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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/7/2015 6:51:18 PM

Above the Line in the Transformed Space – Part 1/2

Sacred 33I’ve just spent around six hours in what Werner Erhard in the late Seventies would have called “a transformed space.” During the experience, I was describing it to the person I was with as “my natural state.”

As it happens, Jesus through John Smallman gave this insight just yesterday into our natural state:

“To be fully alive, fully aware, fully conscious, and infinitely loving is your natural state, the state in which you were created and which can never be changed or altered.” (1)

Werner would draw the following distinction on a blackboard and then develop it:

Conscious Awareness

Unconscious Awareness (2)

Above the line, in conscious awareness, is our natural state, the transformed space, experienced experience. In it’s found spontaneity, authenticity, awareness, awakeness, aliveness, full self-expression, full personal responsibility, completion and satisfaction.

Below the line is our constructed self, the image we project, the mask we wear, the dead residue of our unexperienced experience. I was “above the line.”

I made as many notes as I could while going through the space. The strangest part about it is that it happened while I was having a conversation with a friend. I went up and up and finally blossomed forth in conscious awareness. Here are my notes.

Love is My Native State

I’m in the midst of an experience of my natural state. It crept up on me and blossomed.

And now I’m doing my best to describe it.

It came about as a result of a conversation I was having with a friend. We’d had breakfast together and were now doing an errand in her car. I suddenly felt gripped by the need to share what I was learning about transformative love.

And, for some reason unknown to me, I kept taking one strand after another and weaving it into a single account. As each strand went into place, I felt a mini-explosion of increased awareness. It was like going up and expanding, until finally blossoming, and ending up feeling certain that I was in my natural or native state.

The discussion began by my trying to set out what I meant by “transformative” love. (3) The discussion was synoptic. It was an overview that drew in more and more features of love.

It soon became a discussion of unconscious and conscious awareness and what love looked like viewed from both vantage points. Love lives in conscious awareness; it doesn’t live in unconscious awareness.

What passes for love in unconscious awareness (just think old Third Dimension) is in no way transformative. It isn’t even creative. It’s dull and lifeless, but it’s all that many if not most of us have in our lives.

Above the line, in conscious awareness, is found spontaneity, authenticity, aliveness, and satisfaction.

Below the line, there’s no spontaneity, authenticity, aliveness, etc. There’s only habit, repetition and gesture; i.e., going through the motions.

Above the line is transformative or dissolutive love. Faced with a fleeting idea of injustice or resentment, dissolutive love dissolves it.

Below the line, love itself dissolves. Faced with an idea of injustice or resentment, love flees before it.

Above the line, the divine qualities are part of the space. Below the line, they’re good ideas to cultivate.

My natural state, which is conscious awareness, is wed to transformative love, is associated with completeness, and surrenders to the divine qualities. I wouldn’t call it male or female. I’d call it androgynous.

I’ve never in my life ended up in a spiritual state as a result of a conversation I was having with another.

During it, my partner reminded me of a talk by Adyashanti in which he said that it’s the space that counts.

I almost shrieked, yes! which is why I’ve been saying jump in the lake, dive in the lake, fall in the lake. Just get into the lake of transformative love, the ocean of bliss. It’s the lake that counts, not what we do or don’t do.

That’s probably why Zen masters used the technique of startling the student. It’s the realization of the space that counts rather than how well the student is doing a technique. Of course gradual preparation is important but, in the end, entry into conscious awareness is most often sudden (a breakthrough rather than a gradual easing into the space).

Lao Tzu says the mind is a monkey. Let the mind go. Let the ego go. Let the desires go. And then sit in the space and forget about yourself.

The space one finds oneself in when one drops all of those and then forgets about the self is important – not “me.”

She said, “like the salt doll,” referring to Sri Ramakrishna’s image of the salt doll that wanted to measure the depth of the sea. It couldn’t because, when it entered the sea, it dissolved and disappeared.

Yes, we’re like the salt doll, our small-self identity destined to disappear when we enter the ocean of bliss, if not before.

Was it any of these moments taken singularly that did it or did we climb Jacob’s Ladder together in the course of and through that conversation?

Whatever it was, I’m in the lake. I’m in my natural state. Did I fall in or jump in? I don’t know. I can’t remember.

Do I care at this moment what happened five minutes ago? No, I do not. Do I hanker for something to be had five minutes from now? No, I do not. It’s the lake itself, the space, that’s important. And only the lake.

That space is love taken to … well, no one can talk about ultimates, or even superlatives. This space is irresistible. That’s about all that can be said about it. Once dunked in the lake of transformative love, I only want more of it.

If we can be said to have only one desire that will not harm us, I’d say it’s the desire for love. I ask for myself that my love for love be constantly magnified.

I love love. Transformative love is my native state.

(Concluded in Part 2.)


(1) Jesus through John Smallman, June 5, 2015, at

(2) See

(3) I’m using the word “transformative” to mean something in particular.

I mean by it a force or energy that can dissolve a condition and leave the individual liberated from that class of events for as long as the experience of the force or energy lasts.

Transformative love dissolves resentment, anger, hatred, and other similar unpleasant conditions. Transformative love is love in conscious awareness.

Love in unconscious awareness flees before conditions like resentment, anger, etc. It cannot stand up to them. It doesn’t dissolve them. Instead, it dissolves in the face of them.

Transformative love comes from the heart. If you’ve ever thought of mining for gold, perhaps mine your own heart. A rich vein awaits you there, liberated with minimal effort. We just need to know where to look.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/7/2015 6:52:40 PM

Above the Line in the Transformed Space – Part 2/2

Sacred 14(Concluded from Part 1.)

Sojourning in My Natural State

I’ve peeled away enough layers, primed the pump with love, had the help of many loving friends, and now here we are – where we wanted to be.

Bliss, as I see it at this moment and in this place where I am, whatever it is, has a special quality that I’m finding hard to put in words. It has mass like thick chocolate. It’s that mass that I’m aware of.

It doesn’t have that quality in the lower dimensions. There, it’s diaphanous and elevating.

I haven’t allowed this bliss inside me yet so I don’t know what its character is when welcomed in, assimilated, and integrated.

I let the bliss in.

OK, I’d call this space I end up in gravitas. I associate this space with the General. (1) Bliss on whatever this dimension is is probably imbued with things I know not of. It becomes substantiality, weight,gravitas.

I also recognize this from the experience I had in the three-day Vipassana weekend two or three years ago. I could only call that space “regalness” at the time. That was a dimension of doing without doing, acting without acting.

Almost any topic I choose for myself to explore at this moment shows up for me like distracting small talk. The mind will use anything to distract the Self from noticing or being with Itself.

I almost vomit at the thought of small talk. I want to run from it. …

This whole event came out of the blue.

The interesting thing is it happened at a time when I should have been having a reading with AAM. But Linda called and asked for a postponement. After the call, I asked a friend to go out for breakfast and this sequence of events – this sojourn in the native state – occurred as a result of a discussion I had with her in her car afterwards.

It occurred while she was there. How often does a spiritual experience happen while another is around?

It arose like a flower bud blossoming. I was only aware that something was happening, not what it was.

It’s the sheer neutrality of it that I first noticed when returning my attention to it. Still water is neutral. A windless place is neutral.

Neutrality is peaceful, calm, relaxing. You can call that place “balance” or “groundedness” if you like. For me it shows up as neither up nor down, left nor right. Right in the center, the balance point, the zero pont, if you like.

I’m sure it is the zero point when taken to its ultimate conclusion.

Sahaja is our native state. Sahaja must lie somewhere along this pathway I find myself on.

Perhaps deeper?

The Space is What’s Important

All along, it’s the space that’s important, not what we do or don’t do. We’d do best to forget about ourselves completely, which would then leave only the space; then, surrender everything to that space.

I’m truly not important to the experiencing of it, except to get out of the way.

The space is the default, what remains when everything I’ve put in the space is let go of.

We view things from our own vantage point in which case the space is out there and it’s something we get to.

Viewed from the standpoint of the space itself, the space is always here. It’s we who let go of that which impedes our awareness of it.

That’s it. Six hours after finding myself in this place, it’s beginning to gracefully and gradually subside. A very welcome, reassuring, and inviting glimpse of the path ahead.

Trying to still the mind
inhibits the experience of oneness,
for the very action of trying
is the busy mind at work.
Live in the Great Way

where action is stillness and silence pervades. (2)


(1) The General is the pseudonym for a past life as a military commander who won a great battle but lost the war. (No, not Pyrrhus.)

(2) Sosan, Hsin Hsin Ming (The Book of Nothing). Kansas City: 2002, 24.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/7/2015 6:58:36 PM

SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 2015


June 6, 2015
Humanity and all Life evolving upon this Planet are still assimilating the powerful Gifts of Light we were blessed with during the three Full Moon Festivals of Spring, the Mystical Month of May, and the Baptism by Sacred Fire from our Mother God, the Holy Spirit, which took place on Pentecost. According to the Company of Heaven, these facets of the unfolding Divine Plan succeeded beyond the greatest expectations of Heaven.

Please pause for just a moment and experience the elation pouring forth from the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. Their abounding Joy confirms that, as promised, the unprecedented frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light that Humanity has received so far this year have enabled the I AM Presence of every person on Earth to recalibrate the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame in our Hearts, and to activate the genetic codes within our DNA and RNA structures that contain our full Divine Potential as Sons and Daughters of God.
This critical recalibration and activation have paved the way so that the I AM Presence of every person on Earth will be able to successfully accomplish the next step of Humanity’s preparation. The Divine Intent of the next step is to prepare each and every one of us at a cellular level to be able to experience the maximum benefit from the Activities of Light that are destined to take place August 15-20, 2015. That monumental facet of the unfolding Divine Plan includes LIBERATING HUMANITY FROM THE GRIP OF OUR FEAR-BASED HUMAN EGOS, and an unprecedented INITIATION INTO A HIGHER ORDER OF BEING BY OUR I AM PRESENCE.

After aeons of weeping and wailing through the challenging experiences of our self-inflicted pain and suffering, Humanity is at last in position to reverse one of the most oppressive and destructive effects of our descent into the illusions of separation and duality. Humanity en masse is finally vibrating at a frequency that will enable us to withstand the NEW 5th-DIMENSIONAL CRYSTALLINE FREQUENCIES OF THE DIVINE MASCULINE FROM THE HEART OF OUR FATHER GOD.

These are the frequencies of Light that our I AM Presence has been waiting for and must utilize in the process of liberating us from the manipulative and abusive interference of our fragmented and fear-based human egos. This influx of the Divine Masculine will take place during the June 21st Solstice which, not by chance, coincides with FATHER’S DAY in the USA this year.

The Company of Heaven has revealed that Humanity’s integration of the new frequencies of the Divine Masculine is a critical factor in the progressive steps that are unfolding this year in order to enable ALL of us to benefit from the influx of Light that is destined to occur August 15-20, 2015. Please allow me to give you a little background about the Divine Masculine, and the inadvertent formation of our fragmented masculine human ego. These masculine aspects exist within every person and have nothing to do with the gender of one’s physical body. Once we comprehend this information from On High, we will realize the magnitude of what the new frequencies of the Divine Masculine will mean for Humanity’s Ascension process.

Some of this information may be familiar to you, but we have many new people that have requested our Newsletter. Please be patient as you read this article, it is vitally important for everybody to understand what the success of this facet of the Divine Plan and Humanity’s preparation means for ALL Life evolving on this sweet Earth. With greater understanding, our I AM Presence will be able to guide us unerringly as to what our individual part of the Divine Plan is and how we can most effectively participate in this momentous opportunity.

When we were first embodied on Earth as Sons and Daughters of God, the hemisphere of our left-brain was activated by the Masculine Polarity of our Father God. That Polarity of God manifests as a sapphire blue Ray of Light that pulsates with the Masculine Qualities of Divine Will, Power, Illumined Faith, Protection, and God’s First Cause of Perfection. After our Father God’s Blue Ray of Light activated our rational, logical left-brain hemisphere, it awakened the power center within our Throat Chakra. Then it was anchored in the Divinity of our Heart as a beautiful blue plume of Sacred Fire.

Simultaneously, as our Father God’s Masculine Polarity was activated within our left-brain hemisphere, our Mother God’s Feminine Polarity was activated within the hemisphere of our right-brain. This Polarity of God manifests as a crystalline pink Ray of Light that pulsates with the Feminine Qualities of Transfiguring Divine Love, Oneness, Reverence for Life, and the Sacred Fire Breath of the Holy Spirit. Once our Mother God’s Pink Ray of Light activated our creative, intuitive right-brain hemisphere, it awakened the Love center within our Heart Chakra. Then this Ray of Light was anchored in the Divinity of our Heart as a beautiful pink plume of Sacred Fire.

Once the Blue Flame of our Father God’s Power and the Pink Flame of our Mother God’s Love were perfectly balanced in the Divinity of our Heart, they merged into a magnificent Violet Flame. This Sacred Fire is known as the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection. In Divine Timing, the Violet Flame blazed up from the Divinity in our Heart and expanded into our physical brain structure, activating our pineal, pituitary, and hypothalamus glands, and the ganglionic center at the base of our brain.

Once the activation of our spiritual brain centers was complete our Crown Chakra opened to full breadth, and the full Divine Momentum of Christ Consciousness began flowing through our pineal gland into our mental and emotional bodies. We became fully aware of our Father-Mother God, the Company of Heaven, and our I AM Presence. In this natural state of awakened consciousness, we were able to easily communicate with all of the various Aspects of Divinity through open heart and mind telepathic communication.

Christ Consciousness is our Divine Birthright as Sons and Daughters of God. It manifests as a yellow-gold Ray of Light that pulsates with the Divine Qualities of Enlightenment, Wisdom, Illumination, and Understanding. Once our Crown Chakra was open to full breadth and we began to receive the flow of Christ Consciousness, that Ray of Light was anchored in the Divinity of our Heart as a beautiful yellow-gold plume of Sacred Fire.

That event completed the physical manifestation of the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame that is blazing in the Divinity within every person’s Heart. This is the Sacred Fire that the I AM Presence of every person successfully re-calibrated to a 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Frequency of Light. This occurred in May 2015.

Christ Consciousness is the awakened state of awareness that our Father-Mother God invested us with in the beginning, and intended for us to utilize and maintain during all of our Earthly sojourns. This is the awakened level of awareness our God Parents intended for us to have when we were choosing how to use our Free Will, our Gift of Life, and our creative faculties of thought and feeling.

The original Divine Plan was for the Sons and Daughters of God to remain in the elevated state of Christ Consciousness as we learned to become cocreators with our Father-Mother God. The goal was for us to use our Lifeforce to cocreate previously unknown patterns of Divine Love, Peace, Harmony, Balance, Abundance, Happiness, and Abounding Joy as we expanded the borders of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth with every thought, feeling, word, or action we expressed.

In order to insure the fulfillment of that facet of the Divine Plan and to keep their Sons and Daughters focused strictly on the Light, our Father-Mother God gave us ONE admonition, “Do NOT partake of the Tree of Knowledge of GOOD and EVIL.”

Our God Parents knew that as long as their Sons and Daughters never used our Free Will or our creative faculties of thought and feeling to empower “evil,” WHICH IS NOTHING MORE THAN THE ABSENCE OF LOVE, we would not create the gross mutations of evil which manifest as poverty, disease, war, greed, crime, corruption, inclement weather conditions, the abuse of power, and every other form of pain and suffering.

Our Father-Mother God knew that as long as our Father God’s Power was always balanced with our Mother God’s Love, and that every choice and decision we made was from the Loving Wisdom of Christ Consciousness, we would never have to experience painful human miscreations or deal with the distorted illusions of separation and duality. But tragically, that was not to be.

There was a point in time when the Sons and Daughters of God made the Free-Will decision to experiment with our Lifeforce by empowering thoughts and feelings that were not based in Love or Reverence for Life. Once we made that fateful decision, we began to experience for the first time the painful effects of our actions. We can use our Lifeforce to create whatever we choose to empower through our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories, and beliefs. What is important for us to realize is that we are RESPONSIBLE for whatever it is we choose to create.

Over time, the negative results of our thoughts and feelings caused us to descend into such painful and discordant frequencies of vibration that we could no longer hear the inner guidance from our I AM Presence or the Heavenly Realms. We became frightened and thought that maybe we could eliminate our pain by closing our Heart Chakra and blocking our ability to feel.

Our Heart Chakra is the portal through which the Love of our Mother God enters the physical plane. Once we chose to close our Heart Chakra, which blocked the flow of our Mother God’s Love, she was forced to withdraw. The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth said that fateful decision is the event that is overwhelmingly responsible for the sustained pain and suffering Humanity and the Earth have experienced since our fall from Grace aeons ago.

The infinitesimal amount of Divine Love our Mother God was able to project through our right-brain hemisphere after we closed our Heart Chakra, was barely enough to sustain brain consciousness. This caused our right brain to become almost dormant. When that occurred, the Blue Flame of Power from our Father God and the Pink Flame of Love from our Mother God no longer merged into the perfectly balanced Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection.

Our Father-Mother God’s balanced Violet Flame was the catalyst that activated our spiritual brain centers and opened our Crown Chakra, so we could receive the flow of Christ Consciousness into our pineal gland. Without the support of the Violet Flame, our spiritual brain centers began to atrophy. This forced our Crown Chakra to close. This tragedy prevented us from receiving the flow of Christ Consciousness and from staying connected with our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven.

Once we lost Christ Consciousness and the awareness of our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven, we started to perceive the physical plane as our only reality. We came to the distorted conclusion that our physical body is all that we are and that the gratification of our physical senses is our purpose and reason for being. As we plodded through our Earthly existence making choices that were not based in Love and that took us further into separation and duality, we became more and more confused.We developed a fragmented personality, a fear-based alter ego. This fear-based human ego usurped control of our Free Will and manipulated our creative faculties of thought and feeling.

Without the balance of our Mother God’s Love, we began abusing our Masculine Power. Our fear-based ego made power-oriented decisions that did not take into consideration how our choices would affect other people, or if they reflected a Reverence for Life. When we were in male bodies we abused our Masculine Power by being violent and aggressive. When we were in female bodies, we abused our Masculine Power by suppressing it and allowing ourselves to be dominated and oppressed. Evidence of this imbalance and the abuse of our Masculine Power by our human egos is obvious in practically every malady existing on Earth today.

Since our human ego believed that its sole purpose was to gratify our physical senses, it decided that whatever it needed to do to accomplish that goal would be just fine. This self-serving decision gave our ego permission to lie, cheat, steal, and kill to get whatever it wanted. These destructive behavior patterns catapulted us further into darkness and greatly amplified our pain and suffering.

For aeons of time, the Company of Heaven has been working with the I AM Presence of every Son and Daughter of God in order to help them raise their energy, vibration, and consciousness to a frequency that would burst the paralyzing grip of the human ego and once again allow the I AM Presence to take full dominion of their Earthly Bodies. THIS IS THE FACET OF THE DIVINE PLAN THAT IS DESTINED FOR AUGUST 15-20, 2015.


On June 21, 2015, millions of people in the United States of America will empower the Divine Masculine by expressing the Love they have for their Earthly Fathers. On that same day, billions of people around the World will empower the Divine Masculine by focusing on the influx of Light that will occur during the most powerful June Solstice the Earth has experienced since Humanity’s fall from Grace and the inadvertent miscreation of our fragmented masculine human egos.

Together we will create a collective Cup of Consciousness through which our Father God and the Masculine Aspects of Deity throughout Infinity will assist Humanity’s I AM Presence to raise the Masculine Polarity within our Heart Flames and our left-brain hemispheres into 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Frequencies of the Masculine Qualities of Divine Will, Power, Illumined Faith, Protection, and God’s First Cause of Perfection.

This glorious Activity of Light will be secured within every person’s Heart Flame, and these 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Frequencies of the Divine Masculine will be integrated day-by-day with every breath we take in preparation for the influx of Light that will allow our I AM Presence to burst the bonds of our human ego and initiate us into a Higher Order of Being. That miraculous event will occur August 15-20, 2015.

Each and every person who is reading about the events of the June Solstice and the Influx of Light that will take place in August has been preparing for lifetimes to assist with this unique facet of the Divine Plan. If that were not the case your I AM Presence would not have brought this sacred knowledge into your sphere of awareness.

You will assist in lifting the consciousness of the masses of Humanity in many ways by participating in these Divine Opportunities. Ask your I AM Presence how you can be the most powerful Force of Light during these Cosmic Moments, and you will be guided unerringly to your right and perfect place.
Every possible outer-world advantage is being provided in order to help us accomplish the maximum benefit from this facet of the unfolding Divine Plan. The Portal of Light through which the Light of God will initially flow during this Cosmic Moment is the Open Door for the most powerful frequencies of Healing and Divine Love on the Planet. The permanent seed atom for this portal is in the foothills of Tucson, Arizona, but the portal itself expands throughout the Southwestern United States of America.

The Light that perpetually flows through this portal from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God is the Flame of Healing Through the Power of God’s Infinite Transmutation and the Flame of our Mother God’s Transfiguring Divine Love. The event that will host the Activity of Light within this portal August 15-20, 2015 is the 29th Annual World Congress on Illumination.

The Clarion Call has gone out to Lightworkers around the World inviting those who resonate with this facet of the Divine Plan to come to Tucson, Arizona, to serve as THE OPEN DOOR THAT NO ONE CAN SHUT on behalf of all of our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity and Mother Earth herself. Together we will form a mighty transformer through the unification of our Heart Flames. Throughout the entire week the Light of God will build in momentum through the Portal of Light in Tucson and in the right and perfect Cosmic Moment the Company of Heaven will Initiate the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth into a HIGHER ORDER OF BEING. This will occur for every person in perfect alignment with each one’s Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.

The more people who are gathered at the 29th Annual World Congress on Illumination in Tucson from all over the World, the more powerful our transformer will be and the more Light we will be able to receive into the physical plane of Earth on behalf of Humanity and Mother Earth.

If you have the Heart Call to be physically present in Tucson for this Activity of Light, know that Beloved Mother Mary and Saint Germain are preparing your Heart Flame to withstand more 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light than you have ever experienced. This is being accomplished through your I AM Presence within the frequencies of God’s Bliss, Wonder, Awe, and Sublime Gratitude.

For those of you who will be joining us in consciousness from various locations around the Globe, know that your Heart Flame is also being prepared by Mother Mary and Saint Germain in whatever way is most appropriate for your unique service to the Light for this event.

For those of you who are in the process of making your decision about attending the 29th Annual World Congress on Illumination and those who would just like to align with the Portal of Light in Tucson, please watch the 3-minute YouTube Video and you will experience some of the wonders of this location.
(If this link does not work please copy and paste it in your browser.)

If you have the Heart Call to serve as the Open Door for the mighty transformer our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven will use to Initiate Humanity into a Higher Order of Being, all of the information you will need to participate is on our Website at the link below.
(If this link does not work please copy and paste it in your browser.)
Whatever your decision is, know that your willingness to serve Humanity and Mother Earth during the upcoming Cosmic Moment is greatly appreciated by all Life evolving on this sweet Earth. Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are blessing you with Infinite Gratitude.
God Bless You,

Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883,

Tucson, Arizona 85717

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
6/7/2015 7:02:56 PM

The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele: June 7, 2015

nature_summer_strawberries_berries_2560x1600_wallpaper_wallpaperswa_com_24Dear Ones, rapid change is taking place for many by choice as well as by need.

The path of evolution can be difficult up to the point at which a spiritual transition takes place and Truth becomes one’s state of consciousness and begins to manifest at that level.

Much of what is being projected into world consciousness through the media, churches, government, etc., simply no longer resonates with many of you. Long-standing life styles and traditions often involving friends and/or family are beginning to feel old and finished.

Some beliefs are easily left behind and no one even notices, but frequently attempts toward personal change serve to activate a period of intense questioning, judgement, and criticism from family and friends. This may cause the awakening student to doubt or even return to what is familiar, but because he has evolved and is no longer resonating with the past, he will not stay in what is finished.

Confusion and doubt often occur as an individual begins to receive and contemplate ideas of truth completely foreign to his present belief system. As a once solid spiritual foundation begins to dissolve it becomes extremely stressful for those holding structured religious beliefs.

Be not afraid, Dear Ones, for there are no accidents at this point. Know that you are always being guided and are never alone. The Higher Self always brings forth what is needed when you are ready. Learn to trust the process, knowing that at this point you are right where you need to be, doing what you need to do, and doing a fine job of it.

Discouragement with its sense of failure are the manifestations of a consciousness filled with ” I should. I need to. There is only one right way.” – all facets of duality and separation. It is time to cease the ever running inner dialog of self criticism and judgement, allowing these beliefs to dissolve into the nothingness they are. There are no “shoulds” in higher dimensional energies, only love for every individual and their choices.

As spiritual students, you are at a point where you cannot evolve further until acknowledging “Self”. Spiritual students over the world – throughout time and now – have struggled to find and understand what God is. Many gods and concepts are the result, many still being accepted as the only truth.

Most of you have come to know and accept that the Divine is within your own true nature and real SELF. However, at the same time, many believe their humanity to be something separate in the belief that “Self” is simply ego and must be eliminated. The “Self” is SELF, but in the human state is conditioned by concepts and beliefs of separateness. The “Self” cannot be left out.

An absence of self-love has been falsely considered to be humility, but it is not. It is the manifestation of separation consciousness. Humility is an awareness of who you are and where any gifts you may have, flow from.

Many look back on their lives believing that past actions, or even present ones, make them unworthy of love and find it impossible to love the person they believe themselves to be. This is because they hold false concepts of what love is.

Loving Self means acknowledging, accepting, and loving not only the Divine within, but also that part of you that is still learning – the part that has made many mistakes and often seems to be a failure. It is a journey of bringing together the inner child and the Divine Self.

There can no longer be a dwelling on “sins” of the past for this simply serves to cement energies of the past, all of which are illusory. Remember, a person can only live out from their highest state of attained consciousness. The things you may have done long ago are not what you would do today.

The inner child is a term used for the accumulated energy of an immature and unawakened state of consciousness carried with – and added to – lifetime after lifetime.

Inner child work can be a powerful tool in learning to love “Self”. Although this work is often considered a psychological practice, it actually goes much deeper. The inner child is that innocent and trusting facet of you that has been rejected, disappointed, and hurt. It is the unawakened you as a small child, your individuality in it’s most innocent state. As the experiences of the third dimension began in every lifetime, you only knew and thus accumulated the cellular memories of a child’s defenses.

Most humans still carry some if not all the energy of wounds experienced in the child consciousness along with the immature ways with which they attempted to address them.

As an adult, these energies begin to manifest as the immature thoughts and actions that pop up unexpectedly when you least expect them, usually in times of stress. Most adults usually ignore these feelings, not realizing that they are dismissing their inner child as irrelevant and thus perpetuating the situation. This energy can only be cleared by you. The child must be acknowledged, accepted, loved, guided, protected, etc. and it is time.

Honor what ever age your inner child may be at this time. You will know through the types of inner dialogs you experience. Speak gently to this part of yourself, telling it that from now on you are going to love and protect it and most importantly acknowledge it. The inner child is the you who for no good reason often feels hurt, angry, sad, or depressed and, as an immature child, afraid. Be patient, knowing that, as with all children, the child is doing the best it knows at that moment and needs your support.

Many have intellectual spiritual knowledge (crown chakra), but until you embrace the whole of you acknowledging and accepting the child (heart chakra), there will be struggles. As you learn to accept, listen to, support, and talk to this facet of your individuality without dismissing it as nothing, it matures – first responding as a child, then as an adolescent, and lastly as an adult. Finally you are able to fully integrate this healed aspect and “Self” becomes SELF.

Evolution on Earth is a gradual progression towards remembering and accepting the true identity of Self and others through the experiences of many lifetimes lived in an energy of duality and separation while gradually evolving into a consciousness that learns from within instead of from without. Know that regardless of appearances, in reality all is perfect, always has been, and always will be.

You have spent lifetimes trudging through a forest of dense and dark energy, trying to do your best every step of the way. At a certain point you began to see light filtering through the trees and moved towards it, but after finally moving out and into the bright light, you noticed that you had accumulated grass, sticks and all sorts of other debris along the way.

You are now in the process of discovering and removing the accumulated debris, some of which is deeply embedded. This in turn will allow you for the first time to see yourselves and others clearly.

When truth is new, there is often doubt and a desire to remain in what is familiar. However, once out of the forest and into the Light, any glamour the old may still hold for you, soon disappears. This is where most of you are now – a point at which you must cease looking with “forest vision”. You have emerged from the forest and must leave behind the ways of the forest. You now have Light which will allow you to discover an infinity of ever present beauty and perfection previously unknown.

There are no accidents at this point in your journey. All experiences are opportunities to examine your belief system without judgement or criticism. It is time to move beyond any self loathing or other beliefs that may suggest you are “less than”. You are ready to move beyond intellectual spiritual studies and into the acceptance and living of it. This means your spiritual journey must include honoring, appreciating, understanding, accepting, and loving who you are – warts and all.

LOVE can never be governed by the standards of a society still enmeshed in concepts of good and evil. LOVE is based in and flows out from SELF. Your awareness of this Truth expands and grows with every unfoldment but “Self” cannot be excluded in the process.

Try to love the journey itself as well as all you meet along the way, but most important is the knowing of “Self” to be SELF and that none are more Divine than you in every moment.

We are the Arcturian Group

The Arcturian Group. Channelled by Marilyn Raffaele. June 7, 2015.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/7/2015 7:06:43 PM


Aviva Ohm ~ Universal Sonic Transmission ~

Publicado el 17/05/2015

This sonic transmission came through at the Diamond Merkaba Activation workshop facilitated by Anrita Melchizedek, at the Shekinah Ashram in Glastonbury in August 2014.

Vocals and Guitar ~ Aviva Ohm and Flute by Tom Francois..

With thanks to Anrita Melchizedek of the Melchizedek Light Network, Meline Lafont and all the Beautiful Amazing LightServers who made the event so full of high radiant Divine Love..
Features an adaptation of the Great Invocation from Alice Bailey channeled from Djwhal Khul...

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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