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Happy Independence Day!!!
7/3/2009 6:35:40 PM
Hello Friends,

I just wanted to wish you the best of holidays this 4th of July weekend! I'm so glad to be able to express my gratitude for all the freedoms we still enjoy in the US.  I am blessed beyond measure and I am thankful for those who have come and gone before me.

Everyone who values freedom and the ideal of human rights and individual expression have something to be thankful for.  You know that when a society is free and people are fighting to get in...there is something within the human spirit that wants self determination and a right to express itself.  I think we see this over and over in different societies & sometimes people pay a price for having this desire.  We saw it clearly in the recent Iranian demonstrations where thousands of people took to the streets day after day until the military began their slaughter of these freedom seekers.  We saw it in Beijing years back.  Is it any wonder why people still want to come to the US?  I heard a quote a little while back that expresses this so well...

"You can judge a country by the people who want to come into it & will do whatever it takes to get there, & you can also judge a country by the walls and barbed wire it has put up to keep it's people within it's borders."

Happy July 4th!!!! "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Flag of Branka Babic

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Re: Happy Independence Day!!!
7/3/2009 6:40:45 PM

Hello Cheryl,

I wish to you and to all my dear American friends, VERY HAPPY AND BLESSED JULY 4th!

May your biggest national holiday be spent in joy and fun.

God bless you all!



PS Still I can`t post any graphics


Flag of John Partington

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Re: Happy Independence Day!!!
7/3/2009 6:49:13 PM

Hi Cheryl,

And a happy 4th of July to you and all my other american friends, enjoy your Independence Day.

Best Wishes


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Re: Happy Independence Day!!!
7/3/2009 6:52:11 PM
Thank you Branka, I appreciate your July 4th wishes!  Yes, it's a pretty big holiday here in the US. 

Tomorrow I'm spending time with friends and family.  I have two different celebrations to attend where there will be lot's of food and fun, & then in the evening when it gets dark will be lots of fireworks displays. 

To me, no matter where you live there are reasons to celebrate the freedoms you have & we can in spirit celebrate the ideal that freedom represents. 

Have a wonderful weekend!

Cheryl :-)

Freedom isn't free, but it's worth the price at any cost! "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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Re: Happy Independence Day!!!
7/3/2009 7:01:00 PM
Hey there John,

Great of you to wish me a good 4th of July celebration!  I plan on visiting with friends and family and consider it a privilege to have the freedoms I've been so blessed to have.  All of us, whether the US or elsewhere in the west know what freedom means & I'm sure you know how incredibly blessed you are as well.

Thanks again for helping me celebrate!!!!

Cheryl :-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"

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