becomes the new reality here on Earth. Your loving efforts are bringing it ever closer.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

“Hilarion: Awareness Means Self-Empowerment,” channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, June 6, 2015, at

Source Link: The Rainbow Scribe: Hilarion 2015

©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included –,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/7/2015 6:28:16 PM

Feel Good News: Sunday, June 7, 2015

feelgoodnewsflowersHappy Sunday, dear friends. Did anyone else go a bit looney the last few days? I mean, I know the energies, in general, have been intense, but I thought something was driving me a bit off the deep end.

What a relief I felt, when I realized it was the full moon! We are also experiencing Mercury Retrograde until June 12th, and so it’s no wonder that I didn’t remember it was a full moon.

While I don’t live my life specifically by the stars, I do know many who practice astrology, and much of the information that has been presented to me over the years is spot on.

Truth be told, when slogging through a deep trough of difficulty, it is always an amazing relief to get support from the alignment of the stars. I honor them, and I also generally check them when both good things and difficult things occur. It’s lovely to become aware of another natural cycle that supports us as it quietly weaves its way through space and time.

So while you are all wishing upon a star, or looking for shooting stars on some night in the future, remember that the stars aligned for your blessed entry into this world, and they are another one of your personal guardians and guides that were bestowed on you by a blessed and supportive universe!

Using electronic banking, a charitable start-up is making a difference in poverty.

The Golden Age of Gaia team has always been proud of the fact that every single dollar donated to the Hope Chest for lightworker support, has gone directly to those in need of emergency assistance. That is why this story stood out for me, because this new start-up charity has been doing the same thing in developing African nations.

A person in sub-Saharan Africa is 60 times more likely to have a mobile financial account than a European, and so GiveDirectly has chosen to use this regional financial feature as a way to tackle extreme poverty.

They focus on a given village, and determine the families that are struggling the most. They then send those families a year’s salary. No strings attached.

The program was founded by graduates of MIT and Harvard, who wished to put the aid-intervention platform to the test. Numerous research studies showed that direct cash transfers, of significant funding, actually increased the overall income and well-being of the families by as much as 80% over two years. While the preconception is that recipients would spend the money unwisely, the truth is actually the opposite.

I recently discussed the idea of “taking money off the table” with our dear Andrea Scully, and we both agreed that removing survival stress allows a being to open up creatively and get productive.

I believe that GiveDirectly has created a program that statistically proves this to be true. Imagine an entire world where all needs are met and beings can simply do what draws their heart? I call that heaven on earth!

This Start-up Gives Poor People A Year’s Income, No Strings Attached by Nico Pitney for Huffington Post Good News

How a crisis of the soul, on an Alaskan mountaintop, led a man to his inspiring life purpose.

Allan Barsema knows he is lucky to have had a second chance. A life of alcoholism and loss led him to the top of a mountain in Alaska, where he wished to end his life.

As life would have it, that was not the plan, and he accepted help from his parents to get back on his feet. His experiences led him through addiction, loss and homelessness, and while he would not wish to repeat his past, he realizes now that it was training for what would become his life purpose.

Barsema opened a construction company in a deserted warehouse in Rockford, IL called Carpenter’s Place. As fate would have it, a local cafe closed, down and the area homeless no longer had a place to gather and eat.

Barsema’s heart went out to them, and so he closed his business and began to focus on supporting the homeless in concrete and integrative ways.

While he understands the idea of benevolent assistance, he knows from experience that folks need services, integrative help and respect. They do not wish to be seen as a charity case, which many benevolent charities perpetuate in Barsema’s estimation.

With so many services operating inclusively and not communicating with each other, many homeless individuals were falling through the cracks. He developed a revolutionary software called MPOWR which linked all available services to each individual. He also began to work with church groups and convinced them to specialize their services instead of all offering overlapping services. This alone, increased the value of services by expanding and focusing them.

The platform he created is now being adopted by other cities, because it works so well. It gives the highest benefit to the individual, so they can receive what they need to truly feel supported and work towards a happier life.

In 2010 Barsema received an Encore Award for his projects and he funneled the $100,000 prize money right back into the programs.

Allan Barsema is living proof that difficulty and struggle often illuminates our life’s purpose, and gives us the experiences we need to deeply understand social issues and create innovative and lasting solutions.

Meet the Once-Homeless Man Who Revolutionized How We Care for the Homeless by A Wolfe for Take Part

Stories in Every Stitch.

I am always inspired by groups that support local artisans, as with the Fair Trade model. This short video about a partnership with local women artisans in East Timor made me so happy!

Swags World (Simply Women and Girls in a Sustainable World) has a single focused directive. They wish to empower girls and women, in developing nations, by valuing their cultural art-forms and craftsmanship, and creating markets for their products.

This story focuses on a beautiful hand made doll that tells a story. The group draws women into an actual circle of co-creation, and yes, they actually use that term! These types of projects certainly are the forerunners of a world that works for everyone, where indigenous products and craftsmanship are highly valued and honored with appropriate levels of energy exchange.

Stories in Every Stitch on KarmaTube

What do Pizza and Stranded Travelers have in common? Kindness!

Recently, an airplane in Atlantic City, NJ, experienced mechanical problems and the flight was canceled. As the airport is a small regional one, the entire complex was closed up for the night, leaving hundreds of people stranded without food.

Quick thinking and kind area police officers, decided to order pizza for the passengers, and they paid for it with their own money.

They didn’t make a big deal about it, but the passengers were obviously grateful, and the incident made the rounds of social media. Many shared comments about how this is the type of lovely story that should be shared far and wide, to help people have more faith in the kindness of all humans, and especially those in official positions.

I completely agree, and so I share it with you all today. As followers of Feel Good News, we know that kindness exists and is spread every single day. It is often spread silently, and without fanfare. When incidents like this occur, and are picked up by social media and finally main stream media, it gives the general public a glimpse into what we all know to be true. People care and are willing to help those in need.

State troopers come through with pizzas for stranded Atlantic City fliers by Ben Mutzabaugh for USA Today

And Finally…

Some fearless animal friends.

While this video is a bit “reporty,” I find it very inspiring. It tells the stories of a number of animals that have come to the rescue of humans. Some of the animals knew the humans they assisted, but many did not and some of the animals are wild.

I find it so heart opening to see how species interact, and especially how animals can sense danger and come to the rescue. I believe that angels can show up to help in many forms, and these animals are obvious examples!

Animals who have saved humans on YouTube

That’s the good news for today. Have a joyous day. Please join Gavin Harrill for the Golden Gaia News Roundup on Monday.

Be Well. Be Joy. Be Love!


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/7/2015 6:30:38 PM

SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 2015

Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Gratitude opens the door to feeling God's Love.

Shanta Gabriel

Dear One,

When you feel God's love, there is a sense of peace and harmony within you. This feeling allows you to step back from the drama in your life, and to let the love of God flow into every situation. When Divine Love is flowing freely through you, miraculous healings occur.

There is one place where you can always go to feel God's love, and that is in your heart. Gratitude is the attitude that will take you into your heart. It does not matter if you see nothing in your life for which to feel grateful; just the act of giving thanks opens a door in your heart to allow God's love in.

When there's nothing else, you can give thanks for just being alive. It is a gift to be in a human body, which is a miraculous instrument. You can give thanks that your heart beats, that your breathing occurs and digestive processes continue without your conscious direction.

If your life feels like a constant struggle, you can give thanks for the lessons you are learning. On the other side of the struggle is freedom. You can give thanks in advance for such freedom.

Prayer shifts our perspective so we can see a larger picture of what is actually going on in our lives. Prayers of gratitude are very powerful, and stimulate an increased flow of God's energy into every situation. This energy can create miraculous change for
good. It may take a little effort to find something to be grateful for when you are feeling down, but it will create a beautiful shift in your mind when you do so. This shift is the doorway into a new awareness of the greater truth in your life.

The greater truth is that you are never alone and that you are here on earth to remember your connection to the Divine Presence in your life. You are meant to live a happy, abundant life with deep fulfillment. In order to do this, it is necessary to step out of the problems life presents and into the flow of God's love, which will bring Creative Solutions. It is as if you step through a doorway into right action, trust, and loving awareness. Gratitude is the key that unlocks the door to all you are seeking — a simple thing that brings miracles into your life. Remember:

Gratitude opens the door to feeling God's Love.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel
June 7, 2015

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/7/2015 6:33:59 PM

Ida Lawrence: The Quest of the Authentic Self

Ida LawrenceBe not of two minds! Now that’s sage advice, and one would think I’d know all about it, having been born a Pisces, but no… in my ‘impressionist’ mode of operation, I have battled myself in a dreamy ocean current.

Today I do try to see more clearly. It seems we face more challenging choices today than ever before, and that’s cause enough to look more closely at those two minds.

There is one mind that we know quite well, and that is the mind concerned with our physical existence within this 3-D ‘reality’. We have to maintain our lives and the lives of our families, and give attention to everyone’s well-being and growth.

The grip of the matrix on our physical existence is pretty strong for all but the most skilled escape artist. Within this grip certain behaviors are rewarded or justified: competition, people pleasing, self sacrifice, specialness, opinions, indulgence, laziness and escapism. Religion is in there too, and new age spiritualism, and of course fear. I mean really… what isn’t there in that overwhelming pull of the ‘reality’ current?

What isn’t there is the ‘Quest’ of the authentic self. The directive to be not of two minds can easily be applied to those of us who have grown up with a feeling that there is so much more, something so immense and full of possibility… a different ocean perhaps, or another more liberating current than this particular one. Our yearning to know leads us to strain against the pull of conformity and materialism.

Since being of two minds is stagnating, we’re warned against it: you cannot serve two masters, so pick one, and mold your life around it. Conformity, of course, desperately wants us to stay in place. Comfort is there… and if we can’t find comfort easily, we can take a few pills. Shut down that yearning; the TV or the church or the expert will answer the questions. It’s all good… until it isn’t.

The higher self doesn’t make demands… it simply invites us to expand beyond what we know, which is frightening, as there is so much out there beyond what we know. We’re insecure, bombarded with information that may be false or may be true, we’re busy and stressed and a thousand voices are calling.

Thus the importance of a path devoted to the authentic self. You really are your own highest authority, but it’s a brave journey of discovery to embody that authority. For many of us that journey has been our challenge from birth.

As we trace back, we may see that our entire life, including our choice of parents, has pulled us to the dilemma. We resist our conditioning in a certain way, or we are attracted to certain information, or we try hard but still don’t fit in super well, or we have an inkling of something we’re supposed to do.

I was certainly that way as a child, reading the Book of Revelations and thinking, “I’m reading this because this is going to happen in my life.” Imagine a nine-year-old attempting to wade through the scary symbolism of Revelations.

I remember well the deep inner feelings and the promises I made to myself at that age, and then out into the ocean I went – the little fishes swam into the current. Many years later when reading about the four horsemen from a visionary perspective, it clicked of course… yes, I always knew that I was living it.

As we grow up and begin to discover and break down the conditioning, the need for ‘more to life’ goes out into the universe as an inaudible, beseeching inner voice – something that we would call a prayer.

Sure enough the universe responds and we happen across an individual or teacher with information from within that greater ocean. In addition, we may enter life circumstances that point to the pervasive deceptions that we believed to be real. So it all comes to pass, as we unknowingly have asked it to.

I remember one of the first things to really shake up the hold of my conditioning was the demise of the external ‘judging’ God to whom we submit, and petition for forgiveness and assistance. He doesn’t exist! Now I Love and greatly respect men, but I have to say those religion creating ancients really went off the rail when they gave their gender and their psychology to ‘All that is’, and put him outside of us… somewhere in the sky.

Just that ‘he doesn’t exist’ thought created a great coming together of puzzle pieces for me, and the crumbling of self-imposed thought restrictions. It took a bit longer for the guilt and self-hate and woman-dismissal to go, but gone was the ideology of a chosen people, original sin, the sin of Eve, and the fires of hell… you know the scenario. In its place was ‘so many possibilities’ along with a shard of self-empowerment, i.e. “I’m heading in this liberating direction!”

Even having experienced an epiphany, it may take years before we sort through a morass of information and come across something that we consider truly ‘vital’. Vital, for me, means something that rings a bell as in, “I have experienced this; my intuition said this is so; science verifies this.”

I think the information capable of changing us, waits until our need is strong enough. It’s ‘the teacher appears when the student is ready’ kind of a thing. We accept the teacher, take the position of student, soak up everything we can, and become devoted.

Some might say, “Don’t ever become devoted to a teacher, that’s a trap.” I say, “Baloney.” When someone has given me accurate information that I have been seeking for decades, I’m going to love that person. Love doesn’t mean I lose my ability to think… it means I’m gaining spiritual life by having my thinking and my heart expanded. Devotion is natural and appropriate. To embody the teacher’s information you really have to be devoted and dedicated, and not one who approaches learning with one mind criticizing and the other accepting.

Devotion to the teacher’s information will naturally shift over time to internalizing the direct experience of the information. For example, the teacher may recommend that you eat a certain way, or practice certain physical movements or disciplines, or engage in certain types of meditation and visualization, or dedicate yourself to certain virtues, and you do so. You make it your way of being… and that is the ‘being of one mind’.

So yes, we can be in this particular reality, and yet not of it. We still can get swayed or confused by the emotional pull of the current from time to time, and yet, we are self-correcting, so it really is all good. That’s evolution… don’t get down on yourself for being imperfect.

Now what about when a teacher transitions, or sends you on your way saying, “You have all you need from me… now make it your own.” How do we continue to internalize the information we might not yet have grasped? My belief is that we continue on with the Quest energy of the authentic self, and trust that we are our own higher authority. Nothing that we have embodied or gained is lost, including the ‘feeling’ or energy of the teacher.

What brought me to writing this piece? Well, there is an ebb and flow to everything, and lately, it seems, I have been in the ebb. Perhaps it’s just me… but sometimes I notice that we go into these spaces together, so I mention it to you.

Observing the ebb, I was reminded that we are never absent our inner divinity, as one cannot be absent what they are. But we can ‘feel’ that we have lost sight of our authentic self, and we miss the reassurance. It’s okay to rest in that space for a time, as that too is nature and a vital birthplace in nature: creation is born where the new flow begins, and that is at the ebb of the tide.

“The Quest of the Authentic Self” by Ida Lawrence, March 15, 2014 at

Original link: The Quest of the Authentic Self

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/7/2015 6:38:58 PM

Explore the Emptiness – It’s a Part of You


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Should we run away from emptiness, or should we get comfortable with it? It’s safe to say that most people don’t want to feel empty inside, but what if this emptiness gives us a link to spirit that we didn’t know was there?

What if emptying ourselves of all of our conscious and unconscious fears, habits and desires will strengthen our connection and make it easier to explore our consciousness? It’s easy to fill the inner void that so many people try to hide from, but what if filling it distances us further from the Self?

The path into enlightenment is illuminated with a thousand tiny inner lights when we open the mind and explore our true Selves, and we only need to open up and empty ourselves to glimpse the greater reality just beyond the horizon.

We only need to let go of all of the external earthly stuff to find what so many people have sought throughout the ages, and we distance ourselves from our higher consciousness when we fill our heads with desires and distractions.

Instead of distracting ourselves from our spiritual growth with whatever material thing seems more appealing, let’s understand that this life and everything in it is impermanent.

Our deeper awareness holds the only true permanence, and shifting our perspective over to it by emptying out our earthly thoughts and emotions will help us understand that we’re eternal spiritual beings. Then, we can really start to make progress.

Krishnamurti tells us that most people are afraid of emptiness, so they’re driven to activity in an effort to cover it up.

“It is this fear of being nothing that drives the self into activity; but it is nothing, it is an emptiness.” (1)

Most people accumulate experiences and emotions in an effort to distract themselves from the emptiness that’s an inherent part of their consciousness, he tells us.

“Why do we store up flattery and insult, hurt and affection? Without this accumulation of experiences and their responses, we are not; we are nothing if we have no name, no attachment, no belief.

“It is the fear of being nothing that compels us to accumulate; and it is this very fear, whether conscious or unconscious, that, in spite of our accumulative activities, brings about our disintegration and destruction.

“If we can be aware of the truth of this fear, then it is the truth that liberates us from it, and not our purposeful determination to be free.” (2)


No matter who we are or what we do, he tells us, nothingness is a permanent aspect of our being.

“You are nothing. You may have your name and title, your property and bank account, you may have power and be famous; but in spite of all these safeguards, you are as nothing. You may be totally unaware of this emptiness, this nothingness, or you may simply not want to be aware of it; but it is there, do what you will to avoid it.

“You may try to escape from it in devious ways, through personal or collective violence, through individual or collective worship, through knowledge or amusement; but whether you are asleep or awake, it is always there.” (3)

Have you ever just wanted to shut down at the end of a long or stressful day and do nothing at all? There might be a reason for that, and it might be that nothingness is our true nature, whether we realize it or not.

A lot of people, especially spiritual people who want to change the world, are driven to action every day in one way or another. From what Krishnamurti has said so far, it seems that this inner call to action can be a means to avoid our calm, silent, inner reality, which will appear as nothingness in the beginning.

Nothingness is exactly what it is, but after we explore it a little, we’ll realize that this ‘nothingness’ is actually a vibrant higher existence. Upon exploration, the nothingness will light up with glorious meditative vibrations and sensations, and somewhere along the way, we’ll realize that we’ve made it back home.

By exploring the nothingness, we’ll have reconnected with our higher consciousness and rediscovered something that most of the world wouldn’t understand or accept. It requires us to give up our earthly identity and ‘die’ to the Self, but if we knew what the result would be, we’d know that it’s worth our time and inaction.

As Krishnamurti also tells us, dependence on the external is caused by a need to fill the emptiness, which can never be filled.

“Dependence on outward line and form only indicates the emptiness of our own being, which we fill with music, with art, with deliberate silence. It is because this unvarying emptiness is filled or covered over with sensations that there is the everlasting fear of what is, of what we are.” (4)

Most of you know my opinion of music and art, which is that they can provide an avenue back into our higher consciousness just like meditation and other tools, but this doesn’t take away from the fact that some people use them as a distraction.

Some people use anything external they can to fill their unfillable emptiness, but like Sri Chinmoy has said, we can embrace music and art with a higher perspective. We can create music that contains the silence as opposed to music that fills it, and in doing this, we can uplift ourselves and others.

But for some people, music and art are only forms of distraction that keep them from exploring their consciousness. Everyone’s on their own path and we all have to do the things that work for us and stay away from things that don’t, and personally, music and art have helped me greatly along the path.


With all of the distracting things that are out there, staying true to ourselves and our path will help us explore our emptiness instead of trying to run from it or cover it up. Generally, life will become more harmonious when we can accept and live with our eternal emptiness.

In fact, we’ll find all of the thrills we could ever hope for by exploring our consciousness, and the ironic thing is that it requires us to become completely still and comfortable with doing and being nothing.

Life is nothing like we think or expect, and we’ll realize that as we continue to travel along the path and learn surprising things about ourselves, our reality and the realms beyond.

The first step is to get comfortable being nothing, which is our true nature, and the next step is to explore that nothingness and watch in amazement as it dazzles us with higher vibrations and a greater perception.


  1. J. Krishnamurti, Commentaries on Living. First Series. Bombay, etc.: B.I. Publications, 1972; c1974, 54.
  2. Ibid., 92.
  3. Loc. cit.
  4. Ibid., 64-5.

Photos: No copyright infringement intended.

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I’m a twenty-one year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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