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Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/22/2009 7:41:58 PM

You are responsible for your own freedom, but you are also responsible for things which your freedom causes to others since nature of freedom should be universal which you can't say about tyranny.

Bogdan Fiedur

Are you truly saying Americans should pay some penance because the rest of the world covets what we have?
What we have freely shared?
What we have defended anywhere in the world when asked by those in power to intercede.
Are you truly suggesting that Americans should be ashamed of our success?

Get real! Most want what we have, otherwise why does the world come running to America for a cure of all its ills? Or yes, blame us when things are bad. Seems like there is lot expected of this misguided bunch of Americans, that you dare compare to something you ran away from. Yet you sound so much like a supporter.

Existing tyrannical empires are threatened by what America is and many as myself do not like what it will become if the current trends in government and world interaction is allowed. But Apologize for being being a free nation unlike any other in the world? No Fricking way!

No Indian government source has been shown. None were interviewed on the video. Only Tarpley spoke on the video. A disinformation specialist, spreading innuendo and maybes with no sources provided from any government mentioned. "Rumors" are all that support your position.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/22/2009 8:13:00 PM

You are responsible for your own freedom, but you are also responsible for things which your freedom causes to others since nature of freedom should be universal which you can't say about tyranny.

Bogdan Fiedur [/quote/]

Are you truly saying Americans should pay some penance because the rest of the world covets what we have?
What we have freely shared?
What we have defended anywhere in the world when asked by those in power to intercede.
Are you truly suggesting that Americans should be ashamed of our success?

Get real! Most want what we have, otherwise why does the world come running to America for a cure of all its ills? Or yes, blame us when things are bad. Seems like there is lot expected of this misguided bunch of Americans, that you dare compare to something you ran away from. Yet you sound so much like a supporter.

Existing tyrannical empires are threatened by what America is and many as myself do not like what it will become if the current trends in government and world interaction is allowed. But Apologize for being being a free nation unlike any other in the world? No Fricking way!

No Indian government source has been shown. None were interviewed on the video. Only Tarpley spoke on the video. A disinformation specialist, spreading innuendo and maybes with no sources provided from any government mentioned. "Rumors" are all that support your position.


I'm not going to argue with you your point above as you have not addressed the calamities America committed against humanity while enjoying what you call its freedom. Yes the America has potential to get its freedom but you are forgetting that while America seems to enjoy its freedom, also kills people all over world for money and political reasons=money. This is what you should be ashamed of. I would be and I'm now ashamed of Polish government which has joined America in Iraq and Afghanistan, because these are not illuminates who are being seen as killers all over the world but Americans.

I have the feeling that you didn't expect this thread to turn into this kind of the discussion, but you can't just start blaming one group of people for what they do and keep forgetting what is happening in your own yard.

And if it comes to defending others. This is another bull**** your government is telling you. During second world war America supported Hitler during first phase of the war (I explained this in two posts in this thread), you could say collaborated with Nazis and only went to defend "freedom" once Russians were winning and they were afraid that Russians will start controlling western Europe. This is not defending anyone this is just caring about your own ass. After the second war, Americans caused four largest military conflicts, killed hundreds thousands of people and displaced millions only for political gains and money. This is not freedom at work, this is tyranny.

US ==SU==Tyranny

Bogdan Fiedur
Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/22/2009 9:08:44 PM
I'm not going to argue with you your point above as you have not addressed the calamities America committed against humanity while enjoying what you call its freedom.

Please share these so called calamities, caused by America. I am not sure I understand what you wish America to answer for. Please be more specific. Something that is not supported by previous sources. As we have shown their reliability is questionable at best. Suspicion of misdeeds do not make them fact.

Yes the America has potential to get its freedom but you are forgetting that while America seems to enjoy its freedom, also kills people all over world for money and political reasons=money.

Once again innuendo without validation or reliable sources.

This is what you should be ashamed of. I would be and I'm now ashamed of Polish government which has joined America in Iraq and Afghanistan, because these are not illuminates who are being seen as killers all over the world but Americans.

I am sorry you are ashamed of your birth countries actions. I am also confused. It is not Americans strapping on explosive vests and blowing up innocents people. It is not Americans hiding behind civilians using them as shields, while still firing their weapons. It is not Americans whipping and beheading her own people in the streets in the name of some false prophet. Let's be clear what you want us to take the blame for and apologize and make reparations for.

The following link leads to a video of a beheading please follow at own risk. But this is what is taught to children


I have the feeling that you didn't expect this thread to turn into this kind of the discussion, but you can't just start blaming one group of people for what they do and keep forgetting what is happening in your own yard.

Ahhhh.... but most of ills that have happened in my yard has roots deep within those same organizations you say we should not shine a light on. Fact is the Nation of Islam is on a mission. The Brotherhood and others that have been discussed in past threads here. Their mantra/dogma/ideology/politics are You either surrender and obey or die. It is taught from very young ages. This you cannot deny or brush off. This is the reason for this thread.

And if it comes to defending others. This is another bull**** your government is telling you. During second world war America supported Hitler during first phase of the war (I explained this in two posts in this thread), you could say collaborated with Nazis and only went to defend "freedom" once Russians were winning and they were afraid that Russians will start controlling western Europe. This is not defending anyone this is just caring about your own ass.

You probably should review a few history books with regards to WWII, America's silver plattered invite into that fray is well documented. No need to rehash here. But, we shore made a h*ell of a difference didn't we?

After the second war, Americans caused four largest military conflicts, killed hundreds thousands of people and displaced millions only for political gains and money. This is not freedom at work, this is tyranny.

Okay, now this one is really illusive to me. I cannot think of four conflicts caused by America. I ask for a bit of enlightenment here. I agree the 2nd Iraq war has questionable roots and continued involvement raises questions about this non-representative government we now have. But we are working to change that. Thank you very much. That is only one in the grand scheme of things. IMHO

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/23/2009 12:15:55 AM

Please share these so called calamities, caused by America. I am not sure I understand what you wish America to answer for. Please be more specific. Something that is not supported by previous sources. As we have shown their reliability is questionable at best. Suspicion of misdeeds do not make them fact.

I have given you list of things which has been proven by many sources. It is here.

Within the hope American system currently causes tyranny to other countries and people, allows for biggest financial swindles to be executed within the existing laws, helps other tyrannies when banksters make good profit. (e.g. Rockefeller support for Germany Nazis and Bush money laundering for Nazis, Goldman-Sachs steeling trillions, support for Saudis) and stands behind the most hideous actions against humanity in last 100 years like eugenics.

And here is little videos.

I'm surprised these things are not considered calamities by you. I know this doesn't look like Nazi like execution style but it has its long lasting effects.
I could give you list of things which you will argue as not proven but known by many countries as things caused by CIA and inference of US Government which contributed to deaths, and enslavement.


I am also confused. It is not Americans strapping on explosive vests and blowing up innocents people. It is not Americans hiding behind civilians using them as shields, while still firing their weapons. It is not Americans whipping and beheading her own people in the streets in the name of some false prophet. Let's be clear what you want us to take the blame for and apologize and make reparations for.

First I'm not sure what Americans are doing where people who are strapping on explosive vests are blowing innocent people. The reason why they are strapping on explosive is that this is only way for them to fight against occupiers. Americans were never invited there so it should be none of their business what these people are doing there. America didn't help a single country in the world to this day to become a free country, at best they helped to enslave them by illuminates.


You probably should review a few history books with regards to WWII, America's silver plattered invite into that fray is well documented. No need to rehash here. But, we shore made a h*ell of a difference didn't we?

I'm sure that I have reviewed a few before. My whole childhood was reading books about the war and watching movies about those times. This is all what people used to talk about for next 20 years after the war in Poland.

I know you want to tell me that it was Pearl Harbour when America joined the war.
If you review some of the reasons why Pearl Harbour happned, you will find out that nobody with the average mind would put all the ships and entirety military fleet into one place, particularity during the war and having long lasting conflict with Japan. Only those who wanted those ships to be destroyed would do that. It turned out that getting ready for a war brought America from recessions which was already going for a while. The Japanese were enemies of America way before the war and fighting war with them would happen with Hitler or without anyway.
Americans showed up in Europe as saviors on Jan 27 1943.
Look at this page when Americans showed up in Europe.
Jan 27 1943 after Russians started winning the war after 5 months at Stalingrad.
This is when Americans started showing up and only in planes to bomb Germen cities. This was already third year of war, when Germans were getting week and Russians and British stronger.


Okay, now this one is really illusive to me. I cannot think of four conflicts caused by America. I ask for a bit of enlightenment here. I agree the 2nd Iraq war has questionable roots and continued involvement raises questions about this non-representative government we now have. But we are working to change that. Thank you very much. That is only one in the grand scheme of things. IMHO

Even if our points were different, you are agreeing that 2nd Iraq war had questionable roots.
The entire world doesn't have this doubts. The entire world knows that this war was illegal, but you seem to have some doubts. That's the major problem when trying to have discussion with you. Anything which has firm proofs, appears to you like it might be questionable, anything which doesn't have clear proofs it is a conspiracy theory.

If Hitler had won the war, holocaust would be a conspiracy theory.

This just showed up.

Bogdan Fiedur
Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/23/2009 2:13:02 AM
After reviewing the two videos, I have to ask are you trying to "Swift Boat" me?
Every war has a Benedict Arnold, Brutus or a John Kerry. Thank goodness they are such a minority. AWOL during wartime is treason punishable by death. While I do not agree with the war. I do not listen to traitors.

Will reply more later. A dope slinger from Kentucky has the answers, you really choose your models well.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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