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Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/18/2010 2:11:06 AM
Quote: The tragedy unfolding in Haiti is not totally a natural disaster. It's also a man made disaster brought about by chronic poverty, corruption and terrible infrastructure...a situation we've allowed to fester inour back yard.

The above video describes the challenges facing Haiti as it tries to rebuild. There is a free registration available. Hopefully some of these will reach YouTube.

That said, there seems to be no shortage of aid but transporting it to the people is the challenge. As mentioned in the video. This nation has been receiving aid for years yet, it's infrastructure is in such disrepair. Papa Doc and Baby Doc wasted the money sent in aid in the past.

Knowing this, "What is the Best way to aid and help rebuild a sustainable way of life for these folks now?" Should the UN be there in force? Why aren't they there yet? Where are the helicopters to move the supplies from the tarmac to where the people are?

We know Port Au Prince is devastated as it's people are, this is a population center with slums. I am curious what the inland scene looks like. Were those ares just as devastated?

I am sure this will somehow be laid at the feet of Americans to shoulder. We shall do as we always have. Open our hearts, our borders, our warehouses and pantries, we will disperse our military to provide humanitarian aid and yes once again we will open our pocketbooks and finance the rescue and rebuild of this disaster and poverty stricken nation.

We can also see our so called leaders and self appointed royalty, posturing and grabbing face time in front of the cameras. Offering little more at this time than self importance and political preservation.

Did you notice how fast Obama, interrupted perfectly good programming to make a statement? This was warp speed for this administration.

Wasn't it?

It is all about perceptive deception. Our current administration is playing to a global audience. Not to bring attention to the catastrophe in Haiti.

But as Rahm Emanuel has said in the past "Never let a good disaster go to waste." Obama and crew are making hay while the sun is shining so to speak. This is being done for personal status on the global stage. All of the players are clamoring for the cameras.

This is not why average Americans are stepping up.

Americans step up because we have true compassion for all our neighbors around the world.

No matter our status or where the cameras may be, we give aid without question. Not looking for accolades, ours is a basic human response. Which cannot be educated out of us. Nor should be forgotten, when our politicians play politics for personal gains.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/18/2010 2:15:40 AM


Have A Great Day My Friend,

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/18/2010 2:34:34 AM
How money is made.

This is from Canadian example but this is exactly like that anywhere in the world.

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/18/2010 4:41:12 AM
Federal Reserve + Government + Law = Slavery

RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
1/18/2010 9:04:47 AM
Canada doesn't want to stay behind with their friends in Washington.

Very funny but only proves that the insurgency and threats from terror mongers affects us all. Also as you see the typical terrorist profile is still not used to screen passengers.

The Politically Correct and that includes Canadians, crowd that is afraid to single out a group of people so grandma in a walker and wheelchair must go through pat down searches. Notice no terrorists grandmothers have been caught in these searches. So they must be WORKING to keep terrorist grandmas from even attempting to breach the security

For me only proves that fascism is taking hold of our lives. Gestapo kind of police is just around the corner. I've been through this already in 1980's and years before it and after it in Poland.



How fascism (or anything other) works?

SIMPLY, EMPLOYING PEOPLE TO BE PRO OR CONTRA. By being PRO or CONTRA your life is their prisoner (slave) , and all the differences come with a kind of recognition you possibly could earn (as a deserved servant, or as an enemy).

New mindset (which will "deliver" new resources of energy and a new share among humans, and YOU mentioned them here) ABSTRACTS POLLUTED FORCES. IT (new mindset) requires a co-creator`s attitude, not a factograph`s . HOW CAN YOU MOVE FORWARD, HAVING YOUR HEAD TURNED BACKWARDS? Getting to understand how a new resources of energy and a total new way of share are possible, without changing your standard beliefs and attitude, converts those beliefs into a delusion. New mindset brings a beautiful and rich variety of co-creating reality. This old video-game (predestined, reality of the proves and questions) is going to it`s end. Those enough mature to continue the journey, will find their places. Those with a lower abilities to participate, should be left behind, until they do not rich maturity.

Dedicating your TIME AND ENERGY (better known as YOUR LIFE), it makes no difference IF IT IS PRO OR CONTRA. You willingly GIVE YOURSELF TO THAT GOAL.

I liked your words about your beliefs in God .

New mindset is something what you understand quite good.

Now just employ yourself with it.

You can`t change Jim and others. You can`t provide them ANY information which will make them to accept your points. What you can, YOU CAN PARTICIPATE IN THEIR SCREAMING FOR WAR, giving them a reasonable proves to try to avoid it. PLEASE REMEMBER, what is a biggest enemy of truth is a REASONABLE HUMAN MIND. It asks for the proves to compose their beliefs. Well, it`s the way to become factograph, a force of one side. Co-creator creates, knowing WHAT AND HOW .Go beyond reason. YOU ARE ABLE..

Peace never comes being AGAINST WAR, but BEING EMBRACED BY IT. Getting to know it.

They must gather their own experience. I wished I can avoid a personal approach to the present discussion. Following your efforts Bogdan, (and I perfectly understand how well-intended they are ), I couldn`t but see my old good father, who`s main goal entire life has been to protect me from suffering.
Alas! He did his best to multiply the suffering for the both of us. Fortunately, here you can`t achieve any failure of that kind.
Guys didn`t live in Eastern Europe. Pity or not, they are begging to learn what the two of us already have learned. How (and WHY) to prevent them to ........... have their lessons?

Respectfully ,

Anton Petrovci


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