Hello My Friends, All of this wonderful music has made me think of something that might need clarifying. As I mentioned previoysly to Pauline, I have had the opportunity to sing at quite a number of Funerals. Of course, I prefer to use a term that I borrowed from my Friends in the African American Church Comunity, "Homegoing". Seems that many of my Friends cannot understand why I am usually smiling at these occassions. For example, after my Mother passed away, my Dad remarried, to a wonderful God-fearing woman I might add, and so when he passed away four years later, I always told people that I had been doubly blessed, since I got to sing at my Dad's Wedding, as well as his Funeral. Unfortunately, I think my Stepsisters were somewhat confused by my smiles while I was singing. It's not that I was happy that he had died. No, I missed him then and I still miss him to this day. It's just that I was Celebrating with him that he was going Home to the Father. He had lived the good life and now he was being rewarded. There's a song that I truly love, by one of my Favorite Groups, Selah, that explains this better than I ever could...  Be Blessed My Friends, Phil