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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/23/2009 2:51:15 AM
After reviewing the two videos, I have to ask are you trying to "Swift Boat" me?
Every war has a Benedict Arnold, Brutus or a John Kerry. Thank goodness they are such a minority. AWOL during wartime is treason punishable by death. While I do not agree with the war. I do not listen to traitors.

Will reply more later. A dope slinger from Kentucky has the answers, you really choose your models well.


You asked me for proofs what calamities Americans are doing to the world. When I show it to you, you say this are not credible or that these cases are few, no matter what I say. I can keep finding this stuff for you day after day, hundreds of them or thousands. I believe you are in denial. Keep in mind I have proven in my life to be very persistent and I won't stop until everybody can see that you have no more arguments or I admit that I'm wrong which I just don't see in this case. I have seen SU too close too long and US is not much different, just more sophisticated.

These are real people. For you real people are in MSM or those who can prove things, or have lots of money. Unfortunately those who have the evidence are people like the ones from Kentucky, but you won't listen to them because they are not powerful enough for you.

This is why cancer can grow freely in US.
For me MSM is pure crap.

I listen to it like I used to listen to communist propaganda in Poland before 1980.

Their time is ruing out the same like US government. The real people with courage like the guy from Kentucky will make other people help to see through even if you have no respect for them. For me, they at least have integrity to say that they were stupid once but now they know better and they are not going to support corruption and deception. They are taking action to get rid of tyranny. The traitors? Can anyone be a traitor to Goldman-Sachs or Federal Reserve?

Peter Fogel

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/23/2009 9:11:53 AM
Hello Bogdan.

This conversation has taken on a new twist in America bashing. Here I thought the discussion was about the dangers of Radical Islam and now I'm learning from you that the real danger to the world at large is the United States Of America.

When I reread the above paragraph it looks ridiculous to me but I'm "learning" from you that things aren't as they seem and the US is the devil in disguise. The source for all the info you're providing are only rumors and innuendos. Tarpin is a frequent "visitor" in all of Alex Jones' video productions and aside from stating his theories I've never seen any proof provided to back up any of the information he alluded to not in the Russian web site nor in any of the Jones productions.

Where are the Indians that are making the claims that Tarpin is talking about? News isn't supposed to be the creation of rumors but the source for real facts backed up with sources not just a "Tarpin".

Now if you google Tarpin you'll find that he has a strong communistic background something that I know you have a great aversion to. Or am I mistaken in that assumption?

You state you never had any doubts about the Mumbai attack and I find that a bit strange but never the less I'd prefer to see proof that it wasn't Radical Islam behind it and not mere rumor mongering which is what the video and Tarpin are trying to do.

To get back to the issue of this thread. There are a plethora of pictures and videos on the web that show Muslims holding up signs with "Islam will dominate the world" and much worse. No doubt who the people are in the different marches, protests and violent attacks since they profess to be Muslims (unless this is another CIA subterfuge).

You forget one thing Bogdan. That much of the Islamic world is comprised of the oligarchs we discussed earlier. The majority of their countries are tyrannical to say the least and very "poor" on human rights they so much demand in the Western world but totally ignore in their own countries.

Most importantly let's remember that they are the major suppliers of oil in the world and as such control the cost of energy world wide. That makes them an integral part of the Illuminati structure and if not members at least partners in crime.

In addition you'll find that many of the Muslim organizations in the US, Canada and elsewhere in the world are funded by the Saudis, other Muslim countries and terrorist organizations (including the terrorist
training camps within the Unites States and Canada). The reasons for that are quite obvious and it's one of the forms of creeping Jihad, stealth Jihad and worst of all the slow but sure advance of Shariah law in the United States. Something they already succeeded in doing in other countries in the world and are now in quite advanced stages within North America and in America in particular with B Hussein at the helm.

Denying the dangers of Radical Islam is foolish since they are the first to admit that that is their plan. But, when I see that people like Alex deny it it sorta makes you think why is someone who is so clued in to the many dangers facing the world denying the existence of Radical Islam. It sorta makes you think there might be reasons for the denials and it's not cos it doesn't exist but for reasons that are beneath the surface and aren't hard to figure out.

I would recommend you read the charters of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah etc. and listen to what the Iranian lunatic Ahmadinejad says each and every day about the world at large and the United States and UK in particular.

I have many problems with the United States policy especially with the present administration but the United States has helped all countries that asked for its help and the world is a better place for it. None of the other countries in the world have contributed so much and have been slammed and bashed as the United States has been. Yet, it doesn't surprise me all that much since people have very short memories and forget the good and remember only that they needed help to begin with and hate the hand that was held out to them. Sorta makes ingrates of the many countries in the world and that my friend is a very sad thing.

What amazes me no end are the complaints of Muslim immigrants to being mistreated in the US, Canada, Europe and in the many different western countries. The question that stands out and remains unanswered is why don't they go back to their original countries if it's so bad in the US and the other countries? Another very important question is why do they keep on coming in their hordes to gain entry to the US?


Peter Fogel
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Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/23/2009 2:08:36 PM

Hello Bogdan,

Reinstall the search forum feature and much of the information that has been disseminated and assimulated into my thought train has been exposed in mine and Peter's forums. This feature would be beneficial to all not just to this conversation.

I sense great disgust if not hate for America in your replies. Makes me wonder what America has done to you personally to create such an obvious dislike and near hate for Americans.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/23/2009 3:43:49 PM

Hello Bogdan,

Reinstall the search forum feature and much of the information that has been disseminated and assimulated into my thought train has been exposed in mine and Peter's forums. This feature would be beneficial to all not just to this conversation.

I sense great disgust if not hate for America in your replies. Makes me wonder what America has done to you personally to create such an obvious dislike and near hate for Americans.

I don't hate or dislike American people the same way as I don't dislike Russian people.
What I dislike is the Governments in those countries and I know that the same as Soviet government in the past, US government is committing crimes against humanity.

I have lots of respect for American constitution and for its creators and have even more respect for those today who have guts to defend it.

Those who question what governments is doing and exposing it, those who take a personal risk of being ridiculed or even risking their lives.

You are not endangering your country when you are questioning your government or even accusing it. Government has 100 times more power than its citizens so even if you are wrong with your accusations, you are not bringing your government down. All you doing you are giving your Government chance to make things transparent and explain what they are doing.

American Government has nearly nullified American constitution by putting in its hands all the powers whenever they want. It is one of the most corrupted governments in the world.

The reason I joined here is that what I see right now reminds me on the times of 1930 in Germany, with the difference that this is happening in US. The same illuminates group is controlling the situation (look at Federal Reserve and financial institution like Goldman-Sachs, in fact Goldman-Sachs is from Germany) and pushing the world through US to world's domination. Like Hitler, US Government creates false enemies so it can limit all liberties and put the nation and world under the perpetual sate of war. As dark forces only function well during times when control can be squeezed to maximum and people scared at any time of their day.

The fascist movement in US government is greatest now than ever.
I'm really worried.

Read here what your current president is up to. Accomplice with Al Gore and Goldman-Sachs.

Bogdan Fiedur
Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/23/2009 4:27:12 PM

Hello Bogdan,

Reinstall the search forum feature and much of the information that has been disseminated and assimulated into my thought train has been exposed in mine and Peter's forums. This feature would be beneficial to all not just to this conversation.

When you go to this page.

you will see at the top of the page, there is a Google search. It is setup to search our forums. You will be able to find your forums through it.



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