Hello Peter I haven't been here for a while. I feel I cannot, in good conscience, keep quiet about what is most offensive, not just to me but to many at Adlandpro. I realize they don't all come to this forum. I can often see the humor in off-color jokes. I can even put up with pictures like the advertisement over the tunnel.
But using my Lord's name in vain is just not acceptable. He died an excrutiating death on the cross for me and for all in the world. And all we can do is swear His name?
Even if one wants no part of it, shouldn't we at least respect Someone who gave His life for us in such a manner when He didn't have to do so, for the reason He gave whether we accept it or not? And shouldn't we at least not curse His name? As one who loves and worships the Lord, I would be wrong not to object. I know you probably didn't make up the joke but if the offense cannot removed, then perhaps it would be better not to post the joke at all. It was quite crude, anyway.
I am sorry to throw a damper on all your fun here but I was hoping you might want to know how I (and some others) may feel about this. I recognize that this is your forum and you can put on it whatever you wish.
Ok, I've said what I said and that is the end of that. Helen Quote: Hi All, They keep on coming in so here are a few more. Shalom, Peter
A skinny little white guy goes into an elevator, looks up and sees this HUGE Black guy standing next to him.
The big guy sees the little guy staring at him Looks down and says: '7 feet, 350, 20 inch cock, 3 pound balls, Turner Brown.
The little guy faints and falls to the floor.The big guy kneels down and brings him to, shaking him. The big guy says: 'What's wrong with you?'
In a weak voice the little guy says,'What EXACTLY did you say to me?
The big dude says: 'I saw your curious look and figured I'd just give you the answers to the questions everyone always asks me.....
I'm 7 feet tall, I weigh 350 pounds, I have a 20 inch dick, my testicles weigh 3 pounds each, and my name is Turner Brown.'
The small guy says: 'Turner Brown?! Sweet Jesus, I thought you said,
'Turn around'.