Hello Anton,
This is great post.
As I have stated in my previous post to Jim, my hope is that there are other people who are reading it and they will get different prospective of what their mass media telling them. What can be found in this thread, can't be found in any of the MSM today.
MSM are agents of Rockefeller's, and JP-Morgans and forums and discussions like this are the only means of sharing true facts with the world today.
Hopefully internet won't be hijacked by them anytime soon.
Some people like Jim, believe that they can fix the current system. The problem is that this system can't be fixed because its main flow is that it assumes that elite of people will govern the remainder. That FIAT currency can measure the value of our efforts and goods.
The FIAT currency is meant to enslave us, and this is demonstrated in this clip. This just can't be fixed.
Bogdan Fiedur
When I was a kid, my father (Old Shutterhand) fixed cigarette as my lifetime friend, just by a few terrible kicks, and with a many educative words. When my oldest son wished to smoke (he was 2 years old) , I praised cigarette as a very healthy and supportive for kid`s growth, showing him how to enjoy it. He tried just once, and after taking a first deep smoke, he crisscrossed his eyes, telling OH , DISGUSTING ! Until today, he is anti smoking terrorist.
People can be considered mature for a many of life tasks. But, intellect is a risky and powerful player. Without a basic maturity (it would not be easy to give it`s definition here) they sustain just a kid`s curiosity and a need to play as older than their teachers.
I do not wish to underestimate anyone. No one of us can`t tell if, and how much, we are deserved for the role given to us by our birth. Those skilled /gifted by a higher understanding, maybe would like to find some answers within so called AKASHIC RECORDS (collective mind), WHERE (I know that from my personal experience) EACH OUR WORD AND THOUGHT, wish, desire, action, ALREADY HAS BEEN "PICTURED"). People who have experienced a clinical death (each of them) have witnessed about the MOVIE OF ENTIRE LIFE, running before their eyes, in the moments of death. So, our life can be considered a video-game, in which a good and a bad guys hold the joysticks in their hands. And OUR AFFINITIES to be an instrument of a good or bad player, also have been defined. This kind of game of the higher intelligences is going to it`s end. It was based on Mathematics and (Sacred) Geometry.
The base of NEW GAME is Quantum Physics, in which One is Equal Part of Whole.
Hopefully internet won't be hijacked by them anytime soon.
Of course it will not.
And one day you (Bogdan) will be greatly rewarded by a designers of this puzzle (you are too intelligent to be captured and to lose your head in ANY incoming wars, prohibitions etc...). They do not respect neither cherish their herd (Jim is one of millions who have similar attitude (blind admiration and belonging) , at any cost).
They need you. And you are running to their hug.
Reading a many of your thoughts (not only now, and not only here) I could figure out you are not only intelligent, but also very gifted. Simply, from each your word (and the way you tell it) could be felt your total resonance with a Quantum Physics.
Quran and a many other scriptures are from the field of Mathematics and Geometry. Mathematics and Geometry are exact, so (again) QURAN IS WHAT WAS SAID IT IS.
I know you will understand.
( :) Edited, and added later : Better to say, I KNOW YOU KNOW THIS )