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Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/21/2009 12:58:50 AM
I really like it when folks speak up and here is a voice that bears attention.


By Rabbi Nachum Shifren
December 20, 2009

American Muslims Learn to Slit Throats--in N.Y.??!

You gotta love these terrorists! They make a video for the world to see , and tell us that the majority of America are Muslims--WITHOUT A DOUBT!

But I ask my fellow Americans tonight to take a closer look at the video: you'll see something that I bet you skipped over. The leaders of the Muslim terrorists, bent on vanquishing America, are home-grown blacks. In fact, I could've sworn that Muhammad character was an ex-teacher buddy of mine, constantly griping to me about how the Whites must be made to pay....(for what? to whom?which Whites?)

I'm waiting for Rev. Al Sharpton to call these thugs and punks, "black interlopers!"

Looking closely at the leaders of the female Jihaddists, again, you'll see a black woman marching in front. These are not Blacks from Mogadishu or Somalia, brought in to "foment" the local brothers. Nor are they African nationalists, or radical separatists, here to stoke revolution.

No, I'll tell you who these miscreants are: THEY'RE MY FORMER STUDENTS!

Like a lone voice, crying out in the desert, I have put the uncomfortable and painful questions to my fellow teachers, both here locally in Los Angeles, and around the nation. The query is always the same: what do you think will happen when the Black "achievement gap", drop-out rates, incarceration rates, rate of out-of-wedlock babies, gang affiliation, reach critical mass? How long before those kids you "passed" with a "D" grade, letting them "walk" at graduation, will become a threat to the very fabric of this nation? How will all the ridiculous, desperate, half-baked measures such as "midnight basketball" and millions thrown at "multi-cultural ism" and self-esteem classes fend off a bitter youth, tired of the hegemony of White America, willing to make the ultimate statement against an impotent White educational system that instead of TEACHING, has offended for so long the senses of young Blacks with drivel and spew about "diversity" and "cultural sensitivity?"

And now, at this late hour, as I and many shocked teachers watch our former students take up arms and learn a different "curricula" designed to refine ways of separating us from our heads, now it is too late to say, OOPS, SORRY!

This is the greatest crime every committed against our country. Herein lies the basis for the total destruction of our society, at every level. The toxic elixir doled out by America's teachers, the racial pandering and condescension has been so thoroughly pervasive, it has created its own justification and bureaucracy, even if it will absolutely kill us! Not one teacher has the guts to say: White guilt is responsible for this new American holocaust about to be sprung from our TVs to our very laps.

What's more insidious is that White America cannot save itself, and thereby must plunge all of America into the abyss. We simply have no more teachers or administrators with the guts and patriotic fortitude to tell it like it is! THOSE THAT WERE ABLE TO SUCK IT UP AND, AND WITH THEIR CAREERS ON THE LINE, SAY IT LIKE IT IS, HAVE ALL BEEN FIRED! Let's assume I'm wrong, where are these "educrats" with the temerity to admit that our foundation of education has been a lie and a fraud, abetting the destruction of ours and Western culture?

If your blood doesn't curdle after seeing the video of these Black Americans playing Jihad at one of the MANY Jihad training camps here in OUR HEARTLAND, then you are the problem and I am asking you to keep your mouth shut, and your opinions to yourself. EITHER LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY!

For those who truly do believe that we have nowhere to go, no leftist shangrilas "over there" to abscond to, no more "can you imagine" tunes to listen to, then there is a bitter pill that I am asking our fellow Americans--OF ALL COLORS AND CREEDS--to swallow, to get over it, to divest ourselves of our illusions about race and "diversity."


If we are to survive here in America, we must:

train elite groups of educators that are non-white, superteachers and administrators, versed in Americana, steeped in patriotism, modern-day inner city heroes, afraid of nothing but the Creator of Heaven and Earth, to totally remake our schools into safe, academically rigorous centers of excellence and leadership

fire and disband ALL teachers unions

assign some version of ROTC to every school across the land (those of us veterans that have been thoroughly trained with weapons, are quite satiated and don't feel the need to blow away our fellow Americans for the sake of being "heavy on the trigger")

require MANDATORY pledge of allegiance by all students and staff, FACING THE FLAG, STANDING AT ATTENTION

instead of the usual bi-lingual bilge and hokus pokus announcements, require a two-minute reading from excerpts of our founding fathers, replete with patriotic and nationalistic arousing passages designed to let our students know, constantly, upon whose shoulders they stand. OUR STUDENTS SIMPLY HAVE NO CLUE ABOUT WHERE THEY ARE OR WHAT THEY'RE DOING! We have raised them in a socialistic incubator, where victimization is standard and the weaker or more effeminate, the better.

require a crash course on physical fitness. I don't mean goofing off on the football field with Frisbees. Our students need to have rigorous and regular training. The fires of Hell that burn in these kids through the deluge of Rap and total titillation from sexual innuendo in our corrupted media, must be met head on through hard work and honest sweat.

separate boys from girls. Period. When the school starts to become an excellent showcase about American values and altruism, then that can be modified.

uniforms mandatory. When everyone is getting a 3.0 GPA, then we can talk about "doing your own thing."

All staff must create a whole new image of professionalism. Suits and ties, dresses, are just the fare for those wayfaring youth without a vision of success. Since we're teaching excellence and professionalism, THEN WE MUST SET AN EXAMPLE.

Nobody graduates unless they've done several hundred hours of community service. We created this "ME-FIRST MONSTER." Now we must rein it in.

For those students that cannot, or will not abide by the above, then there's "Tent City." After they've felonized or otherwise lost their privilege to live in society, they can remain in the desert, housed with simple army tents, surrounded by barbed wire. Since they didn't learn in school and showed their disdain for the taxpayers who have been nursing them along at a rate of $12,000/year, essentially ripping off the taxpayers, then they will be forced to accept real consequences for their decision to rape, pillage, burglarize, or otherwise jeopardize their fellow citizens. There, with enough food to stay alive, they'll be taught how to be a man or young lady, with skills to abet their re-introduction to society. If they become tired of the spartan conditions therein, then that will be their motivation to never return.

Sounds too draconian? Then you are the very liberal who brought this Hell of Jihad to our shores!
Seems to "fantastic" to implement? Then you are the bureaucrat that, so indifferently, shrugged while a whole army of youth "got by" through failing and goofing off, all on the taxpayers' dime!

For twenty two years I have taught at "inner city" schools. Each time I attempted to raise the "academic bar," I was browbeaten by my colleagues of "color."

"Rabbi," they would condescendingly whine," this is an inner city school. You can't expect them to behave or perform at the level you're requiring of them. You have to tone it down, chill out a bit", was the mantra.

And now, behold, our own brand of "home-grown terror." Life is cyclical. Just like the 60's evolved from the Eisenhower years, so too will our country come to its senses with a battle plan to hold our youth accountable in carrying down the dream and vision of our founding fathers. We will either turn the corner on this absolute travesty in inculcating our young people, or we shall stop being America. The time is spent. The illusions of the past, the vapid and seditious present program offered by those socialist molders of false utopias, have come to a grinding halt with Jihad in our land. Just as they are convinced of their victory and subjugation of our land, so too must we gird our loins with the fire and revolutionary spirit so long ago buried in the musty and fictitious halls of academia.

© 2009 Nachum Shifren - All Rights Reserved

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Rabbi Shifren is a southern California native. He graduated from UC Santa Barbara with a degree in Spanish and German literature. He has been a language teacher in LA City schools since 1992. He is also fluent in Hebrew.

Rabbi Shifren received his ordination in Jerusalem in 1990 and is a talmudic scholar. Having lived in Israel for nearly a decade, he has been an observer and commentator of developments in Israel, the Israeli and foreign press, and the recent rise of Islamic Jihad.

He is also the dirctor of "surf and soul" surfcamp, where teens learn self-discipline, proper attitude, and physical fitness. A Malibu surfer since 1962, he is known universally as the surfing rabbi. Through his seminars and classes, he has taught thousand the challenge and thrill of wave riding and the postive aspects of the surfing life style.

Rabbi Shifren has declared his candidacy for the Calif. State Senate in 2010, and is the only candidate to openly pledge to oppose the advent of Sharia law in the United States. He is a tireless supporter of individual freedoms and preserving the distinctive greatness of America, her language, and culture. Known for his no-nonsense approach to education and prison reform, Rabbi Shifren is in his own class of patriotism and staunch conservative values.

Rev. Jesse Lee Petersen said: "If we had 10 more teachers like Rabbi Shifren, we could turn America around tomorrow."



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/21/2009 2:27:28 AM
Hi Jim,

The Rabbi Nachum Sihfren after my quick research appears to be a reasonable fellow.
I found this article of his. He affirms me in my believes.

In the article Jim posted here, he says this.

Looking closely atthe leaders of the female Jihaddists, again, you'll see a black womanmarching in front. These are not Blacks from Mogadishu or Somalia,brought in to "foment" the local brothers. Nor are they Africannationalists, or radical separatists, here to stoke revolution.


No, I'll tell you who these miscreants are: THEY'RE MY FORMER STUDENTS!

This is thegreatest crime every committed against our country. Herein lies thebasis for the total destruction of our society, at every level. Thetoxic elixir doled out by America's teachers, the racial pandering andcondescension has been so thoroughly pervasive, it has created its ownjustification and bureaucracy, even if it will absolutely kill us! Notone teacher has the guts to say: White guilt is responsible for thisnew American holocaust about to be sprung from our TVs to our verylaps.

What's moreinsidious is that White America cannot save itself, and thereby mustplunge all of America into the abyss. We simply have no more teachersor administrators with the guts and patriotic fortitude to tell it likeit is! THOSE THAT WERE ABLE TO SUCK IT UP AND, AND WITH THEIR CAREERSON THE LINE, SAY IT LIKE IT IS, HAVE ALL BEEN FIRED! Let's assume I'mwrong, where are these "educrats" with the temerity to admit that ourfoundation of education has been a lie and a fraud, abetting thedestruction of ours and Western culture?

Virtually he blames himself for contributing to this situation. In addition he says that this people in the video (I believe this is the video you have shown on previous pages) are his students and not even the Muslims. They rather be the Muslims than what American Governments offers them right now, which is what? Total lack of integrity, lies and corruption maybe selling drugs?

Later he says.


train elite groups of educators that are non-white, superteachers andadministrators, versed in Americana, steeped in patriotism, modern-dayinner city heroes, afraid of nothing but the Creator of Heaven andEarth, to totally remake our schools into safe, academically rigorouscenters of excellence and leadership

I believe he is wrong here. The people in the video believe that they are Americans and they want to defend this country form crooks like neocons, banksters like Goldman-Shachs, and corporations which want to vaccinate us all with vaccine against genetically engineered virus H1N, which has been created by people running WHO. Anyone standing up against this garbage and risking their live is for me a hero. These young people are true patriots. Maybe they are not going to get very far with this, but they are giving all the have.

Then he continues after making a long list of harsh limitations for students.


For those studentsthat cannot, or will not abide by the above, then there's "Tent City."After they've felonized or otherwise lost their privilege to live insociety, they can remain in the desert, housed with simple army tents,surrounded by barbed wire. Since they didn't learn in school and showedtheir disdain for the taxpayers who have been nursing them along at arate of $12,000/year, essentially ripping off the taxpayers, then theywill be forced to accept real consequences for their decision to rape,pillage, burglarize, or otherwise jeopardize their fellow citizens.There, with enough food to stay alive, they'll be taught how to be aman or young lady, with skills to abet their re-introduction tosociety. If they become tired of the spartan conditions therein, thenthat will be their motivation to never return.

Here I'm starting to believe that maybe I was too generous in saying that Rabbi is a reasonable guy.

This is very close to what communist or fascists or even radical Muslims
would do in fact they did this kind of things.

What do you do when you lose all your arguments? You use force as a teacher? If you have to use force Rabbi, you are not a teacher, at best you are very bad teacher.

So Rabbi, I suggest that instead of complaining about the young people who want to be as independent thinking as possible who have creative nature, who bring new ideas to the world, who are the only ones to stand up against tyranny, who are the only ones who can go and endanger their lives for what they believe in, if you want to be a patriot and earn their respect, remove cancer from this country first or help them doing this.

The organism which is affected by cancer can only do so much and only for very short time. In order to make any sense of doing anything, you need to get the cancer out first. If the country is infected with cancerous agents it is hard to continue doing what you were doing. You have to kill the agents first or they will kill you. So even these young people as you suggest are failing grade students, can see the problem, they are ready to risk their life for their country. You think that putting them under harsh regulations will cure the problem? The more oppressive the regime, the more radicalized are those young people going to become. If you want to be a teacher, put your ass on the line and take the risk. Tell them what is the real problem in this country and risk as much as you can to convince them. Maybe this way you will learn their respect.

Bogdan Fiedur
Peter Fogel

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/21/2009 12:50:27 PM
Hello Bogdan,

The United States is considered to be the "Melting Pot" of the world cos of the many different cultures and religions that together comprise what turned out to be one of the greatest countries in the world. The very fact that so many different mentalities and cultures were able to integrate into one society despite the different belief structures was and still is what made it great. The respect for others beliefs and inherent right to maintain their different religions is the crux of the issues facing the United States and the world today. These issues are exacerbating with the problem of Radical Islam and their belief that Islam is the one and only true religion and the supremacy of Islam above all other religions.

They are stating publicly and freely this belief and have no qualms in promoting in any way the ascendancy of Islam and Muslims above all others and their quest for world domination. Just yesterday in the UK a war memorial was defaced by Muslims although the MSM, local and national government claimed it was done by "far right" activists when you read the defacement you have no doubts who these far righter's are.

This is just an example of what is in their minds and shows what their true agenda is. You can read more about this here.

I am using this as an example even though in this instance there was no violence associated with the act it shows the mindset of the Muslims and what they have in store for us. When you read the Koran and listen to their leaders and Imams blatantly calling for Jihad against all nonbelievers/infidels you begin to understand that this problem is here to stay unless dealt with by the different governments and nations of the world.

A final word on this subject in this post. The video I posted a few days ago in which the speaker claims that according to their census poll the majority of Americans are Muslim and that their charter is based on that fact; when he states the United States is "ours" he is speaking in the name of Islam and not Americans of all faiths and religions. Watch and listen to the video again and see for yourself.

The world was dominated and in many places still are by totalitarian and tyrannical governments whether they be communistic, fascistic, kingdoms or other variants of total control of the masses and lack of freedom of the peoples. Many are still recovering from those regimes and becoming free nations in comparison to what they once were. Yet then as now there are behind the scenes the puppet masters that are still pulling the strings and controlling in their way the leaders of the different countries of the world. The purse strings are always the main control organism and they do have control of that without a doubt. Yet, their control isn't total yet and can be stopped if the peoples of the world rise and tell them no more.

There is a current in the United States today where this is becoming evident and the people are protesting and making their displeasure known. The politicians are in a quandary since they fear their time is limited and are doing all in their power to maintain their control by passing laws that will curtail the freedoms of the people in the hope that by doing so they will continue to remain in power and do with the masses anything they wish to do. B Hussein Obowma is the leader of this bunch of pack rats and he too knows how little time he has left. He's accomplished nothing in the year since he came to "power" and regardless of his popularity among the sheeples many are awakening to the dangers this man represents. His popularity is plummeting and his time is running out less then 365 days into his regime.

If the people awaken in time and oust all the degenerate and corrupt politicians this will be a first warning to the Illuminati, Bildenbergs and oligarchs that are the puppet masters that they too are in trouble and they better run for the hills. It's all in the hands of the people.

Democracy is the best form of government in the world today. Yet there is a problem with it that is very evident from the state of the United States today. The rule of Democracy is that the majority wins or rules and if the sheeples elect the wrong person he can curtail their freedoms simply by that fact alone.

But, the United States is not only a democracy but a Republic and the major difference is that it is ruled by law. Namely,the Constitution and Bill of Rights which is the law of the land. What is happening today in the US under B Hussein Obowma is that he's trying to rewrite the constitution and in the end the people won't stand for that and show him and his minions the door. When that happens it'll put paid to B Hussein and his puppet masters. For the time being at least since this is an ongoing fight and the PEOPLE have to be aware that there are those that want to curtail their inherent rights and be ever ready to fight to retain them by any means necessary.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/21/2009 6:46:19 PM

They are stating publicly and freely this belief and have no qualms in promoting in any way the ascendancy of Islam and Muslims above all others and their quest for world domination. Just yesterday in the UK a war memorial was defaced by Muslims although the MSM, local and national government claimed it was done by "far right" activists when you read the defacement you have no doubts who these far righter's are.

This is just an example of what is in their minds and shows what their true agenda is. You can read more about this here.

Peter. Neither MSM nor you are probably correct as MSM and you are just speculating.
I don't think just judging by the message you will know who did it.

My view on this is as follows and although still speculation, it doesn't attempt to claim which one of them is true.

1. It was done by those who opposed Muslims. It is all what I have been saying all along, that government propaganda in US an Uk is helping with igniting this kind of hate and encouraging extremist groups to cause those actions. It is one of th Hitler schools.

2. If this was done by Muslims themselves, than this the reaction to what UK an US is doing in Iraq and Afghanistan. What UK and US is doing right now there is criminal and I hope there will be a Nuremberg for this some time in the future. If my country was occupied by them I would by writing similar message adequate to my situation. I hope that Tony Blair who is now having job with JP-Morgan will be made eventually responsible and Bush will be announced as a war criminal end will stay till end of his life in high security jail on some island.

There is large portion of your email which agrees with my views particularly in regards to current president.
I'm sure you are aware of this DVD, but some people might be not. It reveals things about Obama.

Here is one additional piece of information from Alex's site.

President Barack Obama– with a great conflict of interest– was a founding investment partner in the Chicago Climate Exchange alongside Maurice Strong, a top Rockefeller agent and leading climate change schemer.

Obama should be impeached before he creates more damage.

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/21/2009 8:20:50 PM

Jim, I hope it is okay to post here. While there are very few things written here that I would come close to agreeing with, what I do believe is that our world needs more concern for other people and lots less greed from leaders. I only have that to say and won't discuss further because I am not as informed as those posting here. I just wanted to 'break the breech' and stop by to leave some of these.

and to wish all of you


Hello Sara,

I believe that your post and flowers create a good atmosphere regardless of the situation. We always need that in spite of all the troubles. This is the part which we need in any struggle.

If we think positive, nobody can take it from us, yet we need to understand that there are laws of physics which our positive thinking can't abolish.

We can't get angry about facts and laws, but we need to be aware of them and understand their mechanics so we know where to direct our positive thinking and that we are not surprised, which can subconsciously take us from positive thinking into negative one.

Bogdan Fiedur

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