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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/6/2015 8:56:45 PM

Lee Harris Energy Forecast, June 2015

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(Transcribed and edited from Lee’s spoken video message.)

Hi and welcome to the Energy Forecast for June 2015.

Let’s all take a breath together before we start this conversation.

(Breathing deeply in and out)

And another one for luck. (Deep breath in and out)

It feels to me this should be a mandatory exercise for us as a society at the moment. It would be good for us if every hour or two we were coming together in groups and consciously breathing together, because the intensity of everything ramped up considerably in the end of May and early June period.

Astrologers will talk about the fact that we’re in a very big Mercury retrograde. And so what you see in parallel to that is a certain amount of chaos and confusion that is reigning in the macro of our world and also reigning over the micro of our own inner personal worlds.

So on the macro, in just the last few weeks we have seen a considerable amount more reporting on the amount of animal species or plant species that are dying off. There are also intense debates and arguments going on between governments and people around deals and laws that are being passed that people do not want, because of the destruction to the environment or human rights.

So it’s a time of very intense feelings and there is an of energy wave of push/pull at the moment. The pattern seems to be One step forward, one step backward and occasionally a step sideways. So the idea of ‘progression’ is not so strong right now on Earth. Generally what we’re seeing is more of an implosion.

Implosion births New Energy

Progression and New Energy will follow this implosion.

For many years, I intuitively received the information that 2015 to 2020 would be the all-important years post-2012. 2012 was a marker point for a piece of time that would stir everything, but that 2015 to 2020 would be the actual five year period where the Earth’s future and new energy futures would be birthed. And the question was always how much chaos, how much challenge, how much destruction would have to take place in that five-year period in order to see a new Earth and a new energy birthed.

Now, people have very different ideas about what a new Earth is or what new energy is. To one person it’s everybody living in Utopia. To another person it’s getting rid of the economy and having a non-money-based society. It varies depending on who you ask, hence the chaos and confusion around our future right now.

We tend to have a very grand idea in the romantic mind or the spiritual mind of what needs to take place for change. But the truth is, change happens slowly and more slowly than we often would desire it to be. And certainly on the third dimension (human life), change happens very slowly compared to what you might feel in your visionary or energetic self.

The Slowness of the ‘seeming’ Speed

So the message I’ve always received is that things are going to take place over amuchslower period of time than certain people will predict.

So for example, some will say the economy is going to crash tomorrow, other people will say there’s going to be a comet hitting the Earth on a certain date. You constantly see these predictions out there, and they don’t help the nervous system if you happen to catch them. But there’s a reason they don’t help the nervous system. Those of us that have a sense that we have been here many times before, that this is not the first time on Earth, can remember all the times past where destruction or death happened. So with each of these triggers in the now, you energetically replay all the deaths. For example, you replay being in Pompeii when Pompeii went down when you see these triggers of today.

Coupled with this, there is an enormous amount of death energy taking place on the planet right now. There are many species and plants that we are hearing are dying out.

There is the death of an old way of being as a society too. And even though many people say they crave a new way of being, actually as we watch our world changing very rapidly, it brings an adrenaline pump to the nervous system that’s very intrinsic to the human animal. It’s fight or flight. Because when we see change and death around us, we naturally question, “Are we safe? Are we in an environment that is threatening our well-being and our safety?” And that’s the reptilian brain and how that part of our psyches are designed to work.

Mastering Yourself and Your Emotions

It’s a hugely intense time to be alive and this is when mastery of yourself, your emotions, and your thoughts will help you on your path.

There is a brand new short video I just created called Overthinking and Emotional Chaos. So if you feel like you’re someone who’s really in the spin of thoughts or emotions at the moment, you might want to check that video out. (Click here.)

Just to come back to the forecast, the energy now is one step forward, one step back. That seems to be the pattern on Earth with everything that we’re seeing.

So you might see a victory on your left and then a loss on your right. And that’s just the dance. The dance is very intense and very magnified compared to how it would’ve played out for us 10 years ago.

Just as the speed of change in our Earthly world is faster than before, the speed of change in your internal world is going to be faster than ever before. The two work in tandem with each other.

So there is a sense among people that they’re very tired, that they’re confused, or that they’re at the edge of their ability to remain calm and centered. Some people are reacting more. People are making strange or seemingly impulsive decisions because there is this feeling of, “I’ve just got to change this, I’ve just got to get out!”

What we have to do with those feelings is work to stay as calm and centered as we can. Being centered is the best place you can be in any situation. Master warriors have worked on meditating and being centered so that whatever is going on around them, they are able to make the decision in that moment that is best for their survival and for their future. And that’s really important for all of us at the moment and it’s hard work. It’s not easy to have to yet again re-purpose yourself, but it is the work of the times.

Floating & Disconnection = Find Your Purpose

Confusion, tiredness and a sense of disconnection may be the experience for many of you – particularly the sensitive among you and the especially esoteric. You may be experiencing a real disconnection from the 3-D world.
This might translate to examples such as an inability to pay your bill, and I don’t mean financially, I mean literally paying the bill. It might translate to an inability to do your ‘to do’ list that you used to do with no problem. Just a feeling of floating and being a bit disconnected from all of it.

The only problem with floating and energetically feeling widely as a sensitive (going into the macro of what’s going on in our world), is you can get lost in the noise. Essentially, you can get lost in the junk DNA that’s floating around out there in other people’s energy fields (the Universal Energy Field).
So those of you who are feeling anxiety around that, for you it’s going to be a focus of come back to your purpose and your connection.

So your purpose might be a grand thing that you are working on that is going to take you one year to conceive. It might be a book, it might be a garden you’re building, it might be working with your friend to try and influence policy in an environmental way. So some of you will have your grand purpose. But even if you have a grand purpose, everybody this month is going to find the simple small taskyour savior.

Inner Body vs the Universal Energy Field

So if you are feeling overwhelmed or you feel like you’ve been floating out in space a little too much, take small tasks. Go and clean the kitchen. Decide to go for a walk. A small, achievable focused exercise, because what it will do is it will actually help you re-lock into your own inner body rather than floating too widely in everyone else’s energy field. Many of you have been magnetized to the edge of your energy field, because there is so much going on out there in the Universal Energy Field.

Chaos, anxiety and fairly extreme things happening around us can magnetize you toward it as a sensitive. Because you pick up on the subtle energy waves and notice their changes. It can be part of your own way of ‘staying safe’ as a sensitive – hyper vigilance to what is going on around you.

So you have to learn to come back into your inner body. To get back into yourself and that will often be achieved through a 3-D functional purpose, because that’s the thing that some of you are losing in the moment.

So yes, meditation or anything like that is wonderful of course, but also try and find the small simple task that’s achievable. It will reconnect you to your center and it will put you back on the Earth in a way that makes you useful to yourself and to others.

And that’s very important at the moment, because open hearts and open minds are very needed at this time. It’s easy for you to look around and think, “Oh well, what difference do I make? It looks like everything is going on around me regardless.” And that’s just not true.

The more we as open hearts and open minds lock into our bodies at the moment, the more we are able to be of energetic and practical use in this crazy soup that we see going on – where the dark amplifies, then the light amplifies, the dark amplifies, then the light amplifies again.

One step forward, one step backward.

Let the feelings OUT

Suppression of feeling can be very desirable at times like these, even for those of you who are masters of feeling. You might find yourself wanting to suppress your feelings in whatever way, in whatever shape that takes. Whether it’s medicating yourself with physical substance or whether it’s distracting yourself as much as possible in other ways. Just keep an eye on that balance, because at the moment it’s important to let a certain amount of feeling be constantly moving through you on a daily basis. Because while there comes a point where that amount of feeling can be overwhelming and it’s good to just reset yourself, still you have to monitor – am I letting my feeling’s OUT enough each day?

It is an all new level of feeling that’s moving through everybody. So it’s very important to let it out too rather than feel like you’re internally drowning in feeling (sing, dance, express, create, move your body – these will all help!)

Connect with Tribe for balance

Connecting with others is going to be really important. Now, I know some of you think, “Ohh…I don’t want to connect with anyone because they’re all going crazy and I just need to be quiet in my house.” I get that. But, at a time where anxiety is high, being more tribal is very important.

So if ‘be more tribal’ means hanging out with your one best friend or if being more tribal means going to a place where there’s 500 people dancing together – any way that tribal shows up for you – do it from time to time. The more you’re around other human beings, the more that connection is going to come in for you and make more sense of what you’re picking up in the Universal Energy Field. It will help you understand and ground within your feelings more.

If you are someone who lives in a very isolated way, look at how you can introduce a little more people interaction, even if it’s just walking around the streets where you live every single day. It will again help you to connect to what’s going on out there.

Conversely if you’re somebody who’s very hyper-social, usually you will find this is a time you have to go the other way and just bring the balance point in a bit so that you have room to feel your own stuff and you’re not just feeling everyone else’s.

It’s a real balancing act for all of us at the moment and within very new energy territory.

So you’re having to constantly learn then re-learn;
‘What do I need right now?’
‘What state am I in?’
‘Where should I go?’

And these are questions you may need to regularly ask yourself due to the confusion created by so much energy being pulsed through your inner body.

Guidance and support from the Vertical Plane

Don’t forget that you have a really fine intuition and it’s right here inside and above you. Guidance is available if you remember to ask for it and sense it. Guidance comes in a different way than you might receive thoughts in the mind for example. But because the 3-D world is so distracting it can be difficult to remember that guidance and help is right there. But it is. Help and universal energy is right there to support you.

Make sure you’re giving yourself time each day to just sit, be and allow yourself to reconnect everything so that you can be back in your vertical alignment which is that which connects you to spirit and source. The horizontal alignment right now mostly connects you to this very chaotic soup, but keeping connection to your vertical alignment (Meditate, Intend, Vision, Still the mind, Breathe) will balance you enough to feel stable.

Looking ahead through the next few months: June certainly won’t be calm. I don’t think the word ‘calm’ as an overall phrase is going to be very applicable for any of us the next few years. There is constantly going to be a certain level of intensity and diversity that we have to keep adapting to. But adapt we will and do.

When we get into the second half of June, things will energetically level out a little more. What these leveling out periods do is they give us all chance to catch up with what’s gone on. We have these bursts of intensity where things get driven through us, then the leveling out where we get to integrate.

You are getting stronger and you are looked after a great deal. And this can be easy to forget.

It’s easy for us to get overwhelmed by what we’re seeing outside. It easy for many people to say I don’t know why I’m on Earth, I wish I wasn’t here. And the truth of that is that we are here.

We elected to be here, whether you believe that or not, we elected to be here at this moment. So we are living in the right time at the right place, even if we don’t always like what we see going on outside us. It’s just an unprecedented time and a time of great speed.

So the Universe has got your back. Try to remember that, even if you’re going into a downward spiral for an hour or two in your own process. Those spirals bring up more personal density for you to clear so try to remember during that clearing, the Universe has got your back.

Reach out for help, go into your purpose, choose to connect with others, and you will find yourself yet again lifted by the mainframe of all of us as a collective, because this is happening to everybody at the same time.

We are in this together and you are not alone.

Big love everybody. Make sure you’re finding your space and your moment wherever you need to be.

I spoke fast so that I could get as much information out in this video as possible. You might just want to take a moment after this video to sit silently (deep breath) and digest.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/6/2015 8:58:18 PM

Vishnu Subramaniam: 9 Practical Ideas To Live More Spiritually In The Modern World

VishnuPhotobioHave you ever felt like booking a one-way ticket to Tibet or the Himalayas, never to return? Wouldn’t it be nice to live with friendly nuns and peaceful monks — to let the walls of a monastery protect you, instead of dealing with all the challenges we go through on a daily basis?

But before you book your ticket or quit your job, you should ask yourself whether or not a monastery will solve all your life’s problems, or just make them go away temporarily.

What if you didn’t have to travel very far to change your life?

Can you live like the spiritual masters of the East without getting rid of your worldly possessions and booking a one-way ticket overseas?

Here are nine practical ways to live like a wise soul in today’s world.

1. Accept change and fear less.

You likely hate flight changes, weather changes and life changes. But try to learn to accept changes, large and small, that come your way. Change isn’t entirely a bad thing — change happens to help you grow and become stronger and more resilient in the face of what life brings your way.

Your resistance to change makes you fearful, but what if it was a good thing? Change can bring different, better experiences into your life. Also, knowing that things will always change reminds you to appreciate what you have right in front of you.

2. Work without an agenda.

Are you doing your job so that you can get more money, move up the corporate ladder and have more responsibility? Well, a spiritual master would tell you to practice “karma yoga” or, working without attachment.

Do work not for any outward gain, but for the pleasure and joy that the work itself brings. Try to release your attachment to compensation or reward. Enjoy the work you’re doing for the pure pleasure of that work itself. You don’t need to do anything or achieve anything. Simply be who you are and show up to do that work in the world — that is your purpose.

3. Complain less.

You can’t change a lot of things in life, but you can change how you react to them. Embrace the changes with open arms and show gratitude for what you have in your life. Or, complain and scream at everything that doesn’t go your way.

Acceptance leads to joy and happiness. Complaints lead to bitterness and resentment. Choose wisely.

4. Live in the moment.

Emails, texts, instant messages, Twitter and Instagram … how do we keep up?

You can keep up with it all and drive yourself crazy. Or, you could choose to remove these things from your phone and live a more focused life.

Multitasking means reduced-focus tasking. Take on one thing at a time and put all your energy into it. Limit yourself in terms of your data and online world. Turn off your phone at night, or at least leave it in a different room.

When the past comes up in your life, let it go like clouds passing in the sky. Build up a mindfulness practice so that you can continue staying present and being here now.

5. Fewer expectations, more contentment.

Instead of expecting certain results, focus on the process. Let the results come as they do. Don’t be attached to results that only lead to disappointment and misery.

To be clear, have goals and dreams, but don’t attach yourself to them. Enjoy and master the journey to that destination — let the destination unfold as it does. Be content wherever you are and find contentment in the small things.

View the world through a lens of sufficiency, abundance and gratitude. You are enough. What you have is enough. This moment is enough.

6. See how you’re connected, not divided.

You’re part of one human family and one universal spirit.

As much as your ego wants to separate and divide you, the ancient master would remind you to seek understanding, compassion and love for others. Even more so with people who hurt you and harm you.

Your enemies are your spiritual teachers — forgive them and learn from them. Fewer grudges, more compassion. Less taking, more giving.

7. Accumulate less, simplify more.

Stop piling up your life with too many commitments or things. If you have too many relationships in your life and no time for yourself, cut down on your number of commitments. If you have too many activities and a hectic schedule, prioritize and drop the things that don’t matter.

When it comes to material things, remember that the more stuff that occupies your life, the less you can focus on what truly matters. Simplify your spending, your purchases, your closets and your life.

8. See suffering as growth.

You may view hardships as painful life struggles. That view is causing you mental and physical suffering, but can you learn to see suffering as growth? Can you see suffering, including the people who cause it, as spiritual lessons?

Are you suffering needlessly?Learn to accept what comes your way with love and compassion. Sit with your feelings and thoughts instead of resisting your experiences or the pain that comes with it.

Unlike what modern society tells you, you don’t need anything more to be happy. No one or nothing can come into your life and improve it. You cease to suffer when you realize that you’re not lacking anything, or that you don’t need anything more.

9. More truth. Less hiding.

The ancient spiritual masters would encourage you to show up in the world as you are. Yet you might feel like you’re not likable enough and try to put up a front. Or perhaps you might try to please way too many people.

Instead of putting on a façade or being a people-pleaser, be true to yourself. Get clear on your values and priorities, and live according to them. You don’t have to change your personality or put on an act to have someone love you.

Find the courage to be yourself, to say what you believe in and to do what you were afraid of.

“9 Practical Ideas To Live More Spiritually In The Modern World” by Vishnu Subramaniam, June 3, 2015 at

Original link: 9 Practical Ideas To Live More Spiritually In The Modern World

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/6/2015 9:01:29 PM

Cherie Roe Dirksen: 2 Things You Can’t Thrive Without

Cherie-Roe-Dirksen_172x200My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” ` Maya Angelou

Who can’t agree with the above statement from the late and great, Ms Angelou? We all want the full juicy experience that the cornucopia of life can lay tumbling at our feet.

ROFLOL, Drive and Grace

To have strong, hot passion — in whatever we endeavor to do — is the delectability of living this life. To be able to laugh at our fragile mortality and existential situations is pure magic and can be one of the most important exercises in our daily routine. And to be bestowed with style is simply flamboyantly fabulous, darling! They all make life more livable (and in the case of style — our wardrobes heavier and our wallets lighter).

But the two things I think are paramount to living the life extraordinaire are to have a limitless supply of love and compassion.

Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.” ` Dalai Lama

I think the Dalai Lama hit the nail on the head with that one. These two ‘traits’ are our innate tools to a trade-up in human existence.

Most of us want peace on earth and the sense that we are evolving and not devolving. Although on the surface it might look like society is on an insidious degeneration, I feel that where love and compassion exist — even if it is in small packages (after all, we’re going to do this one fabulous soul at a time — one courageous community at a time) — there is hope for reprieve.

Connect, Love and Fertilize — Happy Days!

Love holds our intrinsic ability to connect with and hold space for each other (fleshy or furry) and the planet (and the universe!) — it’s the glue that holds existence together IMHO (soon I’ll be writing these articles in pure acronym — God forbid!).

Compassion fertilizes the soil for love to grow strong (*violin softly playing in the background*). If we can’t empathize with each other we are doomed. Truth is not singular and we need to open up to the possibility that not everyone thinks the way we do…duh! Retaliation is never going to lead us to peace.

The antithesis would be to hold fear for others and even possibly for our planet (that can appear so volatile at any given moment). Fear often leads us to judgment — the need to make someone right and someone wrong — which inevitably closes down the channel to empathy and understanding.

Hippy Nonsense!

I know I’m going to get some people shaking their heads and saying that love and compassion ‘aint going to cut it — we need justice in the world!

I’m not arguing the fact that justice may indeed need to be withheld for a community to run smoothly, I’m just pointing out that you can still have love and compassion for a person(s) who has done ‘wrong’. Instead of condemning someone for life, try to see if you can rather figure out the ‘why’ (compassion) and then treat the root of the problem (with love).

Okay, said my piece now. Ciao until next week.

“2 Things You Can’t Thrive Without” by Cherie Roe Dirksen, May 21, 2015 at

Original link: 2 Things You Can’t Thrive Without

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/6/2015 9:02:38 PM

Ric Giardina: It’s Now or Never: Making Changes to the Way You Are Living Your Life

RicGiardinaLiving is a thing you do now or never — which do you?

If you have any hope of making changes to the way you are living your life — some people like to say “doing life” — then you will have to start taking a close look at what you are actually doing at the present time.

This will require a new level of mindfulness about your thought processes, your choices and decisions, and your actions and activities. Frankly, maintaining that level of awareness can seem forced in the best of circumstances and is likely to make you uncomfortable at times.

Intention. At every stage of this journey it will be necessary for you to be clear about the direction into which you want to move next. If you don’t know where you are going, how will you know when or if you have gotten there? Intention is like keeping your eye on the ball. It is also like a welcome fire in your soul that you can stoke from time to time to get you over the rough spots.

Intuition. There will be times when things will look like they are moving in the right direction, but something inside you may be trying to tell you that something is off. You will need to learn to listen to those little messages — those suggestions, inklings, pictures, and nudges from your subconscious. Frequently, your subconscious mind knows more about what is going on in your “real” world than your conscious mind does. If you fail to heed your intuition, you will end up traveling down too many dark alleys and dead ends in your quest to make your life one of balance.

Creativity. This journey will require you to look at your life in different ways and to come up with alternative solutions to the issues and problems you have been attempting to solve by making the same choices over and over and expecting different results. Those choices haven’t worked to give you what you truly want in the past, and they will not work to provide you with your heart’s desire for the future. The path to your balanced future begins with you reaching deep into your creative self for new approaches and ways of being that will surprise you in terms of their depth, their appropriateness, and the results that they bring.

Articulation. As you begin to change the world around you beginning with your views of your self, your life activities, and your responsibilities, it will become necessary for you to explain to those who are in your circle of family, friends, and business associates — and most of all those who rely on you — that you are undertaking to change the way you are living your life. You need to do this for two reasons: First, because it is unfair to surprise people with unexpected behaviors. If you have been living life a particular way and then suddenly change your behavior without giving notice of your intentions to the people in your life, they may respond badly. Second, because you will want to garner support for your new way of living, and you can only get that by explaining what you are doing and why.

Action. Planning to do something is not the same thing as doing it. Our dreams become realities only to the extent that we actually start doing something about making then happen. For you to succeed on this journey, you will need to be action-oriented in a very deliberate and mindful way.

Discipline. Taking mindful action one or two times is not enough any more than running a mile or two would prepare you for a marathon. To change what you are doing consistently for the long haul, the new actions that you do only deliberately and mindfully at first will need to become your unconscious default actions — your new habits. To accomplish this, it will be necessary for you to be disciplined in both constancy and repetition.

Integrity. You will undermine your entire program if you fudge your self-assessment and your progress and if you are anything other than ruthlessly honest with yourself. For many people, this is the hardest characteristic to embrace. After all, most people get off balance because they either haven’t been paying attention to the consequences of their behaviors, choices, and actions or because, even if they do begin to recognize subliminal stirrings that things aren’t right, they fool themselves into thinking that everything will work itself out without the need to make any changes. This is yet one more example of our human tendency to do the same thing over and over with the ridiculous expectation that at some point we will get a different result.

Patience. Whatever the state of your life and your Life Balance equation at this point, you have arrived here through the making of choices and the taking of actions over a lengthy period of time — perhaps your entire life. You will not be able to suddenly shift direction in the blink of an eye and start down a direct course to your heart’s desire. It will take disciplined repetition of mindful choices as well as actions taken in full awareness of their consequences over a period of time to change what have effectively become your habits. There will be times that you succeed and times that you do not. You will need to practice patience in good measure — with the process, with other people in your life, and most importantly, with yourself — as day by day you make different choices, try alternative approaches, monitor your progress, and then reclaim your chosen path when you have discovered you have somehow strayed from it.

“It’s Now or Never: Making Changes To The Way You Are Living Your Life” by Ric Giardina, June 1, 2015 at

Original link: It’s Now or Never: Making Changes To The Way You Are Living Your Life

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/6/2015 9:04:11 PM


Jamye Price ~ Newsletter ~ May review and June energies


May ReviewIt has been such a whirlwind lately. I hope you are patting yourself on the back for all that you’ve been through. Sometimes it’s a little nebulous as to what you’ve ‘gained’ from these intense shifts we’ve experienced lately. It can even get frustrating if you’re feeling that you’re not receiving something beneficial for the endurance.

Sometimes patience and trust are the hardest workout! If you’re finding impatience and frustration with the timing, do the exercises recommended in last month’s newsletter. You have to get that fire energy of impatience and fear (not trusting) out of your system and processed into a healthy flow.

In May many had big shifts coming to a place of more relief. Remember that sometimes progress is fleeting at first; you get a glimpse of peace, then it may go away, but eventually you regain it for longer periods of time and more frequently until it becomes your new frequency baseline.

This is the way of Ascension: improvement, integration, understanding, application. Rinse and repeat. Worth the workout. Life begins to get more magical, peaceful and Loving. Your peace emanates. You’ll be surprised at who emulates your lead. Sometimes you don’t see it immediately, sometimes they tell you later how you effected them. But do it for yourself, to experience your peace and know that it benefits All Life as well.

June Energies
Let’s dive right into it! I heard two words when I sat to meditate on the energies of June. Frenetic and Freedom. Expect a fast-paced month, but that doesn’t mean you have to be frenetic!

Frenetic energy is ungrounded, chaotic, unfocused. Frenetic energy can pull you off balance and focus if you allow it. Have you ever been around someone that is like that? You usually feel drained afterwards. Paramedics are often an example of calm in the midst of chaos. They maintain a detached and focused state in order to help those that are in a dramatic situation and unable to help themselves. If they allow the frenetic energy to pull them off balance, there is no one that can help the situation.

So whether it is you pulling yourself off balance or someone else’s frenetic energy pulling at you, maintain or regain your detached focus and find your balance. Maybe it is frenetic worry, avoidance until deadlines are pressed or just a vague sense of uneasiness, find some relief. Ground yourself, meditate, take a walk in nature, do the breathing exercises in this month’s video. Don’t let yourself stay off balance for long. You’re worth the effort.

Now let’s talk about freedom. Woohoo! We’re going to be set free! Well, that’s not the way of it, is it? Not because the governments are evil, but because your freedom is within you and your work is to cultivate it. Woohoo! You can set yourself free! That is good news! Not always easy though, so have hope and carry on! It does get easier!

Freedom denotes an unconditionality, yet we live in a conditional reality. So you are not free to do anything you want, whenever, wherever; you are free within yourself to feel, perceive and choose how you interact with life. The unconditionality of freedom resides in the subtle realms of your inner world. With that, your experience becomes one of freedom and you find your circumstances beginning to match it. It is a shift in perspective first, then a shift in feeling, then a shift in experience.

It is uncanny how experiences that felt so restrictive can change, and it is the magical, peaceful and Loving ‘reward’ we spoke about earlier. But it isn’t a system of punishment and reward, it’s a system of creation. Create your inner world and your outer world begins to match it. Patience and trust are important because we have a time lag between inner desire and manifestation. Are you creating or reacting? The difference is in how you 'c' it. Creating begins with your vision. With reacting, your vision is not leading your experience. Do you see new opportunity and potential for improvement in your experiences? If so, you are free within, your vision is not limited by your circumstances.

Freedom is the ability to deal with the conditions of reality with more peace, more acceptance, more interest, and more choice. It doesn’t feel like, ‘I hate this experience, I want another one!’ It feels like ‘This is interesting, it has transpired from past information, now I prefer…’ That is the peace that encompasses all understanding; you understand the current circumstance is undesirable, but you also understand the future is malleable to your focus. In this way, you don't have as much resistance to the present moment because it is just a manifestation from the past calling you to new choice for the future.

You have to be honest with your emotional flow, because if you’re having an experience you hate, it's healthier to actually heal it rather than to stuff it deep within. Allow yourself to hate it until you release/transform the fire energy into the passion to create something new. See/'c' the positive potential in there? Any anger, frustration, rage, or similar pain can transform into the passion to create. You just need to see that potential and focus it into form (those May energies are building to our freedom!) That is the positive of the negative – everything has two energies in a world of duality conditions. You move past them when you connect the two through experience. Freedom! That you could have an undesirable experience and create from it? You’re free!

Freedom is an internal experience of being well with your experiences and maintaining an open energy field that is well-connected to your subtle self. The exercises for relieving frenetic energy actually help you align with your internal freedom. As you are feeling free within, you are interacting with others and with life from a balanced, peaceful, empowered state. It changes your work environment, it changes your home environment, it changes any environment you are in. It’s actually all about you feeling better, and as you feel better you impact life with that vibration.

June will be a fast-paced month after quite a while of intensity. Relax into life more, breathe easily with life. Your relaxation isn't laziness, it is such power that life is interesting and responsive to you, for you are empowered within. Your inner world is the one thing that you actually control in this beautiful conditional world. Feed your inner body well and it responds just as when you feed your physical body well.

Cultivating your inner freedom is synomous with inner peace, inner Love, inner creativity, inner wonderment, inner Love for humanity and Life on Earth. It is the action of being the change you want to see in the world. That is your Light work. In the month of the longest day of light of the year, shine your Light brightly! Just as those in the southern hemisphere are having the day of the deepest cleansing of the inner depths! What a great balance these conditions of duality have to offer us! Have a great solstice and a wonder-filled June!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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