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Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/2/2011 1:36:21 PM
Updated version

Hello Friends,

The fact that B Hussein is a fraud and not Constitutionally eligible to hold the office of president should be obvious to all. But, for the skeptics who aren't convinced yet I recommend watching the below video. It's less then 10 minutes long but shows proof that the Congress and Senate were aware of B Hussein's ineligibility and tried desperately to amend the Constitution many times over the years to overcome that constitutional clause that requires both parents to be citizens at the birth of their child in order for him/her to be eligible.

Watch it and understand why B Hussein thought it necessary to have all his records blocked just days after being elected.



Movie: BLOCKBUSTER REVELATION! – MINI Documentary – Illegal Obama “Propped Up” By Congress!

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/2/2011 9:14:53 PM
Hello Peter and Jim and friends. I am thankful everyday for all the wonderful friends I have who send me pertinent information like these two videos. Here is another plain speaking, hard hitting guy from Florida who really knows how to say it like it is. I hope everyone enjoys these videos as much as I did. They really spoke to my heart.
"Colonel Mike McCalister took the stage at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans on June 18th and rocked the house on national TV.
He did what many politicians are afraid to do. Colonel McCalister spoke the truth. His honesty has made him America’s newest Tea Party Star.
I’ll warn you. The Colonel didn’t hold back.
Colonel McCalister received eight standing ovations from the audience, because he did what any good soldier would do. He gave an unvarnished assessment of the failures of Barack Obama and told the audience what he would do to restore America’s greatness."

“McCalister wowed the RLC audience with very sharp criticisms of President Obama and his administration’s foreign and domestic policies that he believes threaten the sovereignty of the United States…” Part 2

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/3/2011 2:13:38 AM

Those were very good videos! Part 1, women need to remember we're the majority of the voting blocks and not let ourselves be biased against, or swayed out of our opinions.

Part 2, any country we support SHOULD support the USA.

In my opinion, if any country we support does NOT support us, I think USA should pull support from that country within 24 hours, that would put a stop to certain countries saying USA can't fly over them in a mission to get to certain places for military action.

The best candidate & running mate for 2012 will be the one(s) with the strongest unwavering focus.

As they say on "American Idol" or "Hell's Kitchen"...they know who's IN IT TO WIN IT by their facial expressions and determination from the beginning, those with unswayable focus who are not concerned with opinions of naysayers, those who never lose confidence or full focus usually make it the farthest and win, and keep the opponents aware of their strong presence and determination and aware of their strong support.

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/3/2011 3:53:57 AM

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/3/2011 5:43:17 AM
Hi Evelyn & Kathleen,

Thanks for 2 excellent videos Evelyn. He certainly shoots straight from the hip and tells it like it is. We need more like him and I'm sure they will come to the fore in the coming elections. Kathleen you're 100% correct. The candidates that will keep their vision clear and not fold to political correctness are the ones that will eventually win and represent us.

Now Kathleen your banner is great and I can think of only one add on. Let's make it "Vote For (THE) Weiner-Holder". I do believe in truth in advertisement. :)




Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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