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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/29/2010 2:11:55 AM

What is a Progressive? (and why they should scare you) Part 1

Hi Jim,

I'm trying to understand your way of thinking and have read this article twice as you quite often refer to progressives who have took over the country and you are making them responsible for all the bad things which happened to America.

(Also, do you spam your own forum? How is this article related to Muhammad and Quran?)

When reading the explanation who progressives are, only at the end we are finding what is wrong with being progressive. It appears that initial ideas of progressives were not bad at all.

Here is the statement from the article.

Their patience paid off in 2008 after G.W. Bush’s unpopular second term.

So this tells me that progressives have been screwing up America for only two years, which suggest to me that up to this moment America was fine.

The Bush's unpopular terms was just a fluke. He has invaded two countries, killed over 1 million people (just a bit shy of holocaust) , removed the constitution through patriot act (not to mention that his father and his grandfather has been either running wars or were supporting Nazis), and the America started falling down in 2008.

Give me a break.

I'm sure Henry Ford who got recognition from Hitler for special achievement for Nazis, has not been part of the progressives. I'm sure that all the Federal Reserve people, Standard Oil, ITT, Dupont, JPMorgan, Rockefeller, GE, GM who created Nazis and helped them running the war on various fronts, who helped Soviet Revolution, who sold nuclear technology and all components to build nuclear bomb to Russians were not Progressives. What about Goldman-Sachs, Bernenke, Geithner are they Progressives?

I'm trying to show you for weeks that people who are at the top of their political carers are people who are there only because they have been and they expressed interests to represent interests of money cartels. It doesn't matter what their political belonging is, all what matters is if they serve the financial cartels. You said in other forum that Obama does what Bush started. Obam is Goldman-Sachs person. He is there only because he has obligated himself to work for them. Goldman-Sachs, Al Gore and Obama (although he indirectly) are shareholders in Chicago Climate Exchange, which is setup to trade carbon gas emissions. The plan is to tax the world for CO2 and they would be beneficiaries of it.

See this clip. All the people mentioned there who work now for government come from Goldman Sachs.

Bogdan Fiedur
Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/29/2010 2:26:54 AM
Hey Bogdan,

It is my forum and I can add to the conversation as I see fit.

I will reply later to the rest of your query and yes the "Progressives" reared their head again in 2006 when the dems took control over congress. They had been undercover for years because the last time they stuck their heads up out of their holes it almost got chopped off in 1994 election. When Bill Clinton ran towards the center.

"Progressives" are on both sides of the aisle and actually we have a 3rd party already holding offices in our congress unbeknown to most that are uneducated in their political system.

This you and I agree on an educated electorate is way better than an uneducated one looking for more government handouts.

And YES it is definitely related to the topic of this forum.

Read all the posts and as soon as Part II is ready I will post it.
Thanks for your continued participation.

Jim Allen III

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/29/2010 5:12:15 AM

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/29/2010 5:20:14 AM

Alert: Female Suicide Bombers May Be Heading Here From Yemen

Federal agents also tell they are attempting to identify a man who passengers said helped Abdulmutallab change planes for Detroit when he landed in Amsterdam from Lagos, Nigeria.

Authorities had initially discounted the passenger accounts,but the agents say there is a growing belief the man have played a role to make sure Abdulmutallab "did not get cold feet."

More on this here.

Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/29/2010 11:36:52 PM
Listen to Words of the following and is this what has been happening? A slow evolution of the Constitution?

Now listen to this.

Who benefited?

More to come,

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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