There are many things we agree upon and much we don't. The Global Warming scam/hoax for sure and many unanswered questions in regard to the 9/11 attack. Alex Jones' conspiracy theories raise many questions many of which are in limbo and remain unanswered. Yet until proven they remain in the category of theories and no more. We all have questions about that fateful day and the collapse of building 7 is one of them.
The question of WTC number 7 and of course hundreds of others related to it are the crucial questions on which I'm basing my discussion here. I don't state that Islam doesn't have its problems, all I'm saying is that we have bigger problems to deal with. I have already made up my mind and spent months doing research about 9/11 if not years. My knowledge about this topic goes beyond this discussion we are having here. As I stated many times I lived half of my life in the totalitarian state and my prospective and alertness to those issues is 100 times more tuned into than average North American person. I had to give up everything I had and leave my country. I had to learn new language, customs and start from scratch.
Americans were helping Hitler during first years of IIWW. Rockefeller was supplying oil products for the sake of ammunition (about 80% of the demand), Bush was laundering monies for Nazis and Americans were inspiration for Hitler with their eugenics program. This was very promising relationship until Germans appeared to be loosing the war and it looked like the good income might stop and Russians might take control of Europe. They needed a good reason to go to war because there was no public support for it, so they gathered all their ships and fleet in one place and made sure that Japanese find out about it.
Then they join the war of course with public support (much like 9/11) and show up as the saviors when Russians were on their way to capture the west. Of course there is more details to it.
Why I'm telling you this. Big money was behind those wars before and behind the wars which are bing fought today. You can't prove anything until those monsters are in power.
You need to believe in it, get rid of them and then you will find your proofs.
I have all the proofs I needed watching what US did during cold war before it and now.
Within year or two, once hyperinflation makes US dollar worth less than the paper on which it was printed, US people will show you all the proofs you are looking for. Neocons, banksters will be running like rats from North America to some other place where they can continue their scam. Probably this will be Europe again. UE is almost ready to be taken control of with the new president pointed by Bilderbergs and total lack of democracy in European parliament. Probably Euro will become the new most important reserve currency which they control already anyway. The America as we know it, will be gone in two years without Muslims even blinking.
So if you are concerned who will be dominating this world look at real issues.
I won't be worried about being hit by lightning when I'm sitting on the burning stove.
If you base your claim on the fact that MSM doesn't talk about the conspiracy theories in regard to 9/11 they in fact do
Of course they do, they call them conspiracy theories and their purpose is to ridicule anybody who believes in them. They are creating the perception that intelligent person should not believe in such stories and many people just to not look stupid don't mention them.
Hitler said. "The bigger the lie, the harder it is to deny it"
I'd rather will be wrong with accepting some theories than ignore it and help creating another Hitler.
In the science world it is said that if you are not a skeptic of any idea, you are not a good scientist.
Unfortunately in every day life and in politics, it is exactly the opposite. You are expected to believe anything your government is telling you, or you are a troublemaker. You need to be politically correct and behave in certain ways or you are a weirdo.
The more totalitarian is the government the more it will try to ridicule anybody who is against their totalitarian power. At first they will ignore you, and when you are too vocal they will ridicule you and if this doesn't help, they will call a terrorist or find a good reason to make criminal out of you.
To purport that the plan is to exterminate the Muslims like the Nazis exterminated the Jews borders on the ridiculous. Let's be realistic. There are over 1,500,000,000 (one and half billion) Muslims in the world, how my friend is their extermination going to be accomplished? And who is interested in doing that to begin with? The Neocons? If so how? C'mon let's get real?
I didn't mean they would be totally exterminated. I meant they will lose their lives. Although there is a difference between exterminating the nation and killing bunch of people, from the point view of humanity there is no difference if you kill 10 mln people from one nation or from several nations. For the individual person there is no difference when this person dies if they are Jews or if they are Muslims. There is simply life taken away.
Each day Americans and allies are killing Muslims in Afghanistan, Irak, Pakistan (Blackwater) and soon who knows where. If it comes to unrest in US or European countries where Muslims have large population and their government will look for a scape goats, like in 9/11 case, there will be a lots of citizen which will belive it and will turn against those Muslims. This is why I was saying that Muslims have to get ready for this case scenario.
You ended off by saying: Quote:
"Democracy was a good try, but we need something more lasting".
Now I wonder what option you have to offer that will be more lasting? I see that you edited the page and added onto your original post but the question still stands as is.
I have edited my post because it was difficult to ready in the format I ended it. I have also added couple words to the above statement to make sure that I'm not misunderstood.
Democracy is a great mechanism and possibly the only one which ever gave the chance to humanity to correct their direction if they are off track. The problem with democracy is that it can be easily manipulated by those who are in power and who are entrusted. Democratic system can only work properly when money is entirely removed from the process of governing. A politician should represent their constituency and not the corporations which is the case now.
The big farce of choosing president of US, is a big realty show, which has totally no influence on what the president will actually do. It is a show much like a gladiators show in ancient Rome to satisfy the blood thirsty public and misdirect its attention to issues which have no effect whatsoever on their lives.
Bogdan Fiedur