Hi Peter, I want to address one of the points in your previous posts. The other part of the post we have been already rehashing and I don't see anything new in it. Quote:
Whatamazes me no end are the complaints of Muslim immigrants to beingmistreated in the US, Canada, Europe and in the many different westerncountries. The question that stands out and remains unanswered is whydon't they go back to their original countries if it's so bad in the USand the other countries? Another very important question is why do theykeep on coming in their hordes to gain entry to the US?
You have to remember that the only true owners of the land which is called USA today, are the Indians, at least this is as far as we can go back in history. Everybody else came there sooner or later. It doesn't make anybody better American if they were there sooner. In fact those who came there first, exterminated virtually all the natives. You could say that they did the dirty job for all to enjoy America today, but we know what they really did. It happens that majority of those who got there first, got there mostly for the same reason as today Arab immigrants are coming. They came there looking for better lives. It happened that majority of them were Christians. So they created a state with the understanding that God is the Christian God, but they have no more right to call this land theirs as those who are coming there today. Also remember that today's migrants coming from third world and developing countries are those who keep this country still afloat. They are the ones who work for salary below average, they live in the small places with three generation families and work over time so they can afford some of the things they were hoping to have when they come to America. Now this people working overtime, dare to complain that they have no access to things which is inherently build into their customs. I know that during colonial times, British didn't worry about those things and now this appears painful, but this is the other end of the stick. If you want to keep hitting with the stick, consider that the stick has the other end. Bogdan