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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/19/2010 5:50:51 AM
Manual how to create Radical Islam and screw up the nation.
It is documentary not derogatory.

No end in sight No 1

No end in sight No 2

No end in sight No 3

Peter Fogel

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/19/2010 7:02:17 AM
Hi Bogdan,


Hi Jim,

Your forum name is "Everything is Open for Discussion - Let's Talk in the Kitchen"
This tells me that you are ready to hear the true facts and that you are ready to accept what the truth brings with it.

Startingthe forum which has as its objective to point the blame to somebodyelse, from definition causes that somebody will take offense from it.You were attempting to show that radical Islam is the problem we arefacing today, and I have contradicted you by saying that this is yourcountries foreign policies which are responsible for it and that yourenemies are in buildings of Federal Reserve, Pentagon and the WhiteHouse.
This is still my line of reasoning. I had to show you multiple examples from history to prove my point.
I find this all very interesting for a variety of reasons. There are many problems facing the world some of which are the elites, Bilderbergs, Illuminati and Oligarchs who have been thwarted for the time being with the failure of the Copenhagen Accord. The hoax of global warming and climate change has been shown for what it is and for the time being at least has been put on the back burners.

Many of your claims in this thread that you consider "proof" are simply conspiracy theories and until proof positive is found I will not base my belief structure on them until facts not theories are found and placed on the table. Remember one thing Bogdan, history can be rewritten and we've seen that happen in many countries in order to better suit their present positions.

What I will believe in are facts and realities and Radical Islamic Jihadi terrorism and their plan and agenda for world domination are there for all to see and not hiding behind theories. You claim that is part of the conspiracy of misinformation by the US government and I say their plan for world domination has been around before the US came into being and has been in effect for thousands of years. I recommend that you practice what you preach and start reading. I asked in the past if you read the Koran, the Muslim Brotherhood Charter and the answer is obvious. You asked if I read the Koran and that is also obvious I have and still do.
Ihave shown you that above entities (I don't want to call them Americansbecause I know that average American doesn't understand how they reallyfunction so they are not really representative of them) were causes ofmajor disasters caused by humans to humans in last 100 years.

USAand UK governments have caused more than 90% of suffering in the last200 years of history of our race. Through colonies, slavery, looting,exploitation, wars, banking systems, so called Internationalorganization like IMF, World Bank. Phony disguised relieve initiativeshave stolen entire wealth of this world and created slavery of 21stcentury where 90% of our efforts are used towards maintaining thisslavery system.

I'm sorrythat you feel that I made derogatory remarks, but this remarks were nottowards you or people in your country and by the way they are notremarks, they are facts. With all the respect to you, I don't believeyou have contributed to any of this directly or knowingly. You are justas all of us, trying to make sense of all of this and in my opinion allyou are doing is just proverbial "barking at the wrong tree".

World War II might have had a different ending if not for the many thousands of US and Canadian dead buried throughout Europe. You alluded that the US entered the war when the Russians were
all ready winning it and if you truly believe that more pity to you cos that's another rewrite of history but there's no convincing a believer. The US might have made mistakes throughout her history but she also helped more nations rebuild themselves then any other country in the world.

It's true that the Fed and other institutions like it around the world have a hand in lots of dirty work and tactics and eventually they too will pay the price for their actions with the people fighting against them as they now are in the United States.

You believe we are "barking up the wrong tree" and you Bogdan forget one simple fact. There are many more then one tree in the forest and you my friend see only one of them and are blind to all the rest. I'm not and neither is Jim and many others like us.


Youbelieve that you have elected the government which runs America. As Ihave told you many times, you didn't. You were just ripped of. This isnot your government, this is government of criminals, like Rockefeller,Rothschild, JP Morgan, Goldman-Sachs and the Presidents are theiragents, who do all the criminal work through agencies like CIA andHomeland Security.

If you can't see that, I hope that over 4000 views to this thread has opened eyes to some other people.

Ican't change your views, but I will be bringing you more and more factsas times goes on to show you that the greatest devil of all, lives inyour country. It used to be in UK.

The information I providehere is for all to view and hopefully this will help with bringing moreawareness to larger group of people so they understand who their trueenemy is.

The Bush, Clinton and Obam pledge to run thefund-raising for Haiti shows only how far the hypocrisy can go and howthey have you all around their fingers.
Two war criminals whobrought Haiti to its knees are now wanting to handle money donated bythe public and help poor people there. If you want that any of themoney riches needs of Haiti, Bush and Clinton should be the last twopeople handling it.

Bogdan Fiedur

There have been better administrations and some not so good but bottom line is they were elected by the people and can be removed by the people as they will learn in the coming mid term elections and possibly even today in the Mass. special election. There was one revolution that removed the British rule from the United States and what we're seeing now is the start of another one in the form of the grass roots organizations that are becoming a power house within the United States and have the politicians from both parties running scared. If they won't act and perform as the people that put them there demand they'll find themselves looking for new jobs. The system will work even if non believers like you think otherwise. It might take time but it will work in the end.

As you mentioned this thread has many views and I personally think that the opinions you've expressed here about the US being a fascist country is not getting the favorable response you believe it is. When I asked if you had solutions all you gave me was a pipe dream that you your self admitted has no chance. So the resource based economy with no currency is not viable and even if it were it too would have it's elite built in and the "masses" would be vassals even more then in the world as we know it today.

On a personal level let me explain a few things to you and Anton. For some strange reason you think you have more understanding then Americans and others might have cos of what you went through in your lives. Like you I too was an immigrant and came to the US at the age of 2 after my mother's release from a concentration camp in Poland. I was born 10 days after her release and she then went home to Czechoslovakia and we got papers to immigrate when I was 2 yrs old.

My mother remarried (my father was murdered in concentration camp) and started a successful business. We became naturalized citizens and my parents decided to move to Israel when I was 13 and I've been here ever since aside for a 10 year period during which I lived in South Africa for business reasons and a 5 year period I returned to the US in order to serve in the United States Air Force and decide where I plan to live for the rest of my life. Regardless of the fact that I chose Israel the US is dear to me and has my love and loyalty.

I can say without a doubt that I've been through and participated in more wars then both of you together and have known bad times comparable to any you've experienced. Regardless of the very difficult times we went through here I decided to remain even though I could easily have returned to the United States at any time but I decided that the way of life I chose for myself was and is worth fighting for and that's what I did many times. That said my other home and love is the United States and as a US citizen am very aware of what is going on in the United States and vote in all the Presidential elections.

As far as reading goes I've neve stopped reading and that goes for today. I don't pick and choose only things that suit my outlook on life cos you have to know what others think and believe for the sake of knowledge and understanding what others base their belief structures on.
What life has taught me is that the realities that stare you in the face are facts that can't be denied. To me it's very obvious that is the threat of Radical Islam and their quest for world domination by any means. You haven't proved otherwise so far and will have a hard time doing so since your proof is based on conspiracy theories only and your solution is a pipe dream that isn't viable as you admitted in a previous post. The solutions Jim, I and many others believe in are the people fighting for their rights and beliefs and as uncomfortable as it might be for the Obowma regime (and the "elites") the people force is one to be contended with that is gaining strength by the day and they are scared s*hitless of the results at the mid term elections. Take note and see for yourself.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/19/2010 7:40:09 AM

Hello Anton,

This is great post.
As I have stated in my previous post to Jim, my hope is that there are other people who are reading it and they will get different prospective of what their mass media telling them. What can be found in this thread, can't be found in any of the MSM today.

MSM are agents of Rockefeller's, and JP-Morgans and forums and discussions like this are the only means of sharing true facts with the world today.

Hopefully internet won't be hijacked by them anytime soon.

Some people like Jim, believe that they can fix the current system. The problem is that this system can't be fixed because its main flow is that it assumes that elite of people will govern the remainder. That FIAT currency can measure the value of our efforts and goods.
The FIAT currency is meant to enslave us, and this is demonstrated in this clip. This just can't be fixed.

Bogdan Fiedur


When I was a kid, my father (Old Shutterhand) fixed cigarette as my lifetime friend, just by a few terrible kicks, and with a many educative words. When my oldest son wished to smoke (he was 2 years old) , I praised cigarette as a very healthy and supportive for kid`s growth, showing him how to enjoy it. He tried just once, and after taking a first deep smoke, he crisscrossed his eyes, telling OH , DISGUSTING ! Until today, he is anti smoking terrorist.

People can be considered mature for a many of life tasks. But, intellect is a risky and powerful player. Without a basic maturity (it would not be easy to give it`s definition here) they sustain just a kid`s curiosity and a need to play as older than their teachers.

I do not wish to underestimate anyone. No one of us can`t tell if, and how much, we are deserved for the role given to us by our birth. Those skilled /gifted by a higher understanding, maybe would like to find some answers within so called AKASHIC RECORDS (collective mind), WHERE (I know that from my personal experience) EACH OUR WORD AND THOUGHT, wish, desire, action, ALREADY HAS BEEN "PICTURED"). People who have experienced a clinical death (each of them) have witnessed about the MOVIE OF ENTIRE LIFE, running before their eyes, in the moments of death. So, our life can be considered a video-game, in which a good and a bad guys hold the joysticks in their hands. And OUR AFFINITIES to be an instrument of a good or bad player, also have been defined. This kind of game of the higher intelligences is going to it`s end. It was based on Mathematics and (Sacred) Geometry.

The base of NEW GAME is Quantum Physics, in which One is Equal Part of Whole.

Hopefully internet won't be hijacked by them anytime soon.

Of course it will not.
And one day you (Bogdan) will be greatly rewarded by a designers of this puzzle (you are too intelligent to be captured and to lose your head in ANY incoming wars, prohibitions etc...). They do not respect neither cherish their herd (Jim is one of millions who have similar attitude (blind admiration and belonging) , at any cost).
They need you. And you are running to their hug.

Reading a many of your thoughts (not only now, and not only here) I could figure out you are not only intelligent, but also very gifted. Simply, from each your word (and the way you tell it) could be felt your total resonance with a Quantum Physics.

Quran and a many other scriptures are from the field of Mathematics and Geometry. Mathematics and Geometry are exact, so (again) QURAN IS WHAT WAS SAID IT IS.

I know you will understand.

( :) Edited, and added later : Better to say, I KNOW YOU KNOW THIS )


Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/19/2010 1:46:43 PM
Hello Friends,

Human nature at work again. I think Dry Bones hit the nail on the head as usual.



We humans are a strange and dangerous species. Our missions of mercy are outnumbered by acts of organized human cruelty, aggression,violence,and war-making. But that, of course, does not make our missions of mercy any less noble or important.
-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/20/2010 3:10:56 AM
Peter, Peter, Peter,

I love the discussion with you for several reasons.

To show you how wrong you are, I must now spend good amount of time searching and researching, thus only proving what I have known for years by being early in my life aware of government lies and deception.

The other reason is that I believe we are talking here about very important things which average person doesn't want to bother at all as they take the life as it comes and just complain how unfair it is.

The other things is, I believe the current status quo comes to an end and I'm proud to add my three cents to it.


Ifind this all very interesting for a variety of reasons. There are manyproblems facing the world some of which are the elites, Bilderbergs,Illuminati and Oligarchs who have been thwarted for the time being withthe failure of the Copenhagen Accord. The hoax of global warming andclimate change has been shown for what it is and for the time being atleast has been put on the back burners.

There is no other dangers. The oligarchy is the danger. It doesn't matter if the oligarchy is in Middle East or America, as soon as they are at the top, they will use any current and movement to their advantage. If this is fascism, radical Islam, women liberation, or global warming, all is good as soon as the large group of people believes in it. As we have already established, average citizen of every country, doesn't bother to understand how oligarchy works, and doesn't even considers how this could be changed. Average person looks how to best manage the existing situation and get most of it for themselves.

If you don't understand any of the above, all this means that you either still need to learn or there is no hope for you.


Manyof your claims in this thread that you consider "proof" are simplyconspiracy theories and until proof positive is found I will not basemy belief structure on them until facts not theories are found andplaced on the table. Remember one thing Bogdan, history can berewritten and we've seen that happen in many countries in order tobetter suit their present positions.

In previous paragraph you have mentioned global warming scam. At this level this is only conspiracy theory, but you approach it as all has been proven and the conspiracy has been exposed. Whatever suits you, is well established fact, but what doesn't it is a conspiracy theory. Several posts back, I have shown you how Haiti has been destroyed by American cartels. I have shown you books based on Nuremberg trial proving that Wall Street involvement was determinant in Hitler coming to power, to Hitler creating large stocks of weaponry and ammunition due to American business and then war being supported to both sides by American cartels till the end of the war. I have shown you that CIA is financing their operations from drug trade and that American Government had supported Sadam against Iran and that USA was instrumental in establishing Saha of Iran (who recognized Israel as first Muslim leader), the butcher. All these are historical facts, if you believe that they are conspiracy theories, I suggest you go back to school in some place on earth which is not controlled by USA yet and learn about it.


WhatI will believe in are facts and realities and Radical Islamic Jihaditerrorism and their plan and agenda for world domination are there forall to see and not hiding behind theories. You claim that is part ofthe conspiracy of misinformation by the US government and I say theirplan for world domination has been around before the US came into beingand has been in effect for thousands of years. I recommend that youpractice what you preach and start reading. I asked in the past if youread the Koran, the Muslim Brotherhood Charter and the answer isobvious. You asked if I read the Koran and that is also obvious I haveand still do.

I know that Islam has been used during history to fight against other religions by those at the top. This only proves that what I have said before holds. Oligarchies are the problem.
If American Oligarchy finds that using Islam helps them in establishing their goals, they will use it on that or the other side of the equation without hesitation. All they need is the big group of people running in one direction and speaking the same language. They will convert to Islam to get their followers and they will announce that Islam is the religion of the world. They exported all manufacturing jobs to China and India without hesitation, effectively ending America. There is no movement which is useless for Oligarchs. If there is no movement, they will create it, to create impression that there is enemy which threatens the existence of the group they are talking to.


World War II might have had a different ending if not for the many thousands of US and Canadian dead buried throughout Europe.

It would not start at all if this would be not for the American oligarchy. War is a business and they created business venture called second world war.


You alluded that the US entered the war when the Russians were all ready winningit and if you truly believe that more pity to you cos that's anotherrewrite of history but there's no convincing a believer.

Yes, I stand by this. Prove me otherwise.
By the way I didn't allude that this was the time when they started getting ready, but this was the time when they showed up in Europe. They waited until the dices were clearly rolling. After half a year of fight for Stalingrad and when Germans started turning back.


The US mighthave made mistakes throughout her history but she also helped morenations rebuild themselves then any other country in the world.

I think that brain washing was excessive in your case, you can't really tell white from black.

This is propaganda, almost as good as the one from Soviets. Soviets were proving to my country exactly this for 50 years. No one believed them. They have ravaged my country and stolen from it anything of value. When they were returning after the second world war, they were stealing railway tracks and anything which had any value.


Youbelieve we are "barking up the wrong tree" and you Bogdan forget onesimple fact. There are many more then one tree in the forest and you myfriend see only one of them and are blind to all the rest. I'm not andneither is Jim and many others like us.

Jim, I bark at the largest tree.
  1. USA today has military spendings 2/3 of the entire world.
  2. Half of the world's wealth is in US
  3. The total military power of US is greater than this of the rest of the world.
  4. All the parasite organizations like UN, IMF, World Bank, Federal Reserve, and many many more have their locations in US.
  5. 60% of the world's transactions are made using US dollar.
  6. I could give you list of 50 items here, but above is enough to make my point.
There is a reason why all this could be achieved. USA is the source of world's tyranny and modern colonial state, which sucks all the resources of the entire world. In USA, lives oligarchy of the world and the political system which exists there is the one which allows them to get bigger while the 95% of population gets poorer and poorer each day and is slaving for them like they were slaving 2000 years ago for Romans and later for all the dynasties and feudal kings.


Therehave been better administrations and some not so good but bottom lineis they were elected by the people and can be removed by the people asthey will learn in the coming mid term elections and possibly eventoday in the Mass.

Only ones who get the funding can go through, and the funding comes from oligarchs.
They are their agents. Obama's campaign has cost $1 billion.


Ifthey won't act and perform as the people that put them there demandthey'll find themselves looking for new jobs. The system will work evenif non believers like you think otherwise. It might take time but itwill work in the end.

The system never worked. It was the illusion created by the elite that you have to slave for them to defend your country from the enemies who they created themselves. It was setup by the elite, after removing one elite from it. The reason it got rich, because it had the oligarchs with their establishment on their side and could exploit most of the world.


When I asked if you had solutions all you gave me was a pipe dream that you your self admitted has no chance.

I never said it has not chance. I said I was first skeptical about it, but I also said that this is only way to go for the future. Once people have no earnings, once their houses are re-possessed, once they have nothing to lose, they will embrace any idea which comes their way. Resource based society, is around the corner. You can't believe it because you never witnessed empire falling apart from inside. I did, and I believe that the next stage will be embracing ideas of resource free society.


Sothe resource based economy with no currency is not viable and even ifit were it too would have it's elite built in and the "masses" would bevassals even more then in the world as we know it today.

I asked you before. Who is the elite in your body. Do you control it? Are you the elite of it?
This is how resourced based society is built. You can hurt it, but this won't happen without you experiencing the pain. Will you do it?


Regardless of the fact that I chose Israel the US is dear to me and has my love and loyalty.

When you say things like this, this might score you points with US citizens, but this is not how resource based society works. In this society you love all the people, not just some special group of them.

When you say things like this, nobody will expect from you that you can be objective when anyone critiques that country. You will be always looking for ways to discredit and undermine those who criticize, because this is what person who is loyal does.


Ican say without a doubt that I've been through and participated in morewars then both of you together and have known bad times comparable toany you've experienced.

This is funny. You are not really getting it. I wasn't at any war actually and I did all I could so I was not taken to army. Remember that during the time I was in Poland, Poland was part of the Soviet block. I felt proud to avoid any contribution to Soviets. I felt proud that by taking russian lessons for 12 years, I barely passed this subject. When I was 18, I was more ready for Resource based society than you are today. I hated oligarchs, tyranny and propaganda. It is not how much time you spend fighting, it is how well you understand what you are fighting for. You are fighting for oligarchs and you are proud of it.

This is really hopeless.


Thesolutions Jim, I and many others believe in are the people fighting fortheir rights and beliefs and as uncomfortable as it might be for theObowma regime (and the "elites") thepeople force is one to be contended with that is gaining strength bythe day and they are scared s*hitless of the results at the mid termelections. Take note and see for yourself.

I'm taking note of this.
All you are fighting for is to replace existing elite with the new one. The one which you believe will be better. The problem is that the system which you currently have is not going to ever work for you. As far as I'm concerned, You and I are slaves for this system, with the difference that I'm the one who is aware how this system works, and you are not. That I'm the one who is for changing it, and you are the one for just redecorating it and hoping that this will make you happy for a while.

This is like putting more powder on face to look younger. It looks kind of better from far, but the person behind it is still the old person with the baggage and no energy to do anything new and creative because this challenges that person's position and power.

Bogdan Fiedur


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