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Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/28/2009 6:50:41 PM
New York Times in regards to Mumbai attacks and Mr. Headley,
I'm sure this source will be credible enough.

Bogdan Fiedur

The article actually supports the discussion we are having. The source is liberal leaning but the facts are there. If you read the article you will see that yes one of the perpetrators is a US citizen, an immigrant from Pakistan. Also they are Muslim with ties to Radical Islamists, planning an attack and in all probability did some front work for the Mumbai attacks.

Mr. Headley, who changed his name from Daood Gilani in 2006, is aUnited States citizen who lived in Pakistan but recently was mainly aresident of Chicago. Mr. Rana is a Canadian citizen who has livedlegally in Chicago, where he operated a travel agency and otherbusinesses.

Mr. Headley and Mr. Rana are graduates of a militaryacademy in the town of Hasan Abdal in Pakistan, and they maintainede-mail contact with other former students, including officers inPakistan’s military. They belonged to a group of the school’s graduateswho referred to themselves as the “abdalians” in Internet postings,according to government affidavits.

Mr. Headley and Mr. Rana wereaccused in the complaints of reporting to Ilyas Kashmiri, a formerPakistani military officer who has become an Islamic militant commanderassociated with both Al Qaeda and Lashkar-e-Taiba. The latter is a Pakistan-based militant group suspected in the deadly attacks in Mumbai.

Actually serves as good reason to keep better tabs on folks from parts of the world where radicals and extremists are known breeding grounds for such activity Granted mistakes were made when we covertly helped these same people defeat Russian invaders in the late 80's and 90's. Then we didn't help them rebuild and set up a governing body, and many other things that needed rebuilding. They reverted back to the old ways. Now we are there with a different mission to start with and now we are caught in a similar trick bag as Russia. Who do you leave in power?

Then of course we can't really please everyone. But the same players are involved. Al-Queda and other Radical Extremist Groups mostly Islamic in nature. At this point we simply cannot walk away and let those that have begun to taste freedom, lose the ability to achieve those fruits that freedom brings.

The girls and women actually having a voice in affairs the affect and effect their daily lives is a very positive thing that has to be protected now. They actually have a vote in elections and hold seats in their parliament/congress. We must finish our mission, whenever our administration decides to define it.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/28/2009 7:51:05 PM

The article actually supports the discussion we are having. The source is liberal leaning but the facts are there. If you read the article you will see that yes one of the perpetrators is a US citizen, an immigrant from Pakistan. Also they are Muslim with ties to Radical Islamists, planning an attack and in all probability did some front work for the Mumbai attacks.

You are forgetting small details, which is the key to my directions in having this discussion. According to another source I have provided previously, Mr. Headley is a CIA agent.
I guess this changes the whole prospective.

Could you enlighten me what you mean by this.

Actually serves as good reason to keep better tabs on folks from parts of the world where radicals and extremists are known breeding grounds for such activity Granted mistakes were made when we covertly helped these same people defeat Russian invaders in the late 80's and 90's

Do you mean Soviet war in Afghanistan? Do you mean the time when US was supporting
Mujahideen movement and helped creating todays Al Qaeda and Taliban and got very close with Osama Bind Laden?


The girls and women actually having a voice in affairs the affect and effect their daily lives is a very positive thing that has to be protected now. They actually have a vote in elections and hold seats in their parliament/congress. We must finish our mission, whenever our administration decides to define it.

Your mission in Afghanistan will never end as this is not its objective. Read what H. Clinton had to say during Senate hearing.

She wants to stay there between 50 to 60 years.

Did you know that cost of heroin exported from Afghanistan brings over one trillion per year (this is more than your entire manufacturing sector, whatever got left from being exported to China and India)? Do you believe CIA would want to give up this kind of revenue?
Check out this links. I can get you more.

And here I'm encouraging you to read how Americans are helping woman in Afghanistan.

When will you stop believing this propaganda if you really believe in it?

Bogdan Fiedur
Jim Allen

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/28/2009 8:59:49 PM

You are forgetting small details, which is the key to my directionsin having this discussion. According to another source I have providedpreviously, Mr. Headley is a CIA agent.
I guess this changes the whole prospective.

Actually this was covered previously and your source is dubious to say the least which is a thorn for you in this discussion. As you are bringing nothing new here. Except speculations that never gained ground due to lack of proof.


The rest of the information in your discussion is more America bashing IMHO. It is obvious you have a very strong distaste for the USA. However your continued use of conspiracy theory only helps prove that there is a great conspiracy to discredit the USA in any way possible.

You are helping to prove this point with weak arguments. More propaganda basically just a different source.

Below you will find the headlines and story links that were part of your statement here
And here I'm encouraging you to read how Americans are helping woman in Afghanistan.

When will you stop believing this propaganda if you really believe in it?

It appears we have a very different view of the problem. As almost all the following incidents were related to women being mistreated by their own not the US. Are you suggesting their plights are worse? If so you have no real grasp on the price of Freedom. IMHO

  • December 27, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    A Peril in War Zones: Sexual Abuse by Fellow G.I.’s
    New York Times: Capt. Margaret H. White began a relationship with awarrant officer while both were training to be deployed to Iraq. By thetime they arrived this year at Camp Taji, north of here, she felt whatshe called “creepy vibes” and tried to break it off. In theclaustrophobic confines of a combat post, it was not easy to do. Heleft notes on the door to her quarters, alternately pleading andmenacing. He forced her to have sex, she said. Full news...

  • December 11, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    The tribulations of child-bearing children
    IRIN: Rabia, 14, is expecting her first child almost a year aftergetting married to Haji Obaidullah, aged 49, as his second wife. “Sheis supposed to deliver in a few days, but this is her first visit to ahealth centre,” said Nazia Hemat, an obstetrician at Mia Abdul HakimHospital in the southern province of Kandahar. Rabia is fortunate inbeing able to visit the hospital: “Men often don’t allow their pregnantwomen to go to hospitals and doctors,” Full news...

  • December 10, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Hundreds of women lead protest in Afghanistan
    The Los Angeles Times: Several hundred women, many holding aloftpictures of relatives killed by drug lords or Taliban militants, held aloud but nonviolent street protest today, demanding that PresidentHamid Karzai purge from his government anyone connected to corruption,war crimes or the Taliban. Full news...

  • December 8, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghan women among worst off in world: HRW
    Reuters: Afghan women are among the worst off in the world, violenceagainst them is “endemic” and Afghanistan’s government fails to protectthem from crimes such as rape and murder, a rights group said onMonday. Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a report the situation forwomen in Afghanistan is “dismal in every area”. Full news...

  • December 7, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Plight of Afghan women may worsen as war effort is stepped up, warns report
    The Guardian: The already dire plight of women in Afghanistan risksdeteriorating further as the US and its allies take steps to turnaround the war against the Taliban, according to a report by HumanRights Watch today. Eight years after the Taliban were ousted frompower, rapists are often protected from prosecution, women can still bearrested for running away from home, and girls have far less access toschools than boys, the report says. Full news...

  • December 2, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Public space “shrinking” for Afghan women - UN official
    IRIN: Eight years after the formal end of Taliban rule in Afghanistan,women are facing growing challenges in public life and have limitedaccess to justice, according to the UN Assistance Mission inAfghanistan (UNAMA). "The space for women in public life is shrinking,"warned Norah Niland, head of UNAMA's human rights unit and arepresentative of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for HumanRights. Full news...

  • November 29, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Taliban amnesty betrays US connivance with war criminals Authentic Afghan voices for democracy, secularism andwomen's rights oppose the US/NATO occupation precisely because the UShas connived with fundamentalist war criminals from the day it arrivedin Afghanistan. Foremost among these voices is the RevolutionaryAssociation of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA), who maintainedclandestine schools for girls under Taliban rule at the ultimatepersonal risk. Full news...

  • November 28, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Suicide in Afghanistan
    Al-Jazeera: The last time I stood by the bedside of a woman who’d triedto burn herself to death was in Kandahar one year ago. She wasscreaming in pain and later died. It was not an experience I wanted torepeat. But this week I found myself in the Burns Unit at a hospital inHerat watching a mother spoon feed her child some rice through lipsthat were horribly blistered. Full news...

  • November 25, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Violence against Afghan, Pakistani women escalates in 2009
    The FINANCIAL: Human rights activists have noted a large-scale growthin violence toward Afghan women, hundreds of whom are beaten,intimidated or sexually assaulted by men daily. According to the humanrights activists' publication, the number of suicides among women hasalso grown... Over the last week, there were five such incidents. Full news...

  • November 22, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghan Women burn themselves to flee abuse
    Reuters: "I was seven-year-old when I got married. I did not have kidstill the age of 12. I became a mother of four kids. My husband is adrug user. I asked him to stop using drugs many times, but he wouldn'tstop. I warned him that I would have no choice but to kill myself if hedidn't quit using drugs. He couldn't do it, and that is why I burnedmyself." Full news...

  • November 21, 2009 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Violence against Afghan women on the rise in Baghlan
    PAN: Department of Women's Affair in Baghlan province reports aworrisome increase in the scale of violence against women, includingmurder and suicide, this year as compared to the previous year. Withheightened concern, the department says up to 74 cases of violence wererecorded since the beginning of this year, against last year's 67cases. Full news...
With the above stories are you suggesting that these crimes were related to America? Seriously?!

As for Hillary Clinton's statements: They are realistic and at least shows that we do not intend to leave the folks in a lurch as has been done in the past.

As for your suggestion that the CIA is protecting the drug trade is hilariously suspect as you provide no proof and suggest a scenario from the Vietnam Era that was personified in a movie titled "American Gangster" with Denzel Washington in the lead role.

What you seem to characterize as criminal acts may actually be intelligence gathering operations that often require moles and inside operators to bring the real bad guys down. You know the bankers of the world that turn a buck on anything.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/28/2009 9:35:39 PM
Hi Jim,

You didn't say anything of substance in your last reply. In fact any argument provided including highly publicized information about CIA showing the they are the ones behind most of the drug trade in any part of the world anytime US participates in the military conflict you are defining as hilarious.

You are stating that I have distaste for America. No you are wrong, I have strong distastes towards tyranny, communism and fascism. All of these traits belong to current US government.

I have respect for those who endanger their lives to defend US constitution and I believe they will succeed in the end. I'm sure those are not the people who believe that H. Clinton should stay in Afghanistan for next 50 to 60 years.

You can argue with me and call things as conspiracy theoris or call sources as unreliable, but I will tell you that all the sources you believe are reliable which is MSM are part of propaganda machine of which you are the successful subject. Read George Orwell 1984 to see what I mean. WAR is PEACE and LIE is TRUTH.

You can tell me on this forum that US brings freedom to the world, but you will have hard time explaining it to 90% of this planet.

Bogdan Fiedur
Peter Fogel

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/28/2009 11:17:55 PM
Hi Jim & Friends,

You might find this interesting. In a sense it's a continuation of the video on the Radical Islam training camp.

It might give you something to think about.



The Case of the Missing Muslims: Why Is Islamberg Now a Ghost Town?

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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