Hi Neil,
Thank you for your insights and information. It is much appreciated.
Please be careful to keep it friendly! We can all benefit from your input as well as the input of everyone else, whether we agree with them or not. At the very least, we will know what others think, which helps us to understand the situations and decisions we see around the world.
There is an incredible amount of information available today on virtually any subject anyone can think of. A Google search on any of the subjects we discuss here in the forums will often bring up millions of pages. For example, if you type in the words Iraq war in the Google searchbar, you will find 380,000,000 pages!
What I'm saying here is, no one is ever going to have all the information unless they read all 380,000,000 pages, and then they still probably won't get it all. It is certainly not a matter of either great intelligence or stupidity that creates opinions; it is more a reflection of the information that an individual has absorbed, what is at the core of that individual's belief system, and the way that individual's mind has analyzed it.
Our friend, Norm, is a well-travelled person who has had the unique opportunity to live in various different cultures at different times, and brings with him a wealth of perspective on cultures that are foreign to many. His views, my views and your views will all differ somewhat, depending on what we're talking about.
Have a wonderful 4th of July, and God Bless America.
God bless,