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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/6/2015 8:40:53 PM

The Oracle Report, Saturday-Sunday, June 6-7, 2015



Disseminating Moon Phase: share, communicate

Moon in Aquarius

Goddess of Wisdom: Tara (Goddess Who Guides)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a mature woman reawakened to romance”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

The Disseminating Moon phase, the time of the lunar cycle when the energetics favor communication of thoughts and feelings, sharing ideas, and linking up. We often receive feedback or information from Spirit, other people, and things we hear or overhear. During Disseminating phase, we take what is helpful or useful from the feedback and let the other things be. Our inner wisdom and intuition guides us in this.

Two things are happening right now that tend to disrupt the process: 1) the Black Moon and Chiron are opposing each other — 180 degrees apart, and 2) we are in a lunar month that inherently poses challenges.

Feelings of failure accompany this dynamic, but this serves to help us see a new way or do something a different way. Failure is the final result only when we give up trying to do better. It’s the learning process of life.

Chiron energy tends to push feelings of wanting to give up. We easily wound or sabotage ourselves when Chiron’s influence is strong. If this starts to develop, it is best to move to the “teaching” part of Chiron’s spectrum. With this we consider the situation from a teaching (learning) perspective.

What is this weekend’s energy trying to teach you?

It may feel like a hard lesson, but it is truly a precious and beautiful thing because it will lead to better and brighter, happier things. It helps us see what is important to us, which is a valuable thing in changing times. The heart of the lesson speaks to our individual, primal fear. (This is indicated by which sign the Black Moon is located in when someone is born. See the Appendix of my book on the Black Moon on the books tab to determine the sign of your Black Moon. Then turn to Chapter 2 to locate the information for that sign.)

The energy is trying to reveal our true selves and help us express who we are in the world. This may feel very “exposing.” The vulnerabilities and sensitivities of the Virgo/Pisces axis are heavily reinforced when Chiron energetics are in play. Keep in mind that Chiron is located at the degree of “a prophet bringing down the NEW law from Mt Sinai” and the Black Moon is located at the degree of “a royal coat of arms with precious stones.” The things that make life (and us) beautiful are coming to light.

We are precious and loved, and we have help.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/6/2015 8:44:46 PM

Special News Edition: A New World of Sustainable Abundance Is Possible

Golden Gaia News Special ReportA new world of Sustainable Abundance is possible

Prosperity and wealth have always been directly linked to having more and more things. Fortunately, many of us have realized that this is not actually right. In fact, we know that if everyone had as much stuff as the average American, there would be 7 billion very unhappy people living on a very unhealthy planet.

As a result of this awareness, we have seen a growing number of ecological movements that focus on reminding us on the impending doom and disaster if we do not go green, revamp our consumption patterns, and practice detachment from materialism. No wonder some of us feel guilty when buying a new electronic gadget that will help us stay connected on the go, or a new bike or toy for our well-behaved and deserving kid. This seems to simply contradict our birthright to live in abundance.

Building our new sustainable future does not necessarily mean denying all the technological progress achieved so far and depriving ourselves and loved ones from wondrous things conceived by human ingenuity. Nor does it mean giving up our careers in the city, moving to the countryside, and starting to grow our own food.

There is a middle path whereby we can create a world filled with abundance for everyone, having sustainability as a core value. As noted by Joe Tankersley, a storyteller and futurist, this is not based on a far-fetched green utopia but grounded in what is already possible.

Does this mean that we can go buy that new electronic gadget without any guilt? Possibly. As long as, we make conscious decisions when buying the new gadget, and any other “thing”, for that matter. We can choose among brands and models the one that is built to last longer, is made of recycled materials, and/or is produced by an environmentally and socially responsible company.

It does, however, mean that certain things will just have to go, like Hummers and MacMansions. In their place there will be new things designed and built in such a way that will have both beauty and utility, use renewable sources, last as long as possible and be repurposed when their usefulness has ended.

A new world of Sustainable Abundance depends on us. However, as we create it we don’t have to feel guilty or bad as we go about living our lives. We are entitled to enjoying ourselves in the transition!

Imagining a World of Sustainable Abundance by Joe Tankersley,Unique Visions Inc.

So, how do we know if what we are buying or hiring is sustainable? Aside from spending some time doing research, we can rely on a new kind of expertise that is here to stay.

Sustainability standards, green certification, and eco-labeling are part of a whole new area of expertise that is growing and can definitely help us make more conscious decisions as consumers. Third-party certification is an essential tool in helping us build our new world of Sustainable Abundance.

It doesn’t mean that we will have to start subscribing to their newsletters or search for the products we want on their websites, nor having to set aside money from our budgets to pay green premiums. Some of us might have done it, however producers and retailers are the ones having to pay expert advice and ensuring they are duly certified.

Sustainable products (and services) are already becoming mainstream. Take health food for example. It is no longer exclusive to high-end stores like Whole Foods. In fact, Costco’s revenue from organic products is projected to exceed $4 billion this year, overcoming Whole Foods’ market leadership in the US. This is unprecedented and is a concrete example of how we, as consumers, have already reshaped the market demand for food.

Together we are creating a better, more sustainable world. As such, building a new world of Sustainable Abundance is not only possible, it is already happening.

Sustainable Purchasing 101: Tools for Buying Greener Products by Scot Case, Triple Pundit

Move Over, Whole Foods: Costco Is the New King of Organic Groceries by Josh Scherer, Takepart

Exercising our birthright to Sustainable Abundance. Namastê!


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/6/2015 8:50:13 PM

Heavenletter #5307 via Gloria Wendroff: An Antidote to Worry?

Heavenletters - Version 2God said:

There is no sadness in Heaven. There is no panic, no anxiety. There is a gentle knowing. Where could worry exist in Heaven? Heaven is worriless.

Remind yourself that your soul is in Heaven, and your heart is within Mine so you are heart and soul in Heaven. Worry and such is an added-on invention like a patch. Worry is not real, no matter how real-seeming worry may seem to be. Worry is like a hive of bees buzzing within you.

Isn’t it odd that worry seems totally real to you and that I, the God of All, may seem unreal, as if I were an afterthought or add-on? The joke is on you, beloveds. Your placing your bets on worry instead of Me is the same as not knowing the difference between a pence and a pound.

The difference is greater than that. The difference is as if you don’t know the difference between a penny and the biggest diamond in the whole wide world. Of course, the difference between worry and Me is greater than that.

There is no true comparison that can be made of what I am to you.

I do not create worry. It must be that My children invent worry and spread it far and wide. If you were a King who sat on a throne of worry, I would tell you to abdicate your throne. Of course, no one would want a throne of worry, and, yet, you have great attachment to your throne of worry.

You are used to it, and you like to possess it. Even a headache lets you know you abide in a body where just anything can occur. No one in his right mind would incur worry, yet here you are, shackled to worry as if worry sets the tone of your life and you live in a prison of worry.

There is always another worry in the offing. You don’t run out of worries. It must be that you buy worries in a pack at a bargain price. Oh, yes, worries are a dime a dozen. Very cheap. They can even be had without the asking. However, I don’t see that you turn worries away. In fact, you bring them in, sit them on your lap, and you hold on to them as if for dear life.

Beloveds, worries are like a drug you take and become addicted to.

There is an antidote to worry, however, and that is innocence. Innocence doesn’t worry. Innocence doesn’t even grasp the concept of worry. Innocence is worry-free. Another word for innocence is trust.

An innocent baby may coo, and an innocent baby may cry, yet a baby has not yet learned to worry. A baby is where he is at the moment he is. A baby wants to be fed now. A baby does not have thoughts of tomorrow on his mind. He doesn’t think of tomorrow or next year or his retirement.

A baby is right smack where he is at the very moment of being there. Innocence doesn’t make guesses. A baby wants to be fed now. He does not think of the future, nor does he draw conclusions from the past.

A baby knows his entitlement. You do not yet know yours.

If you had no worries, there would be nothing to worry about! What would you do with the energy you have if you did not lavish it on worry? Perhaps you would lavish it on joy which amounts to giving love to the Universe that sustains you.

It is good to know God provides. Remind yourself of this. Around the clock, God provides.

“Heavenletter #5307: “An Antidote to Worry?,” channeled by Gloria Wendroff, June 6, 2015, at

Source Link: Heavenletters 5307 An Antidote to Worry

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/6/2015 8:51:49 PM

Archangel Michael: You Are Not Crazy

Michael 2211This past reading (May 21, 2105) I asked Archangel Michael how we should behave after the Reval.

I can predict that I’ll have a stress reaction and will need to stay relatively quiet. I’m avoiding any celebrations that promise to go over the top and come back to haunt us years later. AAM took the occasion to address the subject quite fully.

Thanks to Dana for our transcript.

S: So when the money comes, I’m probably going to have a stress reaction of some sort.

AAM: Yes.

S: So, please, any advice you can give me and other lightworkers on how to deal with the impact of suddenly finding your financial worries are over, you can live the life you wanted to live, etc.?

AAM: Do not be precipitous. Stand still. Now that may sound like very amateurish advice. It is one of the most difficult things for human beings to do. Go to the stillness.

Do not feel the immediate necessity, which is an invention of your imagination and ego, to jump into action. Give yourself the opportunity to breathe, to allow this shift in reality, in what you have described as your personal landscape, to sink in.

Yes, there is an entire world waiting to be rebuilt and it is not achieved if you jump the gun. It is not achieved if you are going full steam ahead and then collapse because of stress. Stress is a physical reality. It is not you simply creating drama. It is a bio-physical, electrical, spiritual reality.

Give yourself time, yes, to breathe, to withdraw if necessary, to scan the environment, to enjoy yourself, to celebrate and then, in a sense of no hurry, go forward.

S: Thank you for that. It’s going to be very challenging when it hits.

AAM: You have need to make sure that you take care of your sweet physical self. Yes, there are the challenges – new home, new situation, time out – but do the practical things that I recommend as well – bodywork, massage, cranial-sacral, relaxation, cycling, working out, eating properly … now this is going to be a challenge … sleeping.

All of these very basic human necessities will have need to be addressed. If you are exhausted, if you are running on caffeine and adrenaline, you do not come from a place of compassionate wisdom. And, dear heart, that is what we do. And the compassionate wisdom requires that you take care of the physical vessel that you have designed with us.

So step number one is pay attention.

S: When stress goes up, awareness goes down. So at the very time when you need awareness, discernment, memory and all the rest of it, you’re denied access. It all goes down. You’re least well equipped at the very time when you need to be best-equipped.

AAM: And that is why attention to the de-stressors that you know of, such as meditation, bodywork, fresh air and sunshine have need to be paid attention to. And I say this very strongly. It has need to be a requirement not only for you, my beloved friend, but for your entire organization.

Working endless hours under stress to think that you are completing the mission is not completing your mission. If you are not taking time for joy, for laughter, for love, then you are not completing your mission.

Take the time to engage in the laughter, engage in the glee, and the sense of “Our diligence has paid off.” We are not insane. We are not crazy. But we have full permission to act a little crazy for while. Go play.

S: I have said to myself that I will not go to one of these nights where people go AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! all over the place (1) because I worry that it might jiggle me just enough to set off the stress reaction that I’m sitting on.

AAM: We would not recommend to any of you going to these gargantuan meetings of celebration. They are incendiary.

S: That’s my sense. We do things we’d never do and it lets the genie out of the bottle.

AAM: That’s correct. It’s time for incredible discernment. And it’s not discerning to go to a venue and make public displays. It would not be wise.

S: Thank you for confirming that for me.

All channeled material herein reproduced is copyright by the Council of Love, Inc., 2015 and is used with permission.


(1) Post-Reval party where people get as drunk as possible and swing from the chandeliers.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/6/2015 8:53:48 PM


Bob Fickes ~ Meditation is Natural and Our Enlightenment has Already Begun

When we meditate, our consciousness changes. Our consciousness gets deeper inside and more peaceful and full. We feel more present, more “Here Now.” The more we practice meditation, the more our consciousness will stay in that deeper silence inside and we will feel more centered and less upset by the events around us.
It is natural after we have been meditating for a longer time to feel this Presence of Inner Silence all the time. Meditation gets us centered and removes our daily stress. The more we meditate, the more flexible we become. We don’t hold onto the stress as much as we did before and any new stressful situation bounces off of us like water on a duck’s back. Where we were previously upset by the stress, now the stress is less likely to stick to us. Even when the stress sticks to us, we sit down to meditate and the meditation washes it away so we can feel fresh again.
Each time we meditate, our consciousness adjusts to becoming more silent and stress-free. We like that experience so we start to remember it more and more until one day we are in that Silent Presence all the time. It is so natural. It is just as natural as when we hear a song we like and start to remember it during the day. The more we hear the song we like, the more we can sing along until we can sing the song without hearing it.
The experience of meditation is so naturally peaceful that our consciousness will remember it during the day. The more we meditate, the more we will remember what it feels like until we are in meditation all the time. Eventually there is no more coming out of meditation. When that happens, we gain our Enlightenment. Enlightenment is just as natural as meditation.
Real Enlightenment is just a permanent meditation where our consciousness has merged with the entire ocean of Consciousness deep inside. When our consciousness has merged with the deep silence of the ocean inside, the surface stress of our life doesn’t bother us the way it did before. We remain stable even in the most stressful environment. It is amazing that even in our first meditation, we are already closer to our Enlightenment. Our Enlightenment is already in our consciousness and all we have to do is visit it each day in our daily meditation until we can stay there. Enlightenment is not far away. We are already experiencing it little by little each day in meditation until it becomes permanent.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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