Happy Friday everyone. Due to time constraints I haven't had a lot of time lately to do any posting. It always amazes me when I see someone taking a forum owner to task for the content of their forum in said forum. There is a very simple remedy. If the forum offends you then just unsubscribe from it so that you will get no more notifications for new posts. No one twists anyone's arm to make them read a particular forum. If I don't like someone's forum then I just ignore it and go to one I do enjoy. This forum is one of the most popular here. When I checked just now, this particular forum has had 10,543 views and 853 posts in just over a year, so evidently a lot of people are reading and enjoying it. There are a LOT of hilarious jokes here and I am sure not all of them appeal to everyone. Just enjoy the ones that do and ignore the rest just I do. What ever happened to contacting someone by PM here? This should have been addressed through the PM system instead of a public forum. This is one of my pet peeves right now. I see certain people who seem to have made a habit of posting anything and everything on peoples profiles, things that should have been sent through the PM system and what is so sad many of the new people think that because a message is posted on their profile that is the norm and so they start doing it too. I am sure you know who I am talking about. Sure does make getting through the post history a lot longer. Everyone have an awesome weekend. :) -