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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/20/2010 3:03:06 PM

I'm taking note of this.
All you are fighting for is to replace existing elite with the new one. The one which you believe will be better. The problem is that the system which you currently have is not going to ever work for you. As far as I'm concerned, You and I are slaves for this system, with the difference that I'm the one who is aware how this system works, and you are not. That I'm the one who is for changing it, and you are the one for just redecorating it and hoping that this will make you happy for a while.

Bogdan Fiedur


You offer only redecoration as well. No society exists without hierarchy and an exchange system, even the one you envision. Unless you are speaking virtual reality and Timothy Leary explored that eutopia with chemicals. You are proposing to do so with smart technology.

Next Friday a new series explores this reality with Caprica on the Sci-Fi channel. Now Bogdan, you can poo poo Sci-Fi but remember your Orwell. Also remember the BORG of Star Trek Generations, as well as Battlestar Gallatica and also the many grotesque experiments of WWII.

The fact of the matter here is you believe because you were a rebel, in your youth and never supported the Oligarchs or your country. (This tells us a lot. I am still a Rebel) Your success also shows a narcissistic tendency as does your belief you have provided only truths and facts here.

Except for acknowledging the possibility that the Arabs and Muslims have been around a lot longer and playing this game at the master level for hundreds of centuries. The slaughtered remnants and wrecked societies are all over Europe and some of the most emphatic were known as the Tartars in Poland, if I am not mistaken.

So perhaps a bit more education is due us all. As well as actually reading the content of posts and related materials.

I do not deny we have a cancer internally, they are known as "Progressives", educate yourself on this movement. I am aware it is there and it is in cahoots with the Radical Islamist Extremists as well as the Oligarchs. As are Peter and the many folks reading this thread are aware.

There is a wealth of education here and discernment is the key. Also a willingness to stand in the face of this adversity and fight it. You see the fight has to happen for your society to exist.

Unless of course the Decloakings happen and the Galactics make their appearance. Then of course they will replace the current Oligarchs with one of their choosing, promising a cushy non-violent existence as long as you adopt their rules. Once again someone must capitulate or lose.

The way I see it, Americans have a fine set of rules to live by, in our US Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence. Of course these are worthless if you, figure the American Revolution was a ruse started by the Oligarchs too. This would be a very hard sale, in itself.

Bogdan, you never really had a country or homeland you loved, believed in and willing to defend. In my humble opinion.

I know no other country and I know my country's history and her faults pretty d*amn well. Well enough to know there is none more worthy of my love and loyalty than the America, I grew up in.

America today, is quite different than that one, especially in the cities that have been inundated by illegal immigration. But American Spirit still exists in real life and in the smalltown hearts of many of those, that now live in those cities.

The American Dream is still worth achieving and defending.

Running to some safe haven only offers a temporary recuse from the inevitable stand that must be made to defeat this oppression you have educated us on.

I am interested in the steps it takes to achieve the "Resource Based Society". How do we get there from here? Who decides? The MOB? What is the Plan? Once the computer models determine the sustainable numbers who gets the "Golden Ticket"? Lotteries can be fixed as can global economies. From my understanding this whole financial meltdown is run by computers. Yes, they are influenced by the programmers, who can be influenced.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/20/2010 5:41:43 PM

Jim, this has been around in emails for a long time, I suppose they just keep updating it but sometimes it is how I feel. Of course, it wouldn't work without lots of changes. I have not read all the posts here, just a few, sounds like a lot of words tossed around to me. Everyone to his or her own opinion. Here is a copy of the circulated email:


I am sending this to virtually all my close friends and relatives and that includes conservatives, liberals, and everybody in between. Even though we disagree on a number of issues, I count all of you as friends. The proposal is to promote a "Congressional Reform Act of 2010." It would contain eight provisions, all of which would probably be strongly endorsed by those who drafted the Constitution and the Bill of Rights (but not the incumbents).

I know many of you will say, "this is impossible." Let me remind you, Congress has the lowest approval of any entity in Government, now is the time when Americans will join together to reform Congress - the entity that represents us.

We need to get a Senator to introduce this bill in the US Senate and a Representative to introduce a similar bill in the US House. These people will become American heroes.. Please add any ideas on how to get this done.


A Fellow American


Congressional Reform Act of 2010

1. Term Limits: 12 years only, one of the possible options below.

A. Two Six-year Senate terms
B. Six Two-year House terms
C. One Six-year Senate term and three Two-Year House terms

Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.

2. No Tenure / No Pension:

A congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they are out of office.

Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.

3. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security:

All funds in the Congressional retirement fund moves to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, Congress participates with the American people.

Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, server your term(s), then go home and back to work.

4. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan just as all Americans..

Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.

5. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.

6. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.

Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career.. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.

7. Congress must equally abide in all laws they impose on the American people..

Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.

8. All contracts with past and present congressmen are void effective 1/1/11.

The American people did not make this contract with congressmen, congressmen made all these contracts for themselves.

Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.

I do have one further statement to make here. While preparing our taxes for the IRS this year, I made a discovery that really made me angry.

The GENEROUS Stimilus Package sent out to taxpayers at the beginning of the year was a JOKE. All the government did was borrow from the taxpayer, send him a little money and take it ALL back at end of year. Don't believe me? Have you filed your income tax yet?? Yet, they are BEGGING the banks to pay back what taxpayers loaned (gave) them.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!! Let's take it back.


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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/20/2010 6:55:46 PM

Jim, this has been around in emails for a long time, I suppose they just keep updating it but sometimes it is how I feel. Of course, it wouldn't work without lots of changes. I have not read all the posts here, just a few, sounds like a lot of words tossed around to me. Everyone to his or her own opinion. Here is a copy of the circulated email:

GOD BLESS AMERICA!! Let's take it back.



Thank you for your post. Actually that email states my feelings quite well and I, would have no problem enacting those provisions tomorrow, if it could be done.

This thread was started to educate folks about the rising threat from "Radical Islam" a force that has been terrorizing the world as of late.

So much so most European countries are now having challenges with them and their mandate for self rule under Shariah Law instead of the laws of the countries they have migrated to.

Western civilization, our culture, our religions, and anything dear to us are threatened by these radical homicidal bombers that have declared jihad on our very existence. That is how this conversation began and continues in that theme.

Quite educational thus far, even though a lot discernment is needed to sort fact from suspicion, theory and innuendo.

Now our good friends Bogdan and Anton, (I have a suspicion Anton, is an alias for an old member here, created for anonymity sake, to equal out the debate. Note the writing style ;-)) points out that Americans are the blame for the worlds ills and have provided their sources, knowledge, theory and suspicions.

From their perspective the things eroding our country are the same factions that eroded theirs. Thru the power of the Oligarchs, Bilderbergers, Illuminate and Fascism very similar to the Nazis' takeover of Europe in WWII before the US entered the fray, and after the Russians softened them up for us. ;-) you know like when your hubby tries to open the pickle jar and can't, then hands it to you and you tap the lid and easily open it? Well he loosened it up for you. LOL

Anyways addressing that for Bogdan, the Russians movement was part of the plan and yes, they were supposed to soften the German flank, a smoke screen so the Yanks could land.

They see it from the point of view as someone who has experienced what we are going through right now. Let me say, we already know the European solution and their capitulation to the demands of outside influences, American, Russian, Islamic and even from within their own governments. DID NOT WORK!

The simply did not work and these folks are now living somewhere other than their homelands, NOT By Choice. They were whipped so badly or faced such insurmountable odds. They left/fled their own countries. Because they became Totalitarian, Tyrannical, oppressive and aggressive governments. That destroyed them from within with handout programs.

The moral to all this the fact that our voters are misinformed, with a "
sounds like a lot of words tossed around to me. " view. Please do think I am picking on you.

But the real reason we are in this boat is because of this laise faire outlook. By people that cast votes. Totally uneducated they vote for the pretty boy slick willy type, instead finding out if the guy even has a legal right to be president.

It is odd to me that no one seems interested in why all this man's personal records have been locked up and why he has spent millions of dollars keeping cases related to the documents and those proving his birthright from being heard even.

Especially when congress had to vette whether McCain could even run. They failed to vette this president and they have failed the people again. This adds to the list of Crimes that "Progressives" have committed on the very people they supposedly represent.

WAKE UP America! Before Bogdan and Anton are proven correct. Educate yourself, find the right candidates regardless of party in your districts before you vote again for the wrong people.

We still can save our America from becoming Amerika. But only if we have EDUCATED and INVOLVED Voters. Not paid union members/goons/goofs. He*ll they represent only 8% of the populace. Think about that!

Respectfully Submitted,

Jim (kcender) Allen

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/20/2010 7:40:31 PM
Hi Bogdan,

After reading Anton's last post here I decided to make a final contribution to this thread since it's turning into another rah rah thread and I normally don't participate in threads of that kind. But when I saw that you're buying into the "compliments" in that post I decided one last post is in order. Illusions of grandeur is a wonderful thing isn't it??

BTW, that post reminded me of the praise a past member lavished on you many a time in a similar manner, style, prose and content that it sorta makes me wonder if she isn't back in a different guise and persona? Especially when they are both from the same part of the world and tell very similar stories about their parents and children. But, who cares it's not really all that important aside from the obvious similarities and inexplicable appearance of this entity in Adland and its participation in Jim's thread only.

Your condescending opening in your post was interesting cos you really believe that you are proving me wrong. Unfortunately it only proves what I wrote a while ago that you haven't proved anything yet and that you're not going to convince me to accept your opinions and the same goes for me with the difference that Radical Islam is a fact and your conspiracy theories are just that theories.

The difference with the Global Warming hoax and your conspiracy theories is that there is scientific proof that Global Warming is a scam and that they've been fabricating so called scientific data over the years. It's been splashed all over the net and even MSM has no choice but to report on it. More evidence is coming to light all the time. And note Bogdan the use of the word evidence (the difference being that this conspiracy isn't a theory). In this case the conspiracy was and is the Global Warming hoax that was part of the plan to subjugate the world. And as I said due to their failure at Copenhagen it's now on the back burners for a while until they come up with other ideas.

When I asked about the great opportunity to prove that the resource based economy is viable and can benefit mankind in Haiti where all the criteria were met to put this program to the test your response was.
Hello Jim, Bogdan & Friends,

There are a few posts that I owe responses to but after reading your last post Jim, I'd like to expand on your final observation there before responding to past posts.

Now how about Jaques Fresco, are they presenting the "Venus Project" as a concept to rebuild Haiti? With all the funding and resources being sent there for aid. It seems to me there would be a great opportunity to see if the concept can be enacted. All the requirements seem to be there.
  • Catastrophic event,
  • government is non existent,
  • resources going untapped and
  • a populace in need of some social engineering to rid them of the obvious poverty they live in and
  • money flowing in freely from everywhere

I immediately thought of the Venus Project when we all realized the enormity of the devastation in Haiti after the earthquake there. This would be a perfect situation to prove that this project can work and is not just a bunch of beautiful drawings but can in actual fact benefit mankind.

This is a confluence of all the criteria needed to establish a new way of life under a resource based economy. This could be the pilot to prove the Venus Project isn't just a Utopian pipe dream but a viable system that can actually work.





Jaques Fresco can't do this by himself and he doesn't run the government to go there and implement it.

Forsuccess of this, movement is needed where the group of people issufficiently convinced about this solution to the point that the otheroption doesn't exist.

The question is what anyone who is awareof this ideas does to get the work started. It will be never completedthough and it will be work in progress as everything else.

Bogdan Fiedur

Your last sentence is the telling sign that you yourself realize that it will never be happen and is not a viable system. So the question remains what is your solution to all the problems and conspiracies you believe in? If your "dream" isn't a viable solution for what ever reason then according to you it's insoluble and when I read all that you've written causing others to doubt in their beliefs is the name of the game??!! What is your plan to cause mayhem and anarchy? It seems so if you try to besmirch everything and have nothing to offer in exchange.

You belittle loyalty and the willingness to fight for what you believe in yet if I'm not mistaken you mentioned in one of your earlier posts that you worked and supported Lech Walesa. He was universally respected for his fight for human rights and the basic freedoms all people deserve.His ultimate success after years of fighting for what he believed in was profound and was a catalyst for other countries to throw off the yoke of communism. Definitely a cause worth supporting and fighting for. I'm sure that you as many of us were shocked at the accusations that he was an informer to the Polish Communist Secret Police. Although the accusations weren't formally proven they still pop up and books were written on this issue. Unfortunately a smear on his reputation that doesn't seem to go away.

The point is that even you believed in supporting people and beliefs you believed in . Yet, you belittle the efforts of others doing the same thing. Your causes and beliefs are no better then others and fighting for them is the most natural thing in the world. Still, you think it is a wasted effort.Just remember it's the Lech Walesas that bring about change and not conspiracy theories, anarchy and mayhem. That only brings about total chaos and the end result could well be catastrophic.

Back to Radical Islam. In previous posts I wrote that they are an oligarchy and in some ways connected to the Illuminati, Bilderbergs and elites. The connection is obvious cos as of now they control the majority of the energy resources in the world and the money they have keeps on rolling in. They use that money to support the Radical Islamic terrorist groups all over the world and continue to do so. The interesting part is that the US has the energy resources that far exceed all the combined resources in the Muslim world and yet they fail to utilize those resources. The question is why and how can it be changed.

The why is clear and is just another form of Jihad. I've already written about the dangers of all forms of Jihad and this is just another one of them. Are some leaders guilty of being on the payroll of this form of Jihad? The answer is yes other wise they would have drilled and utilized the natural resources that the US is blessed with. The recession would have been non existent and the price of energy would or could have been sharply decreased changing the economic situation of the United States for sure and possibly in some ways the world.

The quest of Islam for world domination far precedes all the elites you talk of and they still remain the most dangerous of them all. Their wealth in the meantime far exceeds the Illuminati, Bilderbergs and other Oligarchs. They are slowly taking control of all the Western countries and the situation isn't that the elites will just embrace Islam to further their plans but they will be nonexistent in the world dominated by Islam. And to paraphrase you if you don't understand that then "this is really hopeless".

Since you have no solutions other then non viable pipe dreams you become part of the problem. Those that believe in fighting for their beliefs in the end will be the cause for change and not anarchists that want to destroy but have nothing to offer in exchange for what they destroyed.

The rest of your comments have already been responded to in the past and it's not necessary to repeat them now. In any case we're on different paths and we'll see who is right in the end. When Shariah law starts creeping in on you more and more it might be to late and saying I told you so won't give me any pleasure.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/20/2010 7:57:03 PM
Hello Bogdan,

For some reason this editor has an aversion to pasting in posts. Everything has to be edited after being posted.

The words become jumbled and have to be separated and in many cases it changes the font size.

This doesn't happen when you prepare the post in the editor as I'm doing now. I sure hope the problem can be solved cos editing everything is a royal pain and time consuming.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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