
Forum: Prayer Requests

Description: Please take the time to read all the threads related to prayer requests. Perhaps the greatest thing you can do for your friends is to pray for them... Prayer requests are welcome here.
Members 153
Topics 76
Posts 685
Last Post 4/20/2013 6:54:29 PM
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Dave Cottrell


Invite Me as a Friend
Thread Last Post Posts Views
Page: 1, 2
4/20/2013 6:54:29 PM
7 2307
Please send prayers and thoughts to Dennis Clairmont
1/16/2013 9:48:23 PM
1 941
Please pray for my father-in-law
12/28/2012 7:34:01 AM
3 1153
Please Pray for my Sister-In-Law
Page: 1, 2
12/28/2012 7:32:59 AM
9 3661
Prayers for the victims of the Newtown, CT, USA shootings
12/22/2012 6:29:50 AM
2 864
Prayer for a Pastor in Syria
Page: 1, 2
12/16/2012 12:35:30 AM
8 2424
To anyone that has a friend or loved one in the Military and is over seas, please read
7/18/2009 4:02:05 PM
1 1334
Requirement of faithful nanny for old parents
By .
2/3/2009 10:22:29 AM
By .
1 1059
Your Prayers are Appreciated
Page: 1, 2
1/14/2009 12:52:48 PM
8 2948
Please Pray for Me
Page: 1, 2
9/14/2008 6:30:30 PM
8 3437
Please Pray For My Mom
8/13/2008 9:17:29 PM
1 1210
8/13/2008 9:12:01 PM
2 1363
Please Keep Praying for Miss Beverly
Page: 1, 2
6/12/2008 7:44:45 AM
6 2901
Please Pray
Page: 1, 2, 3
6/6/2008 4:30:00 AM
11 4324
Please Pray for my friend's wife
Page: 1, 2, 3, 4
8/1/2007 10:42:58 PM
20 5681

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