
Who is Norman Clark?

Norman Clark

Norman Clark
BirthdaySaturday, March 16, 1940
Member SinceThursday, November 11, 2004
Last ActivityTuesday, January 1, 2013
LocationSavigny-en-Revermont, Bourgogne, France France
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

I am a 67 year old Writer,Lecturer on things Marketing & Advertising, living in Burgundy in France.  Also a part-time Artist (I started life as a Commercial Artist &Illustrator). As with my part of my business I illustrate items of social history - cars, aircraft, military uniforms etc. 


We are now concentrating on converting our Courses 'Career Training  on CD' which are fully-narrated MBA courses as delivered to various Business Schools into e-books.  The CD's are available from between $US25 - $US48 with up to 14 hours of study material on them!


 I am also long-term, happily married to a French lady called Laure, and we own an old farmhouse in the heart of Burgundy in France, from where we work and make our various excursions.


We have lived and worked in 10 different countries in the past 30 years (longer than 1 year in each).  UK, France, Belgium, Hungary, Malta, Australia, Bahrain & Gulf States, Estonia, Latvia.  We have worked for shorter periods in Jordan, Vietnam, Russia and the Ukraine.   Project work has been done in more than 20 other countries.   


I was Professor of Media Studies with European Business Schools in Brussels,

Visiting Professor of International Marketing with Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh State Universities, Professor Marketing Psychology, Research in Marketing with United Business Institutes in Brussels.


I was GM of JWT Direct in Australia, Agency Head for Michaelis Bayley in Australia, Partner in Lintas-Clark Direct & Promo in Budapest, and Partner in NCTraining in the Baltics with AGEcom (Saatchi & Saatchi in the Region).


In 1999 AGEcom published my book The Basics of Marketing Commuication, and I am just having my second text is now published 'Fitting in the 4th P - an IMC Primer'  (ISBN 1420887181) thanks to the sponsorship of RCP Global, the international financial 'fix-it'company, and can be seen on  and for US readers - Barnes & Noble -, or through Type Norman Clark in the search boxes.

I have now completed my Memoirs, 'Brothels, Beans & In-betweens - or 50 years an Ad-man'.

Current projects are the publishing of a series of Old Poster books, of which seven are now available through

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Jeffrey Obrien - (9/29/2006 7:00:42 PM) : Norman Clark,
I am rating you a 10 today because I liked your Public statement on the conflict in adland.As your friend and fellow member I take my hat off to you for being adult as well Gentleman to do so.

We all make mistakes in our lives which none of us have the right to Judge these mistakes this Norman is God's Duty of care for us.His Job in other words.

Have a great weekend Norman and keep your chin up smile be happy and forgive all.It makes us a better person too.

jeffrey OBrien
Kathy Hamilton - (9/12/2006 3:30:27 AM) : Hello Norman,
Very interesting site,looking forward to knowing you and becoming your friend and learning many good things from you,Kathy
Carletta Bell - (7/26/2006 12:40:47 AM) : I like your site.


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