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Peter Fogel

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/24/2009 6:18:32 AM
Hello All,

I'd like to wish all my friends




As reported in the Jerusalem Post:

Choosing your own Christmas trees from KKL-JNF forests

"Ican't believe that Israelis ensure that Christians in Israel haveChristmas trees! This is really cool!" We were speaking to Nathan, astudent at the Jerusalem University College on Mt. Zion, whom we met atKKL-JNF's traditional Christmas tree distribution at their regionaloffices at Givat Yeshayahu, on Wednesday, 10th December. "Mybrother-in-law, who lives in Centerpoint, Iowa, is also here with hischildren. It's his first visit to Israel and I invited him to come withme to pick up a Christmas tree. His kids are having a great time, theair here is so fresh and it's just a beautiful day. I'm studying thehistory and geography of the Holy Land at the Jerusalem UniversityCollege, the only Protestant institution of its kind. I'm on a two-yearprogram and let me tell you, this is really amazing!"

"Everyyear just before Christmas, KKL-JNF distributes trees to churches,monasteries, embassies and the foreign press in Israel. EliBen-Sheetrit, KKL-JNF forester in charge of the lower Judean coastalplain, told us about the project and how it worked: "The first thing wehad to do was to choose which tree would make the most beautifulChristmas tree. We decided on the Arizona cedar and as you can see, noone is disappointed by our choice." -more

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/24/2009 3:40:07 PM
New Page 5
Marry Christmas and Happy New Year
Bogdan Fiedur with family
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Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/24/2009 4:04:26 PM

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/24/2009 4:56:22 PM
Hello Jim,

I am born Christian but today I know that all three Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) are hand made tools for the political leaders to rule the world. Judiasm is not even Hebraic nor Israelitic. It is Egyptian concept IS(is)-RA-EL worship os sungod Ra from age when faraoh TuthMOSES ruled in Egypt. Monotheistic Egyptians, the Ammon-Ra followers and many nations of slaves made their uproar and were forced out of Egypt to Canaan.

This book, like many other books, it is a propaganda book.

I agree with Bogdan Fedur whom I quote below because he is totally right..

Your enemy is in your own country not in the middle east.

Your enemy is hiding in the buildings of Federal Reserve, Pentagon and White House and doesn't believe in any religion or god. If they believe in anything, than this is power and total control.

Merry Christmas
PS This is how I gather the info and that is just my opinion so do not mind or feel offended.
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Jim Allen

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God, Murder, and Ft. Hood
12/24/2009 6:22:40 PM

God, Murder, and Ft. Hood

Posted in Academic Freedom, Islamism, Media on Dec 21 by Leonard Magruder

God, Murder, and Ft. Hood
by Leonard Magruder

The landlady came up the stairs all upset. “There has been a mass killing at Fort Hood. Who would do such a thing ?”. “A Muslim terrorist”, I told her.

Not having heard about this I turned on Fox News, and sure enough, Smith and O’Reilly were already using the terms “Muslim” and “terrorist.” Turning then to CNN, for two hours nothing along these lines was mentioned. Turning back to Fox I saw the killer dressed in Muslim garb, found out that he had shouted out the pre-massacre shout “Allahu Akbar”, had handed out copies of the Koran shortly before the killings and that medical colleagues had reported that he had given shocking lectures at Walter Reed on how the American war on terror was actually a war on Islam. Back to CNN. For a long time nothing about all this, but then there were interviews with generals Clark and McCafferty which gave Campbell Brown, Larry King, and Anderson Cooper plenty of openings to ask probing questions leading to the possibility of terrorism – but they never did. Meanwhile, back at Fox former agent Michael Scheurer and military expert Ralph Peters were speculating freely that this had been a terrorist attack. “The worst terrorist attack since 9/11.” said Peters.

Back again to CNN. By now so much had poured in that they were beginning to consider the word “terrorist”, but it was clear throughout the whole day that they preferred to believe that it was a case of harassment of Hassad because he was a Muslim. On the question of “why”, “American bigotry, harassment,” was what they clearly hoped would come out of this. Checking CNN the next day they were still pursuing the idea that it was an emotional problem, probably connected with his work. At no time would they consider that it may have been based on the command of Allah in the Koran to, “Kill the unbeliever wherever you find them.” (Sura 9:5)

At the end CNN was still wailing, “What could the motive for this possibly be ?”, while all the rest of America had a pretty good idea what this was.

Right before our eyes we watched CNN betray the dead of Fort Hood to further the multiculturalist and “politically correct” interpretations preferred by both the media elite and our academics, making huge contributions to American vulnerability to terrorist attack. We saw the same thing last 9/11. Multiple times we sat through the horror of that day, yet no one in the media was allowed to mention the enemy. A few people in Times Square were shown raging against somebody, but the media made sure we never heard the world “Islam.”

In the following article we delve into this phenomenon.The question of what is the “root cause” of terrorism has created a divide that runs right straight through America. We once more lay out the case for Islam as the cause. We lay the groundwork with a review of the issue by Shmuel Bar as found in his article,”The Religious Sources of Islamic Terrorism.”

“It cannot be ignored that the lion’s share of terrorist acts and the most devastating of them in recent years have been perpetrated in the name of Islam. This fact has sparked a fundamental debate both in the West and within the Muslim world regarding the link between these acts and the teachings of Islam. Most Western analysts are hesitant to identify such acts with the bona fide teachings of one of the world’s great religions and prefer to view them as a perversion of a religion that is essentially peace-loving and tolerant. Their “root-cause” explanations include political causes (the Israeli-Arab conflict); cultural causes (rebellion against Western cultural colonialism or decadence); and social causes (alienation, poverty). While no public figure in the West would deny the imperative of fighting the war against terrorism, it is equally politically correct to add the codicil that, for the war to be won, these grievances pertaining to the root causes of terrorism are justified and should be addressed. An interpretation which places the blame for terrorism on religious and cultural traits, they claim, runs the risk of being branded as bigoted and Islamophobic.”

To treat Islamic terrorism as the consequence of political and socio-economic factors would not do justice to the significance of the religious culture in which this phenomenon is rooted and nurtured. In order to comprehend the motivation for these acts and to draw up an effective strategy for a war against terrorism, it is necessary to understand the religious-ideological factors – which are deeply embedded in Islam. In so far as religious establishments in most of the Arabian peninsula, in Iran, and in much of Egypt and North Africa are concerned, the radical ideology does not represent a marginal and extremist perversion of Islam but rather a genuine and increasingly mainstream interpretation. Even after 9-11, the sermons broadcast from Mecca cannot be easily distinguished from those of al Qaeda.

(An article on this on the Internet today begins, “This week in Mecca we can watch on Memri video at the height of the Muslim spiritual Hajj, the holiest time and holiest site of all Islam, Muslims screaming for the death and mutilation of all infidels, but specifically Americans and Jews. They cry to their god for our hands to be chopped off and to be murdered, while thanking Allah for his greatness.” These are not terrorists visiting from the caves of Pakistan. These are ordinary Muslims from all over the world, drunk with hatred from the Koran.)

Andrew C. McCarthy of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, who prosecuted the mastermind of the first Towers attack, explains how jihad radiates throughout the Muslim world.

“The principal challenge of al-Qaeda is that it spearheads the spread of a strong, though noxious, ideology. The group does not purport to give directions only to its own members, it presumes to be guiding all Muslims toward that which Islam compels. This is abundantly clear from bin Laden’s infamous 1998 fatwa. “The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies – civilian and military – is an individual’s duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it. This is in accordance with the words of Almighty God.”

The direction is to everyone. In bin Laden’s mind he is merely the medium, the direction comes from Allah. He cites verses from the Koran to show Muslims that it is the ideology itself which announces these commands, compelling every Muslim, not just al-Qaeda operatives, to perform. But the ideology indisputably springs from Islam.”

Analysts David R. Frum and Richard Perle sum up the issue in their new book, “An End to Evil:”

“The terrorists kill and will accept death for a cause with which no accommodation is possible. That cause is militant Islam. Moreover, these beliefs are not really confined to a radical fringe, but infect even ordinary Muslims. Even though it is comforting to deny it, all the available evidence indicates that militant Islam commands wide support , and even wider sympathy, among Muslims worldwide, including Muslim minorities in the West. The roots of Muslim rage are to be found in Islam itself. While there are multiple terrorist groups, the common element of Islam makes the threat monolithic. The ideology that justifies the terrible crimes of Hamas and Hezbollah is the same ideology that justifies the crimes of al-Qaeda. The result is the unlimited threat to dominate the world through Jihad.The aim is to overthrow our civilization and remake the nations of the world into Islamic societies , imposing on the whole world its religion and law.The result is an unlimited threat to dominate the world through Jihad.”

But Sam Harris in, “The End of Faith,” probably put it best:

“There is no question that, at this point in history, Islam represents a unique danger to all of us. Many Muslims are basically rational and tolerant of others. But these virtues are not likely to be the products of their faith. Insofar as a person is observant of the doctrines of Islam- that is, insofar as he really believes it – he will pose a problem for us. Men like bin Laden actually believe what they say they believe.They believe in the literal truth of the Koran, and that is the default position in Islam. Most people of leadership in this country will say there is no direct link between the Muslim faith and terrorism. It is clear, however, that Muslims hate the West because of their faith and that the Koran mandates such hatred. It is widely claimed by the “moderates” that the Koran mandates nothing of the kind and that Islam is a “religion of peace.” You need only read the Koran to see that this is untrue. The basic thrust of Islam is undeniable; convert, subjugate or kill unbelievers, kill apostates, and conquor the world.Frum and Perle pinpointed the heart of the problem. “The roots of Muslim rage are to be found in Islam itself. While there are multiple terrorist groups ,the common element of Islam makes the threat monolithic.”

Media and academia are keeping America from understanding this, and that is what will lead to catastrophe. The message that now needs to be heard everywhere is, “There is something wrong with Islam.” And the Muslim world must do somethng before there is a world-wide cataclysm. There is no need for the words “radical” or “militant” before “Islam”. For centuries the violence at the heart of Islam has lain dormant. It has resurfaced in our time making many think this is something new, something “radical’ and “militant “. It is not. It is the true Islam resurging at this time because of the new hope of world domination contained in new technology, such as nuclear weapons. Repeatedly in our articles on this subject since our first on July 31, 2003 we have listed the verses inciting murder in the Koran. In this article just out from “The American Thinker,” by Amil Imani, a Muslim convert and expert on the Koran, you see some of them again:

November 12, 2009
Does Islam Breed Violence?
By Amil Imani

There is a division of the house. On one side are the politically correct in government, the leftist mainstream media, and a raft of Islamist apologists. One and all are tripping over each other in reassuring us the mass murderers such as Maj. Nidal Hasan and suicide-bombers who detonate their explosive vests in crowded marketplaces and even mosques are individual anomalies and Islam is not responsible for what they do. On the other side are those fed up with the innumerable daily horrific acts throughout the world that are clearly committed under the banner of Islam…Here is the truth, as bitter as it may be: Islam is the culprit. Islam is anything but a religion of peace. Violence is at the very core of Islam. Violence is institutionalized in the Muslims’ holy book, the Koran, in many suras (verses)

9:5 “Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.”

9:112 “The Believers fight in Allah’s cause; they slay and are slain, kill and are killed.”

8:39 “So fight them until there is no more disbelief and all submit to the religion of Allah alone in the whole world.”

8:65 “O Prophet, urge the faithful to fight. If there are twenty among you with determination they will vanquish two hundred; if there are a hundred then they will slaughter a thousand unbelievers, for the infidels are a people devoid of understanding.”

47:4 “When you clash with the unbelieving Infidels in battle smite their necks until you overpower them, killing and wounding many of them. At length, when you have thoroughly subdued them, bind them firmly, making (them) captives. Thus are you commanded by Allah to continue carrying out Jihad against the unbelieving infidels until they submit to Islam.”

And the Koran is considered by Muslims to be the word-for-word literal edicts of their god, Allah.

Islam, by the very nature of its doctrine, appeals to man’s base nature. It promotes intolerance, hatred, discrimination, and much more. In reality, Islam is like a deadly, contagious disease. Once it invades the mind of its victim, it is capable of transforming him to a helpless pawn that has no choice but to execute what he is directed to do.

Of the reported 1.3 billion Muslims in the world, millions are already trapped in the terminal stages of this affliction, while millions of others are rapidly joining them. The people enslaved with the extreme cases of Islamic mental disease are highly infectious. They actively work to transmit the disease to others, while they themselves engage in horrific acts of mayhem and violence to demonstrate their unconditional obedience to the dictates of the Islamic cult…The savagery and variety of the actions of these Islamic captives are seen daily around the globe. Many of these acts, committed under the banner of Islam, have become so commonplace that the world has come to view them as part and parcel of a troubled humanity. And, from time to time, the world is shocked into a passing and momentary realization of the evil deeds these Islamist robots commit. However, people quickly get over it, and they do nothing to seriously address this affliction.
Humanity is facing a deeply troubling dilemma. On the one hand is the desire of enlightened people to forge a diverse world into one society ruled by peace and justice, while on the other hand, Islamists are hell-bent on imposing their stone-age system on everyone. Truth be told, violence is the animating force of Islam. Islam is a religion born through violence, raised by violence, thrives on violence, and would die without violence.
But the recent and dastardly mass murder at Fort Hood, committed by Maj. Nidal Hasan, will be forgotten by the public before long.”

This incident has unleashed a tsunami of exposes’ of the horror at the heart of Islam. Fox News had a special on the hatred being taught in American mosques. And Switzerland voted to prohibit the building of any more mosques.

We have waited 8 years. We have 22 articles on the “horror at the heart of Islam”, at, with 24 more up to today on For eight years these usually six page documented articles were distributed in each case throughout the nation, through Media Guide at throughout the newswires, and here in Lawrence, Kansas, to the university, the local papers, the pastors, and city hall, prompting no dialogue with anyone. Total denial.

In one article we told how in the course of raising this subject, people, friends, simply disasppeared, how those who are supposed to know the most about this issue, Emergency Management and the Chief of Police, show no interest in pooling our knowledge. How, when as a chapter at the University of Kansas we commented on the silence, the faculty advisor to “The Daily Kansan” yelled “Shove it up your butt”, how, when we wanted to show Steve Emerson’s “Terrorists Among Us: Jihad in America,” showing a terrorist recruiting right here in Lawrence, no student showed up because faculty told them to stay away. That terrorist is seen later in the film in Atlanta, screaming “Blood must flow, there must be widows, there must be orphans, hands and limbs must be cut and blood spread everywhere in order that Allah’s religion stands on its own feet.” Islam at work. But faculty didn’t want students to see this, so they had K.U. Security send me a message prohibiting me, under penalty of law, from sending any further articles to students. Repression here is so bad that Professor of Anthropology Felix Moos said on the front page of the local newspaper recently, “I find that people at K.U. are oblivious to the fact we are at war.” Lawrence, Kansas, the national epicenter of repression. But conditions are very much the same at all American universities, dominated as they are by left-leaning faculty and thereby by definition repressive.

As recently appointed Academic Advisor to Veterans for Academic Freedom I will then start a chapter of this new organization at the University. That will void the ban and I will again send articles to students, beginning with the five documenting Islam as the root cause of terrorism that they missed because of the ban. I’ll also give lectures on the subject at the Student Union, and show films such Geert Wilder’s “Fitna”, also “Obsession” and “What the West Needs to Know.” An examination of the books available to students and those that are required reading in classes at the University of Kansas show clearly that the subject of Islam and its pathologies has been completely erased from campus awareness.

We hope the many veterans of the Iraq, Afghanistan and other recent wars attending the university will join us, and we may need them to provide security at lectures as here is what happens on campuses these days. When Brigette Gabriel, a Muslim convert well acquainted with the horrors of Islam spoke on the Muslim jihad threat at the University of Memphis recently it took ten policemen to get her safely off stage when Muslim students charged her.

On May 6, 2006, Dutch parliamentarian Pim Fortuyn was murdered for speaking out against Islam. His life and death testified to a grim reality: speak the truth about Islam in the Western world today and you’re a marked man. And those who paint the target on your back will be the cultural elite – the professors and the media. This murder can be recognized, in retrospect, as marking the resumption of the jihadist campaign to silence the criticism of Islam that began with the infamous Rushdie fatwa, the world-wide call by Muslim clerics to murder him for criticising Islam. The lesson is this. We are not up against a “tiny’ number of “extremists” who have “hijacked” a “great and peaceful religion” and who are committed to “militant” acts motivated by legitimate economic and/or geopolitical grievances, but are rather, facing a considerable percentage of the world’s Muslims, many of them born and raised and resident in the West, who do indeed despise our freedoms, and who in trying to destroy those freedoms are being entirely consistent with the tenets of their faith. -and who have countless non-Muslim allies steeped in PC and multicultural dogma and prepared, in the name of tolerance, to serve the jihadist effort to stifle Islam’s critics.

There is no phenomenon in history more lethal to mankind than when a religion mixes God and murder.

The last great example of this is the Aztec religion, where, because of religious reasons they thought it necessary to tear the hearts out of fully conscious human beings on the towers of Tenochtitlan, up to 20,000 in one week. Islam is the Aztec religion of our times. Their specialty – cutting peoples heads off. It’s right there in the Koran, Sura 47:4

At an April 2005 meeting of the UN Human Rights Commission, its Islamic members refused to condemn those who kill in the name of religion, and in fact said that criticism of Muslim terrorists amounted to “defamation of religion.”
There it is, for the whole world to see. Insisting on the right to murder in the name of God. God and murder. “We are Muslims and this is what it means.”

As part of their efforts to to control speech about Islam, governments as well as various non-governmental authorities have sought to restrict or forbid the use of certain words and expressions. At one point in 2007 , President George W. Bush dared to use the expression “war on Islamofascism” , but after Muslims and dhimmis protested he quickly reverted to the meaningless term “war on terror.” This marks the intensification of an already colossal act of irresponsibility (that has become even worse under Obama) the refusal to make clear to Americans the nature of the enemy’s beliefs and motives. The very least that a president owes people whom he is asking to fight a war, after all, is a clear, honest, and complete explanation of whom and what they are up against, and why.

So here you see the bind the world is in. There is a large percentage of Muslims that just go by the five pillars of faith and know little about what is in the Koran, or chose to ignore it. But there is also a significant percentage that does know, and takes it seriously believing the Koran to be the literally true words of God.The world’s problem is how to separate the two and stop the violent ones. One answer is that it can’t be done, the only solution then being to eliminate Islam from the face of the earth, as happened to the Aztec religion. This should not be a shocking idea. Hundreds of religions have come and gone. There is no reason to attach any importance to the claim by someone that God gave them a “final revelation” through an angel. The other solution is to keep the violent ones at bay, threatening catastrophic retaliation, but that would involve huge collateral damage. The remaining solution is to change what the Koran says, everyone accept a more benign interpretation. That is the pipe dream of “moderates.”
Meantime, the problem for America is the need to bring the issue out in the open. As it is, media and academia , and even our new government, are disarming America in the face of the greatest threat it has ever faced.

Chapters 7, 8, and 9 of Diana West’s, “The Death of the Grown-Up.” “a compelling case against the childishness that is subverting the struggle aganst jihadist Islam”, contain the most penetrating analyisis of the world crisis with Islam that we have. Here is a sample:

“It may be that the only faith on earth more messianic than Islam is multiculturalism. Maybe that is because its irrational faith in the chimera of universalism relies on a perpetual suspension of disbelief that contradicts
inescapable Western traditions of logic and analysis. If distinctions between the West and Islam were articulated, if the “meeting of cultures” were recast as a conflict of cultures , if the incompatibility of Western secular logic and Islamic divine revelation were evaluated, if Islamization were perceived as a threat to the West, if clash were to allowed to ring out – Islam itself would remain unchanged , but the whole multicultural project would come tumbling down. And to the multiculti priesthood, that would be apostasy,Western style.

The penalty of such apostoasy is not death, as in Islam, but the resulting abysss is an existential crisis that the multiculturalists will avoid at any cost. Better to put faith in “fruitful exchanges.” Better to preach “universal values”. Better to tolerate the intolerant .Better to pretend. Better to lie. Better to barricade the public square , and station guards at synagogues and churches. Better to dispense bulletproof vests to civil servants. Better to guard public buildings with gauntlets of metal detectors and Jersey walls. Better to search granny’s purse. Better to search granny.”

In other words, the real reason our secular elities in media and academia won’t tell America why nuclear attack is coming, can’t face the fact of the bankruptcy of multiculturalism, is ultimately metaphysical in nature. One needs to go back to Tillich, and bone up on “ontological anxiety” to understand a betrayal as complete as this one.

They would rather die and take all of us with them, than turn to God ?

As Gregory Davis says this in ending his book, “Religion of Peace ?’”

“It seems that the secular West is determined not to hear the bad news. It is hoping against hope that things are not as bad as they seem. It is hoping that the myriad acts of violence around the world done in the name of Allah are somehow not indicative of “real” Islam. It is hoping that Muslims throughout the world calling for the destruction of America and Europe are just blowing hot air. Hoping that Islam – a religion founded by one of history’s great warlords; a religion that waged wars of aggression and conquest for over a thousand years, that slaughtered and enslaved untold millions and invented modern genocide, and that today is the only force in the world that produces terrorism, suicide bombings, hostage-taking, organized rape, and massacres on a massive scale, that this strange, seething, violent mass, is somehow a “religion of peace .” Rejecting this fiction and standing up to be counted will determine whether or not we survive the twenty-first century.”

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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