Hello Friends,
Here's the first edition of NewsBusters for the week. Today's episode is full of extremely important information.
Why B Hussein "waved" in a picture taken at the UN, who might be a possible VP running mate for kook in chief Ron Paul and why. Annnnnd, so much more info you might get an information overload ........ all this in just under 3 minutes.
Topics in today's show: --Obama waved in a photo of world leaders --Obama said America built the intercontinental railroad --Democratic senate candidate Elizabeth Warren said nobody ever became rich on their own --Michelle Obama wore $42,000 of diamond bracelets --Scientists have found a chemical they believe travels faster than the speed of light --A new Gallup poll shows 55% of Americans don't trust the media --A new Bloomberg poll shows Hillary Clinton is the most popular political figure in America --Singer Tony Bennett criticiZed for saying America's foreign policy caused 9/11 Starring: Jodi Miller Production: Dialog New Media https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHAeWG70t_U&feature=player_embedded