Hi Stephen, That's why I feel so much lighter this February. I've only done 30 or 40 sets of Taxes so far this year. As I said, I sold my practice to a nice young couple. and they are doing great. Unfortunately, I can't seem to let go completely, so I'm still working a little parttime. Just to keep my hand in so to speak. I'll be praying for you my Brother. I do indeed feel your pain, if you know what I mean. Yes, my Friend, our God is an awesome God. He never gives up on us, no matter how hard we try. I was trying to do it my way, even though I professed with my mouth, and thought that I was being sincere in my heart, that light from my Lighthouse, Thank You Jesus, finally caught me square in the eyes, Praise God, and got my undevided attention. I was like St Paul on the road to Damascus, I had to be made Blind before I could truly see His awesome Power to change my Life and those around me. I feel like here I should say, "Can I Get An Amen!". Thank You Stephen for visiting, thank you for your kind Comments, and most of all, Thanks for being such a Great Friend.  May Our Lord Bless You & Grant You His Peace, Phil