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Islam the Enemy - by The Southern Avenger
1/30/2010 6:29:36 AM
Some interesting videos that include some interesting facts. Some of which may explain what is happening in our government. Why Pelosi looks scared out of her skull half the time. Especially when they are unable to move certain legislation forward. Something sure seem to be driving them and I cannot believe greed is the sole purpose of their antics.

First thing I notice in the above video is the lack of individuality.

Who has the largest families?

Nonie Darwish on TGS 5: Creeping Sharia, Jihad, and Islam's Expansionist Aspirations

Muslim Cleric: How to Lie about Islam

The Rise of Islam in Europe

Is this an excuse now?

The teaching of Islamofascism in the west

Islam the Enemy - by The Southern Avenger

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to becomedominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be thehighest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion onEarth.” ~ Omar M. Ahmad – Co-founder of CAIR

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: Islam the Enemy - by The Southern Avenger
1/30/2010 4:16:08 PM
Hello Jim,

It appears that the holocaust question has risen in this thread and I wonder if people realize the importance of reminding the world of the atrocities of Hitler, his Nazi goons and supporters in many of the countries they occupied during WWW II.

It's interesting that there are those that can easily find Jewish Jew and Israel haters in order to "prove" a point. No one really understands what the point really is since the Holocaust happened and the world has to be reminded of it again and again especially when you consider the rampant rise of Antisemitism in the world and of course that includes anti Israel hatred at the same time.

Finding Jewish Jew and Israel haters isn't hard to do and this tactic has been used in the past by another member of Adland. The point then was to prove the legitimacy of his personal antisemitism by using Jews to do it.

Are there some that might have profited by the Holocaust? Most probably and that's quite despicable. Does that mean the world shouldn't be reminded of the Holocaust year after year??? Definitely not. It's a moral necessity and will continue to be until the world will no longer suffer from this hateful and inexcusable hatred of the Jewish religion and its people.

Below is part of a post from my forum and the rest can be read there.



Hello Friends,

Last Thursday on the International Holocaust Remembrance Day President Peres spoke in the German Bundestag and Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu spoke at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp in Poland. Both reminded the world that the threat of a future holocaust is alive with the Iranians stating unequivocally their agenda to destroy Israel and their threat of becoming a nuclear power in the very near future while the world stands by and does nothing aside from lip service to "future" sanctions. B Hussein Obowma has set deadlines that have been changed at least three times since he took office and the Iranians are telling him and the world they're not interested in any of their proposals and for them it's business as usual and buying more time to reach their ultimate goal. Nuclear Weapons!

With the rampant rise of antisemitism in the world 2009 was considered the worst year since 1945 with antisemitic acts throughout Europe and the world. So much so that in Sweden Jewish families are leaving due to the rise of antisemitism there by Radical Muslims and a partnership with radicals from both the left and right.

Read the rest here.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
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RE: Islam the Enemy - by The Southern Avenger
1/30/2010 6:30:05 PM
Bill Whittle goes to Washington, DC to investigate radical Islam's influence over our government and access to our national security secrets. Two whistleblowers have the chilling details.

In part two of Bill Whittle's investigation of radical Islam's influence over our government, a former FBI special agent discusses how our government has looked the other way as an Islamic insurrection mounts within our borders.

You really cannot deny the facts and the intent of Radical Islam any longer. IMHO


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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A World Without America
1/30/2010 6:47:05 PM
After all the anti-American influences this makes you think.

This is the fourth of 18 Doughty Street TV's weekly adverts. At a time of rampant anti-Americanism this ad aims to remind the world of the great economic, technological and political benefits that the US has brought to the world. This advert was produced for Doughty Media Limited trading as 18 Doughty Street Talk TV - no longer trading.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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Islamic Sharia Law in the USA
1/30/2010 6:53:19 PM
Islamic Sharia Law in the USA

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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