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Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/31/2010 6:56:02 AM
I guess you are tossing that one at someone other than myself, Branka. Since my intellect was called into question first then you must be talking to the initial stone thrower.

Provocation seems to be your intent in this thread, which won't work here. What's the matter not enough attention in your own forums?

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” ~ Omar M. Ahmad – Co-founder of CAIR

Maybe I am giving you too much credit in the intelligence zone.


Intelligence is a very questionable option/parameter.
To be able to discuss about it (with anyone), one should have been, at least, on the same level. Here, this condition misses.
Weak arguments usually seek for a helping insults.
That won`t stop Quran to be what it is, and to become really ONLY ACCEPTED RELIGION UPON EARTH.
The descendants of the Christian missioners, usually play on "instant memory" mode. THEY FORGOT TOO MUCH.

To be honest ( or objective) in this discussion ... one should think a bit deeper.

Anton Petrovci

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/31/2010 1:39:07 PM
Well Branka,

I sure don't pretend to be what I am not.



First, man loses a good arguments.
Then, he loses nerves.

What could be next ?

Anton Petrovci

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/31/2010 1:56:55 PM
Well Branka,

I sure don't pretend to be what I am not.



First, man loses a good arguments.
Then, he loses nerves.

What could be next ?

Anton Petrovci

One friendly advice.
Visit ophthalmologist.
If you try to seduce me, sorry I am straight.
I have idea where your point leeds.
Of course you are not trying to be what you are not.
I see, you are trying much more than you are able.

But I will not argue with any of your attempts.

Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/31/2010 2:04:44 PM
Well Brantone/Agitator ,
Now you are resorting to insults a typical MARXIST move
If you have nothing other to add to the conversation have a nice life.


Well Branka,

I sure don't pretend to be what I am not.



First, man loses a good arguments.
Then, he loses nerves.

What could be next ?

Anton Petrovci

One friendly advice.
Visit ophthalmologist.
If you try to seduce me, sorry I am straight.
I have idea where your point leeds.
Of course you are not trying to be what you are not.
I see, you are trying much more than you are able.

But I will not argue with any of your attempts.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Bogdan Fiedur

4629 Posts
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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/31/2010 4:00:42 PM
Hi Jim,

I want to give you a response to the video you have included in your last post to me.
You said.

You certainly know how to stretch a storyand fail to research your history. You also fail to recognize theirintentions to kill all infidels including "Catholics" which you claimto be. Whoops the Catholics are in cahoots with the Islamist these daysit seems, too?

Kent Hovind is Crazy #8: Catholics created Islam Bogdan PAY Special Attention to 7:12 minutes into the video, thanks.

This is quite interesting what this guy was saying and I even started having fun watching him.

Also I have found one not about Kent Hovind.

Kent Hovind - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since November 2006 Hovind has been serving a ten-year prison sentence in the Federal Correctional Institution, Edgefield in Edgefield, South Carolina,after being convicted of 58 federal counts, including twelve taxoffenses, one count of obstructing federal agents and forty-five countsof structuring cash transactions.

I would like to congratulate you on researching and using your sources. You are providing a guy who has been convicted of 58 federal counts and you want me to listen to 7:12 as a sure thing.

When war started, Karol Józef Wojtyła was first year student of Jagiellonian University and he was intellectual all his life. He spoke fluently 16 languages. His parents were well off enough to pay his university and he never needed to be a salesmen, kind of like you are.

Here are some links to news articles on Kent Hovind.

Kent Hovind: Evangelist arrested on federal charges
Kent Hovind, ‘Dr. Dino,’ guilty on all counts

Jim I would suggest that you get back to your marketing and selling and offering people to make $32,000 a month with your help. I guess this is the area which fits you quite well and the claims you make are very similar to your scientific sources which you are providing here, but nobody will question you there.

By the way soon you won't be able to pay for the paper on which $32,000 was printed, once your beloved bankers from wall street start losing the ground. I guess your claims will be true then. Keep up the good work. WallStreet Banksters need patriots like you.

Bogdan Fiedur


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