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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/29/2009 5:10:48 AM
Hi Jim & Friends,

You might find this interesting. In a sense it's a continuation of the video on the Radical Islam training camp.

It might give you something to think about.



The Case of the Missing Muslims: Why Is Islamberg Now a Ghost Town?

Hi Peter,

In about two pages away you were saying "Why Muslims are not going back where they came from if they don't like it here?"

Here you go. They are going back.

Here is couple of hints why them might want to go back.

Obama Ordered U.S. Military Strike on Yemen Terrorists
US air raids kill 63 civilians in Yemen
US 'sends special forces to Yemen' amid crisis
US forces had ‘boots on the ground’ in Pakistan: report
US planted Taliban in Pakistan
CIA admits Blackwater presence in Pakistan
Pakistan Says U.S. Drone Kills 13

This is modern colonization of the world. If this young Muslims are being radicalized, this is due to American war machine which threatens their countries with chaos, destruction and slavery. This is anything but freedom.

Pakistan and Yemen are two next states which will share the fate of Afghanistan soon. Perpetual war.

WAR is PEACE. This says the Noble peace prize winner of the Orwellian times Barak Obama the President of freedom loving country USA.

Bogdan Fiedur

Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/29/2009 5:36:04 AM
Hi Jim & Friends,

You might find this interesting. In a sense it's a continuation of the video on the Radical Islam training camp.

It might give you something to think about.



The Case of the Missing Muslims: Why Is Islamberg Now a Ghost Town?

Hi Peter,

In about two pages away you were saying "Why Muslims are not going back where they came from if they don't like it here?"

Here you go. They are going back.

Here is couple of hints why them might want to go back.

Obama Ordered U.S. Military Strike on Yemen Terrorists
US air raids kill 63 civilians in Yemen
US 'sends special forces to Yemen' amid crisis
US forces had ‘boots on the ground’ in Pakistan: report
US planted Taliban in Pakistan
CIA admits Blackwater presence in Pakistan
Pakistan Says U.S. Drone Kills 13

This is modern colonization of the world. If this young Muslims are being radicalized, this is due to American war machine which threatens their countries with chaos, destruction and slavery. This is anything but freedom.

Pakistan and Yemen are two next states which will share the fate of Afghanistan soon. Perpetual war.

WAR is PEACE. This says the Noble peace prize winner of the Orwellian times Barak Obama the President of freedom loving country USA.

Bogdan Fiedur

You know you are on the short end of a discussion when your so called justification is bogus news reporting.

Saudi Arabia joined the operation laterfollowing alleged clashes between its border guards and the Houthis,carrying out regular airstrikes and ground incursions against thefighters.

On Friday, the Houthis said over 160 missiles hit regions along theborder with the neighboring kingdom, which they accuse of poundingcivilians in villages within the Yemeni territory.

The Saudis have conducted more than 70 air raids in less than 24 hours.

Nowhere in this article US air raids kill 63 civilians in Yemen other than the headline is the US involved.

Now Bogdan, are you doing like so many, and searching headlines without reading the supporting articles, to prove a position? At least read the stories and the comments once in awhile.

If you don't want your sources questioned choose a side of the discussion you wish to be addressed from. You have used "Right Wing Conspiracists theories, mostly Alex Jones a closet Illuminati" (follow the money), Left Wingnut liberalism ("Huffington Post") and now the Radicalization of Islamic Youth due to American involvement in their so called "Home" countries. Choose a position and stick to it.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/29/2009 6:05:42 AM

Nowhere in this article US air raids kill 63 civilians in Yemen other than the headline is the US involved.

Now Bogdan, are you doing like so many, and searching headlines without reading the supporting articles, to prove a position? At least read the stories and the comments once in awhile.

If you don't want your sources questioned choose a side of the discussion you wish to be addressed from. You have used "Right Wing Conspiracists theories, mostly Alex Jones a closet Illuminati" (follow the money), Left Wingnut liberalism ("Huffington Post") and now the Radicalization of Islamic Youth due to American involvement in their so called "Home" countries. Choose a position and stick to it.

It says.

Yemen's Houthi fighters say scores ofcivilians, including many children, have been killed in US air-raids inthe southeast of the war-stricken Arab country.

The Shia fighters on Friday reported the deaths of 63 people, including some 28 children, in the southeastern province of Abyan.

Almost 90 people were also injured in the attacks by US warplanes in the village of Bakazam, they added.

Didn't you see this?

One of the articles is from New York Times.

When I used to live in Poland it was a conspiracy theory that Russians invaded Poland in third week after Nazis attacked Poland. It was a conspiracy theory that Russians killed 10,000 high ranking Polish officers as POW with the shot in the head. We knew about this all from forbidden literature which was passed secretly between people, none of this was so called legitimate sources. Today kids are learning about this in history books.

If you don't know that things are not the way they seem to be, you are missing big part of life. You believe in propaganda and all the things you do are for the wrong reasons.

E.g. climategate which has had twice as many searches on the internet after a week than "global warming" after 10 years, wasn't mentioned in so call MSM for two weeks. This just shows how corrupt they are. I will first believe small dedicated source than any of the MSM.
MSM works for Goldman-Sachs and JP Morgan.


If you don'twant your sources questioned choose a side of the discussion you wishto be addressed from. You have used "Right Wing Conspiracists theories,mostly Alex Jones a closet Illuminati" (follow the money), Left Wingnutliberalism ("Huffington Post") and now the Radicalization of IslamicYouth due to American involvement in their so called "Home" countries.Choose a position and stick to it.

I don't care where the source is coming from. left or right or middle. I don't need to stick to any of the sides because none of them represent my views.

There is no left or right. All what is there is money and power. Left will become right when it will be convenient or when the opportunity presents itself.

Peter Fogel

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/29/2009 7:25:48 AM
Hi Bogdan,

I'm sorry my friend it's a bit difficult to understand your reasoning. The article shows that these training camps are in fact for recruiting and training of terrorists that will act both within the United States and in other parts of the world. They aren't "leaving" cos they are unhappy with their treatment in the US but simply for the fact that they are terrorists and being sent on their missions.

The fact that they "disappeared" doesn't mean that they left America even though many have as we saw with the arrest of the 5 last week and the American Muslims fighting in Somalia which is well documented all over the internet and even MSM ( I guess they had no choice). The same can be said about Afghanistan with the many American Radical Muslim terrorists fighting over there as well.

So, the disappearances are for "over seas terrorist duty and within the USA and North America". Please remember we are talking about the dangers of Radical Islam and I would say it is staring you in the face and yet you continue denying it.

I've read your links and much to my surprise the Press TV website is an official Iranian "news service". If they are your source for valid and responsible news all I can say is thank you but no thank you. I'll pass on them.

You know the stories about "they said and so forth" with no other substantiated sources are rather dubious.

This is modern colonization of the world. If this young Muslims arebeing radicalized, this is due to American war machine which threatenstheir countries with chaos, destruction and slavery. This is anythingbut freedom.

Pakistan and Yemen are two next states which will share the fate of Afghanistan soon. Perpetual war.

it says.

Yemen's Houthi fighters say scores of civilians, including many children, have been killed in US air-raids in the southeast of the war-stricken Arab country.

The Shia fighters on Friday reported the deaths of 63 people, including some 28 children, in the southeastern province of Abyan.

Almost 90 people were also injured in the attacks by US warplanes in the village of Bakazam, they added.

Didn't you see this?

One of the articles is from New York Times.

Please notice the red. It's all based on what one side is saying about the other with no validation of sources. Now I surely recommend that you read reliable sources about what's happening in Yemen. The fighting there is between Saudi Arabia and Yemen and that's been admitted to by the Saudi's. They have their own agenda and it has nothing to do with the USA or the western world. As you most probably know all is not well between the different Muslim nations especially between the Egypt/Saudi block and the Iran/Syria/Sudan/Turkey block. It's not hard to find legitimate sources for information.

You keep on using the New York Times as a source as if that makes it proof positive as to the reliability of the information. C'mon Bogdan you know as well as I that they are great fabricators and distorters of news and aren't to be relied on as a source.

I've pasted below the about me of "Press TV and news service".



Tue Dec 29, 2009 | 06:27


PressTV takes revolutionary steps as the first Iranian international newsnetwork, broadcasting in English on a round-the-clock basis.

Our global Tehran-based headquarters is staffed with outstanding Iranian and foreign media professionals.

Press TV is extensively networked with bureaus located in the world's most strategic cities.


Heeding the often neglected voices and perspectives of a great portion of the world;

Embracing and building bridges of cultural understanding;

Encouraging human beings of different nationalities, races and creeds to identify with one another;

Bringingto light untold and overlooked stories of individuals who haveexperienced the vitality and versatility of political and culturaldivides firsthand.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/29/2009 11:21:19 AM
Hi Jim,

Iposted an interesting interview over at HSIG and being a Floridian youmight want to be our personal envoy to the "On Guard Rally" in FT.Lauderdale on 12/30/09.

You can get the details and read the interview here.

Below is a video from a violent pro Hamas rally held last year at the very spot where the "On Guard Rally" will be held this year.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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