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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2015 6:54:12 PM

The Gift of Life


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life, do we ever stop to remember how good we have it? Do we ever stop to think about how lucky we are to live relatively normal lives in places that, at the surface at least, seem stable enough to support our work to create a new paradigm?

We’re all in a great position to create the inner and outer changes that need made, and we could go about our work with a sense of gratitude for our existence if we could see that, in a sense, everything is exactly the way it’s meant to be.

We have life, and every day we’re given on this Earth is a blessing that we should not only appreciate, but utilize to the fullest extent.

Only when we can learn to love life can we share our love with the rest of the world, and until we repair everything in our life that keeps us from enjoying or appreciating it, we’ll have trouble creating change in the world.

There are a lot of bad things to be said about this planet, but there are a lot of good things too. There are things here that most people don’t even realize are around, because they never get out and expand their horizons.

Similarly, there are things we can find within that most people have failed to grasp or understand, much less explore with any kind of enthusiasm, and by accepting the opportunity we’ve been given, we can join the ranks of people throughout history who’ve pioneered the exploration of a greater reality.


When we can appreciate this existence, which is a blessing whether we realize it or not, we can open the inner doorway to higher vibrations, mystical wonders and an enhanced understanding of the oneness of all of creation.

We’ll understand that we’ve been taking life way too seriously, and all the pressure we’ve put on ourselves is completely unnecessary.

Yes, survival is a serious matter and we’re right to be concerned with sustaining ourselves, but beyond all of that, we’re spiritual beings who’ve been put here to enjoy this world as we climb the spiral back into a higher existence.

The last thing we should be doing is running around like chickens with our heads cut off to support the very system that’s keeping us enslaved.

We aren’t here to try so hard, and we aren’t here to be so stressed out. We’re here to live. We’re here to love, laugh, find joy in the simple things, help people when they need it the most, and use our gifts to make some kind of positive impact in the world, however small or humble.

We’re here to enjoy everything life throws our way, and the great secret to life is that it doesn’t have to be so mean, intimidating or unnecessarily difficult. It doesn’t have to be a constant struggle to survive, and we don’t have to bounce around from dramatic moment to dramatic moment.

When we find peace in our soul and we appreciate our existence, our entire outlook changes and we stop trying so hard to find the things that, as we’re learning, require us to open our minds and ease up on the tension to find. We won’t find anything within if we’re tense or we try too hard, and this includes happiness.

In my view, happiness is a spiritual quality that we have to be in touch with ourselves to find, and it’ll be harder to find if we’re disconnected from ourselves or our higher consciousness.

When we are connected, we’ll learn that self-care is as important as helping others and we aren’t excluded from the people who deserve help. We can help ourselves while we help others, and giving ourselves the freedom to have fun will help us appreciate life even more.


The key is to stay open and let life become our teacher, because our creator is in everything and he/she is constantly trying to communicate with us. We need only to open up and listen to our intuitive guidance, and everything will make sense as we joyfully reconnect with a part of ourselves we gave up long ago.

Our appreciation will really increase once this connection is strong, and somewhere along the way, we’ll teach others to appreciate life too. Eventually, the world will be full of world changers who appreciate their existence and are willing to work together to create a fairer, more sustainable way of life.

Share freely.

I’m a twenty-one year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2015 6:58:14 PM

Gregg Prescott: The Universal Law of Harmony

Greg Prescott 2The first, foremost and most important of all of the 20 Universal Laws is the Law of Harmony. This is also similar to one of the 7 Cosmic Laws of Hermes Trismegistos, called The Principle of Harmony and Balance, which states, ‘Harmony is the flow of life. Everything strives for harmony, for balance. The stronger determines the weaker and makes it equal to itself.

Energy and Vibration

Everything around you is energy, including your thoughts and feelings. For example, empaths can intuitively feel and perceive other people’s emotions and feelings without the other person saying a word. These energies create vibrations that are either harmonious or disharmonious with the Universe and can not only affect you, but the people you come in contact with.

Perhaps this explains why the mainstream media and most governments try to keep us living in a perpetual state of fear? When we live in fear, we can be easily controlled.

Negative Emotions

Negative emotions, such as fear, jealousy and envy, will keep you living in a state of disharmony and create blockages which in turn, will bring repetitive cycles of negative emotions and experiences until you can finally release whatever disharmonious emotion or experience that is attached to you.

For example, when we get angry at someone, it usually isn’t something we personally dislike within that person, but more likely, it is something that we fear within ourselves. This provides us an OPPORTUNITY to overcome this fear or negative emotion through self-reflection while helping us on our spiritual progressions.

Aligning Yourself

The Universe always works in perfect balance. By aligning yourself with positive energy, you will in turn receive positive energy. When you align yourself with negative energy, you create a disharmonious ripple effect.

This law supersedes even the fundamental law of Karma, for harmony is the supreme potential of balance.

The purpose of Karma is to attain harmony.

If you throw a rock into a pond you disturb the harmony of the pond, you are the cause, the effect is the splash and the ripples that flows out and back until harmony is restored.

Similarly, your disharmonious actions flow out into the Universe and back upon you, lifetime after life time, until eventually your own harmony is restored.

What we give to others, we create for ourselves

When you give unconditional love to others, you open the space to receive unconditional love for yourself. When you give anything away freely that which you are seeking, you are also allowing that which you are seeking to enter. What we give to others, we create for ourselves. The energies are in perfect harmony with one another. Unfortunately, this works with both positive and negative energies as the Universe will seek a matching balance for these energies.

How to create Harmony with the Universe

One thing you can do is to silently send love to everyone you come in contact with.

If someone walks by you on the street, smile and say, “Good morning” but in your mind, also say, “I love you.”

When you are driving, you can do the same thing to the drivers in the oncoming traffic.

Or you might try stargazing and send out the intent of love to the galaxy and universe.

How can I tell if I am in Harmony with the Universe?

Once you begin to release all fear, the Universe will align itself with your new energies. You can tell that you are in perfect alignment when you are receiving that which you are positively giving to others. This does not necessarily mean wealth or materialistic possessions but it is more on a level of positive energy exchange, although it could possible include money or physical possessions. The main aspect is the intent behind it. When you give, always give without conditions attached or expecting anything in return. When you do this, the universe will reward your kind acts to others to create a symbiotic balance between what you have done for others and what you are about to receive!

The Universal Law of Harmony is arguably the most important of the 20 Universal Laws. To view the remain 19 Universal Laws, click HERE.

The Universal Law of Harmony |

“The Universal Law Of Harmony” by Gregg Prescott, May 5, 2015 at

Original link: The Universal Law Of Harmony

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2015 7:00:19 PM

FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2015

Valerie Donner ~ Mira from the Pleiadian High Council


A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council
through Valerie Donner June 3, 2015

Greetings, I am Mira.

You are maneuvering in a time of paradox. What you thought was true is no longer. You are learning to embrace life differently. Have you noticed how much what you believed is falling away? This is part of the ascension process. You must learn how to embrace new truths in every aspect of life. The third dimension is no longer the important energy or way of living. It is old energy. This is part of the reason that many are being guided to let go of things, relationships, jobs, issues, beliefs and what is no longer serving them.

Your higher dimensional selves are presenting themselves. You are becoming new through and through. We think you will like who you are becoming. As the old falls away you will be happier beings. You will welcome every opportunity to explore who you are. You will become radiant Light beings in service to Source.

You are living through chaotic times. From our vantage point on the Earth Council we can see how challenged many of you are right now. We also see how many ground crew are rising in happiness and Light. We can see more opened hearts and optimism about the future. While the old is falling apart you are coming together. Keep it up. This is time for unity and community.

In our galactic community we understand each other quite well. Since we are telepathic lies are nonexistent. We would know in a flash if someone was lying like you are learning to do. We work together for the highest good and the greater understanding. Our connections are instantaneous. We are creative and explore these types of solutions to problem solving.

You are beginning to feel how the Light is establishing itself in profound ways. You are picking up on these empowering energies. The world is changing daily. When the Light shines on the darkness it cannot survive. We want you to recognize the momentum that is building for you to become your galactic selves.

Towards this you will find life becoming easier. You might have to think and act quickly. You will be closer to your truth. You will automatically know what to do. You will be called upon to assist where necessary. You will be living the way you were intended to live in freedom, love, unity, joy and abundance.

Please continue to do the good work that you are doing. We love you and want you to know that our meeting as galactic family is rapidly approaching.

In loving service, I am Mira.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2015 7:01:48 PM

Tamara Rant: Use The Force: How to Be an Awesomely Conscious Creator

TamaraRant-150x150According to Wikipedia – The Force is a binding, metaphysical, and ubiquitous power. It is the supernatural flow of energy originated from the concept of Prana, or qi/chi/ki; “the all-pervading vital energy of the universe”.

If we understand The Force to be the energy that provides life within us all and connects us all within and to the Universe itself, then it would serve us well to see it for the amazing tool that it is. One would be wise to take the time to learn how to use it proficiently as understanding the Force is key to consciously communicating clearly to the Universe what kind of life we’d like to live.

Consider the Force to be our cosmic loud speaker or radio and whatever station we choose to broadcast out, the Universe will echo back in physical manifestations in your life accordingly; under the illusion sometimes that you had nothing to do with it at all (unless you are aware of this awesome symbiosis taking place of course). This is how most of us fall under the guise of thinking we have no control over what happens in our lives and is what I imagine to be a driving cause for the continuous survival of Deterministic beliefs.

It matters not, though if you are aware this is what is happening, but the Universe always has and always will be…your life canvas; manifest delivery system…and shows up merely as replies and answers to calls you have made. If they were drunken calls made at 3 am, well you know how that goes (smile).

We might see the results in the morning and wonder where we are, how we got there and why we are broke and feel like we got hit by a truck? But if we call fully conscious and aware of what we are doing, which is simply setting intentions, building energetic foundations on which you are welcoming a certain resonance to come into your life, then we begin to see just how our lives can shift in big ways.

People often get caught up in emotions, but they are simply way-showers. It serves us best to not get too attached to them. And to also not try to avoid certain ones simply because they are unpleasant. What we resist persists and if we bury certain emotions over and over, they soon start to cause distress and discord and disharmony in the body; which are setting the stage for the manifestation of? Yep, you guessed it…dis-ease.

Emotions point the way as guide posts to areas of our lives that require tending to either because they cause us undo stress, pain, and disturbance and therefore need to be looked at, accepted, love, integrated and hopefully learned from so that it can be fully healed and no longer cause disruption in our lives.

Or on the flip side, things that instill a sense of connection to life (anything that gives you that “woohoo” feeling or makes you say “holy crap, I feel alive!!!”) is indication you need to keep doing these things…because they are literally feeding your soul…replenishing your spirit…refueling your Prana or Force. All in balance/moderation of course, we all know the phrase “too much of a good thing”.

The way I see it, whatever helps to keep you centered (which is being neutral love) does incorporate and integrate both positive and negative emotions. It is only our human condition which teaches us to avoid pain and sadness. But these both can be some of our greatest forms of release, reflection and growth. When we relinquish our judgments on our emotions, we allow ourselves to let them flow freely though us as intended and to not sit within us, stagnant.

Keeping your energy level at optimum levels is vital to being a Conscious Creator. When you are a natural-born-giver (like myself), you tend to give of your own life force to others. This happens usually unbeknownst to you, and especially with those you care about.

It can literally leave you feeling drained and horrible even though your conscious mind will always tell you that you just did something nice or were a good friend, etc. Being empathic, it took me years to understand why helping others was such an ingrained calling, but didn’t always feel good to me. I often felt selfish for even expecting it to feel good as I thought giving is giving; you don’t get anything from it.

But what a lesson has come from just letting that load of nonsense go! To serve others from a fully conscious heart space, where I no longer give from my own energetic reserves (which always came with a subconscious expectation of a thank you or returned favor someday) is the most freedom I have ever felt in my life.

Now when I give, it comes from a completely different place; a place that is constantly free-flowing and tapped into the love of Source. A place that does not know lack or going without, so there is no fear, and no expectations, from myself or from others. Whereas before I would even judge myself after being depleted…did I give enough? Could I have done more?

Now it flows from me without even having time to think if it’s enough. I think less and feel more in my giving and this has done wonders for my relationships all around; with others and especially with me when it comes to manifesting.

It all ties together in where my perception lies about how I feel about myself and I notice the more I choose to love and accept myself (as perfectly imperfect, flaws and all), the more easily I am able to allow positive things and awesome opportunities to flow into my life. Because on a subconscious level, my perception has shifted from unworthy to worthy and this stems simply put from originally feeling disconnected to Source, the Universe and others.

When you can clearly see the connection within all things and you see how beautifully and delicately you and your life weave into this enormous cosmic web, you can rest a little easier, feel a little safer and have a lot more trust in yourself and your world. Because you begin to take on the awareness that it is you who is creating it, and simply with that awareness comes such a rush of empowerment that I can only describe as literally dancing with The Force itself. Or perhaps even surrendering to the flow of All that Is.

It has taken me 36 years to even muster the courage for me to say that when it comes to knowing how to manifest great things into my life, I “kinda get it” now. I am still a constantly evolving work in progress, and I love doing daily little life experiments to see simply how my own reaction and my own perceptions of these so-called things “happening to me” can alter the outcomes of these said events.

And every single time I consciously choose to look at the issue at hand in a brighter light, and change my perspective from victim mode to student mode (what can I learn from this?), the situation itself seems to lose steam; lose power in its ability to instill fear and panic within me.

The dust seems to settle that much faster and therefore I can also see a clearer next move much faster as well. This is BEYOND empowering, and something I have just caught onto I’d say within the last few years…and have only recently really begun to sink my teeth into, to see just how deep this manifestation rabbit hole really goes.

For years and years I was under the subconscious impression that life had to be difficult, if you didn’t work hard you didn’t deserve anything (life does not just provide) and that if you ever put yourself or your needs first, you were selfish and that was unacceptable.

But after years of being in relationships that always felt one-sided and left me utterly exhausted and drained, I realized something. I realized that things never went “my way” because I was always so fixated on specifics, had so many tight expectations; from myself and everyone else in my life, and if either one let me down I tended to retreat and/or withdraw. I had an underlying expectation of struggle and therefore always found myself struggling…in all areas of my life including relationships, jobs, etc.

However a simple shift, a single seed planted in my subconscious mind that I love myself enough to create the life I want…has literally put everything in motion. As soon as I consciously began to treat myself better (quit smoking, eat healthier, do daily yoga and meditation, and surround myself with people who are also empowered rather than “complainers” or “Debbie downers”), my entire life began to shift in huge ways. New opportunities opened up that would never have shown up prior because I never thought they were even possible due to my lack of confidence.

By using The Force, I instead chose to wake up each day with a smile (as annoying as that might sound lol), and no matter how ****ty of a day I could’ve been having, I was viciously aware of my perceptions and reactions to things and was constantly on my own ass to see things through different eyes; in a more production, positive, “what can you do FOR me” way.

It’s not an easy feat by any means, especially if you are used to be reactive rather than proactive. You must retrain your subconscious to let go of the reigns in these vital times and let your conscious mind take the lead.

By consciously choosing reactions, we are taking full responsibility for ourselves in the hugest way possible. We can no longer blame others for “offending” us, because we have taken on the awareness that their words really did nothing to harm us, it was our perception that caused the pain…and our reaction simply shows us now there’s something there that needs to be healed. Once it no longer causes a reaction, then the work is done. Many great minds have said we have so much to learn from that which annoys or pisses us off and I couldn’t agree more.

So, to sign off here I’m going to go full Star Wars nerd on you and recommend a little Jedi mind trick I use on myself that helps with developing your Conscious Creator skills. Whenever you feel overwhelmed or a victim to your thoughts or reactions, simply stop in the moment, breath deep to connect and remember that you are NOT your thoughts, but the observer behind them.

You are NOT your emotions, but the Consciousness that gives them light and meaning. You are NOT a victim, you are a sliver of Source no less than the vast and great cosmos. So, don’t just sit back and admire the stars, love yourself enough to know you are one, and then BE one. Shine on. <3

“Use The Force: How to Be an Awesomely Conscious Creator” by Tamara Rant, May 30, 2015 at

Original link: Use The Force: How to Be an Awesomely Conscious Creator

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2015 7:05:34 PM

Barbara-Lynn Freed: 5 Ways to Cultivate Enlightenment

th1. The Benefits of Personal Responsibility

Accepting responsibility for your life can be profoundly transformational, as it enables you to live consciously and be in charge of everything that happens to you. The keys to this enlightened way of life are through self-examination with a commitment to change. When you take responsibility for all your decisions, mistakes and life situations, you generate freedom from the cycle of blaming others for your problems and becoming a victim.

By harnessing self-awareness, clear perception of who you are and conscious choice, you become empowered to change the course of your life. In this way you can understand your weaknesses, build on your strengths, and make necessary improvements to your character.

By taking full responsibility for all of your actions and non-actions, and by owning all of your personal issues, you will empower yourself and move towards creating a fruitful life.

2. Trusting Your Inner Authority

Cultivating self-knowledge, self-understanding and self-acceptance are critical to developing your Inner Authority. When we trust our inner knowing and act accordingly, we begin to align with our Spirit and embrace spiritual growth.

However, this simple action is sometimes difficult to grasp, for as children we are socialized to look outside ourselves for answers. Parents, teachers and advertisements give our lives direction by enticing us to disconnect from our inner guidance.

So how do we find our way home?

Because we are each unique in our needs, what is true for one person may not be true for another. By paying attention to your gut feelings, instincts and what your body is suggesting it wants, the process of uncovering who you are will begin. As you practice and discover what you need and want, you will develop more confidence, wisdom, and harmony in your life.

When we take the time to slow down and contemplate our priorities, we nourish, support and encourage our true nature to shine. By fostering life-decisions with our Inner Authority, we open ourselves to living consciously, creating our own future and cultivating lasting relationships. We also begin to grow spiritually by aligning with the Divine spark within.

3. Authentic Vulnerability

Most people associate vulnerability with the disadvantage of being defenseless, fragile, weak, and susceptible to emotional pain and suffering. However, this is a misconception, as Authentic or True Vulnerability is really a source of our greatest spiritual strength, integrity and wisdom.

When we have the willingness to step out of our comfort zone to accept challenges, walk toward new experiences, or take risks, we begin to allow vulnerability to enter our lives, and in turn, discover our mental, emotional and spiritual strengths and limitations, while allowing personal growth and life enrichment to occur.

By working with our Heart’s Intelligence and accepting our human frailties, we can begin to see that Authentic Vulnerability can open our eyes to new perceptions of life’s circumstances. For True Vulnerability inherently commands respect, elicits compassion, connects us with the Divine, disarms others and creates a state of Beingess where deeply rooted healing can take place for us and all our relationships.

As we progress along our spiritual path, we begin to honor our inner wisdom more consistently, and our ego gives way to true spiritual presence and compassion. Here, where open acceptance and self-responsibility are the norm, our awakened spirit can bathe in the state of Authentic Vulnerability and be an open book for all to see.

4. How to Cultivate Unconditional Love and Forgiveness

We are all familiar with Personal Love as a deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection we have toward people, pets, or treasured items in our lives. Often used as a term of endearment, we usually see personal love as an intense, emotional attachment or attraction to those we care about. With personal love we can lapse into our lower emotions and hold grudges against others, or concentrate on suffering. In doing so we hinder the effectiveness of our love in relationships, as well as, our own well-being.

However, if we allow ourselves to focus on Divine or Unconditional Love, we can learn to look at our glass of life, as being half full, instead of being half empty. In this way we can learn to transform our lower emotions of anger, jealousy, envy and greed into something positive. Pure, Unconditional Love, works without expectation, or attachment to the outcome, and asks for nothing in return. It’s radiant light can resist and overcome every other energy it encounters, for it is the binding force of the universe.

So how do we bridge the gap between Personal Love and Unconditional Love? The first step in this mighty process is learning how to love and accept yourself for who you are.

The second step is to expect love in your life, in all your relationships, and with everyone else you encounter. Here we must remember the Universal Law that says energy follows thought. If we think it, it will happen! Finding goodness in others will help you achieve your own goals, by attracting the same to you. The third step is to work for the highest good of all, by surrendering all your expectations to Spirit (or your favorite Divine Deity).

Obviously, you will need to do an enormous amount of inner work to find true, Unconditional Love in your life. However, an exercise I have found most valuable in shifting my vibration and consciousness is to silently or verbally chant Divine Love for five minutes to an indefinite amount of time. You will be amazed at how quickly your mood shifts to one of peace, and the outcome of any situation becomes favorable to all concerned. When we have Love in our heart, life becomes a joy to behold!

The act of Forgiveness helps us to develop and nourish Love in our lives. Releasing blame and judgment of others is imperative to succeed, for Forgiveness is a spiritual initiative grounded in the humility of accepting that we don’t always need to be right.

When we use our emotions or intellect as a rational explanation to forgive, we fail to see the very essence of what we are trying to achieve. Forgiveness, being born from the heart, and not from the head, can teach us that we are all reflections of each other. In this way, we use the spiritual energy of Love to assess our relationships by looking for similarities in people, rather than differences.

5. Developing True Compassion

True Compassion develops after we have mastered the art of Forgiveness and learned to Love others unconditionally, for Compassion is an action of the transpersonal self. In this state of Beingness, we do not get entangled in the drama and emotions of the present challenge. Rather, we open our hearts to the people and situations at hand, without emotional attachment to pity, sorrow or suffering. Anything less, would be either sympathy or empathy.

By sympathizing (being in emotional agreement), or empathizing (feeling another’s emotions or pain), we become part of the problem, instead of part of the solution. For feeling another’s suffering, does not relieve their suffering. Only in a detached state can we truly hold space for that person to heal, or change their life. Practicing true compassion for another often means simply being present with them in silence.

Like Forgiveness, however, we must first find Compassion for ourselves, before we can truly feel Compassion for others. I learned this from a Tibetan Lama many years ago during a family crisis, where helping out, would have left me devastated emotionally, mentally and psychically. Rimpoche advised me that in this situation, I needed to have Compassion for myself, and that like a good warrior I needed to know when to advance and when to retreat. By following his guidance, I was able to release my feelings of guilt for abandoning my family in a time of need, and later, give them Compassion from afar.

“5 Ways to Cultivate Enlightenment” by Barbara-Lynn Freed, March 19, 2014 at

Original link: 5 Ways to Cultivate Enlightenment

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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