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Re: Happy Independence Day!!!
7/5/2009 11:12:13 AM
Hey there Barb,

Great to see you & thanks for celebrating here with your Adland friends.  I agree with you...we need to be diligent more than ever in making sure that we keep the freedoms we enjoy so much.  The men and women who have sacrificed life and limb to protect us are great American heroes.  I'm honored and thankful for all that have gone before us and all that continue to fight that we might have what we have.

Take care and many blessings to you & family.

Cheryl ;-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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Re: Happy Independence Day!!!
7/5/2009 11:21:03 AM
Hi Kathleen,

Wow...sounds like you would have some interesting family discussions.  I hope that you're having a wonderful 4th of July weekend!  Happy Independence Day to you and all of your family.  We are blessed beyond measure to have been given an opportunity to live where we live, speak what we want to say, & interact with the people we choose. 

I pray that everyone will have these kinds of freedoms someday and that their will be an end to the tyranny and oppression that many throughout the world.  There will come a day, & the Lord knows
when it is.

Blessings to you and yours!

Cheryl :-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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Re: Happy Independence Day!!!
7/5/2009 11:47:49 AM
Hello Luka,

Thanks for your efforts in helping us celebrate our beloved United States o America, & the freedom that she represents for us. 

I think you are so right...our celebration is extended to everyone who deems freedom of value.  No matter where someone lives, every human spirit desires to be free & be able to have self direction and self worth and value.  One of the great things about our country, is that opinions and thoughts are of value and individuality is desired and held in high least by most of us.

We will fight for the rights of everyone...even those who are different from us and don't necessarily agree with us.  Though there may be vigorous debate amongst our people, at the end of the day most of us value the freedom of expression, the freedom to live where we want and achieve whatever we want to achieve.  This is definitely worth celebrating.

Your academic studies are teaching you so much & I'm glad you're discovering that being an American goes far deeper than sociological, political and geographic location.  It's an ideology worth pursuing because of the profound implications of what it means to be "free".  In every way...I wish for the stars for you.  Take care my friend and thanks for your efforts in getting here & sharing in the celebration.  Keep on growing, expanding and desiring to be a pursuer of knowledge. 

Cheryl :-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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Re: Happy Independence Day!!!
7/5/2009 11:54:23 AM
Hello Jan,

Thanks for helping us celebrate what the founding fathers meant us to have.  A nation founded on the values of Judeo Christian principals, & the freedom to have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Your presence here is most appreciated.  Take care and blessings to you & yours!

Cheryl ;-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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Re: Happy Independence Day!!!
7/5/2009 5:31:48 PM

"I know that freedom rings in the hearts and souls of all.  There's something about the human spirit that seeks self determination and freedom of expression.  I love the 4th of July in the US, but even more than this, I hope for freedom for every human being, no matter where they reside" - Cheryl Baxter.

Hello dear Cheryl and all my US friends,
I hope I'll be forgiven for coming in late but like you have rightly stated above, freedom rings in the heart and soul of every living. I just read in the yahoo-news about some chimpz that escaped from the zoo somewhere in US, I am sure wherever they are right now they are happier breathing the sweet air of freedom!!

Thanks for the invitation and Happy July 4th to all of you!!


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