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Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/1/2011 12:18:26 PM
If you don't get rid of all the rats you will be re-infested in no time. No since saving a rat baby because he is so cute. He will still grow up to be a rat. Just like a mold infestation if you don't treat all of it you wind up with mold everywhere. Get rid of all of them and start over.
Hi Jim,

The fact that we need to clean house is obvious to all but the question is timing. In my opinion the most important objective in 2012 is ousting B Hussein from the White House and making him a one term president.

A three party system might be the answer but in the future. In the present the only party that will benefit from a third party especially if that third party is a Conservative to Center party will be the Democrats and another term for B Hussein. A split vote in the conservative/center community will give the great pretender and fraud another 4 years to get his agenda in place and then it might be to late to clean house.

Let's get rid of him first and the house cleaning can start in 2014 with the midterm elections.



It is time for a third party, the more we play this two party nightmare the worse the future will be. All the politicians save a handful need to be held accountable and vanquished from the system. This will not happen with the current two party system the crony-ism is too deep.

The only way to clean the pond properly is to first drain it let the sun bleach it clean then refill and repopulate it.

Progressives and liberals reside on both sides of the aisle. Both parties are the problem. Neither represent my values and beliefs completely. Neither are offering enough in common with mine to receive my vote. I understand your desire to rid the Whitehouse of ZerObama.

It is time to drain the pond. A third party allows that process to begin. I refuse to support another RINO

Hi Jim,
I can certainly imagine a West/Palin ticket but I'm not convinced that Sarah Palin is going to run and so far neither is Alan West. But the ticket I wouldn't mind seeing is a West/Bachmann ticket but not on a third party ticket what ever it'll be called. A third party would be playing into the hands of the progressives and democrats and would more or less give the fraud and great pretender B Hussein a second term. We gotta get this guy out of office repeal Obamacare and repair everything he's ruined in the past two and a half years. Dividing our vote isn't the way to go in my opinion and is an act that we'll regret in the long term. Just recently we saw the results of a split ticket in New York where the Dem won cos there were Republican and Tea Party candidates and the vote was split and we lost due to that. The combination of the two would have given the conservatives a resounding win.

I second that! Imagine a West/Palin ticket representing a third party the American Party. I have more in common with a street thug than a Washington bubble bottom sucker.

Hello Friends.

Congressman Alan West is one of my favorite politicians and I wish he was running for President. Honest, ethical, a patriot and is not afraid to say what has to be said. Here's his take on the fraud and great pretender B Hussein.



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/1/2011 11:25:32 PM
Hi Jim,

On this we're gonna have to agree to disagree. I will not support a third party candidate unless he/she is an exceptional person who i believe is capable of getting the conservative/center community to support their candidacy. I doubt such a candidate will agree to go with a third party this time around. Unless it's a Ron Paul and we don't need a loony as president do we? We've already got the great pretender and fraud and a nut case won't be much of an improvement.

To use your allegory what we need to do is get rid of the rat in chief this time and the future is not that far off to clean house. You're not relating to the danger of splitting the vote which will benefit B Hussein only and not the house cleaning you're looking for.



If you don't get rid of all the rats you will be re-infested in no time. No since saving a rat baby because he is so cute. He will still grow up to be a rat. Just like a mold infestation if you don't treat all of it you wind up with mold everywhere. Get rid of all of them and start over.
Hi Jim,

The fact that we need to clean house is obvious to all but the question is timing. In my opinion the most important objective in 2012 is ousting B Hussein from the White House and making him a one term president.

A three party system might be the answer but in the future. In the present the only party that will benefit from a third party especially if that third party is a Conservative to Center party will be the Democrats and another term for B Hussein. A split vote in the conservative/center community will give the great pretender and fraud another 4 years to get his agenda in place and then it might be to late to clean house.

Let's get rid of him first and the house cleaning can start in 2014 with the midterm elections.



It is time for a third party, the more we play this two party nightmare the worse the future will be. All the politicians save a handful need to be held accountable and vanquished from the system. This will not happen with the current two party system the crony-ism is too deep.

The only way to clean the pond properly is to first drain it let the sun bleach it clean then refill and repopulate it.

Progressives and liberals reside on both sides of the aisle. Both parties are the problem. Neither represent my values and beliefs completely. Neither are offering enough in common with mine to receive my vote. I understand your desire to rid the Whitehouse of ZerObama.

It is time to drain the pond. A third party allows that process to begin. I refuse to support another RINO

Hi Jim,
I can certainly imagine a West/Palin ticket but I'm not convinced that Sarah Palin is going to run and so far neither is Alan West. But the ticket I wouldn't mind seeing is a West/Bachmann ticket but not on a third party ticket what ever it'll be called. A third party would be playing into the hands of the progressives and democrats and would more or less give the fraud and great pretender B Hussein a second term. We gotta get this guy out of office repeal Obamacare and repair everything he's ruined in the past two and a half years. Dividing our vote isn't the way to go in my opinion and is an act that we'll regret in the long term. Just recently we saw the results of a split ticket in New York where the Dem won cos there were Republican and Tea Party candidates and the vote was split and we lost due to that. The combination of the two would have given the conservatives a resounding win.

I second that! Imagine a West/Palin ticket representing a third party the American Party. I have more in common with a street thug than a Washington bubble bottom sucker.

Hello Friends.

Congressman Alan West is one of my favorite politicians and I wish he was running for President. Honest, ethical, a patriot and is not afraid to say what has to be said. Here's his take on the fraud and great pretender B Hussein.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/1/2011 11:59:14 PM
Hello Friends,

The fact that B Hussein is a fraud and not Constitutionally eligible to hold the office of president should be obvious to all. But, for the skeptics who aren't convinced yet I recommend watching the below video. It's less then 10 minutes long but shows proof that the Congress and Senate were aware of B Hussein's ineligibility and tried desperately to amend the Constitution many times over the years to overcome that constitutional clause that requires both parents to be citizens at the birth of their child in order for him/her to be eligible.

Watch it and understand why B Hussein thought it necessary to have all his records blocked just days after being elected.



Movie: BLOCKBUSTER REVELATION! – MINI Documentary – Illegal Obama “Propped Up” By Congress!

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/2/2011 5:57:55 AM
Very Interesting Indeed Peter,

I have long suspected that Obama was a fraud who has been well connected for years. I suspect that given his aspirations to be the first Muslim world leader it doesn't surprise me at all. If he is successful in achieving this it is presupposed that the middle class will become surfs serving the needs of those that don't contribute to society and his aristocracy will merely eliminate those who rise up. Remember all is fair when serving their Muslim Gods and ideals.
Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
Robert De Merode

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
7/2/2011 7:27:04 AM
Very interesting? Well... maybe.
Just watch them come with a new law when “We The People” act, if ever they do.
Prescription time! “You The People” have had more than needed time to bring up a case against BHO.
Just as the abortion legalization, feed it in (or out) gradually, and then make it legal according to the majority will, and watch those that complain as if they came from some strange planet and are just not “with it”.
(Hey! dinasaurs are extict!.....)

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