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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/8/2015 6:16:56 PM

NorthPoint ASTROLOGY JOURNAL: Your Guide to Planetary Energies for June 8 – 14, 2015, by Pam Younghans

Marcella-Giulia-Pace-Mammatus060615NIK_2617L_1433622922_lgPhoto: Mammatus clouds over Peaio, Italy on June 6, 2015
(credit: Marcella Giulia Pace, posted on

THE PLANETS are very active this week, providing a variety of themes for us to work with — so hopefully our juggling skills are up to the task!

Here’s a run-down of just a few of the different threads that will weave through the tapestry of the next seven days (and beyond):

NEPTUNE’S INFLUENCE prevails this week and next. The mystical planet is moving very slowly now, and will come to a standstill on Friday. This is the beginning of Neptune’s five-month retrograde (backward-motion) phase.

Neptune rules the spiritual and creative facets of our personalities. Whenever Neptune is strong, life can take on a dream-like quality, as the planet draws us inward in an effort to reconnect us with the reality of the unseen. Due to that effect, we may find our meditations and creative activities enhanced this week, and we are advised to keep dream journals at hand.

Our individual experience of Neptune will depend on where it is transiting our natal charts. Neptune has the effect of slowly dissolving our attachment to certain worldly manifestations — again, with the purpose of helping us trust more fully in the nonphysical realities that support our well-being and our very existence.

MERCURY ADDS to the somewhat surreal quality of the coming week as the Messenger planet comes to a standstill on Thursday. Mercury has been retrograde in Gemini since May 18, and over the past three weeks has required that we unravel the threads of old thought patterns so that we can learn to use our minds in new, more productive ways.

During this time, we may have been dealing with old anxieties and worries. We may also have been having communication difficulties, as a way to slow us down so that we become more conscious and more deliberate about how we handle this area of our live.

As Mercury starts moving forward again, we will likewise be supported in coming to new conclusions and new solutions, based on the insights we received and shifts we made while Mercury was retrograde. We should also see more concrete results for our efforts after June 27, when Mercury again reaches its original retrograde degree.

NEXT SUNDAY is an important day due to a couple of astrological events — we have our annual Sun-Mars alignment, and retrograde Saturn returns to Scorpio.

It’s fortunate that Mercury goes direct before we have the Sun-Mars conjunction in Gemini. Any time the Sun and Mars align, there is an urgency to take action, and we find are more likely to take risks. Any actions we take under this influence will be more supported with Mercury moving forward, especially if we take advantage of everything we’ve learned over the past three weeks.

SATURN’S RETURN TO SCORPIO is our opportunity to review some of the lessons we learned during Saturn’s full transit of the sign, which took place from October 5, 2012 to December 23, 2014.

Saturn always brings forward the need for discipline, maturity, and responsibility. While transiting Scorpio, the ringed planet required us to look more deeply at our own motivations and desires, and to see more clearly the unconscious needs and fears that have been creating drama and trauma in our lives.

As Saturn revisits Scorpio, from June 14 to September 17, we’ll be asked to take another look at what changes we need to make internally; our ultimate goal is to be as clear of debris as possible, so that our future progress is not inhibited by unprocessed fears and needs.

I’VE BEEN WORKING this weekend on content for my upcoming teleclass on June 18 — just 11 days away! It’s always interesting to project myself forward in time to get a sense of what’s in store for us over the next six months. In particular, I’m exploring the shift that occurs as the Pluto-Uranus square makes a last push, just as we start feeling the effects of the Saturn-Neptune square that will be in effect from November 2015 through September 2016.

I hope you will join us for the class! Remember that you can either attend live (by phone or online) or listen at your leisure to the replay.

Read on for details about the class — or, if you’re ready to register, here’s the link:

Charting a New Course

Teleclass with Pam Younghans and Elsie Kerns

Thursday, June 18

Airing live starting at

4pm PDT | 5pm MDT | 6pm CDT | 7pm EDT

90-minute class: $25

OUR TELECLASS last January was entitled “At the Door of a New Age” -– and it does feel like the doors have been thrown wide open! Like any adventure into uncharted territory, this one is exciting but can also be frightening at times. At each turn, we observe new beauty but may also face disconcerting challenges.

Navigating this new realm is a full-time job. Almost every day seems to provide new information or a new experience that requires us to adjust our course. We are continually pushed to move beyond what was once comfortable, to see ourselves through new eyes, and to see potentials for our lives that we perhaps had never dreamed of.

Thankfully, the planets will be providing clear direction as well as some much-needed course corrections over the next six months!

In our upcoming teleclass, “Charting a New Course,” we’ll walk through the astrological events for each month, focusing on the ones that most clearly provide guidance for our journey. Here are just a few of the important cosmic events we’ll talk about:

  • In AUGUST, Saturn goes direct, helping us begin to move beyond issues that have been holding us back since late 2014. And, Jupiter begins its year-long journey through Virgo, expanding our capacity for creating or expanding work that is spiritually fulfilling.
  • In SEPTEMBER, Saturn re-enters Sagittarius, providing support for us to create new forms in alignment with our highest ideals. We also have a Virgo Solar Eclipse and a “South Node” Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries designed to help us release the past and keep us moving forward.
  • In OCTOBER, the Libra New Moon contains powerful aspects to move us beyond old limitations, and to stir us into action.
  • In NOVEMBER, the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn join together in Sagittarius – and all three square Neptune — to ground our vision in reality and to expose those dreams that are distracting us from our true path.
  • And in DECEMBER, Pluto and Uranus make a final push to get us out the door. Although these two planets will not repeat the exact square aspect, they will be close enough to provide another energetic nudge. This influence will be especially strong during the week of the Solstice.

Please join us to get more details about these exciting potentials unfolding in the last half of 2015! As before, you will receive calendars of the astrological aspects for each month before the air date, so that you can take notes during the class.

Remember, you can either attend the class “live” (by phone or online), or you can register to receive the recording and slideshow after the event has aired.

To register for the class, please visit:

In peace,


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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/8/2015 6:41:34 PM

Montague Keen, Sunday, June 6, 2015

Veronica, my dear, it was a joy to see you with like-minded people who understand what we are about. The information that was shared was meant to be shared. You needed such support as there is an evil plan in action to isolate you. Yes, my dear, I can confirm that you are an Earth Keeper; one of 12 on Earth, as I am one of 12 on this side of life. This is why you face such opposition to what you do. We did not come together by chance. You and I, and the one who will remain nameless for now, have worked together in many lifetimes. Nothing happens by chance. Your struggle to survive is hard to cope with, but you will not fail to carry out all you came on Earth to do. Good people have come forward to help. They understand the energy in our home and garden. You were wise, my dear, not to allow that woman to force her way into our home. Her intention was to harm you.

Your world is teetering from one attempt to start World War III to another. People are suffering as a result. The arch enemies of humanity are being exposed. They can no longer hide their evil plans. We, on this side of life, shine a light on their exploits. They will not succeed but will cause many deaths and much suffering, as they try to push forward with their plans. They do not belong on Earth. Never forget that. Many of them are preparing to leave in case it has to be done in a hurry. They demand World War III as it is their only salvation. Never lose sight of the fact that all those who demand war are connected to those who perpetrated World Wars I and II. They brought death and destruction to your world. They cannot survive without the FEAR and suffering of humanity, especially of the innocent. They are actively involved in satanic abuse. It is the oxygen of life to them. Protect the vulnerable from such people. It goes on all around you, every day. You just do not want to have to face it. Many are killed and you turn a blind eye to it. None of you is safe from these preditors. One day, they may come for you.

Where will you find the truth? Certainly not on television or in the newspapers, as those are used to keep you blind to their actions. They promise everything, but deliver nothing except more debt, as they increase the hardship on families. You work harder and are worse off, because governments constantly increase the cost of living. It is all part of the plan to destroy humanity. While man is striving to survive, he will not notice what the cabal is actually doing. Accept that it is when you are all working together as one that you have the real power to make the changes necessary for the survival of mankind.

Money was created to trap Man forever on the treadmill of life. It is corruption at its worst. The majority suffer at the hands of the corrupt bankers. I promise you that all this will end when Man wakes up to his own power to say NO. Do not pander to those bankers who look on you with contempt. They survive on your suffering.

The tide is turning for them. They are now having to contemplate the possibility of FAILURE; and that, my dear friends, is something they never, for one moment, thought possible. As Man opens his eyes and sees clearly what is being done by the few to humanity, they know that their only hope of survival is World War III. So I ask, who has the real power? When you refuse to accept war, they are FINISHED; exposed for all to see. Your soul is worth more than all of them put together. Do not surrender it for their survival.

Before the takeover of humanity, mankind understood how the universe operated. He understood nature and natural law. His mind was powerful and he knew how to use it for the betterment of humanity. All this was usurped by those who entered the Earth and decided to take it over for themselves. They created religions and separation to create FEAR and mistrust, to TRAP man into serving them. This worked satisfactorily until Man began to ask questions and wonder why so few controlled all. It did not make sense.

My own family tried to force a belief system on me that I could never accept. I refused to be part of it. Everyone has a duty to decide for himself. Become your own man. Do your own research and make your own decisions regarding life on Earth. Never be responsible for harming another human being, whether by thought, word, or action. Help each other to survive the onslaught of the Dark Cabal and you will survive. All the help you need will be made available to you when the time comes. You do not have long to wait.

I ask that you send love and light to ROME and its ley lines and obelisks in order to prevent them taking control of humanity. They do not have your best interests at heart. Their fine words are just that. Their intentions are very dark indeed. Veronica had the good fortune to be able to talk first hand with good souls who understand what is going on. They work on your behalf. It was very enlightening for her. A war was fought and many died because one country wanted to hold on to a very important ley line crossing, so that the good energy would not be released to humanity. They now dump all sorts of chemical waste and rubbish on it. Does this paint the real picture clearly enough for you, about the importance of ley lines. Take back your ley lines. They belong to you; not to the cabal.

Yes, my dear, you were in danger when that woman tried to enter our home last week. She did come to harm you, but we alerted you to the imminent danger and you refused her entry. You need to be on alert for such occurences. You need to fulfill your mission with those who were selected to work alongside you. You need the prayers of humanity to protect them from the dark side. The Golden Age needs humanity’s cooperation to commence.

My dear Veronica, take good care of yourself. Be kind to yourself and be ready when we call on you to act immediately.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/8/2015 6:44:02 PM

Kute Blackson: Stop Hiding and Let Your Light Shine!

Kute blacksonYou are light.

Yet we often learn to hide our light in order to fit in.

From a very young age we are told to:


Be quiet.

Not cause trouble.

Be polite.

Be a nice boy/girl.

Play it safe.

Do the right thing.

Be normal.

What is “normal” anyways, other than someone’s idea based on their own concepts and conditioning?

There are no shortage of people who will tell you how you should live your life.

There are no shortage of people who will tell you who you should love.

There are no shortage of people who will tell you the kind of person you need to be.

There are no shortage of people who will tell you what your limits are and what you cannot achieve.

If you listen to their voices, it will kill the life of your dreams.

And often in order to fit in, be loved, validated, gain acceptance from family and friends, we tend to compromise who we really are. We pretend to be who we think they want us to be. We hide our light so those around us won’t be uncomfortable.

When you compromise your essence in any relationship or friendship, you betray yourself. And in doing so, a part of you dies. It’s not worth it.

Even if you do get the “love” from the other person, you aren’t free, and it won’t be deeply fulfilling. There’s a part of you deep down that knows they aren’t really loving you, since you aren’t being the real you.

What use is it to have the love of the world but not your own?

Real freedom is to love and accept yourself unconditionally as you are and as you aren’t.

Love and accept yourself even if there are moments you find it difficult to love and accept yourself. As you learn to love and accept even your non-acceptance, a profound peace will be yours.

As you love who you are, you acknowledge and nourish the light within you. The light inside you then grows stronger.

There’s nothing humble about playing small. This is just the ego’s game in reverse. When you know who you really are, you know that what is magnificent and shines is not “you” in the egoic sense, but the essence of your being. This essence is the same essence inside us all.

To put yourself out into the world and share your gifts can be a vulnerable and a scary thing. Being visible it’s easy to be a target for people’s criticism. So we hide because it’s safer and more comfortable.

Let the magnitude of your vision be bigger than the grip of your fears. As you step into your greatness and share your gifts with the world, people will have all sorts of opinions about you. They are entitled to their opinions. Remember it’s THEIR opinions, and how they perceive you reveals more about them than about you!

Playing small serves no one. In fact when you let your light shine, it reminds those around you of the very same light inside of them.

Some people will be inspired by your example and use your example to up their own game in life. Some people will feel feel jealous as it’s a reminder of where they aren’t living their greatness. But know they have just forgotten that you are showing them their own potential.

Your responsibility is not to make those around you feel comfortable. Your responsibility is to be an unapologetic manifestation of love on this planet.

Your responsibility is not to live anyone else’s life but your own. The greatest gift you can give your parents and all those around you is not being who you think they want you to be, but to be yourself fully!

It’s not selfish to let your light shine. In fact, it’s selfish NOT to let your light shine. The world misses out on so many amazing gifts when you hold back sharing your gifts.

You can wait for someone to give you permission to be great.

You can wait for the right time.

You can wait for a special sign.

But the fact you are alive right now, reading these words, is the very sign that you are indeed ready.

So give yourself full permission.


The universe already has and believes in you. The fact that you are alive is proof.

It’s time to stop hiding, and shine your light.

You are Light!

The world is waiting for YOU!

Love. Now

“Stop Hiding and Let Your Light Shine!” by Kute Blackson, June 3, 2015 at:

Original link: Stop Hiding and Let Your Light Shine!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/8/2015 6:45:16 PM

Mary Batson: Awakening: The Next Step

Batson_bio_photoStep 1. Wake up… Step 2. Open my eyes… Step 3… Get out of bed. Step 4…Do what needs to be done.

If we’re going to keep our eyes closed, there’s no reason to wake up. We have to take off our chosen blinders and open our eyes. Otherwise, what’s the point? We might as well keep dreaming.

As Gran put it, it’s hard to wake up someone who’s pretending to be asleep.

Waking up – awakening, moments of enlightenment, whatever you want to call it – is not about feeling good all the time, floating so high off the surface of this planet that we no longer relate to the people on it, flaunting our privilege to avoid or ignore problems. Waking up is about opening our eyes to the realities of the needs of the planet and its people. It’s about seeing the disparities around us, in all the forms they take, and it’s about taking action, right here, right now, taking our fair share of responsibility, and setting to work to right the wrongs we’re more than capable of addressing.

You know that moment, early in the morning, when you wake up, but you didn’t want to just yet – and you can hear the birds calling? You know if you open your eyes the light will penetrate and there will be no going back to sleep.

I think that’s where a lot of us are right now. We’re really awake. We can hear the sounds and feel the movement around us. We know perfectly well what’s going on. But for whatever reason, we don’t want to wake up just yet. That bed feels so safe, so warm, so comforting. And out there – well, who knows what’s waiting out there. But we’re pretty sure it won’t be warm, much less comforting.

So we’re still lying there, covers pulled over our heads. Faking it. But the dog knows we’re awake. And the cat knows. And the kids peeking over the edge of the bed know. They can sense the difference in our breathing.

It serves no one to rationalize about those who are still genuinely sleeping, or to hope that the eagerly awaiting toddler will head off to the other room, where Momma or Daddy has already begun the tasks of the day. That’s not my business, nor is it yours.

We know that each person is in a different place, prepared for and dealing with his or her own unique responsibility. There are those who are ready to spring into action, those already awake and fully functioning.

There are those still dozing, in that state of lucid dreaming, not yet sure what is real and what isn’t. There are those who are awake, but for whatever reason, just can’t bring themselves to face reality. There’s a reason for that, one that needs some digging, and most likely needs some loving. And then there are the heavy sleepers among us, still sawing logs, still breaking themselves against the laws of sustainability and right living.

If we stay there long enough, delaying that moment, drawing out the night, clinging to an idea that no longer makes sense, no matter how comfortable the bed we’ve collectively built for ourselves may seem at the moment, alarms will start to go off. In fact, they already are.

They’re shrilling in the distance, growing louder and more numerous by the moment. Alarms may feel like a must for early mornings, but they’re not a very effective way to live. They usually mean something is dreadfully wrong. Are you sure you want to take that risk? Can you afford it? What are the consequences, and are you willing to pay them? Not just down the road, but today?

AWAKENING - The Next StepAs we awaken, those who have waited for sirens in their personal lives, sometimes even waited past them, oblivious to the warning call, may enter and engage with their souls’ dark night. During this vital passage, one’s energy may be compelled temporarily to focus primarily or even exclusively on what appears to be personal situations.

We who are not in that position, who perhaps have already gone through our own dark nights, will know to gently allow and love each person through this time. In that moment, it will be his or her most important focus, this death-rebirth creation cycle.

It is not ours to judge or to compel them to take action elsewhere, which may serve only as a distraction for them, and as a good way to not notice our own alarm bells ringing in the distance.

What about me? What choice will I make, right here, right now? My outer child may ask that age-old question: Why do I always have to be the grown-up? The answer is simple: Because I can.

The burden of responsibility lies with the one who is capable. That’s the only answer I need. That’s the only answer we need. That next right step will appear directly in front of me if I’ll pay attention for it.

I don’t need to think about a million miles down the road, or try to imagine how the entire scene will play out. That can lead to overwhelm and despair, and the fear of that emotion can prompt hitting the snooze button just one more time.

No. Today, all I need to do, all you need to do, is that next right step. You already know what it is. Like the poem says, start close in. Get calm, get quiet, ask yourself – and you’ll know.

So it’s up to the grown-ups now. Will we open our eyes? Will we get out of bed and do what needs to be done?

What we see may hurt, but only then can we begin to make things better. Love yourself, be gentle with yourself, but please – please – please – open your eyes. Get out of bed. It’s time to get busy.

“Awakening: The Next Step” by Mary Batson, June 5, 2015 at

Original link: Awakening: The Next Step

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/8/2015 6:49:18 PM

MONDAY, JUNE 8, 2015

Brenda Hoffman ~ Gloriously Bright Stars – Not Missionaries

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Summary of Brenda’s June 5, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at
You’ve entered a calm after the storms of the past few weeks. As a result, you’ll begin discovering more heartfelt connections. And that calming/loving security will allow you to devote more energy to time travel, dimension hopping and frequency shifts

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog ”Retooling, Refining”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You pondered and pined for new you as soon as that title became part of your vocabulary. Now you are starting to truly experience new you in all it’s fullness, including feeling differently towards those who once made you angry or frightened. The same is happening to many who have no idea they are part of New Earth.

You assumed that only those who understood or pined for new you/New Earth/New Age would shift during this time. That even though you were a beacon, it would take generations for the person down the street, who makes you furious, to become a loving part of New Earth.

You sense that New Earth is happening – resulting in a sort of heaven on earth. But most certainly that heaven on earth cannot include those so unlike you. A thought little different from the religious groupings many of you find abhorrent.

You cannot be a bit loving in New Earth.

Such was an Old Age stance. You loved someone a bit – including you – but not enough to create a personal sense of heaven on earth. That place, that piece was always out there or up there somewhere. Of course, those Old Age entities like Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha and a few others reached that nirvana, but you did not and could not.

If you are truly a New Earth being shining in all your glory after years or decades of tenacious work, how is it possible that your evil neighbor down the street can even attempt to be of New Earth? That most certainly there will be a layer of outcasts in New Earth much as was true when leprosy dictated total isolation for any afflicted.

Such thoughts return you to the Old Age of accepting pieces of you and others, but never their totality no matter how much you thought you loved them. Old Age love was always tainted with an edge of fear – and therefore, limited.

As is true now and was true then, if you do not love yourself fully you cannot love anyone fully. So it is you are beginning to love yourself more deeply everyday.

And you are starting to see and sense that love in others. Such feelings are a bit uncomfortable. For you expect others to hurt you as you have been hurt over and over in the Age of fear. But then, how could you fully explore Old Age fear if you trusted and loved all including yourself?

In the Age of Love, how can you possibly ignore the love that radiates from your being? You are beginning to put pieces together in terms of why and how you limited your love. You are beginning to see life through not only your own eyes, but those of your neighbor and anyone you labeled fearful or mean.

Not that you wish to spend time with them. Merely that your approach to them within your being is softening daily. The same is true for them. For you requested that New Earth be a safe and loving harbor for all who wished to be part of it. So it is that those you once feared or ignored are evolving to a different persona also, because they are starting to love themselves.

Such is a gloriously, joyful chain of love. You dare love you and because that self-love makes you stronger and wiser, you sense others beyond surface appearances – which encourages them to find love within themselves.

Of course, your media portrays a very compelling argument that earth is more evil than ever. And you do not yet have the global vision your media pretends to have. Sex and fear sold more broadcasts than love and peace – until now.

You have turned off fearful media in many ways from not believing, to not listening, viewing or reading. Not because you wish to be less informed, but because it does not feel good to access many of the materials your media controls. News of hate, anger and fear are repeated hour after hour – one disaster after another. Until you forget what tragedy happened last week, for this week your media introduced a new, hopeless fear.

Your media will shift to a love mode eventually. But for now, the media continue the drumbeat of fear. Something many of you no longer wish to encourage.

You are not alone. It is not just you shifting direction and perceptions. This is a global shift.

You are beginning to experience love radiating from your being for the “least among you.” But not as was fashionable in the Old Age – to feel sorry for the disenfranchised knowing that without your help their lives could never improve.

What you are starting to feel is that the disenfranchised are as capable and interested as you in becoming a loving member of New Earth. And so they are. Does that mean everyone will be a millionaire tomorrow? No, merely that those who thought you needed to carry them to freedom are discovering their own strength. By doing so, they are also moving away from fear and anger to an inner need for joy.

This concept is perhaps difficult to understand for you are the one who has struggled upstream for decades to create New Earth – at least, that is what you believe. In truth, New Earth would not have happened without the input and love of all.

Just as you have worked diligently to discover and uncover new you, so it is that others who seem unlikely to ever do so, are starting to crawl out from under their rocks of fear and anger. Not because you are a New Earth missionary, but because you dare shine you light brightly so that those who wish (now most earth entities) will find their unique path – just as you found yours.

New Earth is a Universal shift that includes trillions and numbers beyond of entities that you lit the path for these many years hoping that others would find their way. So they are.

New Earth/new you is not a missionary process. It is a star system. And you are completing your brilliantly lit path role in extraordinary ways.

Allow yourself to believe that the world is shifting rapidly from fear to love because you dared to be you in all your glory. And so it is. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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