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Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/21/2009 8:24:56 PM
I believe this could fit here to clarify my belief system. Neither the current admin nor any in recent years represent my beliefs. Anyone calling the US home should have similar or go back where they came from.

Very plain and simple this video explains what a Republic is and that is my America. Love it or leave it.


Hello Peter,

Not maybe the most obvious forum to set this up, but I finally chose here.

This video content is to me rather debatable, but that is what a forum loves.

Friendly yours,

Definitely the right place and I can think of a few more that it belongs too as well.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/21/2009 8:56:21 PM
I believe this could fit here to clarify my belief system. Neither the current admin nor any in recent years represent my beliefs. Anyone calling the US home should have similar or go back where they came from.

Very plain and simple this video explains what a Republic is and that is my America. Love it or leave it.


Hello Peter,

Not maybe the most obvious forum to set this up, but I finally chose here.

This video content is to me rather debatable, but that is what a forum loves.

Friendly yours,

Definitely the right place and I can think of a few more that it belongs too as well.

This is good presentation.

The question remains, how do you go back to Republic?

Between 15th and 18th hundred there was a Union between Poland and Lithuania, something like todays EU. There was there some form of parliament where those who were chosen to be part of it (mostly due to their status) could vote on any idea and the King had to listen to it and follow the wishes of Parliament. This was going good until Parliament introduced the idea that any decisions had to be unanimous. The Russians came across (during those times Polish-Lithuanian kingdom was strong enough to beat both German and Russians) and kept paying few representative so they always vote against any resolution or declaration. It took 4 years of impasse where Parliament would not pass any decisions. The Kingdom was paralyzed, the army fell apart, the King was powerless so Russians and Germen and Austrian decided to partion Poland. They did this with few shots and they continued the tyranny on the Polish nation for 150 years. With short period of independence between two wars, Poland was sold out by British to Soviets, meaning partitioning it again. You need a bit o history to understand what I mean by this.

All I'm trying to say is this, that any system seemed to be compromised to this day even the Republics.

Doest it mean that to return to true Republic now, we need a civil war? Removing all cancer first and starting from scratch.

What do you think the rest of the world will do while Americans restore their Republic?

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/22/2009 3:22:28 PM
Jim and Peter,

Just in.

New details are emerging in regards to Mumbay attack. More and more information shows pointing that CIA might have been behind those attacks.
Russia Today shows video which explains it.

I never thought that I will be reading Russian news to find out the truth.
Today I feel for the first time that to have Soviet Union around wouldn't be such a bad thing.

The Nazi-like hitlerian methods which US government is engaging into are more worrisome today than they were during the cold war.

By the way David Headley was planning to bomb the Danish newspaper which published pictures making fun of Muhammad. Let me think hard who did this.

Us and UK should stop worrying about home grown terrorism and should start worrying about home grown fascism and nazism.

Bogdan Fiedur
Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/22/2009 5:33:42 PM
Jim and Peter,

Just in.

New details are emerging in regards to Mumbay attack. More and more information shows pointing that CIA might have been behind those attacks.
Russia Today shows video which explains it.

I never thought that I will be reading Russian news to find out the truth.
Today I feel for the first time that to have Soviet Union around wouldn't be such a bad thing.

The Nazi-like hitlerian methods which US government is engaging into are more worrisome today than they were during the cold war.

By the way David Headley was planning to bomb the Danish newspaper which published pictures making fun of Muhammad. Let me think hard who did this.

Us and UK should stop worrying about home grown terrorism and should start worrying about home grown fascism and nazism.

Bogdan Fiedur

Now we know where Alex Jones is coming up with much of his info. There seems to be a pattern of no real sources here. Much innuendo and disinformation added to more rhetoric. IMHO

We can agree that the "Progressives" have shed their sheep's clothing and showing their neo-Nazi-Islam o-facists roots.

History shows they are from the former communist party, many of the administrations czars freely admit to it.

The sheeple are waking up.

Even Alex Jones upon searching seems to be funded by the "Illuminati" read in the comments of the following info.

Are Alex Jones and Webster Tarpley Disinfo Agents?

Written by Dixie Flatline

I have been listening to Webster Tarpley on the Alex Jones show for some time. Tarpley is a very clever disinfo agent, who uses large amounts of doublethink to unbalance the listener. Infowars has some great guests, but the show has really tanked in the last 6 months.

Now why Alex Jones has Tarpley on Infowars and continues to pump him up is beyond me. Tarpley is the opposite of Ron Paul and Chuck Baldwin. On economics, law, history and social policy, Tarpley is basically an ideological neocon. Webster is as far from a Libertarian as Obama is, just in a different direction.

That Alex Jones continues to feature Webster Tarpley in movies and pump him up every single day, means that AJ is either,

  • Unaware of the subject matter Tarpley is promoting
  • Deliberately promoting Tarpley’s doublethink
  • An idiot

I don’t think Alex is an idiot.

So what is the angle here?

I’m not sure, but over the next week, I will be breaking down Webster Tarpley in an effort to help people see past his doublethink and lies, and continue on a path to better understanding economics, politics and history. This was a role that Infowars was playing, but has abandoned since the US Presidential Election ended.

Webster Tarpley, disinformation agent

Webster Tarpley, disinformation agent

Before I end this post I want to offer an example. The other day, Alex Jones had John McManus from the John Birch Society on. Alex gave McManus a lot of respect. Tarpley comes on yesterday and says something derogatory about the anti-red movement in the 50s. The anti-red movement was the JBS. This is classic doublethink. Alex has an esteemed guest on, speaks to that audience, then a couple days later, has his new buddy Webster Tarpley talking down what the guest represents.

Today, I am listening to Tarpley again, and he’s very careful never to say “private enterprise”. That is because Tarpley has made very clear that he hates free markets, appearing to me to be a classic statist (socialist/fascist) and I intend to prove this with his own words.

Related Blogs

This proves much discernement is needed until real proof exists.

I believe the rest of the world supports America's return to a Republic. Will and have in the past. One thing very important to remember, for all her faults America is the last bastien of hope for true personal freedom. I really have a problem with anyone wanting to change that dream that is America. My HOME.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/22/2009 6:16:31 PM

Now we know where Alex Jones iscoming up with much of his info. There seems to be a pattern of no realsources here. Much innuendo and disinformation added to more rhetoric. IMHO

We can agree that the "Progressives" have shed their sheep's clothing and showing their neo-Nazi-Islam o-facists roots.

History shows they are from the former communist party, many of the administrations czars freely admit to it.

The sheeple are waking up.

Even Alex Jones upon searching seems to be funded by the "Illuminati" read in the comments of the following info.

I don't know why are you trying to discredit Alex when the piece of information I have given you is not even on Alex's website. Is on the Russia Today website.

What is your point?

The video informs you that Indian government suggest that CIA is behind Mumbai attacks not Alex. The source of information is in India.

By they way I have never had any doubts who did the Mumbai attack, like I have no doubts who did 9/11.


This proves much discernement is needed until real proof exists.

Ibelieve the rest of the world supports America's return to a Republic.Will and have in the past. One thing very important to remember, forall her faults America is the last bastien of hope for true personalfreedom. I really have a problem with anyone wanting to change thatdream that is America. My HOME.

You will never get proofs like you don't have proof who e.g. assassinated Kennedy as long as the debilitating cancer in US exists.

I agree that there is something in American constitution which makes it stand out, they question remains if you will be able to defend it.

Within the hope American system currently causes tyranny to other countries and people, allows for biggest financial swindles to be executed within the existing low, helps other tyrannies when banksters make good profit. (e.g. Rockeffeler support for Germany Nazis and Bush money laundering for Nazis, Goldman-Sachs steeling trillions, support for Saudies) and stands behind the most hideous actions against humanity in last 100 years like eugenics. The list could go on.

As freedom and things I mentioned above belong to different families, I don't feel a person should talk about his/her own freedom and forget about atrocities caused to those who were not strong enough to obtain this kind of freedom.

You are responsible for your own freedom, but you are also responsible for things which your freedom causes to others since nature of freedom should be universal which you can't say about tyranny.

Bogdan Fiedur

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