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Wall-E...the sad future of human kind
1/30/2010 8:15:19 PM
Wall-E...the sad future of human kind

I'm uploading this video to make a point about the dangers for human kind, if we become addicted and cover all our needs, through the internet. This started from a discussion, about e-learning in my university class, and how education would lose it's very important role to socialize people, but it's also a lesson for human kind.

Is this the future after we place so much of our mundane tasks to machines as suggested by the "Venus Project". Really if machines do all this for us what need will the "Elites and Intellectuals" have need for the rest of humanity. Doubtful to say the least.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Flag of Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/30/2010 11:30:06 PM
Some interesting videos that include some interesting facts. Some of which may explain what is happening in our government. Why Pelosi looks scared out of her skull half the time. Especially when they are unable to move certain legislation forward. Something sure seem to be driving them and I cannot believe greed is the sole purpose of their antics.

First thing I notice in the above video is the lack of individuality.

Who has the largest families?

Nonie Darwish on TGS 5: Creeping Sharia, Jihad, and Islam's Expansionist Aspirations

Muslim Cleric: How to Lie about Islam

The Rise of Islam in Europe

Is this an excuse now?

The teaching of Islamofascism in the west

Islam the Enemy - by The Southern Avenger

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to becomedominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be thehighest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion onEarth.” ~ Omar M. Ahmad – Co-founder of CAIR

Hello Jim,

I watched all videos.
The main conclusion from it is that while Western (mostly judo-christian ) population is declining, Muslims are increasing due to the fact that western cutlers are just not bringing enough new babies. If Obama is bowing to them, this is just that he is bowing to his new electorate. There is nothing western culture can do to curb down amount of new babies born in poor Islamic countries. Of course if they became richer, they would slow down their baby production, but this is not going to happen anytime soon as even those new immigrant Muslims to America and Europe are being paid below minimum salary. I can tell something about it as I was being paid half of the minim salary while in Germany for four years and those Muslim imigrants were on the same jobs as I was.

Those who complain about being replaced by Muslims, should think what it can be done so everybody lives in peace as opposed to look for ways to eliminate them. Based on the numbers and trends, Muslim population in their old countries and their new countries will increase.

You can accept it and work towards helping Muslim earning better salaries so they start being more educated and slow down their reproduction and start looking beside their religion and start seeing what is wrong with it, or you can antagonize them and push them down, which will radicalize them, strengthen their religion and bring them together against western population. Which will allow all radical factions to justify their terror attacks and defiance.

True shadow government which are Federal Reserve Goldman-Sachs, Rockefellers, JPMorgans, CIA and Rothschildes want the second.

It is up to you which path you choose.
Unfortunately seeing how educated people let themselves to be lead to destruction through greed and well designed propaganda, doesn't offer too much hope.

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/31/2010 12:06:59 AM

The Sharp Dressed Man Who Aided Mutallab Onto Flight 253 Was a U.S. Government Agent

Kurt Haskell
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Please note that in the article that follows, I am not claiming that the U.S. Government knew Mutallab had a bomb or intended to hurt anyone on Flight 253 when the U.S. Government let him board.

Since our flight landed on Christmas Day, Lori and I have been doing everything in our power to uncover the truth about why we were almost blown up in the air over Detroit. The truth is now finally out after the publication of the following Detroit News article:

Let me quote from the article:

“Patrick F. Kennedy, an undersecretary for management at the State Department, said Abdulmutallab’s visa wasn’t taken away because intelligence officials asked his agency not to deny a visa to the suspected terrorist over concerns that a denial would’ve foiled a larger investigation into al-Qaida threats against the United States.

“Revocation action would’ve disclosed what they were doing,” Kennedy said in testimony before the House Committee on Homeland Security. Allowing Adbulmutallab to keep the visa increased chances federal investigators would be able to get closer to apprehending the terror network he is accused of working with, “rather than simply knocking out one solider in that effort.”‘

Now it all becomes apparent. Let me detail everything we know about the “Sharp Dressed Man” (SDM).

1. While being held in Customs on Christmas Day, I first told the story of the SDM.

2. My story has never changed.

3. The FBI visited my office on December 29, 2009, and showed me a series of approximately 10 photographs. None were of the SDM. I asked the FBI if they brought the Amsterdam security video to help me identify the SDM, but they acted as though my request was ridiculous. The FBI asked me what accent the SDM spoke in and I indicated that he had an American accent similar to my own. I further indicated that he wore a tan suit without a tie, was Indian looking, around age 50, 6′0″ tall and 250-260 lbs. I further indicated that I did not believe that he was an airline employee and that he was not on our flight.

* A d v e r t i s e m e n t
* efoods

4. During the first week of January, 2010, Dutch Military Police and the FBI indicated that over “200 Hours” of Amsterdam airport security video had been reviewed and it “Shows Nothing”.

5. The mainstream media picked up the “Shows nothing” story, which slanders my story. After visiting my office twice for a flight 253 special, Dateline NBC and Chris Hanson indicated that my story was “Unsubstantiated rumor dispelled as myth” and our story did not air during the tv special.

6. On January 2, 2010, I receive a call from a flight 253 passenger who indicated to me that it may be in my best interest to stop talking publicly about the SDM because he believes I am “wrong” in what I saw. He did not make any claim that he saw the SDM boarding gate incident at all. This call was made out of the blue after he made a “revelation” of this event on January 1, 2010. I later discover that this caller has ties to the U.S. Government.

7. On January 20, 2009, current Director of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), Michael E. Leiter, made a startling admission. Leiter indicated that: “I will tell you, that when people come to the country and they are on the watch list, it is because we have generally made the choice that we want them here in the country for some reason or another.”

8. On January 22, 2010, CongressDaily reported that intelligence officials “have acknowledged the government knowingly allows foreigners whose names are on terrorist watch lists to enter the country in order to track their movement and activities.”

CongressDaily also reported, citing an unnamed “intelligence official” that Michael E. Leiter’s statement on January 20, 2010, reflected government policy and told the publication, “in certain situations it’s to our advantage to be able to track individuals who might be on a terrorist watch list because you can learn something from their activities and their contacts.”

9. On Janury 22, 2009, ABC News published an article that shoed a change of position in the government’s official story. Please see the following blog post for more information:

The U.S. government provided no explanation for the reason my story was initially discounted.

10. The SDM could not be from Al Qaeda. When speaking at the counter in Amsterdam, the SDM said the following “He is from Sudan, we do this all the time”. Who is “we”? If it is Al Qaeda, you surely don’t make such a statement to an airposrt security official.

11. The SDM could not be from airport security. The SDM did not dress in any secuirty uniform and did not appear to have any security badge. The SDM did not speak with a Dutch accent. The SDM dressed in a suit coat and pants. If the SDM was a higher up security official, he would not have to convince the ticket agent to let Mutallab on the plane without a valid passport. Instead, he would just order her to do it.

12. Could the SDM have been a U.S. Government official? He dressed in a suit and not a security uniform. Check. He indicated we do this all the time. Could “we” be the U.S. Government? Check. He spoke Enlish with an American accent. Check. Would he need to convice the ticket agent that this was a normal procedure to allow boarding without a passport? Check. Would he have the ability to obtain such clearance? Check. Could he enter this security area even though he wasn’t a passenger? Check. Would the ticket agent likely refer this request to a manager? Check. Would the U.S. Government not want this information public and try to hide it? Check.

13. The Amsterdam security video has not been released. A much more minor airport security violation occurred at the Newark New Jersay airport several days after the flight 253 incident. That video was released shortly thereafter.

14. Senators Levin and Stabenow, as well as Congressman Dingle, all refuse to discuss the matter with me.

With the information we already knew and the admission from the above referenced Detroit News article, we have evidence and claims made by government officials that the U.S. Government wanted Mutallab to proceed into the U.S. in order to obtain information on other terrorists involved with him. Once we take this statement and add it to my eyewitness account of a “Sharp Dressed Man” escorting Mutallab through the boarding process and allowing him to baord without a valid passport we can make the connection that the “Sharp Dressed Man” was a U.S. Government offical/agent.

The reasoning behind the following events now becomes very clear:

1. The reason Mutallab got through security despite the numerous warnings for months before our flight.

2. The reason why there have been so many lies from the U.S. Governemnt attempting to discredit my eyewitness account.

3. The reason why the Amsterdam airport security video is being hidden from the public.

4. The reason why the government is proposing a “Failed to Connect the Dots” account of the failure. The truth is too ****ing.

5. The reason why Mr. Wolf of the Obama administration indicated on the Keith Olberman Show that the White House was investigating a possible “intentional act” from within the U.S. Government as the reason for the Christmas Day attack.

6. The explanation for the cameraman and why he hasn’t been identified (Obviously, he was another U.S. Government agent) whose job was to film Mutallab for some governmental purpose.

7. The reason for the lax security after landing, which can be attributed to foreknowledge of the possible suspects involved.

8. The reason for the failure to search or secure the plane and passengers after landing, which can also be attributed to foreknowledge of the possible suspects involved.

9. The corporate media’s attempt to bury my eyewitness account.

10. Carl Levin’s, Debbie Stabenow’s and John Dingle’s intentional avoidance of my story and failure to return my calls/emails.

11. Janet Naploitano’s statement that “The System Worked”. From her point of view it probably did as this WAS PART OF THE SYSTEM!
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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/31/2010 1:54:09 AM
Some interesting videos that include some interesting facts. Some of which may explain what is happening in our government. Why Pelosi looks scared out of her skull half the time. Especially when they are unable to move certain legislation forward. Something sure seem to be driving them and I cannot believe greed is the sole purpose of their antics.

First thing I notice in the above video is the lack of individuality.

Who has the largest families?

Nonie Darwish on TGS 5: Creeping Sharia, Jihad, and Islam's Expansionist Aspirations

Muslim Cleric: How to Lie about Islam

The Rise of Islam in Europe

Is this an excuse now?

The teaching of Islamofascism in the west

Islam the Enemy - by The Southern Avenger

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to becomedominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be thehighest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion onEarth.” ~ Omar M. Ahmad – Co-founder of CAIR

Hello Jim,

I watched all videos.
The main conclusion from it is that while Western (mostly judo-christian ) population is declining, Muslims are increasing due to the fact that western cutlers are just not bringing enough new babies. If Obama is bowing to them, this is just that he is bowing to his new electorate. There is nothing western culture can do to curb down amount of new babies born in poor Islamic countries. Of course if they became richer, they would slow down their baby production, but this is not going to happen anytime soon as even those new immigrant Muslims to America and Europe are being paid below minimum salary. I can tell something about it as I was being paid half of the minim salary while in Germany for four years and those Muslim imigrants were on the same jobs as I was.

Those who complain about being replaced by Muslims, should think what it can be done so everybody lives in peace as opposed to look for ways to eliminate them. Based on the numbers and trends, Muslim population in their old countries and their new countries will increase.

You can accept it and work towards helping Muslim earning better salaries so they start being more educated and slow down their reproduction and start looking beside their religion and start seeing what is wrong with it, or you can antagonize them and push them down, which will radicalize them, strengthen their religion and bring them together against western population. Which will allow all radical factions to justify their terror attacks and defiance.

True shadow government which are Federal Reserve Goldman-Sachs, Rockefellers, JPMorgans, CIA and Rothschildes want the second.

It is up to you which path you choose.
Unfortunately seeing how educated people let themselves to be lead to destruction through greed and well designed propaganda, doesn't offer too much hope.

Bogdan Fiedur

Bogdan, Bogdan, Bogdan,

You missed this I guess

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” ~ Omar M. Ahmad – Co-founder of CAIR

Maybe I am giving you too much credit in the intelligence zone. These so called poor countries are led by a Royal Oligarchy, Islamo Fascist Regimes, or a plain old Dictators like Quackdaffy. Your insidious implications that these people are poor and live in poverty is somehow the western worlds fault? Get a clue! They have been D*amning their own people and others since the early 500 BC time.

You certainly know how to stretch a story and fail to research your history. You also fail to recognize their intentions to kill all infidels including "Catholics" which you claim to be. Whoops the Catholics are in cahoots with the Islamist these days it seems, too?

Kent Hovind is Crazy #8: Catholics created Islam Bogdan PAY Special Attention to 7:12 minutes into the video, thanks.

Almost as outrageous as Your zeal to demonize the United States is very apparent and frankly unwarranted. My personal apology to true Catholics. But this point needed to be made. IMHO

Looking to blame someone else for ones failures is a sure sign of weakness in my view. You lean towards Marxist Socialism from what I see in your writings here,makes me wonder why you left your country as you definitely embrace the concept strongly which is quite obvious along with a distaste for the Jewish persuasion.

You expect people to believe that our two countries have so much influence in the world as to overrule governments and are responsible for the atrocities brought upon these people by their own governing bodies no matter a dictatorship, Oligarchy or Monarchy. So much so as to lay blame on the doorstep of American citizens and their government.

Bogdan, step back and think a bit about your positions. Because now I believe you are the one with a lack of learning skills and cannot be educated.

Americans tolerance of those that are intolerable of Americans is America's problem and many are waking up.

Thanks for helping to stir the pot. The wake up call is being heard and your unpopular position will be noted.

Jim Allen III
Independent American Patriot

Shariah Finance Laws has inundated the worlds financial markets and this is what is causing the issues worldwide in my view.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/31/2010 6:50:39 AM
“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” ~ Omar M. Ahmad – Co-founder of CAIR

Maybe I am giving you too much credit in the intelligence zone.


Intelligence is a very questionable option/parameter.
To be able to discuss about it (with anyone), one should have been, at least, on the same level. Here, this condition misses.
Weak arguments usually seek for a helping insults.
That won`t stop Quran to be what it is, and to become really ONLY ACCEPTED RELIGION UPON EARTH.
The descendants of the Christian missioners, usually play on "instant memory" mode. THEY FORGOT TOO MUCH.

To be honest ( or objective) in this discussion ... one should think a bit deeper.

Anton Petrovci


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