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Peter Fogel

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RE: Your Friday Chuckle - Every Day Of The Week
9/29/2011 2:08:23 PM
Hi Evelyn,

Thanks for your New Years blessings. Here's Latma's prayers and wishes for the coming year (already posted in the HSIG thread).




Hi Peter, may you have a wonderful Jewish New Year's celebration my friend. :)


Hello Friends,

This evening is the beginning of the Jewish New Year - Rosh Hashana. I want to wish all my Jewish friends a happy and prosperous year. And a Happy Jewish New Year to all

LeShana Tova U Metuka
לשנה טובה ומתוקה



Tomorrow evening is the start of Rosh HaShana 5772 and ushers in the fall holiday season. When I was a kid in Brooklyn we called it the High Holidays. No cartoons on Thursday or Friday. Next Dry Bones on Monday.

Shana Tova!
Happy Jewish New Year
to us all!

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: Your Friday Chuckle - Every Day Of The Week
9/29/2011 6:32:18 PM

Hi friends, not sure if this one is a repeat or not so I'm going to post it anyway. :)

A man was getting a shave and the barber gave him a large marble to put in his mouth for a hard to shave place of his cheek. The man said, wow I almost swallow that marble, the barber said don't worry about it. You know that happens all the time, just bring it back next time you come in.
RE: Your Friday Chuckle - Every Day Of The Week
9/29/2011 9:59:23 PM
Hello friends, here's one I just got from my brother. :)
At a wine merchant's warehouse the regular taster died, and the
director started looking for a new one to hire. A drunk retired Navy
submarine chief with a ragged dirty look came to apply for the position.
The director wondered how to send him away. They gave him a glass to drink. The old submariner tried it and said, "It's a Muscat three years old, grown on a north slope, matured in steel containers. Low grade but acceptable."

"That's correct", said the boss. "Another glass, please."

"It's a cabernet, eight years old, south-western slope, oak
barrels, matured at eight degrees. Requires three more years for
finest results."

"Absolutely correct. A third glass."

''It's a pinot blanc champagne, high grade and exclusive'' calmly
said the drunk.

The director was astonished and winked at his secretary to suggest
something. She left the room and came back in with a glass of urine.
The alcoholic sniffed it. "It's a blonde, 26 years old, three months
pregnant, and if I don't get the job, I'll name the father


Robert De Merode

669 Posts
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Re: Your Friday Chuckle (On Saturday - Again :) ) 5/8/09
9/30/2011 11:29:20 AM

A brilliant idea for getting Islamists back to reality. if it works for animals it should work for them...

A mother tiger lost her cubs due to premature labour. Shortly after, she became depressed and her health declined. She was later diagnosed with depression. Since tigers are endangered, every effort was made to secure her health. Zoologists wrapped piglets up in tiger-print cloth, and presented them to the mother tiger. She now loves these piglets and treats them like her own. And needless to mention, her health is back on track.

Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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Re: Your Friday Chuckle (On Saturday - Again :) ) 5/8/09
9/30/2011 3:20:02 PM
Hi Evelyn, Robert & All,

The drunk sure put paid to the "boss". :) Guess he's got a job for life. Robert, we're always learning from the animal world and this just might work and if not it'll run em outta town. :)

I just posted this over in my President's thread but it sure deserves to be posted here too.



Hi All,

This sign is creating quite a controversy in a Louisiana town. A homeowner has been putting up signs for months and the local progressive liberal Democrats are becoming verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry upset and claiming it's that dirty word RACISM. These idiots will use that teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrible word anytime anyplace when the fraud and great pretender gets the criticism he so richly deserves. Hmmmmm, I guess the truth hurts. :)

You gotta admit the guy has talent.

I'm posting the article from the local news and there is a gallery link that will take you to other pictures in addition to a news video from the local channel.



Anti-Obama sign in Uptown neighborhood draws controversy

Posted on September 28, 2011 at 2:29 PM

Updated yesterday at 10:39 AM

Maya Rodriguez / Eyewitness News

NEW ORLEANS -- There are several political signs attracting all kinds of attention in one Uptown neighborhood.

On Wednesday, crowds gathered at the corner of Calhoun and Coralie streets, looking at several signs depicting President Barack Obama as either a dunce, a puppet or a crying baby in a diaper.

"It disrespects the nation -- and President Barack Obama represents our nation," said Skip Alexander, as he looked at one of the signs. "He represents everybody, not some people."

Dozens of protesters came by the house in the 1500 block of Calhoun throughout the day, demanding the sign come down.

"He wouldn't do that to [President] Bush, I'm sure. It's just insulting. It's insulting," said C.C. Campbell-Rock. "He's going to have to take them down."

"This is nothing put pure racism," said Raymond Rock. "This is a disgrace."

The home is owned by Timothy Reily, who declined to be interviewed about the signs. Former Mayor Ray Nagin showed up at the house and went inside to speak with Reily. He emerged later and would not comment on what they discussed.

Some neighbors tell Eyewitness News that Reily has been putting the signs up for months. Some of the protesters learned about the signs through a local radio station on Wednesday morning.

"He can put up a sign if he wants to. It doesn't bother me," said Harold Gagnet, a neighbor.

"I think it's fine. It's on his property," said Katherine deMontluzin. "He can say whatever he wants."

The signs have created such a firestorm of controversy, though, that police came to the scene-- called in by City Council Member Susan Guidry. She represents the district where the home is located. Guidry said she was concerned about public safety and was trying to figure out if the sign was even legal. She also said she spoke to Reily, but didn't get far.

"We have to determine that there is a zoning law that prohibits perhaps the size of the sign, perhaps the way that it's erected, that it is leaning over onto public property," Guidry said. "Whatever we can use, we will, but of course, we do have to balance that with First Amendment rights."

Yet, the signs remain in place, fanning the flames of a free speech debate on both sides of the fence.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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