NOTE:He is also rumored to have been the salesman of the gas used in the gaschambers. But much of that information has been washed away, but he diddo non-intellectual work! And was possibly the salesman of poison gasto the Nazis:
Show me any other source claiming this except the Kent Hovind slides.
As we know he cheated Americans for close to $1 million. Didn't he cheat this time? hmmmm.
I'm not sure if he can be trusted. Definitely he is not smart enough, knowing that he is very controversial and at the same time not paying taxes. Average intelligent person would know that if you fight with the fire, you will be burned with the fire and you should expect it. Since he doesn't seem to understand this, the things he is saying are not very reliable.
By the way it was the Nazies who produces the poison gas. Why would they need a Polish salesmen who sell it to them?
Can you still reason or I'm expecting too much from you?
Since this discussion started, reasoning wasn't the strongest part of your arguments. Mostly personal attacks on the opposing party (me) and lack of substance, if anything than mostly rumors like you said yourself above. Can I call you the rumor guy from this point on?
Here it says,
Cyclon B was produced by the German firm "Degesch," whose profits from sales of the gas from 1941-1944 exceeded 300,000 German Marks ($500,000 U.S.). The heirs of this fortune are still alive today.
So not only it wasn't IG Farben like you criminal friend Kent Hovind says, but it was "Degesch". Oopps. So far your story doesn't hold the ground.
Wow, there is a version of American
Degesh too.'s keep digging and see if there was any association of that company to produce poison gas for Nazies. I will keep you posted.
Anyway thanks for bringing this to my attention.
You can check some of the
links here for your convenience.
Let me know if you find anything incriminating, this might help a bit with your own credibility.
You didn't impress me with your unreliable claims of making outrageous incomes.
I will do some digging about this company soon and their claims.
Bogdan Fiedur