Read this:
The Human Cost of WW2
Country Effectives Killed
South Africa 140,000 9,000
Germany 10,000,000 3,500,000
Australia 680,000 34,000
Belgium 800,000 10,000
Brazil 200,000 1,000
Bulgaria 450,000 19,000
Canada 780,000 43,000
China 5,000,000 1,500,000
Denmark 15,000 4,000
USA 16,400,000 292,000
Finland 250,000 79,000
France 5,000,000 253,000
GB 4,700,000 420,000
Greece 150,000 17,000
Hungary 350,000 147,000
India 2,400,000 48,000
Italy 4,500,000 380,000
Japan 6,000,000 2,600,000
Norway 25,000 5,000
New Zealand 157,000 12,000
Holland 500,000 14,000
Poland 1,000,000 600,000
Rumania 600,000 73,000
Czechoslovakia 180,000 7,000
Soviet Union 20,000,000 13,600,000
Yugoslavia 3,700,000 305,000
I would like to draw your attention to the Soviet Union figures in particular. Without their losses in creating and destroying Hitler on the Eastern Front, the world would definitely look different.
Let me just add a few Civilian loss figures:
USA - less than 10
GB - 70,000
Poland - 6,000,000
Soviet Union - 7,700,000
Yugoslavia - 1,400,000
Germany - 2,000,000
For some who appear to have some shakey history, the Soviet Union did actually fight against Hitler - despite the vagaries of the early War years.
Nobody is defending Stalin - far from it, but if we are to look at the human cost of the fight against Hitler, we should be fair, and recognise that it was not only America that fought the War.
Source: The World at Arms (Reader's Digest)