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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/27/2009 9:29:43 PM
Hi Peter,

In regards to this article.

I will just use your techniques of discrediting the source of the message, which you and Jim are consistently using when I provide you with any information.

I have checked the site where the article originated from and the name of the author.
I couldn't find any significant description of this author and the article which is located on the site has Alexa ranking of 1,716,507. That article could be found only on the above site.

The site which I run for polish community in Winnipeg where I live has ranking of 850,483 and it has 600 email subscribers and usually relates to community cultural issues.

So if the site with 600 email subscribers is leaving in the dust the site you are quoting as a proof of dangers for the world, you might be exaggerating here.

Bogdan Fiedur

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/27/2009 9:51:56 PM
Hi Peter,

I want to address one of the points in your previous posts. The other part of the post we have been already rehashing and I don't see anything new in it.


Whatamazes me no end are the complaints of Muslim immigrants to beingmistreated in the US, Canada, Europe and in the many different westerncountries. The question that stands out and remains unanswered is whydon't they go back to their original countries if it's so bad in the USand the other countries? Another very important question is why do theykeep on coming in their hordes to gain entry to the US?

You have to remember that the only true owners of the land which is called USA today, are the Indians, at least this is as far as we can go back in history. Everybody else came there sooner or later. It doesn't make anybody better American if they were there sooner. In fact those who came there first, exterminated virtually all the natives. You could say that they did the dirty job for all to enjoy America today, but we know what they really did.

It happens that majority of those who got there first, got there mostly for the same reason as today Arab immigrants are coming. They came there looking for better lives.

It happened that majority of them were Christians. So they created a state with the understanding that God is the Christian God, but they have no more right to call this land theirs as those who are coming there today.

Also remember that today's migrants coming from third world and developing countries are those who keep this country still afloat. They are the ones who work for salary below average, they live in the small places with three generation families and work over time so they can afford some of the things they were hoping to have when they come to America.

Now this people working overtime, dare to complain that they have no access to things which is inherently build into their customs.
I know that during colonial times, British didn't worry about those things and now this appears painful, but this is the other end of the stick.

If you want to keep hitting with the stick, consider that the stick has the other end.

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/27/2009 11:17:22 PM
Un torturing children
Peter Fogel

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/28/2009 12:29:23 AM
Hello Bogdan,

I'll say this you do have a sense of humor whether purposely or by chance.The United States as we know it today belongs to the American people of all races and creeds that comprise the "melting Pot" that is the United States. You quoted one part of a post without relating to the main concept in all my posts. So let's use them both and set a proper perspective for this discussion.

The United States is considered to be the "Melting Pot" of the world cos of the many different cultures and religions that together comprise what turned out to be one of the greatest countries in the world. The very fact that so many different mentalities and cultures were able to integrate into one society despite the different belief structures was and still is what makes it great. The respect for others beliefs and inherent right to maintain their different religions is the crux of the issues facing the United States and the world today. These issues are exacerbating with the problem of Radical Islam and their belief that Islam is the one and only true religion and the supremacy of Islam above all other religions.

And then the quote you used in your last post.
What amazes me no end are the complaints of Muslim immigrants to being mistreated in the US, Canada, Europe and in the many different western countries. The question that stands out and remains unanswered is why don't they go back to their original countries if it's so bad in the US and the other countries? Another very important question is why do they keep on coming in their hordes to gain entry to the US?

When you combine the 2 quotes you'll see that the basic argument is that the United States became great cos of and due to the many different cultures and religions that integrated into one society while maintaining their differences in cultures and religions. This is not the case with Islam and Radical Islam. They want their laws to be the law of the land and please if you haven't read up on their many demands Nation wide that Shariah law become the law of the land I can supply you with a myriad of links to read up on it.

It happens that majority of those who got there first, got there mostly for the same reason as today Arab immigrants are coming. They came there looking for better lives.
. Of course that's why all immigrants come to the US or any other country.The desire for a better life then they had in their home countries and yet the Muslims have no desire to integrate into the society of their new country. And have complaints as mentioned in previous posts. So the questions asked are still relevant.

Now this is the funny part Bogdan.

You have to remember that the only true owners of the land which is called USA today, are the Indians, at least this is as far as we can go back in history. Everybody else came there sooner or later. It doesn't make anybody better American if they were there sooner. In fact those who came there first, exterminated virtually all the natives. You could say that they did the dirty job for all to enjoy America today, but we know what they really did.

It happens that majority of those who got there first, got there mostly for the same reason as today Arab immigrants are coming. They came there looking for better lives.

It happened that majority of them were Christians. So they created a state with the understanding that God is the Christian God, but they have no more right to call this land theirs as those who are coming there today.
The Indian issue is not the funny part but unfortunately they were wronged and those wrongs have been rectified over the years. But, let's remember that in most countries in what was called the New World the natives suffered and that is not only unfortunate but sad. That part of history can't be changed.

Now here's where your sense of humor comes in. You say "it happened that majority of them were Christians ........". Can you imagine what the USA would be today if Muslims discovered the USA??? One big country similar to Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Yemen, Iran etc. Taking into account that those countries are somewhat modern due to the same western Christians that were there and worked in those countries. And yet I doubt Bogdan you'd be very happy living under Sharia law like in Saudi Arabia or Iran.

All immigrants that come to a new country must accept the laws and mores of their adopted countries else chaos and lawlessness would erupt if that were not the case. That said each and every person has the right to celebrate his beliefs and customs as is their inalienable rights under the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Now in regard to cheap labor that you alluded to. I propose that the cheapest labor in the USA today are the illegals that cost the country much more then they might save the employers in salaries. So they end up paying higher taxes in order to "support" all the illegals with free education, health services, cheap housing and so much more. And the high crime rate amongst them that also costs the taxpayer quite a bit of their hard earned money.

The dangers of Radical Islam are staring us all in the face and I'll post other articles that will show exactly what those dangers are. When I post an article it comes from sources that have arguments that are factual. If you can disprove the facts stated in the previous article please be my guest. I'd be more then glad to hear what you have to say.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/28/2009 5:19:47 PM
New York Times in regards to Mumbai attacks and Mr. Headley,
I'm sure this source will be credible enough.

Bogdan Fiedur

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